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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course is free to sign up for the next few days with code MAY2021FREE learn programming

    "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course is free to sign up for the next few days with code MAY2021FREE learn programming

    "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course is free to sign up for the next few days with code MAY2021FREE

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm a bit late with this month's free code, but it is now active.

    https://inventwithpython.com/automateudemy (This link will automatically redirect you to the latest discount code.)

    You can also click this link or manually enter the code: MAY2021FREE


    This promo code works for three days (I can't extend it past that). Sometimes it takes an hour or so for the code to become active just after I create it, so if it doesn't work, go ahead and try again a while later. I'll change it to MAY2021FREE2 in three days.

    Udemy has changed their coupon policies, and I'm now only allowed to make 3 coupon codes each month with several restrictions. Hence why each code only lasts 3 days. I won't be able to make codes after this period, but I will be making free codes next month. Meanwhile, the first 15 of the course's 50 videos are free on YouTube.

    Frequently Asked Questions: (read this before posting questions)

    • This course is for beginners and assumes no previous programming experience, but the second half is useful for experienced programmers who want to learn about various third-party Python modules.
    • If you don't have time to take the course now, that's fine. Signing up gives you lifetime access so you can work on it at your own pace.
    • This Udemy course covers roughly the same content as the 1st edition book (the book has a little bit more, but all the basics are covered in the online course), which you can read for free online at https://inventwithpython.com
    • The 2nd edition of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is free online: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/2e/
    • I do plan on updating the Udemy course for the second edition, but it'll take a while because I have other book projects I'm working on. Expect that update to happen in mid-2021. If you sign up for this Udemy course, you'll get the updated content automatically once I finish it. It won't be a separate course.
    • It's totally fine to start on the first edition and then read the second edition later. I'll be writing a blog post to guide first edition readers to the parts of the second edition they should read.
    • I wrote a blog post to cover what's new in the second edition
    • You're not too old to learn to code. You don't need to be "good at math" to be good at coding.
    • Signing up is the first step. Actually finishing the course is the next. :) There are several ways to get/stay motivated. I suggest getting a "gym buddy" to learn with. Check out /r/ProgrammingBuddies
    submitted by /u/AlSweigart
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    Looking for a beginner programming buddy

    Posted: 12 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Anyone down to teach ourselves how to code this summer?

    I'm looking to take a few introductory courses and hopefully build 1-2 projects. I'll be starting with cs50, followed by the Odin project and I'll be looking to put somewhere in the ballpark of 15-20 hours a week. Maybe some leetcode as well after the right foundations have been set. I have very little coding experience, although I did teach myself a bit of Java over the winter break. If anyone's interested, lmk and I'll DM you. I also plan on creating a discord server for this :)

    Edit: Programming buddies. I also plan on doing both the JS and Ruby path for the Odin project

    Edit 2: Wow this garnered a lot more interest than I thought it would :O I set the server up but I can't seem to DM people the link anymore (perhaps because this is a new account and there's a DM limit?), so I'll give it another try after my work shift ends tonight.

    Edit 3: OK, I think we have a sizeable number of people in the server by now! Gonna stop sending out invites now because I think this group will be more efficient if we keep under 40ish people. Looking forward to seeing everyone who commented on this there :) If you commented and I missed you, please send me a DM!

    submitted by /u/ImplodingExploder
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    Tips on setting up a GitHub profile before applying to jobs?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    I've had a GitHub account for a while now but it's basically just a profile picture and some repositories. Any tips for setting it up or things to watch out for before applying to jobs?

    I figure it wouldn't be so different than LinkdedIn and maybe I should star the best repos. Do people usually enter their personal information like full name and location like other social media?

