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    Thursday, May 23, 2019

    NeurIPS 2019 Will Host Minecraft Reinforcement Learning Competition Computer Science

    NeurIPS 2019 Will Host Minecraft Reinforcement Learning Competition Computer Science

    NeurIPS 2019 Will Host Minecraft Reinforcement Learning Competition

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Non-relational data, unstructured data and NoSQL databases

    Posted: 23 May 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    I have not been able to find an example of non-relational data which would be unsuited for an RDBMS. Maybe it's because I've never thought about it differently, but I feel like everything I can think of (except maybe images etc) maps very nicely to relations. Is there an example to illustrate that kind of data?

    Also in the context of NoSQL/document based databases I've heard the term "unstructured data" used, which also stumps me. The way I understand the word unstructured, it means that you have a dump of information where you don't know what is what, no format, no nothing. What are examples of this type of data and how do you do anything with it if it's unstructured?

    submitted by /u/mymemorablenamehere
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    Machine Learning Reproducibility Challenges - How DVC Tool Helps Overcome Git-LFS and Git-Annex Limitations

    Posted: 23 May 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    When ML models need to be regularly updated in production, a host of challenges emerges. Paramount among ML reproducibility concerns are the following:

    • Effectively versioning your models
    • Capturing the exact steps in your data munging and feature engineering pipelines
    • Dependency management (including of your data and infrastructure)
    • Configuration tracking

    No one tool can do it all for you - organizations using a mix of Git, Makefiles, ad hoc scripts and reference files for reproducibility. The following overview explains how DVC enters this mix offering a cleaner solution, specifically targeting data science challenges: First Impressions of Data Science Version Control (DVC)

    submitted by /u/thumbsdrivesmecrazy
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    Back at it again with the logics

    Posted: 23 May 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Are there heuristics to infer which sorting algorithm will perform best for a given partially sorted data set?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    Say I have a partially sorted data set.

    Option 1:

    Quicksort the data in O(n log n) time.

    Option 2:

    Feed the data set into a model (perhaps a neural network) in O(n) time. The model then predicts that heapsort/grailsort/mergesort or some hybrid will outperform quicksort. Then perform the sort in better than O(n log n) time.

    Furthermore, the model could predict further partial sort of its own.

    Has this been attempted?

    Time is not the only factor for a sorting algorithm. There may also be space, stability or threading requirements, which makes the problem less trivial and more neural-network friendly.

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    What are the most important skill sets to be successful in an ontological domain?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    It seems like one of the things that is very important is the subset of mathematics : discrete mathematics, especially set theory. Category theory also seems like it would be important.

    What do you think are the key skills for ontology? How important is philosophy (is just limited to syllogisms, or is theory of knowledge important)?

    What about statistical inference?

    Being a CS major and not a math major, what types of CS classes would have the transfer to ontology?

    Theory of programming languages? Symbolic programming? Maybe cognitive science?

    submitted by /u/logicallyzany
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    Single use code blocks

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    I'm curious to know how programmers here deal with single-use code blocks. Say you are writing code that will be called once, how do you encapsulate it (or don't)? Do you write it as a function and call it once? Closure, lambda, anonymous function? Or write it directly where it will be used, e.g. in in the calling function?

    submitted by /u/se3loo
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    Tools of Trade

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Henlou ヽ(・∀・)ノ

    Basically, I am wondering what tools are generally used while in a cs degree. I have poked around some curriculum sheets, forum posts etc. and came up with a list but I want to have some insight from people with or in a cs degree.

    Apart from these what was necessary in your degree or not and why? It might seem a trivial problem but I will enroll in a cs program and I want to make sure I can have access to what will be most likely necessary while moving to a more minimal operating system

    • A text editor
    • Compilers/Intrepeters from a variety of languages
    • Some sort of document preperation like latex or any office suite
    • Debuggers(?)
    • Any library (it is flexible due to various projects using various libraries)
    • Some sort of a shell and a modern variant of a standard unix tool ecosystem
    • Version control (mostly git but sometimes i see people using svn or etc.)

    Thank you for you help :>

    P.S. I'm skipping trivial programs like web browsers that need to be installed for daily use anyway

    submitted by /u/unixFluff
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    Is there a theorem that says if a subclass of a NP-hard problem being solved in poly-time, would prove P=NP?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    Suppose, I share my algorithm.

