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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    For those who have sold programs, script or projects, how did you come up with the idea and how did you sell it? Ask Programming

    For those who have sold programs, script or projects, how did you come up with the idea and how did you sell it? Ask Programming

    For those who have sold programs, script or projects, how did you come up with the idea and how did you sell it?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Im working on a program i wrote for automating some of the tasks as an insurance seller and my company is paying me 500$ a month (which is too cheap as my script is able to make the company tens of thousands a month)

    We were tasked to prospect at home so that we had people to call the day after and i told my boss that i would make a program that did it for me. It went from a small python project to becoming much bigger with a lot more data handeling than i thought..

    I was curious about other peoples experiences with something like this as i'm learning python at the same time as im making this project. I took the first offer i got from my boss as an extra motivation for learning the ropes of python.

    submitted by /u/nevercaredformyhair
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    Do you prefer to write optimized spaghetti code, or write well written expandable code that would be slower?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Internal Timing Issues?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    Recently I mapped three keyboard buttons (A+S+D) to a macro for Street Fighter 30th so I could use the F key to press all of them simultaneously.

    However, I've run into a huge issue. The macro'd buttons aren't being pressed or released with precise timing. I've coded it correctly in AHK, and when using software to test, they're actually pressing (and/or releasing) anywhere from 5~44 ms late.

    I wouldn't be bothered if they were at least consistent, but they aren't and so they pretty much never get executed within the same frame. I even tried setting the macro program priority to highest and no difference.

    Note: The issue also occurs when I press the buttons manually; they get "handled" with varying degrees of mistiming so even if I press them perfectly together, they don't register as such.

    So what gives? Driver issues? CPU? How on earth can something like this happen if it's the same line of code sending the keypress? It feels a lot like there's some sort of internal polling/scanning rate that isn't running as it should.

    Any ideas on what this is and more importantly how I can fix it?

    Thanks in advance! 😎

    submitted by /u/Conscious-Difference
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    Any advice for creating my own game to make money?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    I've been messing around with game development the the last 1.5 years, firstly learning about opengl and then making a framework and then game using LWJGL.

    Ive now been messing around with Godot game engine and I think I'm ready to start a large project.

    I also need to make money, I finished college last May and still cant find a job. So if anybody has an idea for the business model to make money the fastest, that would be a great help. I was thinking about putting it out there for free in alpha and thsm beta and adding a patrion so I can continue to work on the game.

    My long term idea is to sell the game and rights to anybody who would want to buy it. The steps are the following...

    1 Start up

    2 Cash in

    3 Sell out

    4 Bro down

    The game is similar to the rockstar game bully, except it will be 2d top down, similar to the early 90s legend of zelda games. You will play a teenager in school and it will have romance options, classes, minigames and combat. I have all these features broken down individually and put into a backlog, with some of these already broke down into Individual tasks and stories.

    Any advice on creating a game like this would be much appreciated, whether it is technologies to use or work cycles. Both are appreciated and anything else you can add that I can benefit from.

    Any sites with good copyright free art would be great also.

    Also any creative game choices and mechanics would be greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Is University worth it when learning programming?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is the proper place to ask, but I'll ask anyways.

    Yes, I know it's "worth it", but by how much? Is it $50,000 student loan's worth?

    To be honest, I am in University (1st year), and online classes made me realize that most of the time, I'm just teaching myself.

    I ask myself "why am I going in debt for something I could learn on my own?".

    Programming essentially has all the information available out there already, all University does for me is arrange them in a neat fashion.

    I'm also miserable whenever I'm in a class that I'm not remotely interested at all- the ones that I'm only taking because the degree requires it. It always feels like a waste of both time and money.

    I find programming very similar to a trades skill like carpentry. You get to work up-close with your tools and build solutions to problems. Understanding data-structure doesn't feel like a pain because you think of how you'll implement them. In this sense, I feel like if I just focus 100% of my time to programming and getting experienced working with data, I would be able achieve 4 years worth of university without the crippling debt and depression.

    Any adults that can share some experience?

    submitted by /u/hanato_06
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    Much Needed Help w File Recovery

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    Help with Corrupted Files/Finding File Extension?


