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    Saturday, February 19, 2022

    1. Focus on the Fundamentals learn programming

    1. Focus on the Fundamentals learn programming

    1. Focus on the Fundamentals

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

    Think you don't need to go over the basics? Think again. Like in any field, getting a good grasp of the fundamentals is critically important to achieving long-term success. The information you learn at the beginning of your programming education or coding Bootcamp will allow you to grasp the logic of more complicated topics further along. If you don't learn basic computer programming, you could fall behind in the future. So, even if the fundamentals seem boring or unimportant at first, you need to recognize how essential it is to learn them.

    submitted by /u/swarajbac
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    I want to start learning game development

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 06:05 AM PST

    I want to learn how to create games with a goal of creating my own indie game.

    I realise it's a long process, but I'm excited to start it.

    I already know python and a little bit Java. Since python isn't great for game development, what language should I learn for game development (or should I stick with Java)?

    Also, if you have a good online game development course that I should start, it'll help a lot.

    Thanks for advance!

    submitted by /u/drortog
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    Which one is better: the Odin project or FreeCodeCamp?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 12:22 AM PST

    I've been learning Web-Dev for a while now on FreeCodeCamp, and then I heard about the Odin project and I liked it. Which one should I choose?

    submitted by /u/Anonymous3922t
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    What text editor to use for university and why?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 04:59 AM PST

    So I'm starting university in 2 days and we have to use a text editor for the first 2 years out of 3. What text editor is the best in your opinion and why?

    submitted by /u/1404Damel
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    How do you fix poorly written code on an already big project?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 12:43 AM PST

    I have a medium - sized project which I'm doing right now. At the beginning I didn't think ahead that much and wrote the code not taking into account future features to be added. Now I have a working project, but some features that I want to add demand a change that would basically mean I have to re-write a lot of code. I figured the best idea would be to think ahead even when writing code from the very beginning, but in case this ever happens again in the future - what's the best way to approach fixing a poorly written base code?

    submitted by /u/Dziner69
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    Have been learning programming for 3 months. Would it be more beneficial to learn DSA sooner or later?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 05:20 AM PST

    I'd like to preface this by iterating my goal: I just want to be the best programmer I can be.

    Hello everyone! I'm a complete beginner to the world of programming and started learning about it 3 months ago through The Odin Project. So in that time I have probably spent only one month and a few days learning JavaScript, the rest of the time was HTML/CSS. About a month ago I started hearing a lot of things about DSA and how important it was. I tried to do a bit of research on it, but my queries lead me to a lot of "DSA is an essential for coding interviews", but also "learning DSA will make you a better programmer overall because it will help you write cleaner code quicker and more efficiently." My main concern is even though I go through TOP curriculum (heavily project-based stuff which is great), will I really be learning the important concepts and understanding what is really happening?

    I am attracted to the second reason because as of now I think that some problems take me a lot longer than they should be.. So my question is this: As a beginner when should I start learning about DSA? If I learn it earlier would this mean that I would become a better programmer which would ultimately mean I might spend less time on problems and projects - so the time I spend learning DSA would be an investment? OR should I wait until I feel more job-ready and then learn about DSA and grind it out then?

    I would appreciate any feedback or opinions you guys have. Thank you and have a beautiful day!

    submitted by /u/programmingmeta
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    visual basic programming help

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 06:47 AM PST

    hello programming subreddit I could use some help if you don't mind

    I'm doing some visual basic practice for my class and I could use some help if you don't mind. we're having to do this project you see below. if you can get this work I would like to know how, I want to understand this because programming is something I'm going to be doing in the future.

    in this project a online retailer sells a product for 25.99 employees receive a 10% discount on their total order excluding shipping. the shipping fee is a rate of 9.99$. however if the customer has a shipping coupon the shipping fee is 4.99$. I need to code this application. I also need to code the checkchanged procedures for the two check boxes. I also need the enter, keypress, and textchanged procedures for the text box. if every thing works the total due for two drills with a employee discount and the 4.99 shipping coupon should be $51.77

    this is my code

    Private Sub BtnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click

    Dim dblTotaldue As Double

    Dim intnumberordrered As Integer

    Integer.TryParse(txtOrdered.Text, dblTotaldue)

    dblTotaldue = intnumberordrered * 25.99

    'if employee discount is clicked give 10% discount

    If chkEmployeediscount.Checked = True Then

    dblTotaldue = dblTotaldue * 0.9

    End If

    If chkShippingcoupon.Checked = True Then

    txtTotaldue.Text += 4.99

    Else dblTotaldue += 9.99

    txtTotaldue.Text = dblTotaldue

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


    End Sub

    Private Sub txtTotaldue_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtTotaldue.KeyPress

