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    Saturday, December 4, 2021

    Screenshot Saturday #566 - Flawless Capture

    Screenshot Saturday #566 - Flawless Capture

    Screenshot Saturday #566 - Flawless Capture

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 08:59 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    You can make good art for your game without being an artist. Here's how.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 11:35 PM PST

    EDIT: DISCLAIMER: This post assumes that you have at least a little knowledge of fundamental art concepts like colour theory and shape theory. It is not meant as a substitute for art knowledge. You still need to be an "artist" per se, but you don't need to be one who formally studied/is trained in art in order to make a game look visually appealing.

    Thought about writing this because, from the few times I've seen posts from this sub on my front page, there seems to be a persistent misconception of what makes the "art" of a game "good". I'm not a trained artist myself, I just wanna share my two cents to hopefully help some people out.

    1: Good art just needs to be clean and polished, not fancy and detailed.

    What makes a game's art look bad is if it looks badly thought out or unfinished. Imagine there's a game with beautiful art that's 10/10. Unless you can copy it completely, your end result is going to look like a ~2/10 to the consumer; being able to copy it "halfway" doesn't mean that your art will look like a 5/10 at least.

    Art does not look good just because it looks like it is difficult and/or took a lot of effort to produce. Do something SIMPLE. Simple does NOT mean bad art. A simple art style that is complete and coherent can be beautiful too.

    Example 1: Ori and the Blind Forest obviously takes a skilled artist to produce, and an even better artist to envision in the first place. Do not try to make a "less good" version of it. Instead, something like LocoRoco/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/57384459/vlcsnap_00731.0.png) is easy to do (copy) but that doesn't mean that it's bad and thoughtless art.

    Example 2: Say you want to create a character like Lara Croft, doesn't mean you do this. Try something like this instead. Conversely, say you wanna create a Minecraft but with "better graphics", doesn't mean you do this. This is technically "better graphics" but not horribly wrong (still kinda uncanny though).

    2: Good art isn't about looking pretty, it's about effective communication.

    If you haven't already, these are two popular youtube videos that you should watch to understand the concept of visual communication:

    TEDx - Why people believe they can't draw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TXEZ4tP06c

    TED - Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnv5iKB2hl4

    Can your game be expressed in squares, circles and triangles? Do you need humans, trees and buildings and vehicles? Is a stickman unable to express your design; do you really need a high-quality render of a human?

    3. Good places to start:

    Minimalist vector art, like this. Yes, south park is a very good example because it uses very basic, abstract shapes and their characters' bodies are modular, meaning it facilitates quick-and-easy animation and if you need to mass-produce different character designs. You can use free software like Inkscape to do vector art. It is a lot more intuitive for a non-artist to use this than to try drawing with a tablet using photoshop and hope for the best.

    Focus on lighting than polygons and textures. Look at Minecraft Alpha vs Minecraft now vs Minecraft RTX. It says a lot. Surely, it takes some artistic skills to play with lighting effectively, but it's more accessible than learning how to do "professional" game art and then still having to spend the time and effort in producing them.

    Remember: Keep it simple. Simple isn't bad.

    submitted by /u/tomatomater
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    After 1,000 hours of work, I finally published my first game! Here’s an in depth look at the tools I used and some things I learned (link heavy).

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:13 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I finally published my game (trailer linked) and wanted to do a bit of a retrospective on the project. I spent 7 months and ~1,000 hours making this game solo while between jobs. Probably like many of you on this forum, I started out as an aspiring indie dev and this was my first game project.

    I do not purport to be an expert or successful, instead, I'd like to focus on the tools I used to make my game and some things I learned along the way and I hope this information helps someone. If you have any additional questions, please ask! I tried to keep it link heavy to be as useful and informative as possible.

    Game engine:

    Unity. I chose this mostly because the game I made was 2D and it had a ton of tutorials.

    First tutorial:

    Ruby's Adventure was the first tutorial I ever did for Unity and I basically stepped directly into making my game after completing this tutorial. I thought it was overall a very good starting point for a beginner with some coding experience. I preferred that it was text/step based as well and not just a bunch of YouTube videos. Check comments section on tutorial if you get stuck, some menus have changed in Unity since it was made.

    After this tutorial, I just googled specific needs/bugs to resolve issues. It's truly amazing how much stuff is out there already for Unity.