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Truth
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    Are there any up to date tutorials for ASP.Net Core ?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    I recently set my focus on learning ASP.Net Core, but the documentation seems outdated and most tutorials focus on v2.0 or v2.1. So when I try to go along with v5.0 I often run into problems. Are there any tutorials or courses that teach v5.0 ? Or is it better to just go with the v2.2 even if its not the most recent version ?

    submitted by /u/CallMeNepNep
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    Learning HTML5 at 26

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    I really hope I'm not too old to be picking this up. After years and years of struggling with what I want to do as a career, I have officially come to the conclusion that web development is something I feel like I'd be passionate about. In fact, I have have been spending months filling a notebook with notes of HTML and HTML5 and been using an app called SoloLearn to teach me a bit. I am planning to get a 2 year degree in it, just have been studying and learning. It's extremely difficult so I'm trying my hardest. Any advice? Am I too old to start this? I'm very new to all of this so please be kind.

    submitted by /u/MidLandManiac
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    Advice to learn C++

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    I recently took a c++ course at my local college but failed due to how confused and behind I was.

    I decided to practice my coding mainly for C++ this summer but I do not know where to star. I plan to re-start my learning of this language.

    Any advice on where to start?

    submitted by /u/24checo
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    Where do I understand relational databases?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    Im a final year CS student currently making projects to expand my knowledge ever since the pandemic I've made Web development my favorite hobby. It was awesome learning the frontend stuff with so many resources to help me out but when it comes to doing Backend the best progress I could properly make is with NoSQL. But I feel dumb whenever I try to design a relational database there are so many ways to do it and Im just confused about finding the correct principle. Planning to learn by making a Postgres model. What concepts should I read up on? is there a good book that I should pick up or any kind of resource that helps me gain confidence in what Im trying to do. Also what tools are out there that can help me?


    submitted by /u/Divide-Due
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    Quick Review: Back to Back SWE's Platform

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    If any of you aren't aware, Back to Back SWE is one of the best explanation channels for difficult CS algorithm problems. Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/BackToBackSWE/videos

    The guy in the videos is named Benyam Ephrem and he's one of the best lecturers I've seen: great energy, really simple explanations, and is able to boil down big problems into something approachable.

    So of course I bought their learning platform (https://backtobackswe.com) when it came out. Exclusive video content and full explanations from Ephrem, what's not to like?

    Unfortunately, it was a big mistake. Ephrem is not the only lecturer. As you progress in the platform, this other guy takes over for the explanations and he's...frankly not good. His explanation style is very dry, robotic, boring, and it's clear he's just reading from a script while staring at the camera. I remember for one of the videos, he just circles a portion of code and says "this is log n" and doesn't even explain it and continues on. Why pay money for this when I can get Ephrem for free on the YT channel?

    Anyways, just a quick review. Great YT channel and I'd recommend it, but horrific decision in letting some other guy that's not Ephrem do most of the solutions videos. Honestly, a waste of money and you're better off without it.

    submitted by /u/someguyrofl1234
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    How do I treat certain mathematical expressions recursively? (Python)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    Like the title suggests, I am trying to code a class that will represent and evaluate mathematical expressions in a recursive way. I have successfully figured out the code for addition and multiplication. But when I try to write one for division, I am having some difficulty. Since addition and multiplication are commutative, I think that was easier. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks! Here is my code

    # Classes that represent expressions according the recursive
    # definition that an expression is...
    # - An operation applied to 1 or more smaller expressions, or
    # - A number
    # Each part of this definition corresponds to a different class.
    class Expression : # The recursive case
    # Every expression stores a list subexpressions (i.e.,
    # a list of Expression or Constant objects)
    # Initialize an expression, given a list of its
    # subexpressions.
    def __init__( self, subexpressions ) :
    self.subexpressions = subexpressions

    # Calculate this expression's value.
    def value( self ) :
    print( "Some subclass really ought to override this." )

    # A kind of expression that represents additions.
    class Addition( Expression ) :

    # Initialize an addition given a list of its
    # subexpressions.
    def __init__( self, subexpressions ) :
    super().__init__( subexpressions )

    # Calculate the value of this addition.
    def value( self ) :
    # Evaluate the sub-expressions and add their values.
    total = 0
    for sub in self.subexpressions :
    total = total + sub.value()
    return total

