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    Saturday, February 19, 2022

    Screenshot Saturday #585 - Keen Eye

    Screenshot Saturday #585 - Keen Eye

    Screenshot Saturday #585 - Keen Eye

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:11 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    After 1 month of gamedev, I released my first game! Here is what ive learnt

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 03:42 PM PST

    I have no experience making games, I have never coded before (just some css in school), I have zero experience making games but I had to start somewhere.

    I have this character called Pointman who is basically a stickman with a pointy head. I grew up playing lots of stickman games (stickman soccer, stickman base jumper, line runner, etc) these where all small but very addictive games.

    I hear the advice all the time to start small so I thought that if I want to learn about gamedev I should replicate these games.

    I know to make great progress in my gamedev journey I have to set a goal and work on it.

    My goal was to complete my first game in a month.

    Stickman roof runner was one of my favourite games to play and I still play it till this day. It's an endless runner game where you have to time your jumps perfectly for stickman as you jump over buildings to survive which gets harder as you play because the speed increases

    So I decided to make a Pointman version of this game as my first game

    What I learnt

    • First thing I learnt in Unity where about gameobjects, rigidbody and colliders.
    • With this knowledge I began to understand the basics of how a game works
    • The next thing to make progress in a game is to learn about c# scripts, this was definitely the hardest part for me having no experience in coding, this is also the main beef of your game so it was definitely hard, but I watched some tutorials and ended up just copying code to use for my game.
    • I used Krita for drawing buildings and my Pointman character, Krita is free to use and you can use it to make great game art
    • Big thanks to youtubers who helped me complete my game Hooson, Zacoriot, BlackThornProd and of course Brackeys.

    Many times I would want to just stop but the fact that I had a clear vision of what game I wanted to make helped and if you're a beginner you should probably set a timed goal to complete your first game, this forces you to learn even when you dont feel like it.

    I would say the hardest part of making this game was getting the spawn point just right to where the buildings spawn just at the right moment so the difficulty of the game was just right

    One thing I still don't know how to do which I want to add is definitely different types of buildings that you can jump over

    Another thing is how to make the game speed increase the longer you play

    But I would need to be extremely good at C# to understand how to do that, this will be the biggest challenge for me. If you have advice on how I can get better I would appreciate it

    Another thing I would like to add is a global leader board to the game I am even thinking of maybe making it an online game with a global leader board

    These are all ideas I am not yet sure how to implement

    But with time I will understand the process of how that works

    I uploaded the game to itch.io and if you want you can play the game here.

    Just like Stickman Roof Runner , the game is called Pointman Roof Runner

    If you're a beginner looking to learn tips or you're just interested in a more visual process of what I learnt you can watch this youtube video I took time to create on my channel

    or if you just want to see a preview have a look here.

    Thanks for your time. I'll appreciate any feedback!

    submitted by /u/theaverage-boy
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    ��Unity's colorful customizable Hierarchy!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:56 PM PST

    tips for someone with no game dev experience?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 11:32 PM PST

    I have been looking into game deving a little bit and saw that a lot of the rpgmaker engines are on sale right now. Is there a certain version that I should get now that's beginner-friendly and the best? The engines are normally way out of my budget so I just wanted to make sure I asked before I missed the opportunity :) Also any other beginner dev tips would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheGamingVoice
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    Efficiently send objects to client

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:09 PM PST

    I created a client, which basically just does the rendering.
    After the initial world is received, it just receives changes.
    The drawn objects are split into groups, and every group just stores all positions of all objects of that group.
    When I update a group, I just send the list of all positions.
    So I basically just have one list of lists of positions, which has to be updated.

    This way I can handle different groups of objects differently.
    Most importantly object groups which don't change at all don't have to be sent.
    You could also update more important groups more often, or update some groups only if something changed.

    But the problem is, I currently can't just send updates for changed objects.
    I could theoretically just add some kind of message, which updates the positions related to single objectst instead of the whole group, but then I need to resend meta information, at least the object indices, over and over again, so it's not a good alternative to the current system, where the only meta information is the group index and the count of sent positions, but just a possible extension.
    What I would prefer is some kind of algorithm, which can generically find, what changed, and just send that using a simple representation, but I'm not sure, if this would improve anything.

