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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Keep being told to build projects, but don't know what to build? Here's some ideas learn programming

    Keep being told to build projects, but don't know what to build? Here's some ideas learn programming

    Keep being told to build projects, but don't know what to build? Here's some ideas

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Many comments in every thread about escaping 'Tutorial Hell', involve the advice of 'Just build some projects'. However, if you are like me, or /u/corshi whom I saw in a thread about this exact thing when I got on this morning, you don't have any idea of where to start or what to build, how to plan or how to structure.

    Thankfully, the internet is a wide web of information, and some lovely people out there decide to create lists that can point you into any sort of direction you desire.

    Projectlearn - A curated list of full project tutorials in different categories from Game Dev and Web Dev, to AI and Machine Learning. Website; Github Repo

    Project Based Tutorials in C - A list of tutorials that work from small projects up to larger projects in C. Covers everything from learning Computer Architecture via building an emulator or VM, to building a kernel or OS Github

    Project Based Learning - A list of programming tutorials about building applications from scratch. Covers all sorts of languages including: C#, C/C++, Go, Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Lua, R, Rust, Swift, Clojur, Elixir, Erlang, and more! Github Repo

    Build Your Own X - A list of projects that teach you how to 'Build Your Own X'. X can be a 3D rendered, BitTorrent Client, Docker, Database, Git, Programming Language, Search Engine, Text Editor, Web Server, and more. Covers various languages for each different 'X' Github

    Project Based Learning - Frontend - Project Based Learning tailored to Frontend devs. Includes things like calculators, chrome extensions, chat interfaces, pagination, notifcation boxes, design systems, spotify search app, and a reddit clone. Covers Javascript, HTML/CSS, Angular, React, Vue, and others. Github

    Community Project Ideas - A community maintained catalog of projects. Has some in Android, C/C++, OpenGL, Java, Javascript, React, Angular, Python, and more. Github

    App Ideas Courtesy of /u/Kapsize - A list of app ideas, each with a clear goal, and 3 levels of difficulty for different places in programming careers/knowledge. Github

    submitted by /u/XxNerdAtHeartxX
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    What would be a considerable amount of time to practice coding every day?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    Hello fellow learners. I'd like to ask this pretty straight forward (as you saw in the title).

    The thing is that I'm a freelancer and I always struggle to find time to study web development. In a daily basis, I can work for up to 10 hours/day, and when the study time comes, most of the time I'm tired enough and my retention goes to a pretty low level, and I feel like those 1-2 hours that I study are not very "productive". Also, sometimes I'd study just 30 mins because I'm just too tired to keep going in night hours.

    I have a friend that's not currently working and he has a looot of time to practice, do research and that stuff. And it's weird, bc both of us started almost at the same time with web-dev, but he knows waaayy much more than me, and sometimes that's kinda frustrating. I know it's not a race, but either way it affects me a bit.

    So, what is a considerable amount of time to study daily in your opinion? Because I feel like 30 mins/1 hour is not enough. I'm willing to change my working hours and make a good balance in my schedule, but either way, I'm looking forward to hear any advice from you :)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/juliofslt
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    What is the point of pointers in C++?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    So like, I am new to C++. I've heard a lot about pointers and that "They make your program faster" and decided to learn the basics of them. I understand that they point to a specific location in memory, but what is the point of using them? I don't see a situation where they would be useful, and I can't find anything to explain it. (Thanks in advance for the help)

    submitted by /u/Zevawk9
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    Coding bootcamps vs self teaching for someone who wants to get in the industry fast

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    So I've read the guidelines and I think this is on topic. If not I apologize sincerely.

    I'm a 32 year old woman who is, as they say in polite society, between jobs. When I was younger, I felt programming was the best option for me,but I made the foolish mistake of pursuing a "dream job" as a university professor, which only lasted two years and left me with a PhD I can't do much with (communication, only mild quantitative background). I've had the privilege to have a place to go where I have basically unlimited time to study and I've been self-teaching using FreeCodeCamp. I'm interested in both web/app development and data science (where at least my PhD is thematically relevant) and so am learning responsive web design, JavaScript, Python, and planning to get into databases.

    I have a feeling this self study may not be enough to get me hired as someone coming out of nowhere (obviously, nothing is enough now, I'm a beginner, but I mean even when I'm proficient). Some people I know who work in coding have had luck with boot camps, and I have some money on hand I could use to do one online, but I don't want to waste it, and I also don't want to learn more slowly than I could on my own and delay my entry into the job market, whenever that is.

    So, leaving the cost of a boot camp aside (other than to note I'm not interested in anything in person, not that COVID allows that right now anyway, and also that I'm not interested in income sharing or any kind of credit arrangement, I'll pay up front or nothing) if I'm someone with a lot of motivation, unlimited time, but no background in the field to establish an "in", is a coding workshop worthwhile? I know they don't find you jobs, but do they give you networks you wouldn't otherwise have? Note that I'm interested in working on the US West Coast primarily.