    I got a lot of assets from the Unity Asset Store & GameDevMarket. I found that these had the highest quality assets. I did get a few from OpenGameArt as well, but found the quality there is hit or miss.

    I also commissioned a few still frames for cutscenes from an artist friend, which I used for in-game cutscenes, social media posts, logos, and banners. I was also able to take this artwork and make the main characters animations I used in the game, which I discuss in the next section.

    Sprite Sheets & Modifying Assets:

    I wasn't sure where to start with this when I first started my project, and ultimately I continued to use Gimp2 for editing sprites/backgrounds since it was what I was already familiar with. If you aren't familiar with Gimp, it is a free photoshop alternative. Some hate it, some love it (I personally am in the middle of a love/hate relationship with it).

    One thing that's important if you do gamedev is to setup Gimp to export spritesheets. I personally used Tilemancer Plug-In for spritesheets. There is another sprite sheet plug-in available if you are just googling around and it is BAD. It will shift frames around at export and you will end up with a jittery animation that should be smooth, so I recommend sticking with Tilemancer personally.

    There are likely much better programs out there for making sprite and animations. If I were to go back, I'd probably learn an animation software instead of doing things manually frame by frame in Gimp.

    Sound Design:

    I did most, if not all, of the sound effects in my game (I did not do any of the music, which I bought on various asset stores).

    For sound effects, I highly recommend sourcing sounds from FreeSound.Org and using a software like Audacity to mix, layer, and adjust. Audacity takes a bit to get used to, but it did exactly what I needed and it's free.

    Video Editing:

    So you need to make a trailer and social media content? Davinci Resolve is a super great option! Free and easy to use, can't say much else.

    Gif Creation:

    I found that EZgif.com was a simple solution for generating gifs for social media and, more importantly, your Steam page. Your Steam page NEEDS gifs if you don't already know this. Sometimes videos don't load or the audience goes straight to the description section.

    It's easy to use, just import a video into EZgif, edit length, crop to whatever size/aspect you want (be consistent), and then export. I think it's a pretty easy website to use and it helped me a lot.

    Personal/Business Website:

    A big goal of this project for me was to fill a gap in my resume while I was taking an extended sabbatical. To do this effectively, I decided to start an LLC company, and every company needs a website. Apple actually requires you have a website/company email if you decide to publish under a company instead of as an individual.

    In order to make a consumer facing website, I used SquareSpace. I'm sure you've all seen or heard the ads for them on youtube/wherever. I think the service works as advertised, was easy to setup, and I didn't have to learn a ton of extra things. If you're curious how my website turned out, you can visit my website here. It comes at a monthly subscription cost, however, so keep that in mind. SquareSpace is NOT free.

    Privacy Policies:

    Making a website or app comes with the need to make privacy/cookie policies. There's no way around this really if you don't want to break the law and want to sell your app.

    I did a lot of research and ultimately just decided to go with a paid subscription service called Iubenda for this. It's not ideal to have additional subscription expenses, but going with a recognized service goes a long way to keeping you compliant and not having to stress about it much. It's incredibly easy to use, you just select services you use in your game and it creates the policy (yes, all Unity services are on their list, same with google).

    Building iOS App on a Windows Machine:

    As probably many of you are aware, Unity does not directly make the files needed to publish to Apple. You need a Mac to build the XCode project and upload the files. I do not have a mac or access to one. So after some research, I went with a cloud mac service called MacInCloud. The pay-as-you-go $30/30 hours was really convenient and is how I built my project for iOS. I highly recommend!

    Advertising your Game:

    Easily the area I'm weakest at. I published content on Twitter/Instagram/Tiktok/Reddit mostly. I did not do any paid promotion and I probably won't given my game type (single player, limited replay ability, short in length).

    My most viewed/shared videos on twitter were extremely quick updates with no advertising content/links. I suspect that the social media algos choose to spread these videos since those with advertising essentially eat into their business model (businesses paying to promote a post).

