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    Saturday, February 19, 2022

    Is it legal to distribute a program that injects novel assembly code into a running third-party program? Ask Programming

    Is it legal to distribute a program that injects novel assembly code into a running third-party program? Ask Programming

    Is it legal to distribute a program that injects novel assembly code into a running third-party program?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 01:26 PM PST

    It does not include any copyrighted code besides my own, but the third-party program is copyrighted. It also does not perform any nefarious activities. It adds missing features to the third-party program by messing around with its memory after it's been loaded, as well as by injecting novel assembly.

    Where is the line here? I'd love to release my code for others to use, but I don't want to wind up the target of a lawsuit.

    Follow-up question: has the fact that I've seen a disassembled version of the app poisoned any future code I write like it? Do those developers own all of my related output now?

    submitted by /u/E_Snap
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    Is it bad if i declare a variable's type upon definition in python?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:59 PM PST

    Ive been using C++ a lot recently and came back to python with all the habits id have from a staticly typed lang and have noticed the urge to declare my variables as a certain type.


    value:float = 5.0 

    instead of the normal:

    value = 5.0 

    i know this is definitely unpythonic or whatever, but how bad is this exactly?

    submitted by /u/MON-Emperor
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    Going from C to #

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 07:56 PM PST

    Having a bit of a struggle here.

    In uni I studied C, and as most know, if you understand the basics of programming (like variables, loos, functions, etc.) in C and know cplusplus.com, you can solve almost 90% of your problems.

    Going to C++ (still in uni) you get to learn some about classes and how they work. Having that and knowing the basics from the C background, again, you can solve most of your problems.

    Now, no longer learning from uni, I want to go into C#. And there comes a problem. Knowing C/C++, you can solve almost every problem in C#, because almost every aspect, if not all, of C/C++ is also present. But that is not the C# way of solving it.

    Ex: - If you learn your printf calls in C you can use them in C++, but there's something better in C++ like cout. - if you know how to use a for loop, you can do every loop you need, but guess what, now you can use a foreach loop too to make some things easier

    How's the best way to learn this kind of higher level language gems? If you know how to solve something in "lower level" you might miss on some simple high level function call that does the same and better, you don't look for a function that does something that you already know how to solve.

    Anyone going/gone through the same transition? How did you started solving problems "the C# way"?

    Saying this because I started making some C# challenges? on exercism.org and noticed I was solving some things in C/C++ when the C# solution was a simple function call...

    Sorry, don't have a potato

    submitted by /u/edulipenator
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    How is a software like destini.co programmatically created? How does it know all about an individual store's product availability?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 11:35 PM PST

    How can it access this information? Is it just a prediction, speculation, or something else?

    submitted by /u/daddyclappingcheeks
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    Programmers, when you started learning how to code, what was the biggest challenge? How would you want to be assisted if there was a way to help you overcome the challenge?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 10:26 AM PST

    I'm a researcher and interested in helping students learn how to code. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/avatarvatar
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    Need help understanding navbar html logic

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:45 PM PST

    So I was following a tutorial on a navbar ( I'm a beginner) for a website, and the links to the "home", "about" and "contact us" work just fine, you press the link and it scrolls to the section in the site (one page). But I just do not understand how does it work (how does it know where to scroll to). The method is using html not JavaScript and it uses hrefs something like this :

    <Li class "navbar__item"> <a href="#about" class="navbar__links" Id="about-page">About</a>

    This is just an example. I just don't understand how it knows where 2 scroll

    submitted by /u/Tugo_Ag
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    Question with Parameters

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 08:14 AM PST

    So lets say I have a enum and in the Constructor I have 4 parameters and I want each be this.Parameter

    public enum Test { FOO(1,2,3,4), BAR(1,2,3,4), FOOBAR(1,2,3,4); private final int ONE; private final int TWO; private final int THREE; private final int FOUR; Test(int ONE, int TWO, int THREE, int FOUR) { this.ONE = ONE; this.TWO = TWO; this.THREE = THREE; this.FOUR = FOUR; } } 

    I see that I do something like this. However if this enum was to have more constants per member, writing "this.Parameter = Parameter" would be quite lengthy. is there a way of making this be shorter by iterating through a for loop of each parameter. If so how? I apologize if this makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/Aetheric_
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    Please help, need some suggestions on continuing my job search after BootCamp?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 07:22 PM PST

    I usually don't get a response from most applications I put in. Not to sound negative, but that's just how it's been. I have a portfolio site up but hasn't made a difference. On top of that, I live in a small city where there is not much tech. I have to look for mainly remote positions. Which is fine with me, but being in other cities im sure I get looked right over.

