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    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Built my first 100hr+ project web developers

    Built my first 100hr+ project web developers

    Built my first 100hr+ project

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Made my first site and sold it for 250$!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Im self learning web dev for about a year now and made a custom wordpress site using divi about 7 pages for my boss for 250$! It might be a small price but i think it was worth the experience!

    submitted by /u/Mishayee
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    This week I made HTML canvas crash course from beginners to advanced (example source code included)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:53 AM PST

    Is using a consistent coding style mandatory for large projects?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:08 AM PST

    Please bear with me for a moment while I try to explain the reason behind the question. I know this is going to sound like I'm such a diva, but I'm really trying to figure out if I have a mental issue, like OCD, or if other people actually are in agreeance with my reasons for maintaining a strict coding style. Well, it could also be both, but at least I won't be alone.

    I've been involved in web development ever since I was 14 years old. I started getting paid for it when I was 19. I'm 26 now, I've worked with a few people side by side on different projects using mainly JS and PHP, but only lately this thought has actually occurred to me.

    In the beginning, I remember that I kept switching my coding style from one project to another, until I found out about coding standards like PSR 2 for PHP. Ever since then, I started using the same coding style on all my projects and found that it actually helps a lot:

    • When searching in all files for a functions, variable, file name, I am confident in what I search because all the code follows the same pattern. I don't have to search do($this or do ($this or do( $this to find all the usages of that function. This is just one example that passed through my mind right now and it's not really that good because IDEs nowadays help you with that, but I hope you get the idea.

    • Every time I read through new code in the same style as mine, I don't have to spend time to try to figure out where a block of code starts or ends. I know that all function names are snake case, all methods kebab and all class names in camel case. I know that all booleans are written in lower case, all variables in kebab case, etc.

    • The previous statement also goes as a separate advantage when working in teams. It's way easier to code with somebody if you're both using the same style.

    I'm sure I can come up with more advantages, but my memory fails me right now. And, probably, the documentation of PSR 2 and other similar things for other languages do a better job to list their advantages. So I know that this is a "good to have", but I'm trying to figure out if it's actually a "must have".

    Because I am literally obsessed with coding style, and when I say that, I don't mean the exact opposite of literally, I mean I become enraged when I see poorly written code and I skip past it if it's not something I need to work on. I can't even work or try to understand somebody else's code without properly formatting it first.

    That is what started messing with me lately. There has been at least a case where I stopped working with teammates because they didn't want to respect a coding style. Not mine, just a style, any style.

    I'm only referring to large projects here, projects that you spend months or even years on.

    Therefore, I'm asking you to vote not how you think it should be, but how you actually code or, at least, how you want to code, because we all make mistakes.

    Is using a consistent coding style mandatory for large projects?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/degecko
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    Confused about session terminology

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:41 PM PST

    So I'm using next js and using next Auth, It has a hook called useSessions which uses JWT (JWT sessions??), There's also session ID authentication through cookies and then session storage in the browser.

    How does one distinguish between these terminologies? I can't figure out what is what

    submitted by /u/guynumerouno
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    OSx and iPhone simulators show layout correct but it's broken on real device. How to test on windows?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    I'm working on a project which works great on all browsers and plataforms but one: iOS 14. I don't know what's happening but the client has an iPhone and there are some errors in the layout. I think it's something related to the webkit as safari and chrome shows the same error.

    Ok, the Problem is: we have a EC2 AWS instance of mac, but running on safari 14 or using the xcode simulator with ios 14 the layout is perfect. Tried browserstack also, iphone 12 on ios 14 shows the layout as it should. But then on real device it's broken.

    Is there anyway other tools, be it on windows or mac, to do a real test? Buying a iPhone is really out of question, iPhone in Brazil is hella expensive

    OBS: MacOs version is Catalina, if it changes anything...

    OBS 2: I wrote "How to test on windows" in the title, but as i said, we can test on real mac too. Sorry

    submitted by /u/draconetto
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    Things You Can Do With CSS Today

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    I found this article today on Smashing Magazine, and thought it was great. Really exciting stuff that is available to use in CSS, as well as some mention about things coming down the pipeline.


    submitted by /u/rightcreative
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    Where are some good places to find collaboration on projects?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    I have a project for a client that wants to build a website for his new investment company. I'm not confident yet taking on this challenge by myself. However, I want to take advantage of this opportunity because having some knowledge of web development is now becoming a necessary component in my career as a Salesforce developer. So I want to stay relevant. Where can I find people that might be interested in joining me?

    submitted by /u/Aggressive-Pickle91
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    I spent covid time alone building free website that notify you on new book release (Beta), because I find myself hard to keep up with new volumes of my read-list

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST

    What are your steps to taking over an account?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

    Hi Folks,

    I've been asked to take over a website and rework its design to better suit the business needs.

    It had been created by a company as seen in the footer of the current website.

    Im wondering what are you steps to take over a website in this situation?

    Do you ask for details of logins to a CMS / Hosting Accounts etc.?
    Do you ask gritty details about who owns the domain / accounts ?
    Do you request administrative logins or user access on the account?
    Do you contact the current developers and tell them that you are taking over?

    Im quite new to web development in the commercial world so im wondering what your thoughts are on the best business practices from both the clients perspective and the previous developers for things to go smoothly.