    I guess here are my questions, and I dearly appreciate any answers:

    • is a coding boot camp worthwhile at all in a situation like mine?

    • if so, if a fast pace and career support are my two priorities and I could do either full stack or data science, what are some good options?

    • is there a "compromise" between self teaching and a boot camp if I want networking/mentoring but feel I can teach myself?

    Most sincere thanks!

    submitted by /u/EllieLockhart
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    Good sources to learn Prolog ?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Which are the best places to learn Prolog for free? It is better if the tutorials are not video based.

    submitted by /u/amanagarwalx
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    Anyone heard of/been through Nucamp boot camp?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Saw an ad on Facebook and they are offering a front-end web development boot camp in my city for a really great price. I currently work in tech and do a little bit of coding at work but self-teaching is not getting me as far as I want to be; I find that I can't motivate myself. This boot camp is 6 hours a week online and meeting on Saturday mornings for 4-5 hours which is something I'd really like to do.

    I did do some research on Nucamp and found this website this website and it seems to have pretty good ratings. One review said the bootcamp was

    "okay if you need structure to stay on track, or if you're working full time but still want to learn some basics of web dev."

    Which is pretty much what I need.

    This is Nucamp's website. I was thinking about signing up for the front end web + mobile dev option

    submitted by /u/desertmatcha
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    Why academic learning might be a better way to learn programming

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:26 PM PDT


    Quite frequently, when I talk about learning how to program, I compare it to learning a foreign language, that is, a language that is different from the one you grew up learning, and one you potentially learn as a teenager or adult.

    I don't (necessarily) mean to equate the two, that learning programming is just like learning a foreign language. Many programmers poo-poo the idea. They found programming easy, and struggle with learning a foreign language.

    Academic foreign language learning vs. non-academic

    When you learn a foreign language (at least in the US, and I suspect much of Europe) either in high school or college, you learn it in a formal sort of way. You're expected to spend a year (or many years) learning a language, so they want to teach you grammar and vocabulary.

    By contrast, one reason some people learn a foreign language is for a trip to that country. Their needs are different. They have a few weeks, maybe a month or two, to learn a few basic phrases to get by. They don't expect to gain any level of fluency. They trust the natives can speak a little English, or at least muddle through their imperfections.

    There are some that are in-between, and they use DuoLingo or Pimsleur which is more on the phrase side, and less on the grammar.

    In other words, one approach is learn a grammatically correct (as much as possible) language, and the other is to skip those steps (mostly) and aim to communicate basics.

    Tutorials vs. academic programming

    Tutorials tend to take the following approach.

    • Short videos, or maybe a sequence of many short videos.
    • No particular exercises to work on.
    • Aim to have something interesting at the end.
    • Not much theory.
    • Copy what I do, and hopefully everything will work.

    The goal is often to have a semi-useful software which is hard to modify because you don't understand how the pieces came together in the first place.

    The reason for this approach is listening to too much theory seems to bore most students, and building things (even if the student listens passively) seems a better approach.

    One reason for this approach is the lack of infrastructure. As a person making a tutorial, you probably can't create "auto-graders" to grade projects. You have no mechanism for project submission. You lack a staff to help answer questions. Short of charging for the course and limiting your students, these things are daunting if you want a wide audience.

    CS50, the Harvard C course, has a huge staff, and so they've built some of this infrastructure. Even so, there's too many students to give any real personal help, and the staff rely on students helping students, which itself, can be imperfect. Note that they take a more academic approach than the traditional tutorial, but they have a staff that can write software, do high production videos, etc.

    Because of this, it's difficult to give students what they really need: programming projects to build up their skills. Instead, they are forced to watch videos, hope they can imitate it, and when they get stuck, well, good luck.

    A more academic approach

    When I used to teach, this would be the structure of a typical intro level course in C.

    • About 7 programming projects.
    • Course divided into about 7 sections, such as: print/scanf, conditionals, loops, arrays, functions, pointers, structures, and miscellaneous topics.
    • One project per topic
    • One quiz per week (except during exam weeks) so maybe 10 quizzes in a semester.
    • Three exams per semester
    • One final exam

    The course not only covered concepts, but quizzes and exams had students writing code (usually, very short, about 10-15 lines max) without a computer, or looking at code and determining what output was printed. Even with fairly simple constraints, many students found this very challenging, and many dropped out. Some felt it was unfair to have to memorize so much, but those who passed tend to do better at the end.

    We were also interested in covering ideas that tutorials skipped over. How does a stack work (function calls). How do pointers work? How does pointer arithmetic work? What does an assignment statement do? What does function scope mean? What is the lifetime of a variable? What does a core dump mean? What does dereferencing mean?

