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    Wednesday, August 4, 2021

    Is it normal to start reading the documentation, get bored and then try to go find a YouTube video on the topic? learn programming

    Is it normal to start reading the documentation, get bored and then try to go find a YouTube video on the topic? learn programming

    Is it normal to start reading the documentation, get bored and then try to go find a YouTube video on the topic?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Because I do this a lot.

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    I have two and a half years to get this rolling. How would my time be best spent?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    For a bit of context, I'm currently in the army and have two and a half years until I start getting out/terminal leave. I'm trying to make the best of the time I have to get myself ready for a career in software development, hopefully building web based applications. I have experience in IT, however having been a junior network engineer for a small ISP I wasn't doing any coding.

    My dad is is a successful software engineer and recommended starting with ruby, but I honestly have no idea where to go from there. I'd like to take the next year and a half to two years to build proficiency and a portfolio so I can start putting in applications in my final six months to a year in the service.

    I'm trying to get ideas from many different people about where to go from here so I can start building goals and a roadmap that works for me. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ILiveForQuarterNotes
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    Ultimate CSS cheat sheet

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    If you are a CSS newbie like me, or an expert with bad memory, I cam across this truly amazing CSS cheat sheet that must be shared

    submitted by /u/rexmirak
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    I'd like to bring myself to code more and spend less time researching every little thing I'm trying to do

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    I feel like I have a bad mindset where I'm not satisfied with my code until I know exactly what every single line does. I'm not talking about code I wrote myself - I know what that does - I'm talking about everything I didn't write. Things like frameworks and libraries and their best practices and paradigms.

    When I look at other developers online I see them creating entire applications in a timeframe where I wouldn't even have written my first line of code because I'm still worrying about the right project structure and file naming conventions or some stupid shit like that all of which is completely meaningless for the small side projects I'm doing.

    I'm currently trying out Mongoose with Typescript and every time there's a minor type problem I feel the need to read through the documentation for at least half an hour instead of simply letting ESLint automatically fix it for me. I know that understanding is important but it just eats up so much time I'm barely making any actual progress on the thing I'm trying to build and it's exhausting.

    And now I'm sitting here spending time making a reddit post instead of coding...

    Do you have any tips on how I could become more productive and stop wasting time researching everything I'm doing and just DO IT instead?

    submitted by /u/zerik100
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    Is it normal to completely forget how to code after no doing it for a while?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Been working on projects lately that require a lot of photoshop, and now that I return to coding, it's like I have forgotten how to do it. Is it normal?

    submitted by /u/abclucky
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    How do you make your code into a desktop app?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am relatively new to coding and I have just created a python GUI.

    I always wondered tough, to run my GUI at the moment I have to comply and paste my code in anaconda and hit F5.

    I was wondering how do people package their code when they sell it? Like for example, if I want to run MS office, I don't have to paste the code os a console and hit F5. I just click the shortcut I'm on my desktop. How can I make my GUI app like this?

    I am guessing that if I want to run my app on windows I have to first translate it into C right?

    submitted by /u/Jeenghiskhan
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    Array methods resource recommendation?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    Almost 90% done with Colt Steele's full stack course and I find that I don't really know how to use methods such as: map(), reduce(), forEach(), filter(), etc., mostly because we've actually barely used them throughout the course. I get it when I go over them again and kind of force myself to use them.

    Just looking for basic, interactive resources that I can use to kind of put these methods to work and refresh my memory. Any recommendations?


    submitted by /u/Vaylx
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    How to get over programming boredom?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    I've been programming for 1.5 years and have really been enjoying it. I enjoyed building my own projects, learning new concepts, and making programs. One week ago, I reached my height and put in 2 days non stop coding, really enjoying it. Though now, for the past week, I am really bored and can't code without getting bored. I don't know what to do, I can't find any projects that motivate me, and I'm just sitting on my butt and procrastinating because as soon as I start something I get bored. I'm feeling extremely unproductive, and can't get stuff done.

    submitted by /u/TheAnonymous123456
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    Hello, I am creating a tic toc game with Tkinter Python and I am trying to alternate the text of my 9 buttons between blank, 'X', and 'O'

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I have no idea how to go about this with honestly. The game starts by randomly picking between either the computer or the player. If the player is picked they get to choose whether to be x's or o's with 2 buttons, after they choose the buttons disappear. If the computer is selected than its is assigned x's or o's randomly. I am having a really hard time storing the player selection and the computers and turning that into game logic.