    Any suggestions, what I should do to improve the communication from server to client?

    submitted by /u/porky11
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    Weird issue when programming drag physics in my game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 11:36 PM PST

    I'm working on a game where you can drill through different materials, and in order to have your vehicle slow down when drilling through tougher materials I've implemented a concept of drag (basically tougher materials have higher drag. I've got it mostly working, but there's a problem I run into where sometimes when transitioning between a low drag and high drag material, the vehicle freaks out and suddenly accelerates to infinity. For reference here's the relevant code:

    engineSpeed = engineSpeed + acceleration*dt local currentVelocity = vector(vx,vy):len() local drag = .5*currentVelocity*currentVelocity*dragP/2 --dragP is the drag coefficient for the material, ranging from 0-4 --update x and y velocity based on the direction you're facing and accelerate vx = math.cos(rotation) * (currentVelocity + engineSpeed - drag) * dt vy = math.sin(rotation) * (currentVelocity + engineSpeed - drag) * dt 

    When dealing with low speeds and low drag, this works perfectly -- the vehicle will accelerate to a point where drag = engineSpeed and maintain velocity. However, at high speeds or when transitioning between low and high drag areas, drag and engineSpeed get out of whack and the vehicle will instantaneously accelerate, crashing the game (I'm using LOVE2D for what it's worth).

    Does anyone know of any best practices for implementing drag to avoid it freaking out like this? Or is there an error in my implementation that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/m0nkeybl1tz
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    Which LetsPlayer do you watch?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 11:33 PM PST

    For a while now I am faced with the reality that I have limited time to play video games. Having a fulltime job, working on a game as my home project, reading lots of books about programming, cooking food, working out, the time just doesn't add up.

    And there are so many games I yet want to play. Jonathan Blows games for example. Shadow of the Colossus has been on my list for quite a while now, but I don't own a PlayStation. Or other games that are simmelar to the game that I want to make, for inspiration and exploration of ideas.

    So I've been considering watching LetsPlays instead, which I can put in the background while working or doing other stuff. I am less interested in personalities or influencers, more about gameplay.

    Are there any LetsPlayers you watch and can recommend?

    submitted by /u/Rismosch
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    Is Unreal really Better for 3D?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 11:12 PM PST

    Bit about me. I just started to really dive in and try to learn game development on the side, mostly as a better hobby than actually playing games all day. I realized my creative side started to show when making a group website I had a lot of fun polishing and learning.

    I was going through gamedev tv for some aid since I believed unity was better as I already kind of went through c# the past few months learning the concepts of programming. I noticed even one of the instructors recommended Unreal for anything 3D. Youtube seems to point this direction as well since when i look at unity examples theres tons of 2d, mobile, some 3d (and genshin which seems to be all of those) where as unreal seems to be branded as a 3d engine and not 2d at all.

    I did attempt to find the answer on my own but it is always "it depends". The only problem I have with this is there's no additional context as to which tools excel in which area. I understand that at the end of the day it is a tool and can be changed but this is not really an answer for a beginner. I also see a lot of "pick the best engine for the job" but that just circles back to the original question since beginners do not know how to compare them.

    assuming it is only one person developing for a 3d game similar in scope to valheim but not looking to make a full game of that level (10 person peer-peer networking, made by one guy on unity3D over a few years) Ideally not going to do a project that big to start but I followed it since it was on itch.io so that's where my inspiration stems from.

    again to be clear I'm not trying to start a engine war but just as a beginner there is few resources that explain beyond the 5 year old posts about unity being for programmers and unreal for big team AAA. When looking at created games in each engine it is fair to assume that unreal is preferred for 3d and anything fps or tps related due to both fortnite and valorant.

    TL'DR - CS Student looking to branch out and explore game dev, originally with unity but popular gamedev tv suggested unreal better for 3d and would like some additional context. Even just an explanation as to why you picked X for your 3d game.

    submitted by /u/CantFinishAnyth
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    I made a visual novel in 3 days and decided to document that, along with talk about why visual novels are looked down upon by the game dev community sometimes

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:08 PM PST

    Can modding experience be considered equivalent to a degree when searching for an entry-level position?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 03:17 PM PST

    I've been hunting for an entry-level job in the industry for about a year now, and so far the process has been a little discouraging. Apart from one position where I was rejected after finishing a take-home test, I've been getting rejected or never hearing back from any place I have applied to. This has made me reflect and think more about whether I'm qualified for these positions or not.

    I've been making Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 mods for almost 10 years, and have a portfolio filled up with a bunch of examples of my past work and capability to get things done. I also finished 2/3 of a Computer Science degree, but never finished for personal reasons. I have been applying for QA and production positions, as well as a few quest/story design positions but haven't had luck anywhere. This is leading me to believe that I might need to finish my degree before I'd get hired anywhere. At the same time, I think my portfolio is substantial enough to make up for it.

