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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    How to create a chrome extension to preload the next Reddit post Ask Programming

    How to create a chrome extension to preload the next Reddit post Ask Programming

    How to create a chrome extension to preload the next Reddit post

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Whenever I find a new subreddit that I want to explore I sort by top and click on the first post and keep going to the next post by pressing the N key .Can I make a chrome extension that preloads the next post? As I can easily get the URL of all the posts by adding JSON to the URL

    submitted by /u/furiouspandafucker69
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    Access Netflix's "skip intro" timestamps?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a beginner web developer -- Is there a way I can access the timestamp markers for Netflix's "skip intro" feature (when an intro to a show starts and ends)? Similarly, I also want to access the timestamp marker where Netflix automatically switches to the end card and prompts you to go to the next episode.

    submitted by /u/gradera
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    Is there any good reason to still use server rendered templating engines, like Pug and Jinja?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    I use Pug over HTML because it's less congested. However, I convert it into HTML or incorporate it into React instead of using server side rendering. I'm a bit new, so I haven't had much experience, but outside of CMSs, like WordPress, I don't really know why anyone would prefer using server rendered websites over React or Vue. The overhead for both is negligible, but modern frameworks can be used to create reusable components.

    Is server side rendering still used these days?

    submitted by /u/Crazed_waffle_party
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    gnome shell extension fork, fetch icon system wide, not specific directory

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Added code:

    this._user_gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string('avatar-default-symbolic.svg');

    this._userIcon = new St.Icon({ gicon: this._user_gicon, style_class: "system-status-icon"});

    Existing code:

    this._power_gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(`${Me.path}/icons/system-shutdown-symbolic.svg`);

    this._powerIcon = new St.Icon({ gicon: this._power_gicon, style_class: "system-status-icon"});

    As it stands it's shows a generic image icon (in the gui where it's called) so it knows it's looking for an image file but I don't know how to make it look for system wide. This is what it looks like

    The added code is pretty much a copy and mod of existing code as I wanted to differentiate icons for different uses, original extension just calls on the one icon for both uses.

    source: https://github.com/Ordissimo/Big-Sur-StatusArea

    submitted by /u/SaltyBalty98
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    What am I looking for in a programmer?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:47 PM PDT


    Sorry for the terrible title as I am not entirely sure what to call what it is I am looking for.

    I want a code/program I can leave running on a computer at home that is perpetually interacting with a website.

    This is obviously a very low level explanation. Is this web development? App development? I want to find someone to do work for me but wouldn't know the skill set that I'm looking for/who might be able to help.

    Thanks in advanced!

    submitted by /u/english_muffins_suck
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    Where can I find the EBNF grammar for the oldest version of HTML available?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    I need specifically older versions because they are probably easier to work with and write a parser for. Tried looking but couldn't find anything older than HTML 4.01. Would seriously appreciate help here!

    submitted by /u/hackermaw
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    What else do I need to do to compile MPFR with MinGW?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I selected all the MPFR files on the MinGW Installer, applied changes, tried to compile this sample: https://www.mpfr.org/sample.html, but it throws a bunch of errors like undefined reference to 'mpfr_init2'

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Introscopia
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    What advice could you give for landing a junior position in web-development?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Is C++ that good for developing AI or better to use Python?

    submitted by /u/EL_ESM
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    Where should I start - I have a specific project I want to work on

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I work in tax and want to use programming to make my life a bit easier but I have no idea where to start.

    Essentially, I want to be able to create a programme or document which is able to look at the UK tax website:


    There's separate links for every country and then pdf links to the agreements.

    I'd like to be able to set up the programme to essentially go through each country and pull the pdfs for me. If possible, I'd also like the text to be pulled from the pdf so I can use drop down options in excel. (Article 1, Article 2 etc.)

    I'm aware it might take a long time to learn how to do this but I'd appreciate it if I can be pointed in the right direction of where to start. Is this a programming language? A database problem? I confused myself the more I looked into it lol.