    I need a little help. I'm trying to open/view some files that I recovered from my DSI, but they wont open. According to hex reader, they do have content but I could be wrong. I've linked them. Any help much appreciated, thanks and much love <3



    submitted by /u/spookyfoxinc
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    'tuple' object has no attribute 'x'

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    working on an assignment and I've been getting this error a lot with the codes our professor is giving us. Here is an example of a code given:

    a = np.random.normal(0, 1, 9).reshape(3, 3) 

    and it returns:

    AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-10-d5ba530a56da> in <module> ----> 1 a = np.random.normal(0, 1, 9).reshape(3, 3) AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'random' 

    so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?

    *RESOLVED* thank you u/FunkyDoktor

    submitted by /u/DrDuke22
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    How readwise app integrate with kindle api to fetch book highlights?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    I was checking the readwise web app where they have an option to sync highlights from kindle. When i checked there is no kindle api available to fetch the highlights. So i want to know how they are doing it, the integration of kindle with their platform?

    It will be helpful if someone guide me on this?

    submitted by /u/the_nerd_designer
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    I don’t understand how these techs work

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    I'm creating a web application to learn.

    I'm using angular for front , Java, Java spring for backend.

    From my understanding, the main method of communication between the two is via rest api. Passing Json's

    Let's say a user logs into their account on my web app. And starts a mini jigsaw puzzle game among other games that can be played. And the progress saves for next time.

    In this tech stack, where is the mini game even stored and made? How does it interact with a backend and front end?

    submitted by /u/GuerroCanelo
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    How to create an online dashboard and relational database to track energy and water usage for participants?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    The non-profit I work for was offered a small grant to gamify measurable energy and water-saving behaviors in our local district. The idea is to encourage Participants in our local area to upload their water and power bills throughout the year and upload photos or videos of their energy and water-saving systems/habits to "earn points" towards monthly prizes. They would also get "points" for attending monthly workshops or events that we organized, referring others to participate (via QR codes or some other reference number) and other points of program participation. Ideally, the Participants would have a portal they can log into and monitor their "points" and other progress. My org would also need a dashboard to monitor the overall project progress.

    The thing is : I'm a total noob that just started learning programming last semester. Most of my area of knowledge is in IT Tech Support.

    Where do I even start?

    Can this even be done???

    Is there a low-code platform that can already do this (and within our grant budget)?

    Should we hire someone from fiverr to do the web dev part? What's a decent rate for this project? How long would it take to launch?

    I have no clue and I would hate for my org to turn down this grant because of my pie in the sky ideas.


    submitted by /u/FieryWays
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    C, C++, C#. Why do we still use all three of these?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    From my limited understanding, from C to C# each one is a higher level language. Why do we continue to use C and C++ even though C# is supposedly the higher level language? Will C# ever replace the older languages? Also which is the currently most used out of the three?

    submitted by /u/Death_Strider16
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    Interface in class diagram

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I found this zoo example helpful. Can someone give an example of an interface in the zoo example and how it's different from a class.UML class diagram video

    submitted by /u/baref007
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    Experienced C++ programmer here, total newbie to web development

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:49 AM PDT


    I'm an embedded software dev who is working for 5-6 years now. But suddenly one of my friends asked me to help on some side project. It is a website basically which will let you create profile/(users,admin) and basically let you sign up to online events(like conferences). So you will have a calendar when you sign up , it will be added to your Calendar and you will always able to see upcoming events and if you click them you can see details etc. Each event will have things like someway to show speakers/content/time/zoom-skype link.

    And this is basically it. (obviously you should also able to remove signed up events etc, maybe give alert notification before event 1hr (email or something))

    So problem is , as a robotics engineer I never had any experience with web development. I used Java for sure during my college years. I checked on web how to achieve so this is what I gathered basically
    For all logic ( sorting events/scheduling etc is backend so you need a backend lang, you need a database to record things and read it back , I heard Google Firebase is really easy to set up ? I assume writing to database & reading back is handled via someplugin to your backend lang?(C# Or java I presume?)

    For UI (things like webpage design it needs somekind of javascript framework?) And what I assume on Javascript you will just try REST api calls to get results from microservices which are running 7/24 and communicate with database and give you something like json result basically right?

    I mean im not gonna be his main developer or something he wanted somehelp to show basically a prototype version to get some investors or funding. Basically after this very basic version (with features intact obviously) he will create from scratch a hire dev team etc. SO it doesnt need to be scaled at all ( if you say for basic app you dont even need firebase then its cool ?)

