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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Cambridge Quantum Develops Algorithm to Accelerate Monte Carlo Integration on Quantum Computers Computer Science

    Cambridge Quantum Develops Algorithm to Accelerate Monte Carlo Integration on Quantum Computers Computer Science

    Cambridge Quantum Develops Algorithm to Accelerate Monte Carlo Integration on Quantum Computers

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Is there a database or similar for algorithms for different problems?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Say I want to find an algorithm for solving Sudoku or TSP or something. I could just search the literature but I can't imagine that there isn't some kind of database that indexes such algorithms including links to the papers and runtimes and maybe even reference implementations.

    submitted by /u/Osskyw2
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    Projects Based Learning so though worth sharing (Big Data and Machine Learning)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    I came across a nice blog for learning Big Data and Machine Learning using Apache Spark and build projects so thought worth Sharing

    ( that is Build Projects using Technology like Big Data Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Hive etc)

    Website : https://projectsbasedlearning.com/

    Project Details

    1. Machine Learning Pipeline Application on Power Plant.
    2. Machine Learning Project Predict Will it Rain Tomorrow in Australia
    3. Predict Ads Click – Practice Data Analysis and Logistic Regression Prediction
    4. Predicting the age of abalone from physical measurements
    5. Glass Identification by USA Forensic Science Service
    6. Identify the Type of animal (7 Types) based on the available attributes
    7. YouTube Spam Comment Prediction
    8. Predicting the Cellular Localization Sites of Proteins in Yest
    9. Mobile Price Classification
    10. Classifying gender based on personal preferences
    11. Prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over 50K a year
    12. Medical Drugs Classification

    #apachespark #bigdata #datascience #analytics #statistics #predictivemodeling #machinelearning #hadoop #datascientist #bigdataanalytics #bigdataengineer #bigdatadeveloper #bigdatahadoop #apache #machinelearningalgorithms #machinelearningmodels #machinelearningengineer

    submitted by /u/Ok-Ball3395
    [link] [comments]

    Python Programming Module

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    What does it mean by Logical memory is divided...? Where is logical memory data stored, like addresses? Where can I learn about this more deeply ( Articles or Books, Youtube channel )

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Choosed a harder elective, data mining, how do I pass this subject with good enough marks.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    I had the option to choose between other subjects and data mining. Choosed data mining, because I learn from online and thought there would be lots of content online, turns out it is not the case. This subject is really tough to understand, forget mastering this. I want to just get good enough marks in this subject. What are some resources that I can follow?Recommend some courses to learn this subject.

    Here are the topics-:

    Based on this syllabus?

    • Introduction (2 hours)
    1. Data Mining Origin
    2. Data Mining & Data Warehousing basics
    • Data Pre-Processing (6 hours )
    1. Data Types and Attributes
    2. Data Pre-processing
    3. OLAP & Multidimensional Data Analysis
    4. Various Similarity Measures
    • Classification (12 hours)
    1. Basics and Algorithms
    2. Decision Tree Classifier
    3. Rule Based Classifier
    4. Nearest Neighbor Classifier
    5. Bayesian Classifier
    6. Artificial Neural Network Classifier
    7. Issues : Overfitting, Validation, Model Comparison
    • Association Analysis (10 hours)
    1. Basics and Algorithms
    2. Frequent Itemset Pattern & Apriori Principle
    3. FP-Growth, FP-Tree
    4. Handling Categorical Attributes
    5. Sequential, Subgraph, and Infrequent Patterns
    • Cluster Analysis (9 hours)
    1. Basics and Algorithms
    2. K-means Clustering
    3. Hierarchical Clustering
    4. DBSCAN Clustering
    5. Issues : Evaluation, Scalability, Comparison
    • Anomaly / Fraud Detection (3 hours)
    • Advanced Applications (3 hours)
    1. Mining Object and Multimedia
    2. Web-mining
    3. Time-series data mining

    Till now, I have found youtube channels like 5 minutes engineering, easy engineering classes.

    submitted by /u/90375
    [link] [comments]

    Wearables computing made of mushrooms… finally

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:31 AM PDT

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