• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 11, 2021

    Projects with high-quality designs to practice your HTML, CSS, JS... skills learn programming

    Projects with high-quality designs to practice your HTML, CSS, JS... skills learn programming

    Projects with high-quality designs to practice your HTML, CSS, JS... skills

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:11 AM PST

    Me (ex Lead Frontend Developer) and UX/UI Designer are working on free projects to practice/improve your skills. We're trying to provide high-quality designs after a technical review, there are some tips on how to start, recommended technologies, user stories, and more...

    We're trying to reach around 15 projects and sort them in difficulty level order, each of the projects should teach some real-world concepts and after completing all of them, you should have a strong Full-stack (Frontend/Backend) understanding of the modern technologies in your pocket.

    For now, there are 4 projects, mostly Frontend related (Notes App could be extended with some Backend), we should get to 10 of them around March~ 👀

    Link: https://bigsondev.com/projects/

    Hope you find this useful!

    submitted by /u/BigsonDev
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    If you're learning to code, don't do it alone! join a community and do it with other

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    I've been mentoring my brother and cousin for for a few months to switch to a web development career. I've noticed how big of a difference it makes when you're alone compared to when you're working with others. I've been blown by their dedication and both of them have told me that they wouldn't have lasted long if they were alone.

    Switching to a development career is filled with a lot of emotions and can be long, difficult, frustrating and exhausting. But also very rewarding. Going through this whole process alone can be quite challenging. Being part of a group helps you reinforce your learning, being accountable and learn from other.

    So my suggestion to you is, find a community of other new developers and join them. This will definitely help you become a better developer.

    There must be many online communities but if you're struggling to find one let me know and I can add you to the slack workspace of my brother and cousin.

    submitted by /u/n4cr
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    I can help you with programming and you help me with English, what do you think?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Hi! I'm a software developer from Brazil, currently working for a US company.

    I'm looking for a English native speaker who can help me improve my pronunciation skills, in return I can help you with Programming.

    I have experience with web development using Django an Ruby on Rails. On the frontend, I have used Vue and React, and I love writing CSS. Also, I like talking about Docker, ETL, and many other things.

    submitted by /u/RebelColors
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    A UUID can have so many combinations that UUIDs are effectively unique. But it's possible to generate the same one twice, however small the chance. Is it best practice to take this chance into account, checking to be sure you haven't used it?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:19 PM PST

    I think the title explains the question pretty well. In my surface-level research of UUIDs, everybody just seems to trust they'll never get the same one twice. If it does happen, though, surely some things start to break.

    submitted by /u/TheKingElessar
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    Resources for learning and better understanding Big O notation and code complexity

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:06 PM PST

    I'm a CS student learning about data structures and algorithms and I am struggling with the concepts and application surrounding Big O notation and code complexity.

    Can anyone recommend some resources I might be able to use to get better at this?

    submitted by /u/jaxmaxx
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    ELI5? “out” and “return” in C#

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:36 PM PST

    I've spent quite a few hours trying to understand how "out" and "return" work in C#. Can someone simplify and explain the concepts to me in an easy(ish) way to understand?

    submitted by /u/ComponentName
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    Need Help Getting Started on making a python gui for editing sound files

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    I'm completely new to making GUI's in python and I need a little help. Basically the GUI would allow you to select a file on the left and it would play on the right. Then you could edit it to whatever width that you wanted or trim it however and save it to a custom location. Any help or starting points (libraries, frameworks, tutorials, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. This is just a one time thing so I want it to be as easy as possible ideally. I've attached an image below for what I'm looking for


    I'd appreciate any help since I'm a beginner. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sarim_aleem
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    IF statement only evaluating 1st condition -JavaScript

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:03 PM PST

    Started doing HTML moving into JavaScript. Exercise is to create a booking form for a dental office, the aim is that you can only book certain Doc on certain days and at certain times otherwise you'll be told to book again. So the page is HTML using external JavaScript for the function. However only the 1st condition gets evaluated and once its true nothing else gets checked, same thing if its false. Here's the code :


    <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="Maurice Whittingham" content="00539"> <title>White Brush Practices</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"> <script src="index.js">bookingComnfirmation()</script> </head> <body> <div class="appform"> <p>Dental Appointment</p><h1> White Brush Practices</h1></div> <div class="main"> <form id="appform"> <div id="name"> <label for="full_name">Type Your Full Name:</label> <br> <input class="fullname" type="text" name="full_name"><br> </div> <br> <label for="e-mail">Type Your Email Address:</label> <br> <input class="email" type="text" name="e-mail"> <br> <br> <label for="date"> Select Your Appointment Date: </label> <br> <input id="date"type="date" name="appday" placeholder="dd-mm-yyyy" value="" min="2021-01-01" max="2025-12-31"> <br> <form> <p>Select an Appointmet Time::</p> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="9am"> <label for="nineam">9am</label> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="11am"> <label for="elevenam">11am</label> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="1pm"> <label for="onepm">1pm</label> <br> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="3pm"> <label for="threepm">3pm</label> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="5pm"> <label for="fivepm">5pm</label> <input type="radio" id="time" name="time" value="6pm"> <label for="sixpm">6pm</label> <br> </form> <br> <label for="Doctors">Select Your Dental Surgeon</label> <br> <select class = "option" name="Doctors" id="doc"> <option disabled = "disabled" selected ="selected"></option> <option value="1"> Dr Jonelle Dawkins</option> <option value="2"> Dr Camille Williams</option> <option value="3"> Professor Kymona Green</option> </select> <br> <br> </form> <button onclick= "bookingComnfirmation()" type="submit" form="form1" value="Submit">Book Your Appointment</button> </div> </body> </html> 