    Any kind of advice, direction, would be great! Please.

    Things I can focus on to continue learning, or things I can build, how can I get someone's attention?

    I learned JS and Ruby, and I know both sides, front and backend. Definitely prefer the backend.

    Would really appreciate any thoughts or input. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/El_GoW
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    8 Queens Problem

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:40 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I've recently began programming the 8 queens problem since that is one of my projects for my college class. I kind of got confused and was wondering if I could get clarification on what certain variables mean.

    nextRow: // Move to the next row r++; if (r == 8) goto backtrack; // row test --------------------- for (int i = 0; i < c; i++){ if (q[r][i] == 1) goto nextRow; }

    For this 8 queens problem I'm using goto and backtrack as well. For this small piece of code I was wondering what does "i" stand for. I understand if r++ continues to happen it'll eventually go to the end of the board, so as a result to restart you have to go to back track.

    But for the row test why does i = 0, what does i even represent here. Why does it say i++? I get the q[r][i] = 1 means that if there's already a queens in that row goto nextRow program.

    But I just never understand what i is even doing here. I hope I asked my question clearly and I appreciate any help. I guess my number one issue is thinking like a programmer.

    submitted by /u/Kayd21
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    How do I build a program?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 07:57 PM PST

    I have ZERO knowledge about programming but due to technology and ads in the web the uneasiness of building something coded like a program has been with me. I tried to start in harvard's CS1 (or any other number? I don't actually remember lol) years ago but I gave up because I got bored with all the tasks and I feel like they are very childish (like build your story in glitch)(actually I didn't get the hang of glitch let's say 50% so I left that task in the middle and that was my last intent I remember). I also tried a course of java that I didn't finish because really it bored me a lot. I downloaded some interfaces to practice in java I remember and in python too but once again, I didn't know where to start, so the whole thing was forgotten. I remember there is a kind of DIY university in the web were it has all the courses you could take and after all that you could consider yourself illustrated in the matter, they even have a registration so you proof them you finished their credits. I don't think that's official but looks like they know what they talk about. My old phone is full of books about algorithms and deep topics about programming that I don't remember where I got the list from but if I could read and understand every single of them that would help anyone a lot. When I see things like the bots of reddit I wonder how they are made and that's my inspiration to try once again sometime, the thing is I'm actually awful at mathematics and I saw in the university I mention it has like 4 or so courses (perhaps even more) if you want to be good at this (although they say it is not actually necessary). One of them is linear algebra and I took a look at a MIT course somewhere in the web and I didn't understand shit, nor I do if I read a book of those. I know I'm smart (I've always been), but my job right now takes from me like 65% of my life and my free time I use it for other things I cannot mention here but they are also important to me. I know I should settle and forget this but maybe I could change my life building a program and selling it or even changing my career, I work very hard and life is though out there. Well if anyone has a suggestion about with what easy language start, (how to build a bot and post it on reddit also lol), how to start practicing, and in general how to think better towards the building of an excellent program, and how to learn hard concepts and functions please post it here, I would be way too grateful and who knows?, you could earn an award.

    When I do things I like to do them well and I would like to learn hard concepts like recursion (although I don't know what tha fuck that is lmao), you get what I'm saying. I mean if I don't need to use such hard things and the code works better without it let's go ahead but my intention is to become a specialist like you guys (I want to reach the level of some professionals out there, I've heard college bachelor degrees teach you kindergarten stuff sometimes), I'd like to learn the most minimum trick so one day I could help others, and also, make money to myself first of all. I'm not in favor of opensource because I know I could build something awesome and there are a lot of scammers and abusers in these times of technological flourishing.

