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    Tuesday, March 16, 2021

    How do I quit a game I've been working on for over 4 years but is in development hell?

    How do I quit a game I've been working on for over 4 years but is in development hell?

    How do I quit a game I've been working on for over 4 years but is in development hell?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    I've been working on the same game for over 4 years together with a friend, but I'm just completely drained from all motivation. My friend does the art (3d modelling and texturing) and I do programming. It's the first game I'm making and I've made all the wrong decisions. Scope too big, too complicated for a beginner, made too many promises. I'm working on this game part time, but I long for a normal full time job again where I can fall asleep at night like a normal person.

    I'm afraid I will lose all my credibility with the people that I've been telling about my game for the past 4 years.

    Mistakes I've made:

    - Announced the game too early. I put up a trailer with a 'Coming Soon' at the end, thinking it would be done within a year, this is almost 3 years ago now.

    - Been talking to too many people about the game I'm developing. Now I've started dreading talking to other people because of the eventual "How is your game going along?" question. I hate talking or even thinking about my game.

    - Making a game that is too big and complex for a beginner, it's a VR shooter game with different enemy types, lots of AI stuff (I know nothing of programming AI, everything is learnt from youtube tutorials, and now it's a big buggy mess that seems unsolvable)

    I've put so many hours of my life into this project, that quitting sounds like the dumbest thing to do, especially because I'm doing this together with a friend, but I just can't take it any longer. Day after day go by without making any progress. The past year has made me super depressed and I'm afraid of how other people will react if I cancel the project.


    Omg, I didn't ever think I would get so many replies, thank you guys! This was kind of a rant post, expecting to disappear into the internet void.

    I'll try to reply to as many of you as I can tomorrow, when I can think more straight again.

    submitted by /u/Link_AJ
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    How to make your own UI sounds

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    A tutorial on how to implement Katana Finisher Attacks in Unreal engine

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Postmortem of the 12 game jams I joined in 2020

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Development question

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    Hi y'all

    EDIT: so I've scrapped the idea of it being MMO for now. I'd like to develop a single player political sim like The Political Process (r/ThePoliticalProcess)

    Disclaimer: very little experience with programming, I've just learned the basics of HTML and played a bit with CSS.

    I'm really hooked on the idea of developing a webpage MMO political sim (mostly text - ala POWER or a mmo version of The Political Process) but just have a few questions on how I should be working towards it.

    Recommendations for language(s) to learn? How difficult and time consuming is this going to be in the long run?

    I'm super keen to get working on this, and know it'll be ages until I'm proficient, but yeah, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/YaBoyAvi
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    [C++ with SDL 2.0] Are there any references on how to efficiently organize code?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    I've been wanting to make my first game as an exercise to get better at programming and so I decided to try and make a 2D top down spaceship game in "pure" C++ using SDL 2 as my only help to only have abstraction on the things that either require silicon level access or that Windows likes to prevent you from doing directly.

    I've come to the conclusion that while I do know how C++ works and SDL2 is pretty well documented I'm having trouble properly dissecting the problem at hand and planning out an approach.

    I have no idea how I should organise the headers and sources, for example, or what should be a fully fledged class with long constructors and destructors for the sake of future proofing as opposed to three lines of code in the main loop.

    Have you ever had problems actually planning out a larger piece of software like this? How did you solve them?

    submitted by /u/Frankaos333
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    My game Holodrive is launching!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm Lessa from BitCake Studio. We're bringing an important update to our game, Holodrive, a free-to-play fast-paced and unpredictable 2D arena shooter. Our team is teaming up with Trail to bring you this experience in every browser with no download required.

    Right now, we left the early access phase on Steam, and we are actively seeking players to join our community to keep it always active and us being able to produce new content for this title.

    submitted by /u/matheuslr
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    Since I have no knowledge regarding coding whatsoever but I have knowledge regarding 3D subject, could I start making my game first by building the environment asset first?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    I read that Team Cherry is a 3 man team that consists of a programmer & 2 game designers so I wonder if its possible on my end to create the environment assets first and then eventually asking someone to code/program my game.

    That said, since I know Maya and starting to learn Blender, which would be a better choice if I were to do it? I know Maya has always been a good software and safe choice but I've been hearing good things with Blender. I just dont want to create all the assets and in the end, Blender doesnt integrate too well with other softwares

    submitted by /u/waku2x
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    Menu & Mouse Parallax Background UI | 2D Top Down RPG in Unity #8 | 2D G...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    WorkingOnALevel Replacing materials and textures. Hopefully It helps someone.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Archer: The Witch's Wrath archery techniques. What do you think? Should we include anything else, to make archery in our game even more immersive?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    Update about our upcoming game Archer: The Witch's Wrath. Our main topic this time will be the archery system!

