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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Your fear of looking stupid is keeping you stupid learn programming

    Your fear of looking stupid is keeping you stupid learn programming

    Your fear of looking stupid is keeping you stupid

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Take it from me. One of my biggest fears in life is looking stupid because my biggest fear is trying and failing. I just started a co-op at a large corporation in my city and it's been going well due to one single thing:asking questions. Ask the dumbest questions. Interrupt other coders even if they seem too preoccupied to help you. You WILL get some who seem annoyed. But you HAVE to embrace that and do it anyways. If you feel the anxiety and hesitation to ask someone for help based on their reaction, you're not doing what's best for you. Everyone has been in your situation at some point. To gauge your progress is to see how many times you have to ask the same question. You will ask the same questions more than once, it's inevitable. But don't forget to step back and physically write out everything you've learned. I know how vast and endless learning development feels. But one of my favorite quotes ever is simple and very helpful. "Feel the anxiety and do it anyways." Hope this helps others.

    Edit- I get everyone's concern about asking questions to developers who are busy. I'm not saying that someone should go out of their way to bother a busy developer, I'm saying that you can't let that fear keep you from learning. Obviously, if the other developer says they are busy, then you adjust to that. No where did I say you should keep badgering them, that's obviously disrespectful. But don't stop yourself from asking because they APPEAR busy. A lot of times, they'll still help you. I hope that makes sense and clears things up

    submitted by /u/ConsciousCog1
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    I'm searching for recomendations textbooks on Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Specifically focus on Array Base lists or similar. Basically how to live a life without ArrayList (LinkedList).I've deficiencies in how to work without it so I'd like to get a good textbook about it.

    I've been planning to buy this course in Udemy, but idk if it's any good.

    Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive using Java.

    submitted by /u/TemporaryBus0
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    How do you write unit tests for methods that don't return anything, and just alters an object's private fields?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    How do you write unit tests for methods that don't return anything, and just alters an object's private fields? For example I have a method that takes a string, and converts it into a vector of vectors and then sets the object's private field.

    Also I'd write unit test for the function that does the conversions, but that too is just a private method, which can't be accessed via unit tests. Unless I convert it into a public method.

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    What skills and courses should I learn and take to get an internship or a part-time job as soon as possible?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    I am slowly going through the Helsinki Java MOOC but from what I have heard, it only teaches the fundamentals of Java and OOP. There is a lot to learn after completing this course before one is able to be considered for a Java position.

    Similarly, other free and highly popular courses like TheOdinProject, Helsinki's FullStackOpen, FreeCodeCamp all require many 100s and even a 1000 hours (for TOP) to complete. I keep seeing posts where people easily get Jobs and Internships after 2 months of learning.

    I have a lot of time constraints, so going through the above mentioned courses is not viable for me. What stack do I learn and what courses should I take that teach me the skills required to get an internship or job in a short amount of time? Should I go for Udemy courses or something else.

    Some guidance on what should I do would be highly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Class_Easy
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    Codeacademy, any good?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    I've been using codeacademy for a few weeks now and I've been enjoying it so far. I'm currently doing trade school for software development but I've been bored for the last two years without really knowing much, I mostly used code from other people, to submit for assignments.

    Now exams are coming up and a internship and I decided to finally give webdevelopment a try (Which is basically all we got thought while calling themselves software developer). Is codeacademy good place to learn the fundamentals of Javascript and php in 2/3 months?

    Perhaps I cound frase it better into "Is codeacademy a effifient tutorial/web to learn these two languages on a basic/working level in 2 months time?

    submitted by /u/masterkoster
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    Best tool to automate GUI (like AutoHotKey, PyAutoGUI)?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    I'm currently thinking about automating more GUI tasks in the way AutoHotKey works.I'm talking about increasing productivity. The more flexible, the better.

    I currently don't have a specific use case for it, so it's kinda hard to know what I'll need in the future. I guess I'm looking for the most powerful and well-rounded solution.

    I guess I'll need:

    • Detect keyboard shortcuts no matter which window has focus
    • Find window on screen by window title
    • Find an image on screen
    • Execute shortcuts, move mouse, click mouse programmatically
    • Check color value on a specific screen position

    I'm reluctant to learn AutoHotKey, because it's syntax seems to suck. I don't want to force myself into a little niche program, I have to learn an (ugly) programming language for.

    So, I'm looking for other tools that let me do the same thing in literally any other programming language. I'd rather use the opportunity to learn GoLang (RobotGo) than learn AutoHotKey.

