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    Tuesday, June 5, 2018

    Free Beginning Programming and Game Design Course learn programming

    Free Beginning Programming and Game Design Course learn programming

    Free Beginning Programming and Game Design Course

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:52 AM PDT

    Considering Beginning to Learn to Program and/or Game Design but don't know where to start?

    I have been teaching HS Computer Science for 4 years and have created a YouTube Channel to help my students develop their skills outside of class. I thought I might as well share it with the world! Link is at the bottom!

    Follow along with my YouTube Channel and learn to design games like Pac-man, Galaga, Asteroids, and Super Mario Bros...

    Game Design Course

    Basic Programming Concepts

    If-Statements, Loops, Arrays

    Objects and Classes

    Data Types (Boolean, String, Int, Double, etc.)

    Methods, Return Types, Parameters

    And much more!

    Game Design Concepts

    Make Objects move, turn, wrap around screen

    Control objects with Keyboard

    Fire Projectiles and Enemy Fire Projectile

    Score Counter, Timer, make things happen randomly

    Objects appear or disappear

    Walls that work to create a maze

    You Win and You Lose Screens

    And much much more!

    Or, go straight into Eclipse with using Java and learn to make programs and concepts needed in the programming industry.

    Java Eclipse Course

    Data Types


    If-Statements, Loops, and Arrays

    Objects and Classes

    Characters, Strings, and Mathematical Functions

    Here is a link to the YouTube Channel! Hope you enjoy!


    submitted by /u/tcrow12
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    I got my first interview call after 10 months

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 02:59 AM PDT

    I am from India have been out of college since last August '17 and have been practicing Node.js/Express.js and created some web apps I also get to know how to work with MongoDB.

    Last week I started applying through AngelList, and I got a call today stating that they would like to have an phone interview with me first and then if needed they would go with in person interview.

    He also asked about my preferences to which I replied with Node.js, Express.js and mostly JavaScript, it seems I would be asked about the Databases too, but I'm not sure and nervous.

    Can you guys suggest me something to prepare? also what should I expect in terms of salary (their stated cap is ₹500k per annum) and other general information that I should be looking for?

    EDIT: they scheduled the interview just after 1.5 hours.

    EDIT 2: It was pretty nervous interview I have been asked following questions:

    • what are promises in JS?
    • Callbacks, and how is it different from Promises
    • what are node.js event loop ( which I got so nervous and wasn't able to say anything)
    • difference between double equals and triple equals
    • About SQL databases
    • Entity-Relationship models
    • which one would I choose for what kind of application SQL or No SQL? ( which again made me confused while answering)
    • have I used any design models (he also used the word patterns) while creating an application with end-to-end start with the database

    -------- I answered that with " I used to create different entities the database, then create their tables and would try to find the relevance between the columns in tables, Would also set the foreign keys and primary keys.

    ( I know I would be completely wrong here, I would read more about this and work on it.)

    • if I have worked with front-end frameworks ( which I haven't yet )
    • how would I render docs from MongoDB with promises
    • why is there is need of promises, is it just because of Asynchronous part of JavaScript ( I didn't know anything about this)
    • what are anonymous functions.

    Looking forward to advice/information and learning from you guys.

    submitted by /u/tapu_buoy
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    How to view a basic file from 1989

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 07:02 PM PDT

    Yeah. I need to convert it to modern python, except it seems to use some weird codes for operations. Text is in ascii, but any actual code is garbled. Any old programmers who can help me out? I assume it's basic because the extension was .BAS

    submitted by /u/warpspeedSCP
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    That's it, I absolutely hate programming. Should I just quit or continue and use this as my backup skill?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 08:37 PM PDT

    I just decided that after years of trying to learn programming that I hate it. I am more of an artist type and I'm really bad at math. I find the task of coding to be mundane and too precise. I want to develop beautiful applications with a great user experience and give a fuck all about backend efficiency. I know how to make full stack apps in React, RoR, and Laravel. I thought I didn't like it because I never found math to be interesting or because I was still too new and didn't understand it. Now, that I understand it at a good enough level to know, I absolutely hate it. I find it boring and I dread solving these problems. I know they're important for humanity. Maybe I'm too lazy to become a programmer. I know I could be a lot better than average and do well if I applied myself. But the truth is that I just want to make nice stuff that people can look at and enjoy. The most I want to do with programming is create MVPs and even then the challenge is to not come across some pedantic fuckwad who tells you that you're wrong and arrogantly explain how stupid you are. I know I'm missing out on a fat wad of cash, but I want to pursue my passion and I still want to make backend apps, but I don't find that part to be interesting. I just want to be like hey computer this is what I need please do it while I focus on the ideas that the app needs. I hate writing implementations from my head because my logic is flawed when it comes to doing something remotely complex. It ends up working very poorly at best, like a tic tac toe AI that I wrote just randomly puts in a piece. My type checking code isn't correct even though it looks right to me. It's wrong because of how buggy it is. My brain gets really bothered when I have to map out things step by step because I just want to stop focusing on details and just get something done. I feel like I'm a slave doing this type of work. I don't understand how people could enjoy the process of doing this.