    We have not been dragging our feet when it comes to new features. First of all, we are well aware that archery isn't limited to one technique. You can use different bows, choose from a variety of arrows, or - obviously - shoot in different ways. We want to give players the freedom of choice; the technique they decide to use will depend on their convenience and needs. The game will give them a chance to experiment with archery, therefore they will learn which style suits them best in practice. We will provide players with opportunities to prove themselves, no matter which path they took.

    Speaking about shooting, these are some of the techniques you will be able to learn.

    Basic shot - the simplest and fastest technique, where accuracy is less important than the rate of fire; it should be used for short or medium distances.

    Double shot - an alternate version of the basic shot, the difference is that the archer fires two arrows at once; an accurate shot deals double damage, which makes defeating your opponents easier, but on the other hand, player loses arrows faster.

    Precise shot - this technique is much slower, but makes aiming easier; your character focuses, the camera zooms on the target, and time slows down - in such conditions, the player can shoot more consciously and aim for more vulnerable parts (such as head, which take more damage).

    Quick burst

    - it is the fastest way to shoot; when aiming, archer focuses (just like with the precise shot), marking up to three targets. Then, three shots are fired at the pointed enemies. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be used constantly, since it has a fairly long cooldown.

    We have mentioned before that shooting techniques will be influenced by arrows. We implemented many types of them in the game. Each will work differently in specific conditions and some will only be useful in exceptional situations. The player can use any type of arrow in each of the techniques we discussed.

    🏹 Regular arrow – an ordinary arrow; deals normal damage to all enemies except armored ones - it does only half the damage to them.
    🏹 Piercing arrow – a special arrow for monsters with heavy armor; it can penetrate the target, dealing full damage to armored enemies.
    🏹 Fire arrow – deals additional fire damage; there's also a chance for setting the target on fire.
    🏹 Poison arrow – an arrow that poisons its target, dealing additional damage from poison every second until death.
    🏹 Explosive arrow – it doesn't have to hit opponents directly; the explosion deals area damage, so it's best used against groups of enemies. Additionally, there is a chance of knocking down or stunning enemies.
    🏹 Magic arrow – an arrow that allows players to take control over opponents; although the effect wears off after several seconds.
    🏹 Wolf arrow – when fired, this arrow turns into a wolf that charges at your enemies and goes for the throat - it keeps monsters distracted, as they're focusing on the wolf. The animal will fight to its death.

    What do you think? Should we include anything else, to make archery in our game even more immersive? We can't wait to hear your opinions and suggestions regarding the mechanics described above.

    Image Power Team

    submitted by /u/Image_Power
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    Design tips for making an interactive tutorial?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    What are some good tips or resources (articles, videos) on how to design a good tutorial? Something that guides a new user in how to use the interface and do the basics - maybe with pop-ups, arrows, etc.

    submitted by /u/Morphray
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    Stuck for ideas on what to name my game

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:24 AM PDT


    This is my first post here, so sorry if I'm doing anything wrong. I'm a hobby game developer working on a project but I'm struggling to think of name for it. Here's a couple of screen grabs of it in action, although a lot of features are missing.


    Inside the boat


    Driving the boat

    Going through a lock

    The game revolves around the player's journey down a canal somewhere in England. On the way they can buy and sell goods, pick up items on the ground, fish and hunt ducks in order to keep their boat fuelled and their engine running.

    Thanks for any suggestions,

    Alex Paterson

    submitted by /u/A-Paterson
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    Viewport & Bookmarking Features - Mirage (Vulkan/C++ Engine)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    What's your opinion on working on multiple 'mini-projects'/experiments vs. always focusing on a structured project?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    I began with game dev around 6 years ago, knowing only some programming in C++. I started out with making some easy clones in SDL, then moved on to Unity. After I recruited some friends (who barely knew how to use Excel, let alone code) to make an epic horror adventure game with full VA performances and it, uhm, didn't quite pan out, I decided I kind of liked this shit and kept going on my own.

    To say the least, my progress since then hasn't been quite focused, consisting mostly of brief outbursts of creative energy and drawn out periods of complete absence, compounded by a stressful work/study schedule. Still, it was inevitable that I would pick up some skills -- even if it wasn't in the most efficient way possible -- so I became decent in some areas: my programming has greatly improved, I've learned a lot of conceptual and theoretical bits about how games work, and I can mostly model anything as long as it doesn't require sculpting. After a rather unpleasant experience called 'compulsory military service', I realized I really missed making games, and resolved to make it my #1 priority this year.