    Most tutorials find it challenging to cover such concepts. Their goal is "build something", so they skip over the equivalent of learning to conjugate verbs in 14 tenses in favor of getting something built.

    Do all students remember what they're taught? Probably not. But those who do get a much more solid understanding of how programming really works.

    Compare this against a tutorial, or even "build a project" approach. Tutorials can be both passive, and not provide enough detail (so-called theory) behind what is being built. Build a project assumes you never get stuck and still forces you to come up with an idea. Few people say "what do I do if I get stuck while building a project?" which may lead to the ironic answer "Watch a tutorial". They don't answer that question, which is why the advice is possibly not as useful as it could be.

    submitted by /u/CodeTinkerer
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    Looking for carreer guidance to start as a web developer!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:20 PM PDT


    Im Nicolas, 24 years old from Ecuador. Im planning on moving to Canada to start a carreer as a web developer, as I dont have many chances of doing that in my country.

    Currently I have a college degree in Marketing and business, but I've always been attracted to tech and computers (I would've loved to study computer science)

    I was wondering if someone was willing to chat for a bit to help me understand more about this world and how I can get started on this journey. I have some questions that would help me a lot to choose a path for my future.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    submitted by /u/nico_arango
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    Has coding ruined gaming for anyone else?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I used to love video games and still want to but I just can't. Whenever I play a video game I would rather be learning something new about coding or making a side project. This might sound weird but I find coding more fun and satisfying than gaming. It kind of sucks because the next gen is around the corner and I won't be able to enjoy it.

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    Handling Expire Email Verification or Password Reset link

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    I am planning on sending them to a page telling them the link that was sent to their email has expired, and give them a button to resend the email again. Are there any security concerns to this approach? Or should I make them go to through the same process they went through the first time (for example, clicking on clicking on password reset link and typing in the new password, etc.)?

    submitted by /u/freetoplay123
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    How does one write a good code?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    How does one make a transition from writing naive code to writing a good code? What are the characteristics of good code and how does one start?

    submitted by /u/the_vedred
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    Begginers guide to unit testing JavaScript?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Can anyone point me in the direction of how to unit test JavaScript for dummies?

    I've seen certain tools such as Jest but I don't know how they fit into the JavaScript development picture, I've only ever used Java extensively when testing.

    submitted by /u/cannedlaughter546
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    Help me understand the point of using an interface (I read the FAQ)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Hello, this is so hard for me to wrap my head around. So I know about interfaces and I know what they do. The problem is can't picture a scenario where I would be better off using one instead of the following alternative.

    Consider that I have an interface called IPizza which says that the classes that implement it MUST have the preparePizza() function. I have a class for a pepperoni pizza and meatlovers, both of which implement the interface. So far so good. Now, explain to me why I should do this, rather than:

    I don't use an interface and instead have a basic pizza class which has the essential properties of each pizza, like size and price. Then, I have a subclass called pepperoni which extends 'pizza' and says "if I am an object, I also have toppings = sausage and sauce = tomato" or something. And you can also customise those properties each time you instantiated the subclass by parsing. This idea negates the need for an interface because if I ever needed the previous function deemed "essential" by the interface, I could just look at my subclass, and from there go "super.theFunction()" which all funnels it back to the main class.

    It's like interfaces are used when you want classes that have different functions to have one common denominator function, but each time I feel like I should use one, I always think "I can just make a subclass" like in the above example. So yeah, can someone help explain to me why using an interface is the best course of action for what kind of scenario? Thanks.

    UPDATE 16:27AEST: So I've thought about what I'm doing and what I am doing is really just one tiny step from making a parent abstract class. I understand why I'd rather use an abstract class instead of what I've postulated so now it becomes much clearer as the question now is when should I use an abstract class and when should I use an interface

    submitted by /u/ConesWithNan
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    when to learn data structure and algorithm?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I started my python journey in June and learned so far some basic python. I practice on codewar daily and realized that some questions have the tag "algorithm" on it,

    So I am wondering, how well I have to learn python or any programming language in general before I should consider data structure and algorithm?


    submitted by /u/Ke5han
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    How to build a website to track payments, send invoices and track inventory?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    Hi. So I have an exhibition coming soon. I need to build a website such that my 5 employees will have each different usernames and passwords to login to the website. For each employee, as each customer places their order they would input manually the name of customer, email of customer, whether paid by cash or credit card, name of the product, the price of the product (which for same product might vary from customer to customer at different times) and then the total price after adding tax is generated and receipt is displayed on the screen, while the same time this receipt/bill is sent to the email of the customer in that moment. Along with this for each product, say irons and t-shirts, the total number of each product at the start of the day is say 100 and 200, the sum of the number of irons sold and the sum of the t-shirts sold would each be subtracted respectively and that number would be displayed as Stock for each item.

