First day at the office tomorrow. learn programming |
- First day at the office tomorrow.
- How long was it before you felt like you understood programming?
- Zero experience to software engineer in ~6 months, hopefully I can be helpful for someone
- How is Visual Studio Code not an IDE? What makes it different from Visual Studio, Eclipse, others...?
- How are you meant to just come up with some algorithms?
- Brand new to programming, trying to become a software engineer in 5-10 years time,what steps do I need to do to make that dream a reality?
- How do you deal with the fear of being stupid?
- I am trying to build a WhatsApp clone but can't understand the technology required for it
- What would be the best way to cut audio based upon recorded video?
- How do you move past the doubt stage while learning?
- Valgrind, what does vg_replace_malloc mean?
- The problem is that the code works, but only for a second
- Changing careers, how bad of an idea is this?
- Binary data from Protobuf in Java
- I’m having trouble understanding Boolean algebra terms and meanings?
- Is r/carlhprogramming still relevant today
- I want to learn how to make an app like Bumble! Is Bumble programmed as a Native app or Hybrid app?
- Repetitive mistakes are burning me
- Line between figuring out code vs copy/pasting from sources
- Why do modern programs/applications/web-apps use so many programming languages?
- Component VS Beans in Spring - when to use who and why?
- To all expert in C, please assist where am I in learning C
- asking for some crowd wisdom: helping support engineers get a job as software engineer
- Modular Fraction in c++
- Creative ways to get an understanding of PCIe from a programming perspective
First day at the office tomorrow. Posted: 27 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT Firstly, I will apologize if this is all over the place. Secondly, I want to thank the kind people in this sub who have given me nothing but motivation and encouragement. In December 2020, I had finally given up trying to continue to work in kitchens. Given the pandemic, the job has changed significantly and it certainly was no longer stable. I contemplated for many months what kind of career I wanted. I knew I wanted to work with my brain as I spent the first 15 years working with my hands. I was encouraged to start learning to program from a friend I play an MMO-RPG with. I took his advice. My path was not structured by any means, but it started with the popular HTML/CSS/JavaScript avenue. I bought Udemy courses, spent a good amount of time on FCC, and TOP, and Youtubed my way through the past 6 months. I spent a lot of time scouting this sub-reddit, finding others on the same path as well as people who has accomplished their goals in changing career. I had a lot of time given the situation in Canada, but I encourage everyone whos on this path to keep striving. I don't have a high school diploma, and I sure as hell don't have any degrees in computer science or programming. But, I had a interview today and I have a job tomorrow. Sincerely from one person to many Thank you! [link] [comments] |
How long was it before you felt like you understood programming? Posted: 27 May 2021 04:31 AM PDT For background : I did one year of computer science at college, but it only contained a tiny bit of programming (in Java mainly, but also covered web languages), and mainly covered concepts / theory / lessons on how computers work behind the scenes. I've been dabbling in looking at courses/being self taught and despite technically having 2 years of experience (1 year from college + 1 year self taught (although not full time)) I still feel like I know barely anything. I can tell that I know more than I used to - I can write basic code / functions from scratch and can usually use code from stackoverflow to help with my problems, but I still have a massive feeling of just not fully getting it. I still feel overwhelmed learning new frameworks even though I have the basics down and am entirely familiar with the concepts (like loops etc) and documentation scares the hell out of me. So yeah tldr: how long before you felt like you fully understood programming? Because saying I have 2 years experience makes me feel like I should be way more confident/know way more than I do [link] [comments] |
Zero experience to software engineer in ~6 months, hopefully I can be helpful for someone Posted: 27 May 2021 06:58 PM PDT Short self bio, I'm 26 with a BA in a useless non-tech field, and the jobs I've had since college have been also very non-tech related. Lost my job in March 2020 when the pandemic hit the US, twiddled my thumb for a couple months, then in July I started working my way through the Python Crash Course book by No Starch (which I highly recommend for anybody who is totally new to Python). I worked through it slowly in July, then in August I got super into it and basically spent 8 hours a day working through the book, then building my first real project - a (shitty) Hearthstone clone using Pygame. My job came back in September so I pretty much entirely dropped the Python idea. My job ended in December and I decided to quit that field for good because I hated it. I spent January trying to figure out what I wanted to do next, and I finally settled on really hitting the gas on the programming thing. February through April I worked pretty much non-stop. First, I