    On TikTok, my 1st and 4th video uploads were my most viewed. Some of my videos got literally 0 views, while most got around 170. I personally believe TikTok pushes some of your first video uploads harder to get you hooked on the App, so make your first posts count. I'd also suggest using their in-app music selector, in-app text & text to speech, and stickers. It seems like these influence the algo. Ultimately, I did not have the wild success some have had with TikTok, but it was interesting to use. One last thing, if you select a "Business Account", you won't have access to any popular music, so I don't recommend doing that, even though it allows you to add a link to your profile.

    My recommendation for Reddit will echo what you've read already probably and it is to just post in places related to your game that are ideally NOT game dev specific subreddits. As a small solo project, I found it impossible to compete with more polished games on larger forums. I got a lot more traction on smaller, subject matter specific subreddits like r/sloths & r/koalas.

    Other than that, I highly recommend prioritizing making friends and having genuine conversations with other devs. Probably one of the best things that happened recently was when another dev made some fan art for my game. I think those are the most valuable interactions to be honest.

    I'd rank social medias in this order for me:

    1. Reddit: I don't make many posts outside of gaming subreddits, but the posts I've made to non-gaming subreddits has garnered a lot of interest. A lot more than other social media accounts. The absolute best part of Reddit is that there is no algorithm inside the subreddit to dictate what you see when sorting by new, which is what a lot of people do on the smaller subreddits. So it's pretty nice in that you can reach more people directly without them being redirected away from your content. I always try to be cautious about not selling/advertising to people on here as they seem less interested in being targeted. I've been on this site for almost a decade too, so I think that helps.

    2. Twitter: I like using the platform, and have about 350 followers there, but I'm not sure how much coverage I really get from there. I will say that it's probably the best place to skim through everyone else's projects and progress and I get the occasional runaway post, but it's not very often. I think if you can reach outside of your bubble, it will go far, but I always get the feeling it's the same 15 people seeing my stuff. Importantly though, I do enjoy browsing Twitter similarly to how I enjoy browsing Reddit.

    3. Instagram: I've gotten about 130 followers there. Posts there get just a handful of likes, and almost no comments. I don't particularly like the platform much, but it's ok to keep track of other peoples projects I suppose. You basically only get followers by reading through new posts and liking/following small creators, for better or worse.

    4. TikTok: I get almost no likes, no comments, and hardly any followers. The times I've tried to find related content there I've failed miserably. This app is almost entirely driven by algos to determine what you like and don't like and serve you content. Just go on there for "fun" in a 'non-market your game mindset' and you'll see how long you stay on there scrolling through random videos. You'll stay on there longer and longer as you keep coming back, but the content you consume is almost never the stuff you are specifically looking for (I don't get served any gamedev content there and it's all I post).

    5. Facebook: Just friends and family, I have no clue how to reach groups or small communities there, but I may post my game in a few places to see what happens. I use it the least. I've only made 3 posts about my game there in 7 months.

    I was pretty fluid with my marketing. I started doing all social media equally and eventually focused more on Twitter and Reddit (Reddit more so because I enjoy it here and not necessarily just in terms of marketing my project).

    What I'd do different if I had to redo it all:

    Overall, if I were to have more time/be less burned out on the project, I would have found a way to get more play testers earlier. I'm surprised at some of the issues people are having with mechanics that I thought were easy to understand in first level. I probably could have saved a lot of heartache had I been able to get more eyes on it earlier (to be fair, I tried to get my brother, partner, and a few friends to play and had a hard time getting them to actually play, I guess life is too busy sometimes).

    I did get a lot of useful feedback from r/destroymygame and I highly recommend posting your trailer/gameplay there for feedback.

    Last Minute Unity Bugs/Issues worth sharing for those who use Unity:

    I had a few last minute bugs with Unity that caused some headaches:

    1. Using the same Text Mesh Pro material for a UI text element and an in-game text element. For whatever reason, on some devices, this will result in the UI text disappearing from the game. Now imagine a user opening your game and all of the buttons have no text and their ability to effectively navigate is gone. Nightmare. And it's not even consistently a problem across all devices, so just because it works on your phone doesn't mean it will work on all of them. Anyways, the fix is to just create two separate identical TMP Font materials for UI and for GameSpace and use them respectively in your scenes.
    2. The shader I used on a UI panel not showing up on some devices. I use a shader on my UI to simulate a warping time effect and I apply this shader over the whole screen. Again, some devices this worked on and some didn't. The fix to get the shader effect to work on all devices was to change the parent canvas render mode to Screen Space - Camera and assign the camera to the canvas. Annoying, but fixes the problem.
    3. Forgot to implement Apple's App Tracking Transparency, causing initial rejection. This is a simple one, but easy to miss. Apple requires a prompt to allow tracking (for analytics and personalized ads for example), which I'm sure anyone with an iPhone has seen. Don't forget to add this now that it is required.

