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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Why do a lot of people seem to hate Javascript? learn programming

    Why do a lot of people seem to hate Javascript? learn programming

    Why do a lot of people seem to hate Javascript?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    I'm still a student and I realize that I want to focus on web development. But I've been seeing memes and tweets that they don't like this language. Why?

    submitted by /u/bestpotato_12
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    28y/o Just now getting into programming

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Hello, I am getting out of the military in a couple months and want to pursue a career in tech afterward. My job in the military had nothing to do with computers. At first I though about just IT then I began to look further into programming/software development. Thinking about going to Bellevue University in Omaha for their BS degree in Software Development. Just have a couple questions: A: is it too late for me to get into software development as a career? B: Has anyone heard anything about Bellevue's Software Development Degree (good, bad, ugly)? C: and any advice for someone in my shoes?

    submitted by /u/SquatchHNTR
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    Best programming language to start with?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    I know no programming language what's the best to start with?

    submitted by /u/maryo22333
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    How can I start working?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    I've been studying web (HTML, CSS, JS) and Python for more than 5 months and I'm curious about how to start working with it. I can create sites, but it takes a lot of time, so I'm still creating sites on WordPress. I have no practice with Python frameworks, but I have a nice knowledge about the basics and OOP.

    Also, I'd like to find some JS OOP documentation or sources.

    Should I start working as a freelance developer?

    submitted by /u/arthurum
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    Things to learn after HTML, CSS & JS

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    I was learning html, js and css through various sites such as scrimba, freecodecamp, shaw academy and i am quite happy with the progress. But i am quite confused now. I am sure about what to learn after this. I am reading lots of articles but its just getting more confusing. Some people say learn frameworks like bootstrap, whereas some suggest to work on back end like php, mysql. I am looking for job. So if anyone can suggest me that would be of great help. Ty

    submitted by /u/outright_denial
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    new and trying to learn. I never feel like I understand what I am doing

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    I've been trying to learn Java through code academy and I find myself frustrated very often. I read everything and then when I try to apply it I have no idea what it wants me to do and even if I know what it wants me to do I don't know how exactly to do it. I just keep guessing until I get it right or give up and go look at the solution. Is this normal? I feel like I'm not learning anything and that this is not efficient at all. Should I switch to a different way to another website? I took webdesign in high school and do not remember it being so confusing. I've never found learning anything academic this consistently challenging.

    submitted by /u/pauzeLIVE
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    Best book for learning C for beginners

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    Which is the best book for learning C, I'm a beginner and i have zero to no knowledge of C.

    Where should I start it and what books should I use?

    submitted by /u/noobie_explorer_101
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    Was able to get this C++ program to run, but im confused as to how it came up with the output.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    int input;

    cin >> input;

    cout << 50 - input % 50;

    return 0; 


    So this runs and i was able to get the correct results (Im learning With "SoloLearn" while also taking classes on campus. Anyway, the part i dont understand is this

    " cout << 50 - input % 50;"

    How do you solv3?

    The example i used had input = 12

    So it would be cout << 50 - 12 % 50;

    So the output would be 38, but how did they get that? The Modulus simble is still a bit confusing to me and i refuse to move on till i understand how this works.

    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S. the reason i got this solution was beacuse a guy from class helped me but he dropped out so yeah...

    And the output would be

    submitted by /u/ItsDoodleBois
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    Linked List pros and cons?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    The main advantage to a linked list is that inserting a new item is constant time O(1) and the main disadvantage is that finding an item is much slower compared to an array because we need to traverse the list via linear time O(n). Are those the two big ones? Any others worth taking note of?

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    How do you manage projects with many different GitHub repos?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Basically title. I work in a situation where there's many different GitHub repos that interact with one another. Sometimes, I have to make edits in multiple repos to do something which involves creating feature branches for each project, is there something out there to help manage all these branches?

    submitted by /u/Ericisbalanced
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    Any good sources to learn win32?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Hi! I want to learn how to use the win32 api, specifically winuser.h since I'm interested in writing GUI apps from scratch in C++. I already know how to create a window and manage messages, but any good sources from where I can learn to use GUI elements, and dynamically adjusting their positions when resizing and such?

    submitted by /u/smalizia223
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    Looking for book recommendations to read while learning (programming in general)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Currently I'm learning python. I spend about 2-3 hours a day going through a Udemy course. I'd like to advance my knowledge about programming with a book during my commute, but I don't want to "over write" what I'm learning in python. I also don't want to just focus on python learning, So looking for something I can put on my kindle to help make things make sense when things get more complicated or I switch to a new language. I'm planning on sticking just with python for the next 3-4 months and then probably I will start the Odin Project.

    submitted by /u/seouleo
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    Need some advice on learning DirectX.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    This month, I have been working on a project in my company which needs rendering video frames through directx. So these days, I keep reading Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 by Frank D.Luna. The book is well written, and every concept in it has rich examples. However, I find DirecX itself is so complex and not friendly to raw hands like me. I have so many (stupid) questions. For example, what is the difference between buffer and buffer view? Why "render target view" need descriptor heap but "vertex buffer view" needn't? How to remeber when to use XXX1 and when to use XXX2 (e.g., ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1 and ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2)? Not to mention the long name of the countless APIs. I finished the first 6 chapters of the book and learned the source codes, but I didn't feel any progress and just forgot what I learned after few days....
    So how do you learn and use DirectX (or even computer graphics)? What's your experience? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DerekLu_4
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    I don't feel like I am learning much right now after 9 months of School.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    I applied to WGU's online Comp Sci program in January. The first half of the degree was a lot of basics with "what is a class. What is a method" questions for tests. Now on the backhalf of the degree are projects we are supposed to create. Each project is in a different language and requires (what I feel) are advanced topics. An example being, "Read in a csv file of distances to an array and then use the nearest neighbor algorithm to traverse them". I believe I understand what they are asking but have no clue how to implement what I'm thinking of. The only way I've been able to understand implementation is by looking at other's code and taking it apart line by line for understanding. It feels like I'm just copying at the end of the day though. I want to take a couple months off from the degree in order to truly learn/develop my lack of skills.