    Appreciate any insight you can offer!

    submitted by /u/londonsummers
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    How do you script dynamically generated HTTP headers?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I am building a scripted API which allows users to log in to dating social media. Upon visiting the following link: https://badoo.com/signin/?f=top

    First HTTP XHR POST request you will get is: https://badoo.com/webapi.phtml?SERVER_APP_STARTUP

    You can see that for this particular request, under 'request headers', there is a X-Pingback header which was dynamically created. Going a bit deeper and looking into 'initiators' we can see that it is linked to the following file: base-app-unauth.4ec48728032818792721.js. This file contains entry: X-Pingback. It is exactly what we need. However I cannot decode how you would create one yourself via script. It points to a function but doesn't exactly show the value or anything.

    If there are any knowledgeable people, please let me know how I would go about generating X-Pingback via script to simulate browser activity.

    submitted by /u/Exact_Citron_3291
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    Can any Turing complete language make The Witcher 3?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I consider The Witcher 3 to be the greatest achievement in programming, it's written in C++ which obviously is Turing complete, but does that mean any language with Turing completeness can make The Witcher 3?

    submitted by /u/surgery_surgery
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    How does scaling work for example in Kubernetes?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PDT


    I started learning about containers and kubernetes and created a small app consisting of multiple services.
    For that I had to configure each service manually means each deployment has a kubernetes-service with a specific domain and port. Each deployment has a related mysql deplyment with persisted volume and so on.

    Now to this point everything makes sense to me also how this components communicate with each other, but what happens when I start firing up multiple replicas? Do I have to manually make sure that I start the same amount mysql instances as application instances? How does kubernetes "know" where the information about a specific user is stored? What if I decide to launch only one instance at some point because there are not so many users. What happens with the data which was stored on this mysql instance that is now down?

    Or do all application instances access the same persistent volume? If yes how is it scaled then?

    submitted by /u/JumpyAd3
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    A code that automatically cleans email/Gmail

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am aware of my data importance, and I do not want my data to be out there in space. I have been trying to find a program that could automate my process of unsubscribing and cleaning out my Gmail on google chrome.
    It should do the following:
    -search from my Gmail history on google chrome and filter out the unsubscribe links for me to just
    quickly press it to the least,
    -or a program that unsubscribes everything by itself without me even pressing,
    Though, most of the things I tried to download from Github or Sourceforge either didn't do their job OR I am incapable to set it up because GitHub is still too hard to understand for me personally(I have been learning python for almost 2months, so I do not have a background in programming business)
    Could anyone help me with the following?:
    - understand how to use GitHub codes
    - find a program that does the exact, because most of the things uploaded are not doing there best.

    My computer specs.: Win10, google chrome
    Resources tried: No roll.me suggestions(apparently they sell data), Scrollout F1, multiple GitHub codes from users

    submitted by /u/trustinme-
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    What OS log viewer should I use?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    For the past year or so I've been checking my logs inside my IDE which is not necessarily a great experience. A quick search on GitHub returns tons of log viewers. Does popular haven't been updated in years and the new ones are missing any kind of documentation.

    I'm not really picky when it comes to features, but it should support highlighting, live monitoring, search, stuff like this.

    I was wondering what log viewer do you guys use?

    L.E. I am a Windows 10 user.

    submitted by /u/Erythr0s
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    im new to programming and idk why i keep getting this error

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    ive been working on this for hours today if anyone could help me i would appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/xKioh
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    Searching for a project to contribute as a non expert dev

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    I program mostly in javascript. I'd like to contribute In a project doing small things, both to learn more and to understand how to work as part of a team. Do anyone happens to know such a proyect?

    I know basic angular, working async and sync, building and consuming apis, manipulate the dom, build node apps, basic http protocol, working with headers, interact with databases, mostly sql, basic google maps api usage, basic git, linux commands and structure. Basic css and css major frameworks. I'd also work for free for a company just to learn.

    This gist is a super simple example of sockets.io impletantion



    submitted by /u/ef9a6zNqrslh3M
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    cumulative variable doubt

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:03 PM PDT


    The gist belongs to an arduino sketch.

    On line 32 an int variable named Moistlevel1 is declared and initialized. On line 86 that variable is set to 0. Lines 89 to 93 contain a for loop that assign some value on each step of the loop inside Moistlevel1. On line 94 Moistlevel1 is used to calculate an average, thus, it must contain all the values returned by the loop. I'm confused as I would expect each loop step to set the variable to some value and only that value. So, I'd expect Moistlevel1 to have the last value the loop returned. On js for example I'd use += or an array to store those values. Could someone explain how this piece of code works?. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ef9a6zNqrslh3M
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