    Shameless Plug:

    If you like what you see in the trailer, consider playing my game 'Boris the Sloth'! My game is published on Apple Store and Google Play, as well as having a Steam wishlist page.

    The iOS and Android versions are released and completely free to play and very generous with lives, so enjoy! I'll be donating 30% of any revenue the game makes (100% if the game makes less than $500) to sloth conservation/rehabilitation charities.

    I know this was a lot to read, so i appreciate you taking the time if you did. If you have any questions/feedback, please let me know. I hope this was helpful.

    submitted by /u/Bengbab
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    Blender 3.0 is out!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:26 AM PST

    Anyone else find that they are more productive the less free time they have?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:22 AM PST

    Since my son was born back in April, I have very limited free time to work on my game. I also have a full time job and other responsibilities, so obviously adding a newborn into the mix left me with even less time.

    A typical week day might look like this: Wake up, feed the baby, shower and go to work (luckily I currently work from home). My wife takes care of our son during my work day and then she works later in the afternoon/night. After I work I take care of him and then put him to bed. After some chores I then usually have an hour or two to work on my game before my wife comes home and we have dinner and hang out. Then go to bed and repeat. Weekends can sometimes give me a few more hours but not always.

    So, an average week day I would say I have 1-2 hours for game dev (usually it's barely an hour, though).

    But, I find that because I know I have such limited time that I am naturally more productive (well, most days...). I know if I waste that time then that is it for the day.

    Sometimes, I long for the time when I literally had entire weekends and many weekday hours to do game dev. But, back in those days... I rarely had the discipline or motivation to actually utilize all that free time. I would think "well I have endless time anyways, might as well watch Netflix, play a game, or simply do anything else besides game dev... ".

    So, I realized that (at least for me) having unlimited free time is actually harmful for my game dev. Knowing my free time is so limited is what helps drive me to put the work in and keep grinding towards the finish line. It's now or never, ya know?

    Anyway, I was just thinking about this and was curious what other peoples experiences were.

    submitted by /u/debuggingmyhead
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    Game Networking: What are the common tricks and optimizations for minimizing server costs?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 02:23 AM PST

    I'm building a networked, 3D virtual world, but it's not actually game, so I probably won't run an instance on the server. Instead, I'm considering using the server as a message bus for passing around essential information, like a user's position to the other users. (Each user sends the server their position several times a second, and the server broadcasts the change to the other users.)

    Napkin math says the number of messages grows quadratically with the number of users: (10 messages/second) * (to n users) * (per n users). So, if a scene hosts 20 users, that's 4,000 messages/second, or 14.4M/hour, and if it hosts 100, that's 100,000 messages/second, or 360M/hour. That's a lot.

    The goal is to have as many users in a scene as possible. Naturally, I'll try to split the level into as many scenes as I can, but what are the other optimizations available to me?

    An Example Optimization

    The only one I could think of is to try to plan out the level to be as disjointed as possible, so the users have the minimum number of other users in their line of sight. Unfortunately, since the primary area is a temple, I can't just split it into rooms with doors like I could with an ordinary house.

    However, if I can put the exits and entrances between sections such that, from one section, you can only see into your neighboring section but not its neighboring section, I need only send you updates for users in your adjacent section. Here's an illustration: https://imgur.com/a/ddOtRDm

    I'm hoping there's already a wealth of wisdom and information on this topic. Any advice or reference to learning resources would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Sib3rian
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    Typical questions in an interview?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:16 AM PST

    I have been invited to an interview as a programmer (graduate-level) for a video game company. I want this job so bad, and I am going to spend all week preparing.

    I expect that I will have to solve some type of Leetcode problem, but what else should I expect?

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/freestyler4real
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    Does anyone have a good resource for learning in depth about resolving hit-registration issues for online multiplayer games?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Thanks ( :

    submitted by /u/CrazyIdea97
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    How to make more complex entities using ECS?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:39 AM PST

    I am making a game using c# with no engine and recently I have implemented my own ecs system for my open world top down game.