made my second project: A multiplayer online game (similar to Hearts) that used some simple Javascript, HTML, and CSS (I took an HTML course at summer camp when I was like 9, so that helped, but mostly I just googled how to do everything). Second, I took a look at what I would need to become a web developer - I thought it would be the easiest path to employment. I came across The Odin Project (which I highly recommend for anybody who is totally new to HTML, CSS, or Javascript). I had already taught myself a lot of what TOP had to offer, so I jumped around between their lessons. I knew that I needed to learn MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, so I prioritized the lessons that focused on those (though I never actually ended up learning React). After getting a handle of the MEN parts of the MERN stack, I made my next project: a simple mockup website for my town's local bowling alley. I started applying to jobs. I thought I was ready. Unfortunately, I got almost no hits. The one hit that I did get, I never heard back after the interview. Although I'm not 100% positive why, I have a hunch that it had to do with the fact that my projects looked really amateurish. I decided that I needed one big pièce de résistance in my portfolio. Something that utilized my Python, Javascript, HTML, and CSS skills. I brainstormed for a few days, trying to think of a project that I'd genuinely enjoy doing - something that I genuinely wished existed that I could create. Finally, while driving home from the grocery store, an idea came to me out of nowhere. The specifics of the idea aren't super important, but basically it was a simplified Pokemon knockoff that ran in the browser. It combined everything I had learned up to that point (except for Express and Node). It was a project way bigger than anything I had done before, and it would require learning a shitload of new stuff, but I dove into it. 8-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. The project still isn't done done, but it's done enough that I can showcase it. I started applying to jobs again. Finally found a place that was willing to interview me - as luck would have it, the software they used was remarkably similar to my latest project, and they were looking for someone with a non-tech background. After a bunch of interviews and some light programming tests, they offered me a job. It isn't perfect, but it's a starting point. There are some important things to know about this journey. My brother made a similar career shift a few years ago, and I was able to use him as a resource. He didn't teach me things, but he was someone who I could explain my code to (explaining problems out loud seems to solve most problems) and he was a constant source of motivation. Another important thing is that I'm definitely a people person. The job that I got made it clear that they liked working/talking with me more than with the typical tech-background applicant. So, I'm not really sure what this post is even for other than some autofellatio and attention seeking. Beyond that, though, I really would love to help people who are in a similar position that I was in a month or two ago. If anybody has any questions on what they're doing and what they would like to be doing, hey, maybe I can help. If anybody needs motivation to make it through the weeds, I'd love to be that motivator. For anyone that just wants to read some tips, here are my distilled thoughts: 1) Code like its your job even before you're getting a paycheck. Obviously this isn't doable for everybody, and I definitely had the luxury of pandemic unemployment benefits, but working for 8+ hours a day on tutorials, projects, and articles was absolutely critical to learning. 2) Keep pushing. I wanted to quit 1000 times, at least. Problems would pop up every day that would have me ready to punch a hole in my computer. The great thing about coding problems is that they go away with elbow grease. And, if you're working for 8+ hours a day, you'll have enough grease to punch through most problems in a day or two. 3) Do projects, and do projects that you aren't ready for yet. If you think of a project that you can't do, well, then that's probably the project that you should be doing. The project that got me hired, my Pokemon knockoff, was insurmountably difficult when I started it. There were a lot of things I knew how to do, but there were so, so, so many things that I knew I would need to learn from the outset. You learn by doing. So, do. 4) Have a mentor. This isn't always possible, but having someone to, at the very least, look at your work and tell you you're doing a good job is huge. My brother was a huge help. That said, his expertise is in a field that's totally different from anything relating to web design, so he was really only able to help me with the coding side of things to a certain point. Just having someone to talk to about my project was way more helpful than any help he gave me in terms of actual coding. 5) Stand out. Also not possible for everyone, but you gotta have a selling point. You're competing with people who have either worked in the field before, have a formal education in the field, or both. I know what I'm good at, and it was just as instrumental in getting me a job as was my coding ability. I'm a people person, I'm a talker. Maybe you've got a different thing. Whatever it is, flaunt it. Also, check out Andy Sterkowitz's youtube video on making a resume. My resume after watching his video was so so so much better than the cookie cutter shit I had before. So, yeah. I really hope I can help people. This sub and every other coding sub helped me out so much, I really want to be able to help people, too. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 05:23 PM PDT I'm a programming noob and have been learning some python and c++ on my own. In my freshman year programming class, we used Eclipse to learn Java. My question is, VS Code isn't just a text editor right? And an IED is something to compile, debug, version control, and probably others, and VS Code does all of that already. If not right out of the box, it has an extension for almost anything it seems like. So why would you choose Visual Studio over VS Code? And why wouldn't any development for anything just use VS Code? Even just typing that sounds kind of ridiculous, so it must be something pretty obvious that I'm missing. [link] [comments] |
How are you meant to just come up with some algorithms? Posted: 27 May 2021 04:31 PM PDT Even for some simple algorithms, such as creating a palindrome in c++ I can't do it without looking up the algorithm for reversing numbers. Am I supposed to just be able to figure out the mathematical process on my own or do people just memorize these procedures? Starting to doubt myself since I might just not be cut out for this as I can't even figure out simple algorithms on my own. For anyone that has gotten into competitive programming, how do you solve algorithms you've never seen before? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 03:39 PM PDT I'm 25 years old currently, for the past few years I've felt aimless in life, like I just wake up to go to my shitty 9-5 then come home and play video games, I decided a few months ago that that cant be all my life has to offer so I decided I would try to find something I like that I could also make a living off of and that's when I discovered programming I'm still just learning HTML but even so I'm having alot of fun just learning and building things. And that brings me to my question, how can I turn this into a career? My family is pretty poor so I never went to college and dropped out halfway of junior college to take care of my family. Should i try to enroll in a university to get the schooling necessary to become a software engineer and if so what school? Any help would be great here, seeing as I'm pretty much flying blind [link] [comments] |
How do you deal with the fear of being stupid? Posted: 28 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT Yes this is a real thing. My entire life I was told I was the most intelligent child in the classroom. Things would just naturally come to me. But whenever I write code I realize it is difficult, things do not come to me naturally, and I am fearful of proving myself that I am incapable of doing something so many people do so well. I understand that this is counterproductive but this invisible wall is real to me and I can't stand it. Anyone dealing with the same issue willing to share their 2 cents? [link] [comments] |
I am trying to build a WhatsApp clone but can't understand the technology required for it Posted: 27 May 2021 11:58 PM PDT What i've heard about so far: Websockets,, STOMP, RabbitMQ, XMPP, RSocket etc... It's like, I can follow documentation to implement the code necessary to make a chat app work. But when resources try to explain things at a higher level like " is NOT websockets" or "RSocket is a protocol" I get terribly confused. I am at a weird phase where I can conceive the HOW, but not the WHAT or WHY. Can someone explain to me the different protocols/implementations/libraries used in making a chat app? [link] [comments] |
What would be the best way to cut audio based upon recorded video? Posted: 27 May 2021 06:01 PM PDT Project background: I'm working on a project where audio and video are recorded of a passing train. My goal is to automate the cutting of the audio files into sections of rail car wheel sets. My first thought is to have audio files composed of the first rail car wheel set, then audio files starting at the middle point of the car to the mid point of the next car (last car will go til end). Now for the "How to?" part. I'm thinking that a plugin which can cut the audio files (librosa, scipy, SoundFile) will be used to actually cut the files, but where I'm stuck is finding the middle point of the rail car. I'm not sure how to go about this, but one method would be to take notes of where the gaps between rail cars is and take the middle point between the timestamps. A problem with this solution is that I'm unsure how to make a gap detector to make the timestamps of. Does my coding idea seem feasible? Do you have any other methods/ideas which would make this simpler? Do you have any plugin suggestions that will help with this project? Thanks in advance. Note: the audio and video are synchronized, so a timestamp equivalent between the two works. [link] [comments] |