    What good GUI automation options are out there? What can you recommend?

    I found:

    • PyAutoGui (cannot detect windows)
    • PyWinGUI
    • RobotGo
    • Sikulix

    I'm thinking maybe I should stick with Python and if necessary write my own program that combines multiple packages to get all the functionality I need.

    submitted by /u/Tuomas90
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    Programming II help Java.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, we are learning about creating classes and test classes. I am having trouble with my no argument constructor.

    public static void main(String[] args) { String name1; Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Welcome to the Student Grades Program"); System.out.print("Enter the name for the student: "); name1 = kbd.nextLine(); //create an instance of StudentGrade, passing in the name given above StudentGradeTester s1 = new StudentGradeTester(name1); 

    Where I am getting the error is the last line of pre-coded code done by my professor.

    This is what I have currently:

    public StudentGrade(String n) { name = n; } public StudentGrade() { name = "Sally Student"; } 

    The error is constructor is undefined. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cowboys44rox
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    Suggestions for an old procedural/scripting dog to learn some new OOP tricks?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any particular suggestions for someone who learned procedural programming decades ago to pick up a grounding in object oriented concepts? Or is it just better to effectively start over with whatever introductory materials are handy, since most beginner stuff these days seems to use Java, Python, or a similar object oriented language? I don't relish the idea of rehashing the absolute basics, but I'm sure I can grin and bear it.

    If it's relevant, I learned to code in the '80s when most CS classes were focused on procedural programming. OOP was still mostly an academic curiosity. And as an English Lit major just taking CS classes for personal interest, I never got a grounding in OOP. Fast forward thirty years through a career as an IT sysadmin, and my actual coding experience has been almost exclusively bits of scripting. (If I say I miss DCL, will I be taken out behind the barn and discreetly put down?)

    My apologies if this is a common question. I promise that I did read the FAQ and do a search in the sub, but I will also admit that my search-fu has never been particularly strong.

    submitted by /u/fxds67
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    Programming as a secondary job/plan B due to COVID19

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here.

    Brief life story here:

    I'm 30 years old, married and living in Brazil, graduated from business school at around 21 years old and today have my own company - a chain of clothing stores that was going pretty well before the COVID-19 pandemic. Since everything with COVID that started last year, unfortunately, we've been hit pretty hard and had to close 6 of our previously 9 physical stores. Long story short, I'm really concerned about the future of my company and I'm looking for a plan b and maybe an extra source of income.

    Brazil is not a very good place to live these days, and to be honest if my company doesn't hold on, I wouldn't like to remain in the market I'm currently on, and if possible, even have a possibility in the future to get a job in somewhere else (Europe or US/Canada).

    Last year I decided to try to learn python, since I like the financial/stock market and read that it would have uses on banks and financial institutions, that are one of the most solid market jobs here in Brazil.

    After researching a lot on where to start I started reading "Automate the boring stuff", got around chapter 6, but had to stop due to some family problems. When I decided to get back into it after some months, I discovered that I had "forgot" most of what I did/read and would probably had to do it all over again, and since work was taking a lot of my time, I quit reading it. Then I tried some courses on Udemy, joined Coursera, codeacademy.org, but nothing really "stuck" with me, and since I was a little overwhelmed about all the situation of the pandemic and my company, I quit trying to learn programming altogether.

    So, TL:DR, I am overwhelmed about all the sources and opinions about where to start. I read the get started FAQ. I read a lot of posts on reddit on where people start learning programming. Still, I don't really know where to start.

    Is it better to sign up for a paid/free online course? Maybe one that gives some type of certificate that I can use later when I'm looking for jobs (if that is even a thing with programming)?

    I think I would benefit more from something that start on the basics and work from that to more advanced concepts. I don't like the idea of having a lot of small courses from different sources pieced together, like Udemy.

    Also, I feel like I'm a decent learner, so some courses that hold your hand too much make me lose my interest.

    So, can anyone please give me some help?

    submitted by /u/ale45x
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    Python - where to start learning more general data structures?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Tiny bit of backstory; my background is in data science and naturally, this involves a lot of programming in R, SQL and Python. I've recently decided to start looking at programming for it's own sake, rather than to just do some modelling. I'm using LeetCode as a barometer for my more general background knowledge, as I feel my skills are quite domain specific; the thing is, I see questions and solutions referring to items I've not yet had need to use, such as linked lists. Are these kinds of structures often leaned on in higher level programming languages? I'm planning on starting C in a month or so, so I will end up learning them anyway, my main objective is to get a view on what kind of mindset I need to take around these things. Cheers folks!

    submitted by /u/Cill-e-in
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    I was recently accepted into a full-stack web development bootcamp. I have a free month before it begins, how can I best use this time?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    Hi guys, a few weeks ago I was accepted into the Coding Bootcamp Praha based in Prague, it has an excellent reputation, and while I am excited, I am aware that these courses are typically intense, so I want to be as well-prepared as I can be going in.