    I have never used anything like that before, and while I can implement simple entities that have no interaction with each other (like an animated character that you can control). I don't know how to make more complex ones.

    For example: How would I go about making a homing projectile, or an enemy that chases the player, or a trap that activates when the player steps over it, or if a tile should be an entity as well?.

    I tried looking it up but sadly my googling skills failed me. I understand that this is probably too broad of a question but any resources regardless of programming language or engine are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Praiseeee
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    How does Scott Cawthon’s games look so realistic?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 08:03 AM PST

    The detail on every animatronic is amazing and it looks really realistic, how does he do it? What apps can I use to do that?

    submitted by /u/heyhiwhatsupidiot
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    How Was Your Experience With Publishers? These Are The Answers I Got After Reaching Out To Around 100 Publishers

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Do you use async/await in your games? They're better than coroutines in most situations.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:56 AM PST

    Recreating my version of an old classic - legal implications?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:19 AM PST

    I'm looking to make my version of an old game which I used to love where the company doesn't exist anymore. I will follow the same principles of the game and events/character behaviours and I was wondering if this would lead to any legal challenges?

    As mentioned, the company doesn't exist but surely if I'm using my own 3D assets (the game was 2D) and my own code and different names there shouldn't be an issue?

    submitted by /u/GooseRepresentative1
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    Roadblocked and looking for help.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 02:04 PM PST

    I've been watching tutorials for about a month now and attempting to perform the same actions in Unity along with the videos but I keep hitting the same barriers.

    I feel like I can't make any progress and I'm not sure exactly why that is aside from me using a more updated version of Unity than said videos.

    Does anyone have any resources that they find helpful when you're stuck in a rut with your current project? Is there something that is blatantly clear to a seasoned developer that would be completely oblivious to someone who is just starting out?

    submitted by /u/0hmmygauss
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    Mixing 2D sprites and 3D enviroment

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 01:58 PM PST

    How to achieve this kind of blend of 2D and 3D like Cult of the Lamb ?

    My question is like the 2D sprites are some sort of flat surface that could be make in blender then import to the game engine and try to load the sprite inside the flat surface?

    submitted by /u/voxel_crutons
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    Need insight into supporting Steam Workshop Modding

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:56 AM PST

    Hey, I'm currently developing a game that I plan to release on Steam. As a independent single dev, I view mod support to be critical to its longevity as it provides substantially increased content and better informs me of the issues of my game and the content people most interact with so I can better direct my efforts in supporting and developing it further.

    To that end, I'm wondering how challenging it is to support Steam Workshop. My game isn't one that will have level editors or an extra app to develop the mods in, but I will design it in such a way to make a large amount of it editable via JSON and asset files. My main concern is that players are able to make changes to the files, package them, upload them, and then users to download, install, and enjoy those mods with ease.

    Any insight into doing this would, from personal experience to guides on how to integrate it, would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Spectre9000
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    Create 3D poses from and image - AI motion capture

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 11:00 AM PST

    What is the best program if I want to import a real life location into a 3D World?(w/ either pics or video)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:56 PM PST

    Recently I have been really inspired by the idea of potentially importing my own front and back yard into the next game that I design. Is there any program that is specifically made to do this well? In theory I can do it by hand, but I feel like there has to be a program that exists that can take either pictures or video and create some model with relative accuracy. Can someone point me in the right direction? At some point I would like to even be able to put some local parks into a video game through this method if possible.

    submitted by /u/cobalt1137
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    Workstation vs Game-Centric GPU?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:53 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I'm not well-versed in GPUs and could not really find the advice I need from Google. Hope you guys can help me out.

    I am planning on building a new workstation desktop and was wondering what GPU to get?

    I do all sorts of (indie) game dev work (Clip Studio Paint, Blender, Davinci Resolve, Substance Painter .etc). Hence, I understand it would make more sense for me to get a workstation GPU to for a smoother and more efficient workflow.

    However, I would also like to be able to play (AAA) video games on my system, but from my understanding workstation GPUs don't work as great with rendering games.

    Which is where my question comes in, should I get a Workstation (RTX A4000 .etc) or a Game-Centric (RTX 3080 .etc) for my use case? Is there a GPU that is a great in-between compromise? If not, what GPU do you think would be the best compromise?