    TL;DR I absolutely hate the programming process, but I love the end result. Am I just not cut out to be a programmer. What should I pursue instead?

    submitted by /u/ihateprogrammingalot
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    [c++] How to handle pointer variables inside functions

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:56 PM PDT

    Image ** MakeImageArray(){ Image ** temp = new Image *[10]; //Fill array return temp; } Image ** images = MakeImageArray(); 

    I know how to handle the value returned and delete it correctly, but what happens to the 'temp' variable? Does deleting 'images' deal with 'temp' or do I have to do something differently?

    submitted by /u/Bauns
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    Anyone interested in a mock interview?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:59 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm a senior software engineer and I'm looking to brush up my skills as an interviewer in preparation for a few interviews I'm conducting later this week. I'd like to spend a couple hours today and tomorrow practicing by interviewing any volunteers. Any skill level is okay, and I can pull easier or harder questions depending on your experience. I expect each interview to be exactly 1 hour and consist of 10 minutes of experience related question and 45 minutes of coding. We will use Skype and we will need video enabled (coding will be on collabedit).

    Post here if you are interested in sharpening your interviewee skills!

    submitted by /u/fullyloadedapps
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    Link to The post that got me started almost a year ago. (In this sub)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:37 PM PDT

    Got a good amount of upvotes not sure why. But this was a big part.... I've learned so much... I'm in love with python C and just computers, robots and machines in general....

    When I'm away I think of it. I guess at that point I was looking for my "passion" whatever that meant to me at that point. I guess I was in my feelings.

    But this is most definitely special to me. I want to keep learning more and more.

    yeah this subreddit is special to me. I always say it.


    submitted by /u/millenialZorro
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    I keep getting a stack smashing error and can't figure out why, hoping someone can take a look.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:29 PM PDT

    I can not figure out why I keep getting

    *** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated

    with the following code I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it or what I did wrong.


    I am writing this on ubuntu budgie 18.04 in vim.

    submitted by /u/Mac_Attack18
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    What's the most difficult thing you've ever programmed?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:45 PM PDT

    What's the most difficult and/or "I can't believe this works" thing you've ever done, and optionally for the sake of discussion, did you learn anything cool from it?

    Just something I saw in another sub and thought I'd ask here.

    submitted by /u/_The_Glitch_
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    Intro To Programming YouTube Course (Using Python)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys! First time posting in this Reddit but I am a recent CS graduate who just made my first intro to coding video. This series will cover the basics of coding, from algorithms to creating your own functions, as well as the basics of Python! Hope you tune in, and hope I teach you something new!

    Link to Algorithms episode (episode 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ymlm8ytRXIU

    submitted by /u/TheBagOTricks
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    Embed images into markdown ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    I've doubtful from what I've read if this is possible. I want to embed images into a markdown file, similar to how images are embedded into a PDF file ?

    submitted by /u/SonicSkunk
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    ReactJS / Bootstrap hover over image and show a description in a separate column

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:38 PM PDT

    Brand new to react js and css in js (JSS). Very poor at wording questions, so if you don't understand please let me know what else I can add.

    Alright so I'm trying to get the div className={classes.description} to show when I hover over the Image.