    Maybe one day I could invent something new and essential (what are even the odds on that? 🤔). I know I have a hard path in front of me if I want to do this and please don't get me wrong, I cannot afford college and I know this won't be from tonight to tomorrow but this is the point in my life where I consider all the business opportunities I can exploit in myself and this one could be one of them. To anyone serious trying to clarify my doubts, thanks from the deepest of my heart. Perhaps one day we become associates (front end doesn't call too much my attention 😆)

    submitted by /u/aroba-
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    Are there ODE numerical solving methods with an order higher than 4 ?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 07:16 AM PST


    I am a CS student and got to work on Euler and Runge-Kutta methods of order 2 and 4 to solve the simple pendulum with frictions differential equation, and I wondered if there are methods with order higher than 4.

    I searched a bit but couldn't find anything consistent, just mentions of a "Feagin method" and a "Dormand-Prince method", but found very few details on the first, and didn't understand what order the second is (saw mentions of order 4 and 8, is it a method with multiple orders like Runge-Kutta ?).

    It is important to say I am just curious about the existence of such methods, I don't think I have enough math knowledge to understand how they work so I am not asking for a detailed explanation of such methods if they exist, I am just searching for someone to confirm wether they do or not.

    submitted by /u/ThysGuy0
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    I want to learn specific programming skills to sort my huge archive of bookmarks and need your help to clarify which skills I'll need for that !

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 08:33 AM PST

    Salute hivemind,

    i gathered about 30.000 Bookmarks over the time. It is mostly music from youtube. Now i would love to sort them automatically by genre, since doing this manually would take as much time as learning to code and writing a suitable program I imagine. Precisly i would take the raw bookmark data, gather all the youtube links and compare them with the genre description of rateyourmusic.com and get a list of my bookmarks, which is sorted or tagged with the genre description. Maybe theres already a program suited to to do that ?! (Couldnt find anything similar)

    Now i got maximum of a 1 hour a day to learn a skillset suitable for this, since I'm busy with university. I got school lvl python / c++ knowledge (so very basic) and imagine I have to know how an API (Or Database ?) works. I already tried myself on sort algoriythms, but with no succes so far. But I imagine i have to get a grasp of them aswell. Beside that what should i specificly learn ? And maybe you guys got any tips for me to proceed with this venture and hint how I should start this program conceptual.

    Thanks a lot in advance homies !

    submitted by /u/RoyalTrikz
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    JavaScript Content Not Loading On Page (epub.js)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:21 AM PST

    I'm trying to use epub.js library, and am trying to get the barebones running. The problem is the ebook is not displaying in my browser:


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/epubjs/dist/epub.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.1.5/jszip.min.js"></script> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="area"></div> <script> var book = ePub("steinbeck-of-mice-and-men.epub", { openAs: "epub" }); var rendition = book.renderTo("area", {width: 600, height: 400}); var displayed = rendition.display(); book.renderTo("area", { method: "default", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); </script> </body> 

    </html> ```

    I have the steinbeck-of-mice-and-men.epub in my directory, but it's just a blank page. I've tried the path being as it is, and also "./steinbeck-of-mice-and-men.epub"

    submitted by /u/InvictusJoker
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    Is www.quora.com the most depressing website for any aspiring programmer to deal with?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:23 AM PST

    So, last year I left my contractor job as a data analyst to see if I could eventually get a software developer job through self study and portfolio building. I've done amatuer development for years and got some commercial experience of coding in my last job, so why not have a try I thought.

    Separately, I signed up for quora.com at some point (for reasons I've forgotton) and had been getting e - mails from the site about software development questions. I deleted my account today for the following reason. Much of the content fell into one of three categories.

    1. The person answering was of the opinion that 95% of pro developers were terrible (and they were in the "good" 5% of course).

    2. The person asking a question had severe imposter syndrome (along the lines of "I've been a pro developer for five years and I still know hardly anything").

    3. The person answering saying that unless you've been programming for 10 - 15 years you're probably not good enough to do a junior level developer job.

    I accept that there may be some truth in point 3 and that imposter syndrome is a real issue for some people. However, the overall impression I got from the content was of near toxic levels of negativity. Basically, "It's too hard so don't bother". So, rant over. Has anyone come across this kind of thing on quora.com or these kind of attitudes in the industry generally? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mushy-pea
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    Whats the best resource / way to learn css or be good at css

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:42 AM PST

    Searching for a storage API for a client only app.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:01 AM PST

    Hi, I'm searching for an API that I can post information like for example:

    <API URL>/set parameters id: 42 text: Test

    And then do a get in order to get the text like for example:

    <API URL>/set?id=42

    I don't care about the security or if anyone can get the text or set it or if the text is only stored a few hours, the goal is to be able to read information from a client who has made another client. Anyone knows an API or an easy way to do this?

    submitted by /u/patofet
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    Would it be worth it to learn programming on my own?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:35 AM PST

    I hate studies, I hate school, but I like programming. I did a study about IT with a bit of programming but the study was awful so I quitted. Would it be usefull if I just learn programming myself with internet and YouTube videos? I already tried some basics and I liked it, but would it be good enough to get a job?

    submitted by /u/Tistoer
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    Can someone here help me fix the C++ program that I have?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:26 AM PST

    Hello, I'm trying to fix the C++ program to produce the required output and ability. The C++ program that I have right now, cant even run at all.
    The C++ program should be able:
    1. To display the existing menu and price with editing options(add/delete menu)
    2. To enter the menu and quantity of purchase multiple times, then calculate the total purchase price
    3. To save the purchase details in a text file and produce sales report for one-day and one-month operations. The format of the text file is as follow the picture link.
    A big thanks for those who help me fix this C++ program

    #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> Using namespace std; //Structure to hold each menu item Struct Menultem { String name; Double price; }; //Function that reads data from file Int getData(struct Menultem menuList[]) ( //Opening file for reading Fstream fin("menu.txt", ios::in); Int i=0; Struct Menultem temp; //Loop till entire data is processed While(fin.good()) { //Getting name Getline(fin, temp.name); //Reading price Fin >> temp.price; Fin.ignore(); //Storing in array menuList[i] = temp; i++; } //Closing file Fin.close(); Return i; } //Function that displays menu Void showMenu(struct Menultem menuList[], int cnt) { int i; Cout << "\n Welcome to the Programmers' Cafe \n\n -Today's Menu- \n"; //Looping over menu and printing to user For(i=0; i<cnt; i++) { //Printing menu item Cout << fixed << setprecision(2); Cout << "\n" << right <<setw(3) << (i+1) <<", " << left <<setw(25) << menuList[i].name << left << setw(2) << "$" << left <<setw(10) << menuList[i].price; } Cout << "\n\n"; } //Function that reads user selection Int makeSelection(int item[], int quantity[], int cnt) { Int i=0, temp; Charch; //Prompting user Cout << "\n\n Do you want place an order? (y/n): "; Cin >> ch; //Loop till user wants to stop While(ch == 'y' ch == 'Y') { //Reading item number Cout << "\n\n Enter item number: "; Cin >> temp; While(temp < 1 temp > cnt) { //Reading item number Cout << "\n\n Enter item number between 1 and " << cnt << "."; Cin >> temp; } //Storing in array Item[i] = temp; //Reading item quantity Cout << "\n Enter item quantity: "; Cin >> temp; //Storing in array Quantity[i] = temp; //Prompting user again Cout << "\n\n Select another item? (y/n): "; Cin >> ch; [++; } Return i; } //Function that calculates the price Void priceCheck(struct Menultem menuList[], int item[], int quantity[], int items) { Int i=0; Double total = 0; Cout << "\n\n Thank you for eating at The Selera Medan Restaurant \n\n"; Cout <<"-------------------------------"; Cout << "\n" << left <<setw(20) << "Receipt" << left <<setw(5) << "Qty" << left <<setw(5) << " Amount\n"; Cout <<"--------------------------------\n"; Cout << fixed << setprecision (2); //Printing menu selected For(i=0; i<items; i++) Cout << "\n" << left <<setw(20) <<menuList[item[i] -1].name << left <<setw(5) << quantity[i] << left <<setw(2) << "$" << left <<setw(2) << (quantity[i]* (menuList[item[i] -1].price])); Total += (quantity[i]* (menuList[item[i] -1].price)); } //Main function Int main() { Struct Menultem menuList[10]; Int item[20], quantity[20]; Int totalltems, cnt; //Reading data Cnt = getData(menuList); //Displaying menu showMenu(menuList, cnt); //Making user selection totalltems = makeSelection (item, quantity, cnt); //Checking price priceCheck(menuList, item, quantity, totalltems); cout << "\n\n"; return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/cerberusfjokeriii
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    Thoughts on Salesforce Developer?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 01:17 AM PST

    Just wanted to know everyone thoughts as a Salesforce Developer versus the traditional Software Developer.

    submitted by /u/butuslap
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