    # A class the class that represents multiplication operations
    class Multiplication( Expression ) :

    # Initialize a multiplication given a list of its
    # subexpressions.
    def __init__( self, subexpressions ) :
    super().__init__( subexpressions )

    # Calculate the value of this multiplication.
    def value( self ) :
    total = 1
    for sub in self.subexpressions :
    total = total * sub.value()
    return total

    class Division (Expression):
    def __init__( self, subexpressions ) :
    super().__init__( subexpressions )

    def value(self):
    total = 1
    for sub in self.subexpressions :
    total = (total / sub.value())
    return total

    class Constant : # The base case
    # Initialize a constant
    def __init__( self, value ) :
    self.number = value

    # Get this constant's value
    def value( self ) :
    return self.number

    if __name__ == "__main__" :

    # Test creating a constant.
    seventeen = Constant( 17 )
    print( "The value of 17 is", seventeen.value() )

    # Test a recursive expression for 3 + 4 + 17 + -3.
    expr = Addition( [ Constant(3),
    Constant( -3 ) ] )
    print( "The expression's value is", expr.value() )

    # Test some multiplications.
    mult1 = Multiplication( [ Constant(3),
    Constant(2) ] )
    print( "3 * 5 * 2 =", mult1.value() )

    expr2 = Addition( [ Multiplication( [ Constant(2),
    Constant(4) ] ),
    Multiplication( [ Constant( -3),
    Constant( 10 ) ] )
    ] )
    print( "2*4 + (-3)*10 =", expr2.value() )

    expr3 = Division( ( [ Constant(3),
    Constant(2) ] ) )
    print ( "3 divided by 5 divided by 2", expr3.value())

    submitted by /u/TillStDymphna89
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    For Loop Question (C)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:57 PM PDT


    int main(){

    int b[10]={-1 , 1 , -1 , 1 , -1 , 1 ,-1 , 1 , -1 , 1}, i;

    for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++){

    \++i; b\[i\]+=b\[i+1\]+=i; 


    printf("%d %d %d",b[2],b[4],b[6])


    Can anyone explain this program please

    submitted by /u/octavrium
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    What is self in python classes?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    I know what a class is but what exactly does the self do ?

    class Person(): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name john = Person("John") 
    submitted by /u/PremeJigg
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    Best ways to learn JavaScript

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    I'm starting to learn JS and I just wanted to hear your story/opinion, how did you learn JavaScript or what is the best way to learn JavaScript/ front end web development and get good at it?

    submitted by /u/callmecrazydave
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    How long does it take to learn how to create shop website?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Hi. Recently I came up with idea to learn how create a website. I'm planning to open some business (with website shop) in 2022, to this date I have a lot of time and a lot of determination to learn it. I know it's not easy but it's not scaring me. If it would be 1 year of everyday learning and being frustrated, well i'll do it. I have a lot of time after work so I wonder if I would open some shop with website, why I shouldn't learn it by myself instead of out source it? Is it real to learn it in 1-2 years? If I would be focused only in Shop Website?

    submitted by /u/Mowskin
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    Any method to add multiple data to database workbench simultaneously?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    I am conduting unit test on web pages that I have developed. I want to check its performance, when there are a lot of data in the database.

    The client for which I am developing the site will definitely have 10s of 1000s of data. And adding so many data manually during the development phase is impractical.

    So, is there any way (application) where I can add multiple data simultanuously in the given row format of my database (MySQL in my case), automatically?

    submitted by /u/AsishPC
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    I’ve heard on here that Object Oriented Programming is not the only way to organize your code. How come it’s universally taught in school though?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    Every computer science degree has courses on object oriented programming, even college diplomas have it. I remember people saying that OOP is not as prevalent as it used to be (idk if that's true) yet all these universities and colleges push it as the primary way to organize code. Will OOP alway be the primary way to code?

    submitted by /u/imhypedforthisgame
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    What stack for this side project?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    I'm planning to work on a side project this summer where you can click on different countries on a map and get the value of their currency converted to USD (or another currency of their choosing). I plan to use React for this since I know it and want to get better at it, but would I need databases for this type of project? I think I would also need Node/Express as well. I'm asking because I know how and why to use React, but not so much the others. Basically, I'm asking what would be necessary for this kind of project.