    I was trying to have a description for each image. I was able to get the description to show directly underneath the image if the description div was inside of the div that holds the image. I guess my problem is I want the description to be in its own separate col

    const CustomHome = ({classes}) => ( <Grid> <Row className="show-grid text-center"> <Col className={classes.Column} sm={6} md={3}> <div className={classes.container}> <Link to='/'> <Image className={classes.image} src='http://via.placeholder.com/200x200' /> <div className={classes.overlay}> <div className={classes.text}>Alcoholics Anonymous</div> </div> </Link> </div> </Col> <Col className={classes.Column} sm={6} md={3}> <div className={classes.container}> <Link to='/'> <Image className={classes.image} src='http://via.placeholder.com/200x200' /> <div className={classes.overlay}> <div className={classes.text}>Narcotics Anonymous</div> </div> </Link> </div> </Col> <Col className={classes.Column} sm={6} md={3}> <div className={classes.container}> <Link to='/'> <Image className={classes.image} src='http://via.placeholder.com/200x200' /> <div className={classes.overlay}> <div className={classes.text}>Cocaine Anonymous</div> </div> </Link> </div> </Col> <Col className={classes.Column} sm={6} md={3}> <div className={classes.container}> <Link to='/'> <Image className={classes.image} src='http://via.placeholder.com/200x200' /> <div className={classes.overlay}> <div className={classes.text}>Other Fellowships</div> </div> </Link> </div> </Col> <Col sm={12}> <div className={classes.description}> This is a description for Alcoholics Anonymous Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae elit sed nibh faucibus semper non eget lorem. </div> </Col> </Row> </Grid> ) const styles = theme => { return ({ container: { position: 'relative', margin: 'auto', width: theme.width, '&:hover $overlay': { opacity: 1, }, '&:hover $description': { display: 'block', } }, image: { display: 'block', width: theme.imgWidth, height: theme.imgHeight, borderRadius: '50%', }, overlay: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: '#666', top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, height: theme.imgHeight, width: theme.imgWidth, opacity: 0, transition: '.5s ease', borderRadius: '50%', boxShadow: 'inset 6px -9px 32px 35px rgba(0,0,0,0.32)', }, text: { color: 'white', fontFamily: 'Comfortaa', fontSize: '24px', position: 'absolute', top: '50%', left: '50%', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)', '-ms-transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)', textAlign: 'center', }, description: { fontFamily: 'Comfortaa', fontSize: '12px', backgroundColor: '#666', color: 'white', padding: '16px', boxShadow: 'inset 6px -9px 32px 35px rgba(0,0,0,0.32)', borderRadius: '32px', display: 'none', }, }); } 

    so I've tried to inside of the description jss set the display 'none' and then on hover inside the image container display 'block' which would generally work. I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this or am I going in the completely wrong direction.

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with the col tags using react-bootstrap.

    submitted by /u/itiszac
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    Projects on Algorithms?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:11 AM PDT

    Hi, i have recently started the 6.006 MIT Algorithms(Fall 2011) course. I am doing the assignments but i feel like i am not learning it well enough. I have been told time and time again to practice on projects but usually I do the data science ones. I have completed (recitations included)

    1. algorithmic distance and peak finding
    2. models of computation,peak finding
    3. insertion sort and merge sort

    I was wondering if there were any projects to boost my knowledge of the subject. The assignments feel way too hard for me :(

    Anyone here who has completed the course who can shed some light? I am a 100% self taught student.

    submitted by /u/killingisbad
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    Help on classes, methods, and constructors in java.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 11:28 PM PDT

    Im confused on methods cause I dont know what the parameters do (the parethesis) if the those parameters acts the same as the parameters of If, while, else if.
    But overall I know what a method can do Im just confused on the parameters if you can explain please it explain it simple. Im also confused on constructors cause the only thing I know about constructors is that they set the default attribute to an object thats all please explain it simple.


    submitted by /u/BoinBoinMango
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    Work experience or coding bootcamp?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    So I've been accepted into a few bootcamps and finally made my decision and chose the one that best suits my needs. The thing is I was told by my sister that her friend owns a company and very much likely would hire me as a junior developer, it's not 100% but a very high chance. The company isn't a startup and has been around for quite sometime now. Would taking the job be more valuable than finishing a coding bootcamp? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Swazzbozz
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    Which laptop should i go for if i am gonna go to college this fall?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:58 PM PDT

    I'll be taking computer science or IT. Both of em require coding and computing. P.S. -I have an HP i3 6th generation laptop,4 GB RAM.

    submitted by /u/chanyeolxx
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    How do I recognise a max flow problem and construct and visualise its graph?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:58 PM PDT

    First, how do I recognise a problem can be solved via max flow algorithms?

    Secondly and most importantly, how do I construct the flow graph to visualize the problem from problems such as:

    You are running a dating agency and have m guys and f girls as customers. Each guy and each girl have reviewed all profiles of the candidates of opposite sex and have sent you their corresponding lists of people whose profiles they liked. Your task is to organise a largest possible number of first dates so that everyone meets at most one person of opposite sex and so that both parties liked each others profile (i.e., have included the other party on their list of people whose profile they liked).