    Its one of those "we don't like our website, can you fix it up for us?" sort of requests.


    submitted by /u/mrgrif04
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    What is the best way to detect if user is online or not?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:42 PM PST

    Hi, so I'm working on project created with react for front end and express js for backend, i cant decided what the best way to know if the user is online or not. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/edgetheraited
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    Images having an alt tag as "mandatory" for HTML5 specifications is dumb when images are just for decoration.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:13 PM PST

    I have 16 images on one line on my website that are there for decoration and they move around. Already those images overflow the line on my screen and really take up 6 lines. Adding " alt="" " 16 times is just a waste of time. These images are all the same shape too, so if I added " alt="shape" " to all 16 of the images, a blind person using a screen reader is going to hear:

    "shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, shape", every single time that person goes to a new page with that animation.

    submitted by /u/IMA-C-u-c-k
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    I want to send the user to a new page with an http post request. Is the only option do use a <form> submit?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:38 AM PST

    Basically I want to send a user from a page on site A to a page on site B that expects an http post request. Is that just a web form

    My goal is to send the user to Site B with some data that won't show up in a query string/server logs. Sounds like a web form is the correct way to go here.

    submitted by /u/moon_then_mars
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    MERN Fulll Stack project structure if Deployment Undecided?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:09 PM PST

    Hey, just looking for a quick bit of advice. A friend and I are about to begin a full stack MERN project, so Node and Mongo (probably) on the backend. We are working out designs now, and haven't gotten too far into the process yet.

    How should we set up the project structure with regards to client and server if we are unsure of deployment? I typically just do client folder inside the root, and that works well for deploying to Heroku and doing a post build but does that work well for other deployments too? Like, Ideally, I'd want a structure where the backend can be deployed to Heroku and frontend to Netlify potentially, just in case.


    submitted by /u/not_a_gumby
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    The web didn't change; you did

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    How do you test your frontend (tools) ?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:53 AM PST

    Hi, let's have a discussion on how you test your frontend applications, what kind of tools do you use?

    Do you use visual regression tests using image comparison? Maybe monkey testing with gremlins? Lightouse integration with github? Or just manual testing?

    Backend have plenty of testing solutions, one of them being Behat. Frontend has Jest, Mocha and other tools to test .js, but what about the general flow of the application?

    submitted by /u/wmx11
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    I'm building beautiful CSS buttons every week, this is today's entry, feel free to use it!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:49 PM PST

    How to overlay a grid onto an image HTML

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Hi, all

    I have an image and I want to overlay a grid ontop of it and then every time a square of the grid is clicked i want a counter to increment by one. I am having trouble with getting a grid on top of the image though. Any ideas?


    submitted by /u/Mik3rophone
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    New branch or repository for completely updating website

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Just wondering what everyone does when they're completely revamping their website, not only in terms of styling but complete overhaul of functionality. I'm talking moving from Drupal to something else entirely level of difference. Do you work on a new branch and hope the merge goes smoothly or start a completely new repository?

    submitted by /u/rslee1247
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    Help with database choice needed!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    I have some amount of data (~1M records per day), which is scraped from multiple sources. The data is thrown into an Elasticsearch index.

    The data is periodically aggregated and the aggregated data needs to be saved. The current data is aggregated as a JSON object with a few nested objects, which could be saved as their own tables.

    I was thinking about saving the data into a MySQL database since the consumers will primarily be familiar with MySQL/MariaDB. The first beef I have with a relational database is with bulk inserting the aggregated values into the related tables is a pain in the ass, and I assume this could be slow as hell since the new data needs to be compared to previously aggregated data "merged".

    I'm thinking if a graph database (like neo4j) would be more suitable for my use case since the aggregated data will be used for analytical purposes, with queries that could range through multiple tables.

    Could not find any semi-similar (maybe I'm just bad at googling) information, to point me in the right direction.

    If you have any experience with scraping, bulk saving larger amounts of data, graph databases, any input would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Caperious
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    How to get a real time response from the backend on sending a text request

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:12 AM PST

    I am using flask for my backend which runs a ML model with the input it gets from the react POST request. The text has to go through the model and I want to retrieve the output that the ML model produces in the view back in react so that i can display it real time. How can I achieve this?
    For now I save the text that I receive from the react form along with the output the ML produces in a DB model (sqlite). I then created a REST API for all the entries for that model and request the latest entry to the API every time I submit a form from react so that it gives the results for the form that was submitted. But this means that I have to keep emptying the database on regular intervals to avoid it excessive storage of inputs.
    How can I just get the output of the model back to the frontend(React) without having to involve the database.

    submitted by /u/SantaphiliaHUB
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    How to get over the stress of releasing a website?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:35 PM PST

    I joined an online community, on a game where they pay over $1,000/year to be licensed access to a portal which is finetuned for the game, allowing things like tracking rank-ups, rank timers, transferring between guilds, etc...

    From a development standpoint, I'm coming from a place that for the most part, made the web feel very foreign to me (I work with a lot of OS internals development and writing x86 debuggers). For this community, I decided I wanted to develop a portal that implements those existing features, but for free and open source because I'm not interested in money.

    I developed it in NodeJS, I set up the VPS, the database, I designed the front-end, I answered any feature requests, I studied best practices for asynchronous development (and already had prior experience when working with I/O completion ports). I tested for bugs and bad input constantly, I debugged and debugged looking for issues.

    My stress is moving over to my portal, there being some unforeseen issue that would require me to completely rewrite the code which would not be timely, and their previous third party portal administrator increasing their rate or cutting them off leaving them with nothing.

    For me, my portal works, I tested with 3 different people on the VPS with the respective domain, pages with interactive data load around under 200ms for people in the western countries, and generally under 150ms for people in America.

    Every function is working. However, I cannot get over the stress that things could go awry with around 120 users rather than the 5 I've tested with, that for some reason there may be a database error I made, or some entire error I made in developing the system.

    submitted by /u/BasedDebian
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    Fake discord embeds rickrolls

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:34 PM PST

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