    This is the JavaScript:

    function bookingComnfirmation() { var day = document.getElementById("date").value; var dowe = new Date(day); var dow = dowe.getDay() var time = document.getElementById("time").value; var doc = document.getElementById("doc").value; if((dow==0 || dow==3) && (time== "11am" || time=="3pm" || time=="6pm") && (doc == 1)) { alert ( 'Please Check email for link to confirm appointment')} else { alert('Selection cannot be confirmed. Please set another appointment ') } } 
    submitted by /u/dre2k4ja
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    New In python

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:37 PM PST

    Hello Everyone, I'm new in programming, when we learn something in class, for example (while loop) or (list), when instructor do some coding, it sounds easy for me, but when I try to do my home work or assignment I find it really hard and even if I think or try for house I can't get the solution.

    Am I the only one having this kind of problem???

    For example if Instructor teach us, in list[country] how to get the largest country, I learn it and i can do it by my self next time. But when he asks me do get countries with same starting letters. I can't do it until i see some ones code!

    Whats the solution for it?

    There is a website which takes my homework and then return me the codes, when i get the codes, when I look at codes I get idea and then it sounds easy to me and I keep doing practice with those codes until I find it very easy and simple. Is this a good way to learn???

    If I try to do it by my self I can't at all! Once I see the solutions then I get idea and Then I can solve it without looking to those codes again.


    I'm scared of FINAL! Now for any assignment or homework I get solutions and then practice once I learn then I do my assignment without looking to any codes, but what about final exam? They give us limit time and I wonder if they do same way us assignments to bring new stuff to code! New examples new problems! If instructor bring same problems in FINAL or same way of question I will be ok, but if something new I will stuck.

    Please guide me and show me right way!

    Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/Python_leaner123123
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    Trying to make a desktop app that can make api calls?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:51 PM PST


    Im trying to make a simple desktop app with a UI that can make api calls to a server. Does anyone have recommendations on a quick to learn front end language for desktops?

    I have experience with mobile and api but pretty new to desktop apps.

    submitted by /u/Robotic_Yeti
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    Advice for Programming Exams - How do I get faster?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST

    I am only in my second semester of a CS degree, I absolutely love it right now, my grades are decent - but I cannot seem to perform as well as Id like on exams. Specifically the coding problems.

    With labs and assignments I am doing really well. I feel relaxed - I make a cup of coffee - and take my time planning out how I am going to solve it - then write the code. I really love doing this. I try to come up with creative and efficient solutions. However, my exams are hell right now. Trying to solve equally or sometimes more complex problems into a working program in < 30 - 40 minutes is something I cannot seem to do.

    As much as I feel frustrated about these exams, I know I can't change the system. So how do I beat it? Any advice appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/ramen_destroyer
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    How to learn a new language if I'm already an intermediate programmer

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:46 PM PST

    I know how to code in java and python and looking to learn javascript. I google and watch youtube videos to understand it but I feel that a structured course suits me better. What's a good learning resources if I don't want to go through all the hand holding online courses usually do

    submitted by /u/Wakanda_9_Inch
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    What are some way you have used/applied Python in a non-programming job?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    I would love to hear of some ways people have used Python to enhance, or make their non-programming jobs easier, or something for your personal life-hobby, stocks, budgeting.. etc. I find that people come up with really creative and unique solutions that some don't think of.


    Edit: added criteria

    submitted by /u/no_more_lines
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    The following program that was meant to solve a quadratic equation: [ax²+bx+c=0]. What problems with the above code can you spot?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:36 AM PST

    What problems with the above code can you spot?

    a, b, c = input()

    d = b*b - 4ac

    if d > 0:




    print("No real roots")

    submitted by /u/aayushkrm
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    What amount of time per day is the sweet spot to learn but not get burnout?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:32 AM PST

    Hi, Im learning C++ and I'm wondering if 30minutes a day of programming is enough to get good in some decent time or if I should raise this time higher, but to what amount to dont get burnout on it?
    Thanks for sharing your experience and stay safe.

    submitted by /u/arktozc
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    Need help for html

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:29 PM PST

    So I just started coding so sorry if I'm terrible but I need help positioning text and images. I can make a image using the code

    <img alt="image" src="Image link" /></div> and add text using

    <div class="text-center">text</div>

    Sorry if this is bad code but i just saw it online so i tried using it, i just dont know how to position the text/ image. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BaldCardistryGuy
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    Angular, React or switch to Go?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:07 AM PST

    I studied economics, however I switch my career around after finishing university, and I becoming a fairly tech person (read it as I know a few softwares). I have been happy with my learning so far. However I have confusion on what to do next. I believe everyone should know a at least 1 programming language and future is on the web, so I thought to add web dev skills to my repertoire.