    Lastly, since we would be accepting both cash and credit card, the amount of cash and the amount of credit payments received by each employee would also need to be calculated and for each of the 5 employee be displayed only on the special webpage that would only be accessed by a special admin username and password.

    How would I go about building such a website, would a similar project be there on Github for instance? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Long_Elk_3922
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    how does arr[length - 1] = last number of the array in c++?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    int getLastItem(int arr[], int length) { return arr[length - 1]; } 

    how does that give me the last number in the array?

    submitted by /u/NutSunny69
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    Private class implementing ActionListener or multiple anonymous inner classes? (JAVA)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Hi! I've been learning Java Swing for a couple weeks now, and while trying to keep my code clean, a question arises when I have multiple JButtons in a swing app. Obviously, these buttons should do something and I know about two ways to do this:

    1- Making a private inner class implementing ActionListener and therefore overriding actionPerformed(). Inside this actionPerformed method I would make a switch-case or if-else statement to see which button was pressed and then code what I want that button to do.

    2- Instead of creating a class, make an Inner Anonymous class for each button when invoking addActionListener() and specifying what the button should do in there.

    I know switch-cases and if-else can be really ugly things and also methods should only do one thing. But if I create multiple anonymous classes it looks like duplicate code and doesn't look right.

    What's the neatest way to add function to multiple JButtons in your opinion? Please, explain why you choose to do it in one way or another :)

    submitted by /u/ForgotenPicture
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    Data wrangling "challenge" part of exercise 2 from missing semester

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:51 PM PDT


    Find the number of words (in /usr/share/dict/words) that contain at least three 'a's and don't have a 's' ending. What are the three most common last two letters of those words? sed's y command, or the tr program, may help you with case insensitivity. How many of those two-letter combinations are there? And for a challenge: which combinations do not occur?

    My poor attempt at finding the combinations that do not occur:

    found=$(cat /usr/share/dict/words | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | awk '$0 ~ /^(.*?a.*?[^s]){3}$/ { print $0 }' | sed -E 's/^.*(.{2})$/\1/g' | uniq | paste -sd \|); echo {a..z}{a..z} | printf '%s\n' $(cat /dev/stdin) | awk "\$0 ~ /^[^($found$)]/ {print \$0}"

    It came out very hacked together and messy. Would anyone be kind enough to share a cleaner solution?

    submitted by /u/IWIncremental
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    portrait monitor

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    does having a portrait monitor really give you a huge advantage or is it just a matter of preferences?

    submitted by /u/miren0913
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    how do I run Donkey Kong country (java version)?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Its in a compressed folder, there's so many things that make up the game,

    what software would allow me to play it? Its off topic, but i need to know how these things run. It would help learn programming.

    submitted by /u/SealLionGar
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    What do self taught programmers do to prove their worth over graduates?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    I graduated out of high school this year, and I am trying to choose between being self taught and college {I don't want to go to a college where the average placement package I can recieve is 1/3 to 1/4 of what I paid for the degree (30% of the package is 1 time in most cases) and the competition to get into colleges where placement package matches/exceeds college debt is very fierce (1% of people who apply get into the college and around 1/4th to 1/5th of them get to study computer science so 0.25% of all who apply) because I will have to take a debt for the degree}.

    So, If I choose the self taught route, I will have to have something in my resume to prove my worth over the college graduates, Because the degree is a proof that you have the fundamental and practical knowledge but, I won't havw such a degree.

    What will I need to have to prove my skills?

    submitted by /u/Valroz
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    Does it matter where you install coding tools on a computer with different drives?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    I'm not terribly experienced with hardware and ran into these questions while trying to learn Node/Express through MDN. I work on a PC I built which has my Windows 10 OS on an SSD (some programs to run fast as well) and main storage on an HDD (including documents, code files, etc.).

    I went to install Node and changed the drive from C: to D:. But checking to install "necessary tools" made Chocolatey run a PowerShell script on the C: drive. I was trying to keep everything on the other drive since my SSD is fairly small. Haven't found a way to change the drive for Chocolatey. Also not sure if I need Chocolatey?

    So now I wonder, does it matter if things like that are installed on different drives on the same computer? Is it ok to have IDEs on one drive and runtime environments/etc on the C: drive? Does it matter if I install VS Code on my D: drive and install tools like Node/Chocolatey, Java SDK, Python, Gradle, etc. on the C: drive? Or should it all be together?

    Thanks for any clarification, I've never been sure if these things have affected my previous coding projects in any way.

    submitted by /u/SpaghettiBones95
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    Video not playing on safari.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    I created a video tag with the source and went to safari on my phone to play it but it didn't want to play. I thought there was something wrong with my code and when I went on chrome it worked perfectly. Does someone know why this is?

    Sorry, I can't provide the code for personal reasons.

    submitted by /u/BichotaCachaBola
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