    To spare you any more of my tragic life story, after practicing to bring myself back up to speed, I recently took place in my first jam. I came 8th out of 15, and along the way, I realized that my development skills are like Swiss cheese; there are a couple of things I know well, but my penchant for jumping into big, unfinished projects left me with a lot of gaps, basic stuff that I skipped or just glossed over. Did I mention this was the first game I actually released?

    Even though the jam was a bittersweet experience -- I was happy to finally finish something and come up with the solutions on my own, but I wanted to do better -- it has refueled my passion even more. I just can't rip myself away from Unity. However, commiting to another project is something that I'm hesitant to do right now. There is just so much stuff I want to learn and play with: shaders, VFX, physics-based mechanics, you name it. The jam exposed me to something so unfamiliar, it gave me the chance to explore simpler things I could complete vs. mechanics I could program, but took a lot of time.

    The reason I'm asking is that, understandably, there's a prevailing sentiment around here that we should strive for smaller, complete games. On the other hand, my idea was to explore various different styles -- or even self-contained mechanics and recreations, like what Sebastian Lague or the Youtube channel Mix and Jam does -- that will give me the chance to take on new problems and develop my design and programming skills.

    I very much would like to hear your opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/loxagos_snake
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    Best software for my game?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I am gonna make a game which is kind of like superhot but it's in a medieval town. I can't decide whether to use unity or unreal engine? (P.S. my laptop isn't very good.)

    submitted by /u/Vicren_
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    What I learned from writing books for 5 years and how it is relevant for games

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I was writing books for a couple of years now and published my first book 2016. As of today, I have published 5 books, all selfpublished, and a couple of short stories were released with smaller publishers.

    Some facts: My YouTube channel has 10k subscribers. This was the work of 7 years with many pauses. You can do this a lot faster if you aren't as lazy as I am. I'm not writing a lot these days. Books, audio books and YouTube are a very important part of my income etc. at the moment, but only because I'm extremely frugal.

    Here are a couple of things I learned:

    1. Unfinished is worthless
    2. Books are overcrowded
    3. Change the medium
    4. YouTube is great
    5. Quality ensurance
    6. Don't sell too cheap
    7. Longtail

    Unfinished is worthless

    Having ideas is worthless, writing is worthless, making a game is worthless, until you finish it.

    Finishing means: Releasing it in an acceptable state.

    You won't learn a whole lot, if you don't release something. Sure, if you are following a tutorial, you don't need to release that thing but if you do something on your own - finish it. Finishing a project gives you a massive amount of experience you wouldn't have otherwise.

    Books are overcrowded

    Steam is overcrowded? Eh ... Books are. There are like 9 million Kindle ebooks on Amazon alone. Every year + a million. Steam has 50k games. That's 0.5% of 9 million. And you can still get organic sales with ebooks (not many sure enough) but some. If you go into a niche in Steam you might have like 20 other games there. Even genres nobody knows of (for example Bizarro Fiction) there are a lot more books nowadays.

    Change the medium

    This is something for the creative out there. Simply adapt. I published audio versions of my books on Spotify etc. You could make a game out of a book. Or a comic. Many possibilities. This applies also for many games but isn't used often (I saw it once, one guy used his game to market his book, the game is The Howler).

    YouTube is great and be creative

    Many of my book sales come from my German YouTube channel. I built an audience there with releasing free stories on on YouTube in audio form. I was the first person who did this internationally that I know off and I searched to disprove that but maybe you can name somebody else. Many creators (most of them are bigger sometimes a lot bigger than me now) copied that strategy and it seems to work well.

    This provides many different advantages: Organic reach + Ad Revenue are the biggest ones. And you can build a real community. It is even a motivational boost in many cases :)

    Stuff that I read online about YouTube and why it's not good for creators of all kind of sorts is really cringy.

    Some arguments, I want to disprove from experience.

    Ads are bad, most people will watch other creators without ads - That's not true and there were many suspicions that videos with ads performed better in the past organically (I don't know how it is now). Many people don't care about ads and if they really dislike them, they get an AdBlocker or if they don't know how to get an AdBlocker, they write a nasty comment. Maybe you'll lose 1-2% - it's worth it.

    Only GameDevs watch other GameDev channels - this one is actually half-true. If you are making a very technical devlog this might be the case. And devs buy also games. They are not your core buying audience but if you sell less than 100 copies, you shouldn't care too much about that tbh. You can also make other content that is more interesting for your viewers.