How do you move past the doubt stage while learning? Posted: 27 May 2021 10:51 AM PDT I recently watched a video comparing the process of learning programming with the five stages of grief, wherein you have The Beginning, Optimism, Doubt, Confidence, and Success. In the beginning I searched for tutorials and even began to code, but I was following along and wasn't really learning anything, but I kept at it. I started to scour YouTube for content creators talking about the good things about becoming a programmer, signed up to many subreddits like this one, and even bought books. I was ready to learn. But then doubt set in. I began to wonder if I am really cut out for it, if I should go a different route. Am I too old? Too dumb? I am tired when I get home from a work that I hate and just want to relax, so I haven't studied for some time. I am stuck in the doubt phase. How have you overcome this stage and become confident, not necessarily in yourself, but maybe the process itself in that it will all work out? This is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do and I don't want to give up. I am tired of giving up. Thanks for listening. [link] [comments] |
Valgrind, what does vg_replace_malloc mean? Posted: 27 May 2021 07:42 PM PDT I'm playing with Valgrind on Linux to gain more experience; I'm trying to fully understand its output. I've created a simple C program, DictionaryTest.c, that has a memory leak. Valgrind outputs the following: I understand what happen. I didn't free the allocated heap memory. The allocation was made using [link] [comments] |
The problem is that the code works, but only for a second Posted: 27 May 2021 06:00 PM PDT The problem is that the code works, but only for a second! then immediately redirects to a page that supposed to be hidden! Since the code is long and in 3 files (index.html, app.js, style.css) I have pushed it to Github. This is a task list called "Forget it not", trying to make it a One-Page app with forms hidden with a class 'hide' defined CSS attribute as "display: none;". As I mentioned, it does work for a second but returns to a section that is supposed to be hidden. it removes the class from that section and puts it back on the "task" list, while the code is written on the contrary. Github Link: [link] [comments] |
Changing careers, how bad of an idea is this? Posted: 27 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT Hi everyone, I'm currently having a difficult time formulating a path to learn computer programming. I'm considering a career change at the moment. Recent graduate, with a bachelors in law. The plan was to go to law school and become a lawyer. Another option was to join law enforcement. After considering it further, I don't think I want to practice law or be involved in criminal justice. I'd like to branch into computer programming. Unfortunately, I simply don't have the option of dedicating time to learn to program. I have two options if I wanted to pursue this thing. The first option is that I'm currently considering is not working for the next year, and treat learning to program like it's my full-time job. How bad of an idea is this? I have a couple of concerns. Firstly, I obviously won't be getting income for the next year, but I do have savings equivalent to a year's worth of spending. So if I balance it out and follow a strict allowance I can live job free for a year. Secondly, I have ADD/ADHD, so I don't really know if that would be a factor when it comes to learning to program. I did struggle a lot during university but when I'm on my meds I was doing okay if I dedicated more time to study compared to other students. Thirdly, I'm having difficulties formulating various plans and goals. For example, I was told to simply do the Odin Project, understand it, and call it a day. How realistic is this? Ideally, due to my ADD/ADHD, I would want to structure my learning so that I know ahead of time what I should be focusing on, not to get sidetracked, and know exactly what I'm learning. Kind of like a syllabus if that makes sense. My second option is to go back to university or college and learn computer programming the traditional way. The setbacks obviously are having to save more money for living costs, and I'm back in school for the next two to four years. I was told this wasn't a good idea and I should focus on self-learning. In case it matters, recently turned 24 and I'm from Ontario, Canada. Thank you for any help, very much appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
Binary data from Protobuf in Java Posted: 27 May 2021 06:47 PM PDT I am supposed to hit an API which takes binary data from a given .proto file. I have made a builder and message from the proto file. I am not able to clear what exact data format means by binary data. Any help regarding what method should be used to make binary data out of the builder or message? [link] [comments] |
I’m having trouble understanding Boolean algebra terms and meanings? Posted: 27 May 2021 06:40 PM PDT Im referring to this section: The first three columns of figure 1.1 enumerate all the possible binary values of the function's variables. For each one of the 2 n possible tuples v1 (here n = 3), the last column gives the value of f(v1 ... vn ). This is from the first chapter in nand2tetris (freely available online): Are tuples the rows? What is v(subscript)n? And what does it mean by the last sentence, "For each one of the 2 n possible tuples v1 (here n = 3), the last column gives the value of f(v1 ... vn )"? [link] [comments] |