    I posted this on CSMajors originally, and was told to come here. One poster said this sort of project wouldn't require a backend or a database. What are some additions I could make which would require me to use a backend or a database? My goal is to get familiar with the MERN stack.

    submitted by /u/SoulSilverHG
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    Music notation with Flex - do I even need a Bison parser?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    If I display any poor cognition, forgive me, I suffer from schizophrenia (and stack supplements meticulously to think more clearly).

    I'm writing a musical notation that's read vertically, rather than horizontally. So, two concurrent C major scales separated by an octave would be:

    []pi c1--C1--d1--D1--e1--f1--F1--g1--G1--a1--A1--b1--c2-- []rh daaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaa []pi c0--C0--d0--D0--e0--f0--F0--g0--G0--a0--A0--b0--c1-- []rh daaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaadaaa ][ 

    And I've got a Flex lexer running (highly modified), and a Bison parser writing a MIDI file. But I discovered that my stream of tokens:

    ENDCOL pi rh pi rh ENDCOL pi rh pi rh ENDCOL ... 

    was parsing to write the correct number of notes, but they were the same note throughout each column. That is, two c0 notes (middle C) rather than a c0 and a c1.

    It seems that when my parser chose between shift and reduce, it only chose to reduce after shifting everything in the column. I was thinking about how best to overcome this, and wondering if a GLR parser would be better than the Bison default LALR, but it occurred to me that while I like using Flex, maybe I would do better to skip Bison and work more directly with the code.

    I hope someone well-versed in lexers and parsers can give me some advice. Be gentle, I'm only a C beginner.

    submitted by /u/henstepl
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    C# Encapsulation - what is the point?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    Hi. I'm pretty new to all this and I'm currently learning C#.

    I'm trying to wrap my head around encapsulation, and it doesn't seem to matter how many tutorials or explanations I read, I seem to come away from each one asking myself the same question - what is the point of this?

    broadly speaking, Encapsulation is described as hiding data from one class to another, and its also described as hiding information from the end user in some examples.

    yet, for the former you can add other lines of code (getters and setters) that make this hidden data accessible, and for the latter, surely the end user only displays information set by the coder via output functions anyway?

    so again, what is the point of encapsulation? or maybe someone can clarify the points I've made above so I can better understand them.


    submitted by /u/SunGazing8
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    VS Code breakpoint troubles

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Trying to try out the debugger on a simple python file.
    I click the debug icon in the sidebar, hit "run and debug", the command palate pops up and says select a debug configuration. I click "Python File". Then it just runs the file ignoring my breakpoint.

    I'm not sure if I set something up incorrectly or what. I do have the python extension installed and I am able to run the python code just fine.

    submitted by /u/La-ze
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    First year college, failed 2 classes. 19 years old, is my computer science career sealed?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, currently writing this after a miserable day. Failed both my finals for my college class and now have a 65% (D) in both.

    I am a freshmen community college student, majoring in computer science. This is my second semester. My first semester I got an A in my programming class, A in English and 2 B's on my other classes which landed me comfortably at a 3.46 gpa. Basically I did for the first time ever, good.

    This has been the first time in my life I had actually been able to do something and change my life around. I'm trying to keep this short as possible to not bore anyone since everyone has a sob story, but for the first time I actually felt happy, my parents were proud, life just seemed so perfect to what it was once in my terror years in highschool at home with family life and getting into trouble in school.

    However second semester comes, and I screw it up like everything I do. I took 2 programming classes, a math class, and 2 general education classes. I was doing great at first, but the last few months have slowly fallen and spiraled down. Issues with parents, with myself, financial issues, everything. I managed to land 2 Bs for my math and general Ed class, an A for one of them and got my 65% for one of the classes and another D for another.