    from tkinter import * import random root = Tk() #root.geometry('300x300') text_var = StringVar() main_label = Label(root, textvariable=text_var, fg='red') selection_button_frame = Frame(root) button_frame = Frame(root) main_label.grid(row=1, column=1) selection_button_frame.grid(row=2, column=1) button_frame.grid(row=3, column=1) turn_options = ['computers', 'players'] choice_options = ['X', 'O'] turn = random.choice(turn_options) computer_choice = random.choice(choice_options) # functions for when the player decides what button to press def players_choice_x(): turn_count = 0 if selection_button_x['text'] == choice_options[0]: text_var.set('The player chose ' + choice_options[0] + ' player goes first') selection_button_o.destroy() selection_button_x.destroy() def players_choice_o(): turn_count = 1 if selection_button_o['text'] == choice_options[1]: text_var.set('The player chose ' + choice_options[1] + ' player goes second') selection_button_o.destroy() selection_button_x.destroy() if turn == 'players': selection_button_x = Button(selection_button_frame, text='X', command=players_choice_x) selection_button_o = Button(selection_button_frame, text='O', command=players_choice_o) selection_button_x.grid(row=0, column=0) selection_button_o.grid(row=0, column=1) text_var.set(turn + " turn, please select X's or O's") else: text_var.set(turn + ' turn' + ' the computer chose ' + computer_choice + "'s") 

    This is the function for all the buttons that I want to alternate between blank, x, and o. So every time its the computers turn the button reads "o" only if it was randomly selected and then the players turn to read 'x' when button is pressed or blank for an empty button.

    def press(i): global turn_count turn_count = 0 if turn_count == 0: buttons[i]['text'] = 'X' turn_count = turn_count + 1 elif turn_count == 1: buttons[i]['text'] = 'O' turn_count = turn_count - 1 buttons = [Button(button_frame, text=' ', width=5, borderwidth=2, command=lambda i = i: press(i)) for i in range(0,10)] for i in range(0,9): buttons[i].grid(row=int(i/3), column=(i%3)) button = Button(root, text='exit', command=root.destroy).grid(row=5, column=1) root.mainloop() 

    Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

    I know its a lot but I'm brand new to this and this is my first real challenge.

    submitted by /u/kill-yourself90
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    Server and database relationship

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Could someone check my understanding. So a server handles requests(for some data and it interacts with the database and performs some CRUD operation with the database?

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    To calculate the Big O of a function do you need to calculate all function calls?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    If you are calculating the time complexity of an algorithm using Bug O notation, and the algorithm uses function calls, do you need to individually calculate the Big O of each function?

    submitted by /u/BoredWebDev5
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    Some questions about how Node/Express work

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit. I'm practicing for an upcoming interview, and some people online posted some of the potential questions that might come up. One of them is this:

    If your frontend sends a request to the backend, does it go through node or Express first?

    Most of my experience comes from the frontend, but recently I've been learning how to make full stack applications using Node/Express. I think the above is a trick question, right? I think any frontend request will be handled by Express. Or am I missing something? What is the interviewer looking for here?

    submitted by /u/Bourne2Play
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    Recent Hack Reactor And General Assembly Graduates. What Did You Think?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Hey! I can't seem to find much information about recent post covid graduates. I am really curious to know how your experience was and if you think it was worth it?

    submitted by /u/Nimai_TV
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    Could I get a pseudocode example of using 2 APIs for a web application?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Hello, so after a month of struggle I learned that reading learning material (The Odin Project in this case) is not my way to study and my monkey brain will do anything to avoid it. Taking that into consideration I have taken upon myself to create a web application using APIs and the app would end up on my portfolio.

    I've built a couple static websites, have not used javascript yet or APIs.

    I have an idea of using google map's API and a Dog API to create an app that would let you click on countries and have pop up with info about breeds that originated from that area/country.

    Clicking on the country would bring up a small window with image and info

    Could I get some pseducode, or some pointers so I know where to push?

    Also, is this too ambitous of a project for a begginer like myself?

    submitted by /u/Aileak
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    Unified Compiler?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    Is there a compiler/software which allows me to use C, C++, Java and Python all in the same application?

    If not, what compilers are recommended for each?

    (Using MacOS)

    submitted by /u/vidnig
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    What is the lightest API server available?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    I am writing a dumb service that will live in a 1GB RAM VM alongside its Redis database (Which is almost 900MB RAM when it has all the data it needs). What kind of server that has routes, can make requests, can interact with Redis and can read xmls are available to me?

    Currently I am using PHP-FPM + Nginx but I am not sure if it will fit.

    Language can be anything.

    submitted by /u/DankerOfMemes
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    How do I say on my Resume that I know data structures and algorithms?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    What is a good way to show in a resume that you know Algorithms and Data Structures?

    submitted by /u/RudraModh
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    Removing gray from RGB. I am using coral to learn programming + its apart of a course

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    Problem :

    Summary: Given integer values for red, green, and blue, subtract the gray from each value.

    Computers represent color by combining the sub-colors red, green, and blue (rgb). Each sub-color's value can range from 0 to 255. Thus (255, 0, 0) is bright red, (130, 0, 130) is a medium purple, (0, 0, 0) is black, (255, 255, 255) is white, and (40, 40, 40) is a dark gray. (130, 50, 130) is a faded purple, due to the (50, 50, 50) gray part. (In other words, equal amounts of red, green, blue yield gray).

    Given values for red, green, and blue, remove the gray part.