    If I make a YouTube channel I need to promote it all the time and that's not worth it - If you have a newsletter, you need to promote it too. And the time investment for promoting your videos can be fairly small. After some time the ball will start rolling in many cases. (Yes there are creators who do this for years and don't even have 100 subs but most of the time this can be fixed or the content is ultra overcrowded like Let's Plays).

    Quality ensurance

    Fix typos, get a good cover, etc. Polish is really important for all kind of mediums. A good cover is really important and so is a good capsule image for your Steam game. Test your books and test your games. You don't see everything. If you are working on your book/game/whatever you are most likely blind.

    Don't sell too cheap

    If you are building a community for months, wrote/coded for a year and do really a great job of marketing your game/book and then sell it for 99 cents, you are either a complete moron or I am. I know there are cases were a really aggressive price is smart but honestly I like to work with higher price points. 99 cents can even be bad for your number of sales because you can't discount so heavily. Afaik, Steam only allows 50% sales on 99 cent games and some people really like the -90%.


    It's still worth it to market your book and game even years after it was released. Do an update, change the cover, make a remastered version. Don't neglect it, just because it is old. You can even just put part 1 and part 2 together in one game/book and make a seperate store page for it (Evoland did that).

    One sidenote: Physical is still cool, especially if you have a really nice audience. I loved selling special hard cover editions from my own website (with email form, no shopsystem, nothing) and they loved it too :D This is especially good if you have a more local audience, like a Brazilian Channel for your games or Italian channel etc.

    submitted by /u/Moaning_Clock
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    Can you share examples of corporate video games (promotional, informational etc)?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I'm in the talks to make a small game for a company unrelated to video games. They want a game to promote a product, but I can't find examples about such games.

    "gamification" and "corporate video games" return unrelated articles or games with names that contain my search terms, but nothing I can really use for inspiration.

    I'm looking for short video games/mini games (in 3D), not necessarily the most inspired or immersive, but that show how a game made for marketing purposes is.

    submitted by /u/mechanicarts
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    why does my music get quieter after the first loop? (unity)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    OK, so at the moment I have one audio source that loops but when it starts playing, it's at max speaker volume.

    Then after it makes one complete loop, the volume becomes a third of the previous volume and stays like that for the rest of the time.

    edit: the music plays even when it's not to play on awake.

    note: the spatial blend is set to 2D, I'm using play on awake, and I have no scripts yet.

    so, why is this happening, and how can I fix it? I would really appreciate the help.

    I tried looking it up but the only answers I could find were "multiple audio sources playing at the same time causes it to become louder". I only have one so that doesn't help me.

    submitted by /u/Digis_Monkey_King
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    Finished up another tutorial on using Material Maker, this on on using Transform nodes

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    How do you do market/competition research for your game?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Leaving the question purposefully vague because I reckon tools and markets are very different between mobile, desktop, consoles, etc. But overall, I'm curious:

    • at what stage of development do you go looking at the market/analyzing competitors & demand?
    • are there any tools or apps you use for that? I know there's some for mobile game stats, curious how useful those are - and if there's anything similar for games put on Steam, for instance
    • how important is it to do plain old "customer research" vs, say, launch an early beta and iterate on feedback?
    submitted by /u/hervalfreire
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    Particle shaders are a great but somewhat hidden feature in Godot. We made a little tutorial because we think they can be helpful.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    How can I make my dream game if the only thing I'm good at is programming?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    I'm currently developing my dream game, and most of the groundwork in terms of programming is finished. I have one big problem though and that is that I can't do music, sound, or art, which are also big parts of the game. I'm also not good at map design or monster design, and I am starting to lose motivation.

    I know I can pay people for art, music, and sound, but for the map, story, and monsters, it's a lot harder. I don't want to do it myself since I don't enjoy it as much and I'm terrible at it, but I also don't want to just pay someone to quickly do it. I tried asking friends but they don't really know how to do any of this either.

    How can I get people to help me with this to bring my game to life? I would hate to see this die and I can't finish it by myself, but I also want people who are passionate about the game to work on it along side me. I'm not asking to hire anyone, I just want some advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Isuckatlifee
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    How to ask great playtest questions

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Wanting to make a PS1-styled mockup BIOS for my game. Any tips?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I'm getting into developing my games hardcore, and my development gimmick is that my games are on an alternate-universe Gen 5 and 6 console. I'm working on this game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, and part of this aesthetic was that I wanted to make it so you can go to the fictional console's BIOS by holding down a button while the game's starting up.

    The thing is, I'm kind of confused as to making assets. I wanted to have my own console sounds, but I don't really know what to make them with. Same goes with logos, menu assets, and menu transitions. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Weedbongz
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