    The preparatory modules that the bootcamp specifically recommended were freeCodeCamp's Basic HTML, Basic CSS, Basic Javascript and a couple of Codecademy's modules on PHP. However, I recently completed Harvard's CS50 course, which gave me an excellent introduction to programming principles, so it wasn't too difficult to use my prior knowledge to get through all this stuff in a few days.

    So that leads me to my current position, my bootcamp starts in a month, I have an empty calendar up until then and I'm trying to figure out how to make best use of the intervening time. I have a few ideas, none of which are very fleshed out:

    1. Sign up for one of the web development courses on Udemy, Colt Steele or Angela Yu seem to come highly rated and I would imagine I would certainly learn some useful stuff that would help me on my course.
    2. However, looking at the syllabus, I can see a lot of different technologies which don't match up with what is used in the Udemy courses, so another idea I had was to find more specialised courses on the technologies which feature most prominently in the bootcamp syllabus (Laravel and React in particular seem to receive a lot of focus, though React is covered in Angela Yu's course).
    3. Or maybe I should do some kind of Frankenstein of the two and use the overall course as a general guide while learning the bootcamp technologies and trying to use them to complete the projects? (Though I feel like this would be pretty tough).

    As I mentioned, I don't have any particularly well-fleshed-out ideas about what I should do- I would probably end up doing one of these options if left to my own devices, but I thought it best to get a second opinion. I would like to know what I can be doing for the next month that will put me in the best possible position to perform well at the bootcamp or maximise my chances of getting a good job afterwards.

    Couple of extra notes: 1) The staff seem very friendly, and I am sure they would be happy to provide me more specific details if I ask them. 2) I have a mild preference for a structured environment, which is perhaps why I lean towards these online courses, however, I am open certainly open to considering suggestions of a different nature, if anyone thinks that will serve me better.

    submitted by /u/Blue_Khakis
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    Is it "cheating" to look at other people's code of the project you're working on?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    I'm planning on coding a Tetris game, and obviously there are lots of sites out there that show the code for Tetris, but it feels like it'd kinda be cheating to look at those websites. It would feel like the project would just being spoon fed to me, as opposed to me thoroughly learning it through trial and error. Ik you shouldn't look at tutorials when doing a project, but what about just looking at another person's code to see how they did it?

    submitted by /u/NifflerOwl
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    Using win32 apis in C++ to iterate through files in a directory, but can't detect ".."

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I'm using win32 functions to iterate through the files in a directory and save info about them to a struct, and I'd like it to skip over ".." in each directory. Here's the jist of what's going on:

     void function(std::wstring directory){ WIN32_FIND_DATAW cooldata; //search results go here HANDLE searchhandle; //handle used to keep track of where we are in a search if (!SetCurrentDirectoryW(directory.c_str())) { return; } if (FindFirstFileW(L"*", &cooldata)) { searchhandle = FindFirstFileW(L"*", &cooldata); } else { return; } while (FindNextFileW(searchhandle, &cooldata)) { if (cooldata.cFileName != L"..") { //code that adds attributes from cooldata to a struct } } FindClose(searchhandle); } 

    In short, WIN32_FIND_DATAW's cFileName member is the name of the given file. I'm assuming there's possibly some invisible character at the beginning or end of ".." in Windows, but I can't find info about that. I've tried saving it to a separate wstring and saving it to a file just to see if prodding it in notepad or notepad++ would reveal an invisible character, but no luck. I've also tried changing it to "..\0" just in case, but that didn't work either.

    Just to see if it would work, I even tried saving cooldata.cFileName to a wstring and making the conditional if (cooldata.cFileName != temporaryWstring) and that did work correctly (and subsequently skipped every file, as expected.) So clearly there's something going on with .. that I'm missing

    Now, there are plenty of other ways I can weed those out, but I'd still like to know what I'm missing that causes this not to work. Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/coldcaption
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    macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    When installing Flutter I've received a few of these warnings. One was warning me about Dart and the other is warning me about gen_snapshot. Should I override these warnings, and are does everyone installing Flutter encounter these?

    submitted by /u/realsenorloadenstein
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    How do I make a Web Mobile app using C++?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    I want to make an app made for primarily mobile users through the browser and then adapt it to respective ios and android later. I am mainly proficient in C++, so how would I go about doing this? I only know how web apps can be made using html, css, and JavaScript.

    submitted by /u/qwerty1729
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    What's the proper tool for the backend of a website that accepts a file, modifies it, and sends it back again (preferably free)?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Hey there!