    End Sub

    Private Sub txtTotaldue_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtTotaldue.Enter

    End Sub

    Private Sub txtTotaldue_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtTotaldue.TextChanged

    End Sub

    End Class

    submitted by /u/HUman_power
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    Is it a waste of time to learn another programming language without a clear and immediate need for it?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 07:07 AM PST

    I originally started learning programming with Python and just recently started learning some C++ because I bought an Arduino and C++ is the language you need for that.

    To practise programming I would like to try implementing basic/common data structures and algorithms. I'm currently doing that in C++ to get used to the language a bit more.

    There are things I really like about C++. To my big surprise, I really like static typing. It makes the code you're writing really clear though, of course, it is also a bit limiting in some respects. And curly braces aren't bad at all, actually.

    On the other hand, C++ is very... C++. And for just practising programming where neither performance or efficiency is crucial seems like overkill.

    Java seems like a really interesting language to learn. It has some of the things I like about C++ but without a lot of the tedious parts which I don't enjoy. So it seems fitting for the sort of practice stuff I mentioned above.
    It also seems like it would be more interesting for me to write it in Java than Python.

    Is it a bad idea and/or a waste of time to learn Java for these purposes, when I don't actually need it? Should I just stick to Python and C++?
    Or should I follow my curiosity and learn Java?

    submitted by /u/Imperial3agle
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    in C why the last value in the int array that holds values in enum is the same value of the last value in the enum?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 06:20 AM PST

    i was trying a lot of trial and error with this language to understand everything about it, i got comfort with the language a little bit, my problem details is that i have created enum that has three values a, b, c i know that by default those values are 0 for a, 1 for b, 2 for c, then i stored every of those values in variable in order to use it again then i stored those variables into array that has three values x, y, z the x variable is for a, y variable for b, z for c and i wanted to print every item in the array but i have printed the element 3 by mistake and i did a build and run and i found correct values but that last value was the same value that is inside the enum and i wanted to delete this part of code but i am curios why this is happening what was the mistake i tried to print address of the last element and the [3] element to check if there is any similar address or any address collision or something but i found that the address is different.

    Example Code :

    #include <stdio.h>
    enum list{a = 0, b = 1, c = 2};
    int main() {
    int x = a;
    int y = b;
    int z = c;
    char l[3] = {x, y, z};
    printf("%d\n", l[0]); //prints first element of the array that holds the elements of enum

    printf("%d\n", l[1]); //keeps going

    printf("%d\n", l[2]); //keeps going

    printf("%d\n", l[3]); //prints the same value of the last element of the enum --> list

    printf("%p\n", &l[2]); //printing the address of element [2] in array that holds the value of the enum value (b).

    printf("%p\n", &l[3]); //printing the address of element [3] that is zero by default


    Output :




    2 --> expected to be zero by default because it the last element in the array i think so




    submitted by /u/omargalil00
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    Apply for junior role or focus on learning?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 02:02 AM PST

    So, I'm about to finish a front end web development boot camp and I'm having thoughts about what I'd like to do after I have finished the course.

    I have thought about two options:

    A: I continue learning through Codecademy modules, CS50 and The Odin Project

    B: I apply for junior front end web dev roles

    To put it all into context. I feel like I have decent skills in HTML. CSS and Bootstrap. I'm familiar with the basic concepts of Vanilla JS. I have started to learn the REACT framework/library but I feel I need to spend a lot of time on this to be confident enough to apply for jobs that require REACT knowledge.

    I understand that you are always learning in web development.

    So my question is, am I better off going with route A and applying myself further into the learning curve?


    Do I go for route B and try and gain employment somewhere, even if it is an apprenticeship type role?

    I'd love to hear your stories and advice.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/OfficAlanPartridge
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    How does conversational ai with memory works?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 04:25 AM PST

    Not sure if it's the correct term I'm just learning the way conversational ais are build but my question is imagine you have one that you ask the weather for new york. The Ai replies the weather and then you just ask if it's raining without to mentioned the city again. And this case the AI already knows what citie you are asking. Or you same your name and that you ask what is your name and ai can tell you your name based on the history.