    I have learned python and can say I am fairly good with it (always can get better). Then I started with JavaScript, I got the fundamentals, plus adding HTML5 and CSS to it.
    Now my confusions starts. I realized that I should learn a certain framework. Knowing python I thought Django is the way, but it did not suit what I want. I am not sure if Django is for enterprise level dev. Node.js+Handlebars as well.

    So I started with Angular. I like it, the structure, components, service etc. Best part I liked is CLI and that it has module bundler so it can create client side code ( something I struggled with Node.js). But the learning is difficult. TypeScript aside, there are many things that I need to grasp before being confident.

    I was reading a bunch of articles and realized that React is more popular and easier (at least by those articles) plus more companies are searching for devs with React. So I thought to maybe look into React (my problem is patience, and learning Angular takes time).

    And after I get some web dev knowledge, I thought to try to learn Go(lang). However, reading again articles, it looks like I can achieve same with Go as with JS+frameworks and more, syntax is simple, it's modern language and fastest growing one (by some). So I now my mind goes to Go.

    Any suggestions on how to pick a path?

    submitted by /u/Striking-Advance-305
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    Attempting to design a system from scratch as a junior dev

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:34 PM PST

    Hello all, I am a junior dev with 6 months of work experience. We have this tool that is now a bit out-dated and bug-ridden. It does the job it is supposed to do so it is never a priority to work on it but my lead and I want to bring this tool to modern days, and higher-ups seem on-board too :)

    Anyways, we decided to take everything slow, make a very thorough analysis of this new project before starting. Since it is only the two of us, I said I want to give it a shot. I will be trying to design a system from ground up; architecture, UX/UI drafts, components and modules etc.

    We have approx. 5-6 months before we start and I plan to work 1-2 hours each day on it, so I believe I can pull this off. This is not a complex tool, just your basic CRUD app so I believe it is suitable for a junior to give a shot; this could be a fool's confidence too, IDK :)

    I need good tips, tutorials, documents, books so I can educate myself further. Any advice, any suggestion is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Hrafnstrom
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    CSV to mySQL database - Issues with deposit values when importing

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:05 PM PST

    I'm trying to import my bank csv into a mysql database, but it looks like all positive amounts are set as a double negative in the csv and they're showing up as a 0 value in the mysql database after the import. So, in the csv, a deposit of 2.50 will look like --2.50. How do I fix this? I can't quite seam to google the right thing.

    This is just a project I'm working on for myself. I'm trying to re-create a financial tracker so it's more tailored to what I'm looking for. Also, to learn some more mysql. So, I'm trying to do everything in queries but I also know some javascript and php, if those would be useful in this case. Ultimately, I'm going to have to write a script that I can just run and it will take my downloaded csv for the month and add it to the table that holds all the info for an account. Right now, I'm just stuck on correctly importing the deposits, but any other tips for this project are most welcome.

    submitted by /u/techitechtech
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    The answer to a simple problem is a simple answer

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:00 PM PST

    So I was tasked to turn a CSV file into just one line with a for loop. Let me just save you the time and tell you the for loop reads just the columns heads, in case you've never tried it in python before. I spent a fair amount of time trying new wordings and arrangements until I came to a realization: what is a data frame, if not some kind of matrix? So, after 7:30 hours of working on it, I googled how to flatten a matrix. Of course my very first try was a failure because I was working with a data frame, not a matrix, but then I looked up how to turn it into a matrix, and it worked! By the good graces it worked!

    In the end, it was a simple task, I just had to look at it a different way

    submitted by /u/payola5000
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    EMLI5 For what work id Tailwind CSS for? Is it really such cool thing?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:46 PM PST

    Is it really such cool thing?

    submitted by /u/dhamdown
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    program that outputs news articles into a widget

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:33 PM PST

    how would i go about creating a program that takes relevant news articles and supplies a feed i could use as a widget to keep track of daily news articles.

    submitted by /u/parafenaleya
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    Arduino Uno, Mega connection to Python

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:12 PM PST

    How can I call the function in Arduino using python if my Arduino is connected to mega through their RXTX then the mega is the one who are using the port in laptop?

    submitted by /u/LanthaYtrri
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    Just a few front end portfolio-related questions

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:34 PM PST

    Good day,

    I'm studying front end development for the past 5 months. I successfully made my first application using ReactJs. I have a few questions for my next projects though.

    1. When doing a project, does everything in the application have to be working? Let's say I have an application and I want to add a subscribe to newsletter or buy/sell some products section, do these have to be 100% functional to be considered a good piece of portfolio? Or does the 'for the sake of design' principle work in here?
    2. Is it okay to put projects on GitHub pages? Where can you host projects for free where it is also professionally ok to use?
    submitted by /u/newavel
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