    I'm literal noob when it comes to web design/coding , so pretty help please?

    submitted by /u/paypaytr
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    Trying to automate deployment with Docker

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Context: Trying to self-study a bit of dev-ops stuff. Right now I have a simple Django app running on a DigitalOcean server. Currently, when I want to deploy a change, my process is:

    • git push
    • I run a fabfile in my staging repo to pull from git, build venv, etc.
    • Run acceptance tests against staging domain
    • If they pass, do the same thing for the production domain

    I'd like to have fewer manual steps, and it seems like Docker can help with this. My understanding is that I can set up Travis CI to test my code and build a docker image, then have watchtower running on the server to automatically pull and run the new image. Is this on the right track?

    I'd still want to have something to run acceptance tests against staging and only pull on production if that passes, right? Is this a process I'd manage in Travis CI as well?

    I guess the overall question is how would you approach this, and do you see anything stupid in what I outlined?

    submitted by /u/G01denW01f11
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    Is there a place where I can see the source code for malware and viruses?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    I know there's places like VirusTotal but are there urls where I can see the source code for these viruses?

    submitted by /u/AteUrToast
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    How to render a url on my website without iframe

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    i have a list of urls that i want to show on my website not like iframe ,the webpage should like exactly it would look normally. the user can traverse over the URLs through the arrow keys when user presses arrow key my website should detect that and change the url

    submitted by /u/furiouspandafucker69
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    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Hey y'all, I wanted to start learning Python programming and I need an IDE, any suggestions will be appreciated.

    I have experience in Java and VB programming. I'm about to start learning C for Robotics with Arduino and I'm also considering moving onto Python, which is why I need an IDE.

    submitted by /u/akkik1
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    How do update apps know about updated software?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    There are some apps out there that will search your PC for outdated software and even download the updates and install them in some cases.

    My question is, where do they get this data? I would not think that it would be efficient for a company to have to disseminate this information to every update app that wanted it. And it seems very unlikely that each company producing update software is polling the entire internet for all software updates of all software that they can find.

    Is there some API or database that they call to check application versions and get download links?

    submitted by /u/kittenofd00m
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    Question about Apis! Help appreciated!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm sorry to bother everyone here, I just have a question. I'm especially sorry if this is the wrong sub! I'm not entirely sure what falls under programming so feel free to delete if needed.

    I know very little about APIs or even really what they are but I'm currently looking for some old files of mine that I know were at one point uploaded to a now defunct website, flipnote hatena! I also know that at some point before the website went down, it was possible to download your files from the website using an API. I found this information on it:



    My question is, is it still possible to 'use' these APIs to get information/files? Apologies again if I'm getting a bunch wrong, this really isn't my area of expertise haha. If this is the wrong place to ask this I'd love to be pointed in the right direction!

    Thanks for any help!


    submitted by /u/spookyfoxinc
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    Help with adding a column to R Studio?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Hi there. So I Have a data frame of 6 combined CSV files of NHL players from 1960 in R Studio. I would like to create a column that displays the team for each player. In the data frame, all the players are already grouped together by their team (the first 26 rows are Boston, rows 27 to 44 are Chicago, etc.), I just need to add the column with the team name. How can I do this?

    I know to do "players$Team <-" but how do I specify that I need "Boston" from rows 1-26, and "Chicago" for rows 27-44 and so on?

    submitted by /u/NinjaGoalie97
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    Any good online courses to learn to code?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    My brother came to me some time ago and told me he wanted to learn to code and make a career out of it. We decided to try to find a course instead of thinking about a faculty for that, in my city there are some local courses like that but none of them have good reviews. So we started thinking about online schools and courses. Are there any you would recommend for him? At the moment he didn't think about a specific language, just want's to start and think about these things in time

    submitted by /u/denyl11
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    How do you determine the functionality of programs from Source Code?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:44 PM PDT


    Assuming you have access to the Source Code of any application, how do you go about figuring out exactly how the application works bit by bit?

    submitted by /u/tinax15
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    Best way to document an application and how it works?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    I've inherit an app that has me eager to clean it up. First I want to document almost every nook and cranny of what it does.

    I sometimes just writeup the basics in a Google doc and add more comments to the codd, but this application has a lot of moving parts aimed and handles multiple functions (should have been 3 separate apps), so it's difficult to document anything like a flow diagram.

    Does anyone recommend a way/software to document how an application works?

    I feel the need to go beyond balsamiq mockups and word documents here. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PursuitOfAdvice
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