    Be prepared to understand that a non-finite sub-class of subsets of Sudoku are solved in poly-time when given any n^2 x n^2 (from this subclass) puzzle with a pre-filled n x n box. Which is all explained in the bottom link.

    This algorithm doesn't solve "toy-problems", its less trivial than I thought it was.

    Everything, that I claimed is already proven. If you give a good 15-20 minute read you'll understand my point.


    submitted by /u/Hope1995x
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    Does a 31 year old with almost no work experience have a chance at getting a software engineering job?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    Asking for a friend. Let's say my friend has a degree with a high GPA in math/computer science. Can he get a job or will he be looked down on for being 31 years old with no experience?

    submitted by /u/Verthousand
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    Is it possible to validate if an email address is valid?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    I am new to programming so forgive me if this is a silly question. I want to implement in my program a feature that checks if the email entered is validated.

    Do any of you guys have resources on how to do that?

    submitted by /u/freebird348
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    Computer Graphics + Computer Vision = TensorFlow Graphics

    Posted: 22 May 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Universal Programming Language Syntax Proposal - "Moth" Statements

    Posted: 22 May 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    In attempting to devise a modern replacement for LISP, I've come across a generic statement syntax that could serve as the building block for a wide variety of programming and data languages: "moth statements". It's comparable to XML in that it's a generic syntax that doesn't define an actual language nor a usage.

    Typical structure of a \"full\" moth-statement

    A moth statement is just a data structure, roughly comparable to s-expressions in Lisp. An interpreter or compiler can do anything it wants with the moth data structure(s).

    I envision a kit for making actual language interpreters and compilers. Picking and choosing parts from the kit would make it easy to roll custom or experimental languages in any paradigm.

    The biggest problem with Lisp syntax is that forest-level constructs resemble tree-level constructs, creating confusion for too many. Over the years our typical production languages made a distinction, and this is the key to moth statements. Plus, moth syntax resembles languages we know and love. The colon (":") may be the weirdest part, but serves as a visual guidepost.

    In the name of simplicity, there is no infix notation such as "x+y". "Object path" notation can be used instead, such as "x.add(y)" or "x.add.y" or "add(x, y)", per your dialect choice.

    The samples below are only rough suggestions. Your dialect can define its own keywords and block structures, dynamically and/or statically.

    a(x) :b{x} :c{x} = d(x) :e{x} :f{x}; // Example 1 a = b(); // Example 2, typical usage a(c, d, e=7) :b{f; g.z; h=7} :c; // Example 3 a(b){d}{e}{f}; // Example 4 a(b){d}{e}{f}=g{}{}{}{}; // Example 5 "foo"();7{}=3;x{}:7:2:"bar"; // Example 6 - Odd but valid statements... // ...if your dielect permits such. // Example 7 - IF (compact spacing used for illustration only) if(a.equals(b)) {...} : elseif (b.lessthan(c)) {...} : elseif (d.contains("foo")) {...} : else (write("no match")); func.myFunction(a:string, b:int, c:date):bool { // Example 8 var.x:bool = false; // declare and initialize case(b) : 34 {write("b is 34")} : 78 {write("b is 78"); x=moreStuff()} : otherwise {write("Ain't none of them")}; // note semicolon return(x) }; // Example 9 - JSON-esque Table.Employees(first, last, middle, salary:decimal, hiredOn:date) {"Smith"; "Lisa"; "R."; 120000; "12/31/2000"} {"Rogers"; "Buck"; "J."; 95000; "7/19/1930"}; SELECT (empName, salary, deptName) // Example 10 - SQL-esque :FROM {employees:e.JOIN(depts:d){e.deptRef.equals(d.deptID)}} :WHERE {salary.greaterThan(100000)} :ORDERBY {salary:descending; deptName; empName}; 

    In cases where numeric decimals may get confused with object paths, I suggest a "value" function for clarity: "value(3.5).round();"

    submitted by /u/Zardotab
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    Do they teach about file formats in professional Cs degree?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    I am starting with my cs degree. I wanted to know do we learn about file formats in depth in any course. I like to understand the file formats.

    submitted by /u/Karthikzee
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