    I made this post because I wanted to hear some opinions on what I should do, and also to help out anyone who might be in the same boat as me. Should I keep applying to these positions? or should I just suck it up and go back to school?

    submitted by /u/culinwino3000
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    I have an interview for a game art school (am 19) what would some common questions about the industry be?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 02:16 PM PST

    Random question but would actually help a lot. Even if you think "she probably already knows that" aka I'd be dumb if I didn't. But I just recently chose to go into game art instead of a fine art school so I have a lot to learn. But I'm very motivated.

    submitted by /u/k-emm
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    I made a video about harmful game dev tutorial practices

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:05 PM PST

    Making a 2D fighting game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 08:45 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I want to make a 2D fighting game in the same spirit of Street Fighter 2 Alpha (art style, mechanic). This is just for a personal project, so getting it super polished or making it a viable product is not my concern. Just for starters, I want to make a 2 character game. I could not find a lot of online content regarding this. Most suggestions were for using MUGEN or Unity.

    Could anyone with knowledge on this (or game dev in general) be able to direct me in how to approach this project?

    Regarding my background, I have experience with pixel art, music and programming. I do not mind if it involves a lot of programming. However I do not have experience with game dev specifically.

    submitted by /u/Blues_85
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    Question about developing a small multiplayer game with a live world

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 06:56 PM PST

    As a thought experiment, if I wanted to have a map/world that was consistent across every player online, how much game dev experience should I have and what would setting up the setup entail? Or, what kind of compromises would I have to make to have a similar experience in-game without having to run servers for it?

    submitted by /u/MaxineFinnFoxen
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    What can game development/design teach people about the future of 3D virtual worlds?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:39 PM PST

    I see a lot of people hypothesizing about the future of 3D virtual worlds, and a lot of buzzwords around them like NFTs. I have struggled to find any real world use-cases for this tech that would entice anyone to actually use it, and when I do, I see a lot of people making simplistic assumptions about how a 3D virtual world would work.

    For example: one idea to monetizing such a world is to sell advertising: like a virtual billboard.

    This may sound like a novel idea, but it's not: Quake live tried it in 2009 and it failed:


    Essentially, nobody looks at the walls in a game about shooting each other.

    But, really, you have to ask: where do they put such advertisements in the real world? Billboards are put on highways, pre-roll ads are shown in theaters while everyone is taking their seats. Essentially: ads in the physical world are shown in states of long, boring transitions. When you drive 2 hours on the highway, when you wait for the other people in the theater to get their popcorn and sit down. If you made a virtual world which simulated these many long hours of banality so that advertising Viewthrough Rates are higher, nobody would use such a service.

    Additionally, I challenge the wisdom of the idea that people would want to do all the banal things associated with day to day life and work through a VR headset. 3D interfaces do not make the tasks we do to earn our livings simple: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2407256322842204&id=100006735798590

    I am very skeptical of the idea of a general purpose 3D virtual world that we would dedicate as much time per day to as we do to mindless scrolling instagram. I don't think such 3D worlds are congruent with the last 20-30 years of things learned in 3D game design and what users like.

    What are some lessons which you think the game dev world has to teach to the web dev world about 3D environments?

    submitted by /u/proboardslolv5
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    A Turret controller I made for a game jam and a link to an excellent document I found on converting cursor position to worldspace. (c#/Unity but with applicable theory for other engines)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:27 PM PST

    I've been working on an entry for a game jam... now i'm not a coder, im an artist, my code skills are very much limited to google copypasta and trial and error... so really im a true professional according to r/ProgrammerHumor ;)

    During my research on how to get cursor position in worldspace to aim my turret I came across this excellent article which explains multiple methods for achieving this, and explanations as to when to use them and what pitfalls they have. I think it's well worth throwing this out there for people to have a look at if they need to solve this problem.

    In the end I went with a raycast from the camera and also surrounded my player with invisible colliders at a distance so I could collect the raycasts even if there was nothing to hit (my game is outdoors)

    video of my result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz11hweV5hk (unity HDRP, NWH vehicle physics for the truck and Game Creator 2 visual scripting for everything else, with some custom code based on the above article to drive the turret rotation, a lot of VFXgraph for shininess)

    submitted by /u/BunningtonManor
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