    What resources or learning materials would you recommend? I believe I want to pursue python or C++ for job opportunities WAYYYYY down the line lol.
    I really appreciate any help and resources. I really want to get better but am just hitting a wall right now.

    submitted by /u/ThePhilosopher-Stone
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    Data Structures and Algorithms. What ways do you find best help you study and retain Leetcode problems? I have an interview coming up in 2 weeks and I want to put my best foot forward.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Title, thank you :)

    submitted by /u/joshmidla
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    With which code can I improve my skills ?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    I learned basics of c++, and, before starting a big project (from my POV) in these languages, I wanted to improve my skills. I'm reading books about the tools I want to use for my projects and while reading, I wanted to find a way of improving my c++, I read that reading others code is a great way to progress, but I was wondering : Which code should I read ? Because I'm afraid of reading bad code and taking example on it. Could you suggest me some authors, open source projects to read as a beginner ?

    submitted by /u/dacapo7
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    Looking for some insight

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    Hello friends,

    So I first started dabbling in R and Python around 7 years ago after graduating from a health professional degree. I was really bummed because I couldn't find a job in my original field, so I had a really hard time focusing. I went on to do a clinical research masters with the motivation I may pursue a PhD at some point after working for a few years, but through work experience as a data analyst, I've realized I enjoy problem solving with programming more than I do coming up with research questions and think that skillset is kind of underrated in research-the places I've worked in have horribly inefficient processes because we don't learn in school how to leverage tools like version control, notebooks, or even use open source programs like Python and R to automate tedious tasks. With R, I was able to automate stuff that took 40+ hours of manual stuff a month. Since I have been working as an analyst, data science is right up my ally, but with that I want to learn how to be a better developer too. I'm pivoting back to bettering my Python skills both for data science and general purpose, also interested in other languages which I picked up as a hobby. I'm just a little lost on where to start: I don't have a formal computer science background so I feel like my knowledge on principles and fundamentals is hazy and I also don't know exactly what "next step" in my career I'm looking for-definitely thinking data science but open to developer positions too. Ideally, healthcare tech/biotech would be a great fit with my health background but I'm down to just try something totally different as long as it entails coding. Some insight and resources would be very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thro0away12
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    I'm trying to save a note sequence to a midi file using the python library "mido". Midi message containers require a time attribute but I'm not sure what to set it to.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    The documentation -

    The tracks attribute is a list of tracks. Each track is a list of messages and meta messages, with the time attribute of each messages set to its delta time (in ticks). (See Tempo and Beat Resolution below for more on delta times.)

    Here's what it says about time. but I don't really understand it. My input note lengths are in ms. If I have a note that's 1200ms in duration, what do I set time to for "note_on"? I also don't understand what to set "ticks_per_beat" to.

    submitted by /u/damontoo
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    Web Scraping with Python

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    I'm trying to scrape the trade a stock page on Investopedia. My first thoughts are to create a payload dictionary using the form data that I got using my browser's developer tools and post that data using the requests library. Here's the form data:

    formToken: 42a56970acdc18d0241b1db6256fedf9

    symbolTextbox: F


    transactionTypeDropDown: 1

    quantityTextbox: 1

    isShowMax: 0

    Price: Market





    durationTypeDropDown: 2

    sendConfirmationEmailCheckBox: on

    However, I don't understand what I should write in the dictionary when there's no value for the key. An example would be limitPriceTextBox which is a key that has no value. Also, the formtoken changes with every submission. What should its value be?

    submitted by /u/grossartig_dude
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    Why am I getting two different outputs?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    So I'm just wondering when I output i it gives me what I want which is to output what I inputed. Example if I put 13 it would give me 1 2 3 4 5 etc. It only does it when I cout "i" but if I cout "floor" after putting floor=i it gives me another output.

    #include <iostream> 

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    int floor; char answer;

    cout << "Welcome to Hotel California?" << endl << "How many floors does your hotel have?" << endl; 

    cin >> floor;

    for ( int i=1; i <= floor; i++) { floor = i; cout << floor; }

    return 0; 


    The output I want is 1 2 3 4 5

    submitted by /u/Imscubbabish
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    Why do people like spaces (instead of tabs at the start of line)?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Is it because they copy/paste onto the web a lot? Pretty much all markdowns support tabs so I don't really get it

    I like it because I can press left once (or twice) and it will go to previous indentation (or two) and I can hold up/down until I get to a curly brace. Does anyone know a vscode command to get to next/previous curly brace?

    Anyway, just wondering why the hell people insist on spaces

    submitted by /u/InfiniteDepth7242
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    Last couple of lines of code unreachable?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Why are my last couple of lines of code in the following repository unreachable?


    Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Delutional
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    Why am I getting error repo not found?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    I made a remote git repo, copied the url and typed git clone 'copied url' into my terminal. Everything worked fine. But when I do 'git push origin master' I get "ERROR: Repository not found. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists."

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Self-taught then attending coding school?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I'm currently a nurse in the ICU and I already want to switch career after just shy of 2 yrs exp. Right now, I'm self teaching myself but have only really scratched the surfaces of html and css. Leaning pretty hard on attending a coding school come February timeframe. Cost is nbd bc the VA covers it. I know someone doesn't need these coding schools to enter the field, but if I'm self taught up until then.. will I be wasting my time?

    …I know it depends on how rigorous my self schedule is and how much I can grasp/comprehend.

    What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/KaneyPooOnYou
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