    I'm not very experienced with back-end development, so I was hoping someone could help me. I have a small script thrown together which takes in a PowerPoint file with audio and outputs the same file, with the audio by a certain speed. The main disadvantage is that it's currently a PowerShell script that relies on ffmpeg, so not very friendly to non tech-savy users. It's also an unwieldy 27MB with ffmpeg included, which is inconvenient for such a specific tool. I was thinking a website may be more suited to the task, and I'm decent with frontend, but I know next to nothing about backend. I've been looking at Google Firebase, but I'm really just not sure what the right tool for the job is. The requirements would be to accept a zipped file, extract its contents, modify audio within it (ideally with ffmpeg, but I can learn ChucK or something if that makes it easier) and then send it back for download. I guess it'd be fairly similar to file conversion websites.

    I currently pay for static hosting on Porkbun, if that helps.

    I'd also greatly prefer something free, or at least having a free tier to play around with before I launch it.


    submitted by /u/ReverseTuringTest
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    Python Virtual Environment in VSCode - Django Tutorial

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    I'm taking the first steps to teach myself some more in depth programming. I've been using python for a few years as a data analysis tool, but never to build a web app or anything and I saw that Django was a good place to start.

    I'm trying to go through the Python & Django tutorial in VSCode - https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-django - and I'm getting hung up on what I feel like is a really basic step - creating the virtual environment. I'm running the latest versions of Python and VSCode in Windows 10.

    I follow the steps in the "Create a project environment for the Django tutorial" section and there is no venv environment when I go to select the python interpreter.

    What I'm doing is:

    1 - in the commandline i create a folder (mkdir example_folder) and navigate to that folder (cd example_folder)

    2 - I run the code that is recommended in the tutorial ("python -m venv env") (without the quotes)

    3 - I run code . to open vscode

    4 - I try to select the interpreter, but don't see a venv option.

    What am I missing? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Ok_Astronaut_4584
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    StreamWriter System.UnauthorizedAccessException help

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    I have a window's application that I'm designing for myself. I am trying to write a file using StreamWriter. However; I get the System.UnauthorizedAccessException exception. Is there anyway around this?

    submitted by /u/Justbeast11
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    React/Express app working on local machine but not working when deployed to heroku...

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:04 PM PDT



    The app is working perfectly on my machine, but the production app (API deployed to heroku and front end deployed on vercel) is giving me a 503 error when I try to login. Any advice greatly appreciated...

    submitted by /u/Swoo413
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    How can I clear a button[][] of that type? (JavaFX)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Hello, new coder here, how can I clear a button[][]? I tried to do .clear(), but it did not allow it. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/TradingPokemonSWSH
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    Looking for videos about Discrete Math

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    Found this on YouTube.

    Is this the same discrete math taught in BS Computer Science courses? About to enter college soon just want to study in advance a bit

    submitted by /u/rowrowthrowaway11
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    Duplicating a postgres database locally, what techs are needed

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Hi, we have a review postgres RDS db on AWS. I've manually imported sql files to mirror it locally. I would like like to know how to:

    1. mirror migrations locally
    2. mirror seed data changes

    What techs are needed for this? I think a CI-CD pipeline might be able to do it. I have a book on Jenkins and think I may need a master server and workers that somehow trigger upon detecting changes.

    submitted by /u/javascript_dev
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    What language should I use for development w/ chrome OS?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Thanks in advance to anybody that answers.

    submitted by /u/Cantthinkofnamr
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    Startup that connects Tech Freelancers with buyers without charging fees of the platform against the users and buyers!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I have a startup project called GLUB that connects tech freelancers with buyers without charging fees of the platform against the users and buyers.

    On the platform we also have a marketplace for you to find the best tools of the internet.

    You must be wondering: How you guys make money? Soo, our idea it's to make money with ads and also on the future we want to offer a special subscription for users, giving them some advantages.

    If you want to check out the site, this is the link:https://www.useglub.com

    submitted by /u/NelsonHernandez1
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