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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Finding the Perimeter of a Statistical Object Computer Science

    Finding the Perimeter of a Statistical Object Computer Science

    Finding the Perimeter of a Statistical Object

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    In a previous article, I introduced a clustering algorithm capable of quickly handling hundreds of thousands of vectors, that first compresses the vectors to a single dimension using the norm operator.

    Though originally intended to cluster velocity scalars, I've also used this algorithm to find the perimeter of a statistical sphere, that isn't smooth or completely solid, which is what you'll likely end up with using real-world sensor data.

    In this case, the sphere consists of 327,627 Euclidean 3-vectors.

    Clustering the data took 4.6819 seconds, running on an iMac, which is all that's necessary to identify the perimeter of the sphere, since you can then simply select the last cluster in the list of clusters, and color those points in the display.

    Code here:


    submitted by /u/Feynmanfan85
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    Taught myself core Java what's next?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys i am new here and I basically joined because i needed some advice on how I can enhance my coding skills further, I have just finished learning the core java concepts and I am in 2nd year of CS degree, what should I do to make sure I am industry ready after I graduate? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thankyou!!

    submitted by /u/Monty0507
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    Algorithms and Pseudocode

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    First off I want to say that sorry if this is a very noob question for this group, it was the closest place I could find to get the answers that I'm looking for.

    So, I've been studying an "associate's degree" (closest translation I could find) in WebDev, and I'm still failing my programing module which heavily focuses on learning programming through Java. My difficulty isn't so much as learning the syntax and functions, as much as it is learning the correct algorithm or to "think" like a computer. (My background before starting was Design and Arts so the math of it all is something I'm struggling to grasp by only learning a programming language).

    I'm trying to re-learn from writing pseudocode for different examples and situations without thinking about the actual code. Are there any recommendations for books or workbooks that could help me using practical examples and exercises? Even if it is more algorithm based with some exercises using pseudocode. Anything would help right now.

    Thanks again to everyone and sorry if this post doesn't belong here!

    submitted by /u/imnotmery
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    Cause of Memory Leak in Python And How to Fix Them

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Under which conditions can we generate a non-loop SCC in a CFG?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I was reading the LLVM terminology for loops and I read something that has had me thinking since:

    In LLVM, a Loop is a maximal set of basic blocks that form a strongly connected component (SCC) in the Control Flow Graph (CFG) where there exists a dedicated entry/header block that dominates all other blocks within the loop.

    Which is a definition I understand, however

    Not all SCCs are loops. There exist SCCs that do not meet the dominance requirement and such are not considered loops.


    Loops can contain non-loop SCCs and non-loop SCCs may contain loops.

    are remarks that make my head spin a bit. I know that it is possible to arbitrarily create a CFG that has these non-loop SCCs if you manipulate the LLVM-IR directly, but I was hoping to find some C/C++ programs that cause the generation of SCCs that are non-loops during compilation with clang; that way, it is easier for me to understand which control-flow conditions could cause such phenomenon.

    I tried looking online for examples but they keep eluding me. Are you familiar with any of these cases? Or do you have any idea where maybe I could find them? Any info would be really appreciated!

    PS: I posted this question here in r/compsci because it feels mostly theoretical, but if you feel this would be better in a different place, I'll relocate it.

    submitted by /u/FixedPointer
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    Teaching myself some programming/CS and have an interesting Web Browser question...

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    So, I'm not a CS person but got into some programming, specifically related to web dev, during to the COVID lockdown, and this has led to some self directed CS study more generally.

    Perhaps my question sounds a bit simplistic or naive, or even a bit nutty, but at a very simple level it is this:

    What is the web browser really achieving? Do we need it?

    As I understand it, we may download any number of diverse resources from the network, and there is a whole protocol, ftp, devoted to this. Indeed, the diversity of apps available for download demonstrates this. Clearly, a technology for searching and finding internet resources is necessary, but this is a search engine, and not necessarily a browser.

    I suspect the browser was necessary in the early days of the internet and now we just take it for granted, but there is a question of why we don't just directly download internet resources (security issues noted, that's another discussion) rather than going through the "middle man" of the browser. We are spending enormous time and resources coding things for the browser itself to parse and deal with, but why are we serving the browser when it should be serving us?

    I question why coding complicated websites for browsers to parse and display became so prominent when my "website" could just be a hyperlinked pdf that you can download and view. A "website" could just be a document, pdf or anything really that is hyperlinked and directly downloaded. More complex or interactive "websites" could be apps, yeah? So imagine all internet resources as directly downloadable files or apps; those used more frequently could become more like native apps (more memory, downloaded), whereas as internet resources you might view/use only once could have a more temporary existence -something like a PWA (progressive web app -faster, less memory).

    Perhaps I'm proposing an internet of hyperlinked apps, and maybe the browser in this vision really just becomes the search engine. We could strip away the whole layer of the browser, that has its own baggage, such that the browser merely connects the user with the internet resources. As we have it now, the browser tries to function as the actual resource by creating and rendering the DOM (document object model). I guess what I'm saying is that users and APIs (application programming interfaces) can decide for themselves how to deal with the internet resource and leave the browser to merely facilitate the process. I believe we are at the point where we can streamline and simplify the browser, thus freeing up resources and making coding for the browser itself unnecessary.

    submitted by /u/ahpto
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    Useful Infosec Tools

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:07 AM PDT

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