• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 10, 2018

    This company sent my client this misleading "bill" for web hosting. web developers

    This company sent my client this misleading "bill" for web hosting. web developers

    This company sent my client this misleading "bill" for web hosting.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 08:56 AM PST

    Today I was asked this insane question "Why are you charging me money for something that doesn't cost you anything?"

    Posted: 09 Mar 2018 08:26 PM PST

    Yea apart from countless hours of reading books, trial and error and did I forget to mention stress!

    submitted by /u/Nagey98
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    Junior Dev working with WP mostly, I have been given deadlines I can't keep up with

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 06:58 AM PST

    Hello, I am a junior working with WP mostly, just a month since I signed a contract. They sometimes give me deadlines I can't keep up with or they give me stuff I have no idea how to solve and no time to figure it out, starting to think am I really for this job. Just yesterday I have been given a task to translate a site to two more languages and expect me to do it all by monday, when I start I get paralysed by how much work there is...

    submitted by /u/Mariciano
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    Beginner That Has Some Questions

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 11:11 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I love what you guys are doing here! I've recently dipped into some coding and web development, and I love it! I've been learning some HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and soon I'd like to dip into PHP and MySQL. I do have some questions though that I couldn't find answered in the FAQ, so I thought I'd ask here.

    1.) How do you link HTML and PHP? I'm aware that HTML, CSS, and JS are all considered "front end", since those are what the user sees, but how do you call on PHP to access the SQL databases in an HTML file? Is PHP a replacement for HTML? Super confused on this.

    2.) How are user account systems made? Like the ones where users can create accounts with passwords, and have certain info shown to them based on the type of account they have

    3.) This goes along with #2, what do developers use for web security? You always hear about hacks and exploits nowadays, so it seems like a prevalent issue.

    4.) What IDE would you guys recommend? A friend recommended Eclipse to me, so I've been using that for now just to mess around in, but what would you guys say?

    5.) Is there anything I should know getting into this?

    Like I said, I've been getting into this for the last couple of months, taking online courses and what not, and I really enjoy it! Looking forward to the upcoming journey in this.

    submitted by /u/PSU02
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    Feedback on my blog (Jekyll, Bulma, Netlify)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 01:31 PM PST

    Hi r/webdev, I started my Web Development blog a couple of months back. At the time it was flat HTML, since then i've converted it to run on Jekyll and handle deployment through Netlify. It also uses the Bulma CSS framework.

    Any feedback at all (regarding any aspect of the website) would be greatly appreciated. I am primarily a back-end dev, and there are many aspects of design I probably haven't even thought about. I know there isn't much content on it just yet, i'm trying to post more consistently over the coming months.



    submitted by /u/stevie_c91
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    AMA - Sales for freelance developers

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 01:26 PM PST

    I'm running a pretty successful devshop with 35 devs and +$1M revenue which I've built in 2 years. My expertise is sales and marketing especially in B2B area. I'm looking forward to answer any question you might have regarding sales or handling clients as a freelancer developer.

    Why I am doing that? I'm thinking to write an ebook about it to help developers do better sales of their services.

    submitted by /u/mwarcholinski
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    Wrote a small lib to easily execute functions/classes in a web worker

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 08:42 AM PST

    How do you build startups involving software development?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:17 PM PST


    Most of my startup ideas involve software developing, for which i have no skills.

    How do you usually build your software idea? Do you first wait for investments and then hire developers? Do i need to learn software development for creating a landing page or an mvp product?

    I'm considering bespoke software development from teams like QwertyBit or Dclssoftware, but I'm not sure if it would be more profitable to learn coding for MVP products.

    submitted by /u/Rogag_AMA
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    Beginner Webdev Portfolio Feedback

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:08 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new to Reddit and I was hoping I could get feedback on my portfolio website. I'm new to web dev and I'm trying to get just a junior frontend developer job, but I've been struggling in my search. If anyone can open my eyes as to what's wrong, please be honest and let me know so I can fix it.

    Portfolio Link: https://steveula.github.io/

    My resume is also on my Portfolio website. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Deluxateer
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    gitleaks: Verify a git repo for stored secrets and keys

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 05:01 AM PST

    Am I overcomplicating this technical test?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:42 AM PST

    I have been given this technical test for a junior-mid level job. I am currently employed fulltime, but was given three days to complete this. All I have given so far is my CV through an agency. Am I overcomplicating this? Also the strange wording is how it came.