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Row9723
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    Back-end languages and frameworks supported in shared hosting services

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 07:23 AM PST

    I am a student, and I want to become a back-end developer.

    Well, it's told that we should learn Node.js and Java, and they definitively will be my stacks as a professional. But they are not usually available in shared hosting services, only in VPS or cloud services, that are more expensive.

    But let's say that I want to start a small and personal project that doesn't require so much power (I don't need a war tank to kill a cockroach), so I would prefer to choose another technology that allow me to contract a shared hosting service instead of a VPS service.

    PHP is the language that is supported by practically every shared hosting service, but many people advise to not investing time creating new projects with PHP unless you are dealing with Wordpress. Is/are there other language(s) that is/are "universally" supported as well as PHP?

    submitted by /u/maquinary
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    Writing this pseudocode in c++ for reduced row echelon form gives wrong results. I'm at my wit's end...

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 07:16 AM PST

    The algorithm is here:


    and my code is here:


    I've been staring at this for days and I can't find what's wrong. Need help, thank you.

    submitted by /u/HydrogenxPi
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    Why can I lower volume but not raise it?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 07:04 AM PST

    Can anyone tell me why a C program I've written is able to lower the volume of a .wav file but not increase it normally? My program accomplishes this by multiplying each sample in the file (int16_t) by whatever factor the user inputs and copies them to a new file. When I input a factor of 0.5 the new file has a sound that is half the volume of the original .wav file. When I input 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0 as the factor the new file sounds identical to the original. When I used 6.0 as a factor it definitely altered the file because it made a noise like my laptop speakers were blowing. I just don't understand why it only works in those instances. The program opens the file, reads the sound samples within and writes them to a variable and then multiplies them before writing them into a new file.

    submitted by /u/mickandrorty18
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    I'm trying to use the values of the dictionary as the arguments for a function, how do I do that in python?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 07:02 AM PST

    dict = [a: 1, b: 2 ... ] def foo (f: int, g: int ...) ... foo(dict) 

    so I want foo(dict) to use the values 1,2 ... etc as the parameters for f,g ...

    submitted by /u/SirRHellsing
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    PHP Sessions....

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 06:55 AM PST

    TL;DR: Does anyone have a good resource to teach myself to create a relevant php sessions class tied to an sql database for use in a basic shopping cart with no APIs? Yes I have googled, youtubed, and looked through documentation.

    I am currently enrolled in a wonderful college course where they refuse to teach anything or provide any resources because 'real world' something something, but basically I'm paying them for nothing and they think that's helpful. I could have learned java, python, and C++ myself, but learning php and sql on my own is ignorant. In addition, we arent allowed to use any api's, which makes sense, but it makes about 70% of tutorials and resources irrelevant. Teacher practically brags about people having taken his class 3-4 times. I think hes a POS.

    Anyway, I am tasked with creating a php sessions class that applies to a POS that can handle keeping a client logged in, and holding on to cart data. The first thing I did was follow this tutorial: https://youtu.be/gCo6JqGMi30 on building a login with php mysqli. My professor told me this is wrong because its not a sessions class. I then realized that what he is trying to say is that he wants it done OOP. He could have just said that and I wouldnt have wasted my time, but i guess the point is to be as obtuse as possible at every opportunity, again because 'real world'.

    My professor graciously linked me to this 10 year old video: https://youtu.be/eD_KAZXfAYc which I have followed. I have no idea where to go from here. If i have 15 fields, do I need to create a different method for every combination of entered and non entered fields possible just to fetch a particular field from the db? How does this related to a sql database? How does this even relate to a login form?

    Ive gotten straight As in every course so far, and have no trouble teaching myself anything. Why is this so esoteric? After working with this stuff for a week I cannot believe that people build entire functional programs with these languages and resources.

    To me, this is equivalent to... this is a board, this is a nail, this is a hammer... swing the hammer at the nail and it goes into the board. Now build a house... Im willing to put the time in, I swear, I just need something to work with.

    submitted by /u/Corn_Thief
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    I took CS50 as an introduction to computer science. In C, emphasis was given on memory allocation.Later in the course, while discussing higher level languages, it was said that those language take care of memory allocation for you. Should you still keep it in mind when working with python or java?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 03:03 AM PST

    Or can I just ignore it when working with higher level languages?

    submitted by /u/AsideMaster
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