    Thank you so much for reading!

    submitted by /u/R4N4W4Y
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    Copyright problems again: is the "Five Golden Rings" version of 12 Days of Christmas copyrighted?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 08:36 AM PST

    So, I'm trying to add carols for a game, but I just discovered that "Five Gold Rings" in the 12 Days of Christmas (this appears to be the British version) is copyrighted, but the tune and everything else is in the public domain. Can I avoid copyright infringement by using the "Five Golden Rings" version, or is that one also copyrighted?

    submitted by /u/EMIREADS937
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    Math prerequisites?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:24 AM PST

    Im going to start game development with C im not a new programmer in general but no game development experience at all and i want to try that, so what maths do i need to get started with somthing like SDL?

    submitted by /u/adeldude3
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    CopperCube Game Engine 6.5 released

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Become better in c#, can you point me in a useful direction?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:29 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    Absolutely new to programming (had some java during studying about 10 years ago, and some turbo Pascal in primary school :D).

    I want to get into c# and am really interested in learning the language. Also main goal will be to start with little games with unity, maybe gamemaker some time too.

    I like the idea of codeforces. I see it as an amazing way in getting better, starting with the little problems. But I have the feeling it is very focused on c++. Is that right? Or can I improve my c# skills there too?

    If not, any similar sites/apps with problem solving in c#?

    What I am doing so far:

    • programming my first game. Very little one (Sudoku)
    • read the starting guide of this subreddit (thanks for that guys)
    • watching lots of youtube videos about making games
    • reading some books on c#
    • also using sololearning app on ios. But not really many exercises so far.

    I am just missing some practical exercises on learning the language. When I sit down to program my game there is usually not many programming. Mostly it's like finding and understanding the ui of unity, then have a problem, find a tutorial and start again in unity.

    Happy for any tipps/directions of experience guys.

    submitted by /u/---in10se---
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    need recommendation for good multiplayer services

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:50 AM PST

    i want to make a multiplayer game (only client to server not p2p ) i cant make my own server and netcode i don't know how to lag compensation , animation syncy and other stuff . i want to use photon but its expensive with low ccu . i am looking for some multiplayer services that's cost effective for me and is not very hard to use , so please any recommendation

    submitted by /u/chaitanyakhubbal
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    ECS and scripted/timed events?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:22 AM PST

    I'm having a blast experimenting with the ECS pattern. And I am careful not to rigidly prescribe it to everything. But I'm struggling to find a good pattern for things that require timed scripts.

    For example, if a ship entity fires a bullet entity, it's trivial for my systems to handle that bullet.

    But what if the bullet, by its nature, is meant to move in a deterministic series of "steps" such as "forward for a second, then zig zag for a second, then fly in an arc for a second, etc."? I feel like I want to be able to say "this entity needs to be governed by script X."

    An ECS approach would be to write a system that simply updates a countdown timer and a state machine component on the entity. But that kind of feels... less-than-ideal? Or maybe that would work, now that I type it out.

    How do others handle this kind of pattern?

    submitted by /u/Mackinstyle
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    Am i making right career decision?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:22 AM PST

    Im a 21 years old B.Sc animation graduate. I really loved 3D and pretty good at drawing when i was in highschool. So i chosen this path and everything was going fine untill i got graduated. My college trained me with just basic 3D skills and i realised i should focus on one thing. So i need to make better portfolio to stand out which will take me around next 1-2 years and started to work on it.

    Problem in my country is there are very few jobs in 3d which pay in peanuts and competition is very high. To make things worse tonnes of students falling into the same pit without knowing what they are upto. At this point i stated to doubt myself. From being passionate about 3D i began to get stressed whenever i work in it . It kept on bugging me for days and it really affected my productivity. So i decided to have a backup plan ; to do a masters in computer science while working on my portfolio in parallel. Its way safe choice when it comes to career stability and are in huge demand.

    With this path i can work peacefully in my portfolio without having to get stressed about whether i will fail in my career. I can keep working on it untill im happy and confident with my works and apply for a job in game art. And also the coding knowledge will be useful for me once i start to work my way upto technical art or vr/ar development later in line. What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Emergency_Resist_567
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