    Ex: If the input is 130 50 130, the output is:

    80 0 80

    My code :

    integer red

    integer green

    integer blue

    integer gray

    red = Get next input

    green = Get next input

    blue = Get next input

    gray = 50

    if red >= 50 and red <= 255

    red = red - gray

    Put red to output

    elseif green >= 50 and green <= 255

    green = green - gray

    Put green to output

    elseif blue >= 50 and blue <= 255

    blue = blue - gray

    Put blue to output

    I need help trying to substract the smallest value from an input of three numbers rather than just 50 and output those three integers rather than just the first integer.

    (I can fairly read and understand python and java code as well if you wanted to help me using them)

    submitted by /u/Drtechwiz2
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    How were these generators created?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    Hello there!

    Just saw a pretty cool website (cool to me anyways) that I was wondering if someone could help explain to me the most likely method in which it was achieved?

    The website is: https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/npc-generator/

    This section is just one of many that the website offers of "random generators". As you can see on the left hand side there are many other generators listed there. My assumption is there is some sort of database that it pulls from and links to a table then randomly selects a value based on your criteria.

    I currently only really know Python (and still new at it) so was seeing if this is something that could be done in that or if there would be a better method to go about it?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer appreciate all input and feed back!

    submitted by /u/IceManLeroy
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    I came across this question from a hiring challenge.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    There was this discussion on leetcode regarding a hackathon by a company called Juspay. And in short, they had two parts. In the First Part candidates were asked the following:

    Given an n-ary tree of resources arranged hierarchically such that the height of the tree is O(log N) where N is total number of nodes (or resources). A process needs to lock a resource node in order to use it. But a node cannot be locked if any of its descendant or ancestor is locked.

    Following operations are required for a given resource node:

    • Lock()- locks the given node if possible and updates lock information. Lock is possible only if ancestors and descendants of current node are not locked.
    • unLock()- unlocks the node and updates information.
      How design resource nodes and implement above operations such that following time complexities are achieved.
      Lock() O(log N)
      unLock() O(log N)

    But what really grinds me is the second part:

    Let's say you are running the lock/unlock in a multi core machine. Now you want to let multiple threads to run lock() simultaneously.
    As we saw in part A, locking a node has multiple validations inside. Will doing lock on two nodes cause a race condition.
    If yes, how will you solve it.
    In short, how do make the lock() function thread safe?

    Can anyone please help me with this?

    submitted by /u/Destry013
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    Are keywords and reserved words language-agnostic concepts?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    I encountered this link that questions reserved words and keywords in Java. It references this link, which asks about the general difference between keyword and reserved words.

    Based on both of these links. My question is what is the difference between keyword and reserved words?

    Is there a difference between reserved words and reserved keywords? I see some languages use reserved words terminology while other languages use the terminology reserved keywords.

    The original StackOverflow link does not make total sense to me but the accepted answer tends to give a language-agnostic answer. The answer says goto is a reserved word but not a keyword, however after some googling the java docs. says how there are things called reserved keywords, which are keywords and reserved but do not mention reserved words.

    Could someone please kindly clear up the confusion? I feel like I am overthinking a very simple concept and that this concept is not language agnostic as the original StackOverflow link suggests.

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    How to let program use info from TXT file?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    I am trying to make a money manager in Python 3.6 where you can create and import a TXT with you're info in it. It's in a very early stage but I figured it's better to get this band-aid ripped off sooner rather then later. Here is the code so far!

    account_1 = "" account_2 = "" def checking_add_account(): global account_1 global account_2 if account_1 == "" : account_1 = input("What would you like the name of this account to be?") else: if account_2 == "": account_2 = input("What would you like the name of this account to be?\n") print ("The name of this account is", account_2, "") return def checking_main(): print("Would you like to open a file? (Y/N)") info = input() while(info != "Y") and (info != "N"): info = input () if(info != "Y") and (info != "N"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") if info == "N": print("What would you like to to do?:\n(A)dd account\n(R)emove account\n(C)hange balance") while (info != "A") and (info != "R")and (info != "C"): info = input () if (info != "A") and (info != "R")and (info != "C"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") print("Money Manager") print("By MarketingZestyclose7") print("Would you like to: \nManage (C)hecking\nManage (D)ebt") info = input() while (info != "C") and (info != "D"): info = input () if (info != "C") and (info != "D"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") checking_main() 

    Any help would be appreciated.

    EDIT: I can't use libraries so this has to be done in straight Python.

    submitted by /u/MarketingZestyclose7
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    Question about Quaternions

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    I'm currently reading Unity's C# API as I am currently working on a videogame on my own, and now I'm dealing with rotations and physics bugs xD. So I was reading and I was wondering if it's possible to obtain some boolean value out of them, like, comparing if two quaternions are exactly the same by comparing each of their parameters xyzw but I don't know... and thought I could ask you all! :D

    Back to reading! Thanks a lot beforehand!

    submitted by /u/Dhokoh
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    Full Stack Open vs The Odin Project

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:19 PM PDT


    So I'm a CS college student and I'm feeling really bored during this summer holidays. And I need something to do. Im going into my 3rd year so Im quite familiar with programming and html,css and js. I was wondering, should I do the odin project or full stack open during this summer? What do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/gueinibba
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