    Or literally any of these problems.

    submitted by /u/coke21
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    Looking for a senior developer who works remotely to join his journey.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:27 PM PDT

    Graduating in december, i'm a computer science student, and i want to dive into actual work, i'm willing to be your virtual assistant and you right hand, all i want in return is experience, i'm not after money, i just want to learn from the elders and invest in my self, if someone would give me this opportunity, this si what i'm good at: -Java programming language -SQL & PL/SQL -HTML & CSS (custom animations & bootstrap) -Javascript -Php

    and Planning to start python very soon, i'm polyvalent and i would be great added value.

    submitted by /u/rezgod
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    Help on remove duplicate object within for loop [JavaScript]

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 06:27 PM PDT

    I'm trying to remove the duplicate categories within its category{object}, so my category has its own matched products; such as:

    {category1} {product1} {product2} {product3} {category2} {product1} {product2} 

    codepen link | expected img

    This run on my Node Server, I've used api from Google Sheet to json and convert it to JavaScript objects... Category and Products can be vary, so I'm not sure how to approach this since I got only weeks of Javascript experience, I searched everywhere but got nothing related to this, hope someone could help me a bit here. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/PizzaBoyztv
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    Practical Machine Learning Fundamentals (Book)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:30 AM PDT

    Hi /learnprogramming, I'm writing a book about machine learning focusing on the use of open source libraries. I wrote my undergrad dissertation on the field and I thought I'd share what I learned. I'd love some feedback over the coming weeks before its ready in late July / early August. I included chapter 6 too as its a more technically interesting chapter. The full drafts of chapters 1-3 and 6 will be released soon. Direct links so you don't have to sign up, however if you want to keep up to date I recommend it.

    Chapter One

    Chapter Six

    submitted by /u/Kris--
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    Need help on 2D arrays and searching them

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:25 PM PDT

    I just started my second class of programming in C# and I'm having problems with this certain assignment. I know how to make the array but when it comes to searching it and finding the variable is when it gets confusing. Any tips will help! Here's the problem:

    Write a method that is passed a 2D array of doubles and an additional variable that is a double called value.

    The method must find the number in the 2D array that is closest to the value and return this number.

    submitted by /u/WRlGHTlNG
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    Dropdown menu via click-reset, submenu display problems

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:04 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm making a navbar menu for on a website where you click on the tabs for it to display (instead of the usual hover-to-display). I'm using Html/CSS and Javascript (and Jquery lib). The problem is when I click on the menu to display the submenus it appears to float way to the left and not just underneath the menu tab I selected. Is there a way to position them just in one column?

    Here's my work in progress: https://codepen.io/UnorthodoxThing/pen/MXemeW

    It's under the tab "menu" I'm working on.

    Any suggestions or help would be great! :D

    submitted by /u/Fez_Up
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    A Programming Blog for Beginners by a Beginner

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    Hello /r/learnprogramming, I've created a programming blog, Define Coding, for new aspiring programmers!

    I recently switched my major to Computer Science after 2 years of working on a major I had no passion for. Given that I'm still very new to programming and wanted a way to document my learning, I thought that I'd create a blog as a way to write down all my projects, thought processes, and the like. My hopes are that future readers will be able to learn something from my posts, and also learn from my mistakes. It's also a good way for me to get any constructive criticism from those more knowledgeable than me.

    The only languages I am experimenting in at the moment are Racket (A language taught in my current Intro to Computer Science class) and Python 3 (A language I'm teaching myself in my free time). However, I do plan on picking up more languages when I feel like the time is right so that my blog can be more diverse. Feel free to check it out at www.define-coding.com!

    submitted by /u/defCoding
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    Developer trying to level up - should I take my time and solve nand chip problems?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    Hi folks, I've been an application developer (mostly Rails and a lot of JS, some html/css) for about 5 years now. I have a solid understanding of programming principles (i.e OOP principles, testing) but I have trouble talking to some of my more technical coworkers because I don't understand how computers work. I think this is holding me back.

    I've been slowly grinding away at a new language (Go) and I also started going through the Nand2Tetris book. I am struggling with creating the basic logic gates using only NAND chips - especially muxors and demuxors. To save time, I've been looking at wikipedias for schematics and implementing the chips. Now that I am trying to build RAM, I am pretty lost on actual implementation.

    How important is it for me to understand and be able to solve these problems? Should I just breeze through them until I get to the chapters on software like OS and compilers?

    submitted by /u/Guy-Lambo
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