    My gpa will be sitting around a 2.9 What do I do? Am I screwed? I read online that after failing some classes transferring to a state college or university is unlikely and I'm scared beyond comprehension. Everything I ever told and promised myself and my parents down the drain. What's worse is that if I want to apply for a computer science major for a state college after my 2 years, will my chances be lower because of the specific grades for computer science related classes?? I know I can retake the class and it replaces the old grade in the GPA, but it still appears on your permanent record and am shitting myself that these will be permanent taints that will haunt me in my life

    I am genuinely just so terrified. I was starting my life off so good and I thought I could change but it seems as if the battle is in winnable. I am 19 and just really in need of some advice, words of wisdom, reality checks etc. I've been learning and want to continue learning on my own and make projects and ideas with programming but without the bachelors it seems as if getting a job anywhere will be impossible. I want to have the bachelors and more but it seems as if I cut my path and ended it by failing the classes I needed to prove to be able to even be considered to try and get a bachelors.

    What do I do? I truly love learning and want to learn more about programming and continue down the road learning more and more, but college this year because of Covid has been weird in its ways and just doesn't feel like I expected. I guess all I rlly want is to hear some life experiences or advice and criticisms because In a way it makes me be not so hard on myself.

    submitted by /u/altoid932
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    [AppLab/Code.org] How to implement an algorithm, sequencing, and an iteration for Matching Game

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    For a final project, I'm trying to create a matching game where the buttons, once clicked, are randomly assigned a color (red, brown, black, white, etc.) and the goal of the game is to have those 5 buttons match the 5 buttons of the 3 examples. Basically, the buttons are supposed to look like the "bands" of a resistor, and the game is to match the bands of the clickable "resistor" with the 3 example resistors below. Here is the program:


    The problem that I'm facing is that I'm trying to create an algorithm that includes two or more lines of code in a row that includes either a For loop or a While loop and in that loop, there's an If statement, or to have an If statement with a For loop/While loop inside.

    The purpose of the algorithm is that when the "bands" (the 5 clickable buttons) match the colors of one of the examples, the text (ex1_txtlbl for instance) would change to "Matched!" and remain that text.

    Line 46 is 1 attempt at trying to solve my dilemma. (I've spent ~2 days)

    I've tried doing if getProperty "band1", "background-color" == "orange" + getProperty "band2", "background-color" == "orange" + getProperty "band3", "background-color" == "black" + getProperty "band4", "background-color" == "black" + getProperty "band5", "background-color" == "brown" setText "ex1_txtlbl", "Matched!" but this didn't work

    I expected that when "band1" was "orange", "band2" was "orange", and that when "band3" and "band4" was "black" while "band5" was brown, the text for "ex1_txtlbl" would have changed, but instead, nothing happened, nothing at all, which befuddled me the most.

    I'm trying to create, somewhere within the program, an algorithm that when the buttons (the "bands" of the resistor) match the colors of one of the three examples, the text above the example changes to "Matched!", all while having a For loop and an If statement accomplish this, but nothing I've attempted has been able to successfully do this. Thus, I'm asking for help.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/MooneBoy24
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    Is There Any Way To Make Javascript Run Much Faster?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    I've written a javascript game however it involves a lot of calculations and its jerking a lot. It only runs smooth if you press buttons once at a time. If you hold them down, to keep the player moving forward, it jerks.

    I'm guessing browsers are not meant to handle so many calculations at once like a game engine? What do I do? Is there any way I can make Chrome handle this game with more power?

    submitted by /u/RifleRooster
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    Can you be too "dumb" for programming?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning C basics at my university(freshman). Every single lecture I've ever taken was hard and time-consuming. I had to google almost every assignment because I couldn't come up with a solution myself(Fibonacci/prime numbers, Sort algorithms, etc...). Now I'm stuck on pointers and I feel like I'm just too dumb to understand programming concepts and to be a programmer. Should I drop out from a computer science major to not waste any more time since I won't become a good programmer or maybe I need to push myself a bit more?

    submitted by /u/Alert-Adeptness5007
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