Is r/carlhprogramming still relevant today Posted: 28 May 2021 12:22 AM PDT so i am a noob at programming and i am looking for free tutorial or references to study coding preferably C . So i was checking out r/carlhprogramming , its a group of small lessons (check here) of basic programming . As a procrastinator i feel its made for me . but its a 12 year old dormant subreddit . last online some 10 years ago . the programming languages changed, the system changed, so should i learn from it or should i change my "textbook". [link] [comments] |
I want to learn how to make an app like Bumble! Is Bumble programmed as a Native app or Hybrid app? Posted: 27 May 2021 08:28 PM PDT I want to learn how to program a app like bumble and I just wanted to know the route bumble used to program their app! Is it Native or Hybrid? I literally can't find anything about it online only Tinder! Thank you! If it is native, why did they chose that over hybrid for a app like Bumble? [link] [comments] |
Repetitive mistakes are burning me Posted: 28 May 2021 12:11 AM PDT Recently I got a mail that one of my recent code behaving unexpectedly, upon reading I realised that I missed a non-empty validation. I got the fix, I just added one more word in the validation and that got fixed, but this constant self doubt that am I good for this job or not killing me, cause that thing that I missed is very silly and sometimes I added that in my other code validations but missed this time. My career not started as a developer but its my dream of being one, and as I finally got the opportunity I took it, but things like this making me feel nervous and giving me the thought that am I good for this job ? I am feeling like I should have a guardian angel who can guide me in my developer career. And recently I got this fear into my heart that am I going to fail ? What if I fail etc. If I am doing mistakes like this repeatedly ( this is my 2nd one I guess which draws good attention ), how can I improve myself ? I don't want to give up, I can do work hard. Any suggestions please ? [link] [comments] |
Line between figuring out code vs copy/pasting from sources Posted: 27 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT I really want to learn how to be a strong developer and I currently have some work experience as a front end developer. Whenever I'm stuck, I Google the problem and copy/paste code accordingly. However, I feel like that I don't retain or really learn anything. What is the line between googling something and just trying to figure it out [link] [comments] |
Why do modern programs/applications/web-apps use so many programming languages? Posted: 27 May 2021 11:24 PM PDT As in the title, can somebody explain it in ELI5 fashion to me? Why can't you program the entire thing in C for example, and if you can - why isn't it common practice? I've really enjoyed programming so far but I feel like I don't understand/see the bigger picture. Like going from creating algorithms and playing with arrays etc. to wrapping it all up into a full game with GUI is a mystery to me. [link] [comments] |
Component VS Beans in Spring - when to use who and why? Posted: 27 May 2021 11:23 PM PDT You can either write: Or Why and when should you use the first example over the second? [link] [comments] |
To all expert in C, please assist where am I in learning C Posted: 27 May 2021 10:54 PM PDT I only learn C on youtube, and I don't know what is my progress in this programming. Am I only learning the basic in the middle or expert, (surely not expert). So here's what I learn after watching tutorials. First I learned hello world, then pointers, then array, then multi dimensional array, then functions, then structures ( linked list) , algorithms (sorting and searching). I feel like I am missing on something and I don't know what it is, I really don't know where to apply this knowledge other than making console application. Where am I really on this language and what should I learn next? [link] [comments] |
asking for some crowd wisdom: helping support engineers get a job as software engineer Posted: 27 May 2021 10:45 PM PDT Hi all, I am working as a software dev in a large tech corp, for the past year, I have had the chance to work with and interact with a number of support engineers. Some of them told me that they aspire to become software engineer, and I know one or two that are quite motivated, getting up early to study programming before their day job starts. Does anyone here have some ideas on this, how to help a support eng to pass software interview and get a job as a software engineer? first hand experience would be even better :) Cheers, Ray [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 10:27 PM PDT Does anyone know how I can mod a fraction using c++. I have imported the mpir library to my project so if anyone knows how I can do it with the library it will also help. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Creative ways to get an understanding of PCIe from a programming perspective Posted: 27 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT Hi, I'm trying to develop a strong understanding of PCI-e, but not sure where to start. I've been reading every link I can find, but I don't know what to do for a more tangible understanding, since everything is all theory. I'd like to somehow put this into practice. my background is pure cs, I've taken an OS course but it didn't really cover this at all. Are there any interesting tools/qemu plugins that can make this seem more real? [link] [comments] |
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