    Task: Imagine a client has asked us to create a basket where users can purchase cars online. Please NOTE that the candidate should NOT use any Zend2 pre-build plugins to complete this task. All code must be done from scratch.

    Must use technologies:

    • Zend 2 Framework

    • jQuery – Ajax

    • CSS3

    • Search functionality must be done through ElasticSearch

    • MySql

    Front End - User Rules:

    • Login Form

    • Users should be logged in before buying

    • Users should be able to add to the basket even if they are not logged in but not be able to buy anything. So even if they are not buying anything but have added cars to their basket and then decide to register those cars should be added to that user.

    • User should be able to add/Delete cars from the basket

    • User should be able to change the quantity of the cars in the basket

    • Search (USE ELASTIC SEARCH) – On home page user should be able to search for cars – by name, engine size.

    Backend – Administration rules

    • Administration login and Dashboard

    • Admin – Able to add cars and make them active so they appear on the frontend

    • Details of the cars – Make – Model – Registration – Engine Size – Price

    • Categorize the cars – so each car has tags i.e. red – 5 door

    submitted by /u/henrydennis
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    Any advice for trying to move/work outside the U.S.?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 11:14 AM PST

    I've lived in Texas my entire life (28 years). I've been doing full time software development for just over 6 years (mostly Javascript/single-page-apps for the last ~3). I'm looking to try something new, and have started applying for jobs out of the country (mostly Amsterdam and Berlin) but as exciting as the prospect is, it's also absolutely terrifying.

    I speak only english. I'm a diabetic. The only country I've spent much time in outside of the U.S. is Italy (which was great). I also have 2 cats that I have no idea how to get overseas.

    Do any of you have any advice, or things you wish you had known/prepared for before moving abroad? Any places that are especially accommodating (or NOT accommodating) to newbies? Anything that makes moving easier or harder? Places to find jobs that are foreigner friendly (so far I've mostly been using StackOverflow Careers)?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/drewwyatt
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    NPM, Gulp, Grunt, Yarn, Bower... What? When? How? The confusion is killing me!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 01:33 AM PST

    Hi Folks,

    So I've been getting into frontend development over the last couple of months and the programming isn't really what's confusing me but rather all the package managers, build systems and whatever and I just couldn't find a somewhat useable overview of what to use when and how and how to set things up to work with each other and all that.

    A little example, I wanted to setup Gulp so I can run browsersync, do I use NPM or do I use Yarn? It says everwhere that NPM is deprecated but every setup tutorial for Gulp and / or other stuff still uses NPM...

    So my question is, is there some site or something that makes setup of all that stuff somewhat more understandable?

    I'm using Fedora on my PC and I mainly develop with Vagrant machines but i've been thinking about switching to docker (which is a whole other post in itself). But yeah I'm kinda going crazy over here and I feel kinda dumb. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/tremendousPanda
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    Design Question

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 04:10 PM PST

    I am building a site that more or less a large seating chart. It's alway changing (people moving, getting let go) and I need to have a back end where names can be inputted from something like an excel file. If there is a way to do this can someone point me in the right direction.


    submitted by /u/jrahr
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    Music sites to help you focus while programming

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 12:07 PM PST

    Why use Drupal in 2018?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 05:52 AM PST

    A client has got his webside made by an agency that uses drupal. His service is a ecommerce platform. The site has a lot of potential say, when it comes to design. I'm wondering, is not Drupal a bit dated? Why use Drupal and not some of the other amazing services available in 2018? I'm not a dev myself, but I know enough code to make a site.

    submitted by /u/Amiwav
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    Connecting GoDaddy domain to Squarespace

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 03:32 PM PST

    So I'm incredibly frustrated. The short version of this story is that I'm working for a client who has a domain registered with GoDaddy and the site is running Wordpress, but he wants to swtich to Squarespace.

    Normally, I'd just transfer the domain to Squarespace, but he changed the email address associated with the domain and so it's locked to GoDaddy for 2 months.

    All of the instructions for linking a domain to Squarespace tell me to just go to the "Use a Domain I Own", type in my domain, and then there will be an option to "Connect From Provider" (or some other similar verbiage). That option just doesn't exist for me and I'm not really sure why.

    Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I've never used Squarespace (or GoDaddy). Thank you to anyone who can help :)

    submitted by /u/Gonzo7896200
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    Need a little help dealing with Server Sent Events

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:44 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm having some troubles with a small project that uses Server Sent Events. There's a whole backstory on the why, but the short version is that I'm not using a real webserver but rather a custom script that accepts raw TCP Sockets. My script does not close the connections but rather stores them to have the ability to write data to them at will. When I attempt to do this, though, my script shows that the socket has been disconnected and the Javascript SSE keeps polling every 3 seconds.

    The webpage does correctly load and the first SSE update is displayed on the page properly but I can't seem to push updates from the server. I feel like what I'm witnessing isn't really what is supposed to be happening but I can't figure out where the breakdown is.

    I'm using Chrome (latest version) looking at My script serves this basic test page

    <html> <head> <script> function load() { var source = new EventSource("/getvar"); source.onmessage = function(event) { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = event.data; }; } load(); </script> </head> <body> <div id="response"></div> </body> </html> 

    Here's the response including headers (and visible EOL chars)

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n Server: My custom app\r\n Content-Length: 21\r\n Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n Content-Type: text/event-stream\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n data: my data value\n\n 

    I can't seem to put my finger on the problem. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.

    Edit to add: I added a print statement in my script to notify me when the client closes the TCP connection. It appears that this is happening every time it gets data back. So, it will load the page and create the EventSource object. My script responds, then the web browser closes the connection. And this keeps happening every 3 seconds or so.

    submitted by /u/plus4dbu
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    [Showoff Saturday] Personal Site - Thoughts?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:15 PM PST


    Started off as a fun exercise in mirroring CSS and playing with Vue - turned into a first version of a personal site (still want to add some other things). Would still love any feedback/suggestions. Stupid? Clever? Funny? Feel free to roast me. :)

    Repo: https://github.com/cosst/personal-site

    submitted by /u/smegmanatee
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    I made a completely useless website showing a hexadecimal 24 hour clock

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 02:04 PM PST

    CSS: Use Custom Selection To Apply Highlight Style

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 01:59 PM PST

    Treat your Javascript with more respect

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 10:01 AM PST

    Anyone ever been paid by conversions only? What was your impressions of this format?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 01:43 PM PST

    For example, commissions on products or services. Flat fee structure.

    Currently got asked "garauntee's", and the client wanted to know if our team would get paid the rest of the budget (~66%) via converstions + bonus on everything exceeding goal, the bonus is 70% additional "project" budget for future work and 30% complimentary.** edit.

    Two things come to mind first and foremost.

    1) Tracking. I do not have access to "big data" platforms to confidently track all the UUID's and accurately say this is Customer A, who may have been dropped in the funnel via a previous campaign (an old blog post as an example) so they made there purchase via that session. but they "first appeared" or that IP address appeared say via one of our campaigns. I mean the client is fairly honest, but lets say my team does not know them as well as I do. Question is, should I say to them, well, ultimately it was my teams work that got them interested and subscribed the blog, but it was a previous campaign that converted them so we should be entilted to half regular amount. I am honestly so bothered by this part as it is a analytics nightmare right now.

    2) Pay cycle and allocation. To keep my team and myself motivated, we would ideally like to "spend" or charge them for work ahead of time as we know it would pay off in conversions and ultimately make us both more money. We cannot wait nor risk investing our time nad energy in campaigns without first building the confidence that we will get fairly compensated and this risky yet intriguing payment model will work. So how would you ask the client to basically underwrite the work on a loan without getting screwed or having them feel you are screwing them.

    I know this whole thing is crazy, and honestly may not be the best place to post it. But I am so excited and apprehensive about it. I mean more then half the team is really sketched out by this, they get paid on contract that is apart of the SoW, so with this agreement, they would get paid about 20-50% more but risk potential weeks or in worst case, complete lack of payment. First block of work is 3 weeks of complete devotion (no side projects), and a year of managing and adding on.

    ** forgot to include the very pleasent bonus agreement.

    submitted by /u/atb990
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    Help me with my Portfolio.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2018 09:46 AM PST


    I worked on it based on suggestions made by friends and people I showed it to, but I could use more help with it. It was made with CSS Grid using SASS with Gulp Tasks.

    submitted by /u/Radinax
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