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    Wednesday, July 31, 2019

    How do you know if you work “too slow”? I struggle with the time it takes to design and develop and have no idea if I’m at/above/below average for turnaround times. web developers

    How do you know if you work “too slow”? I struggle with the time it takes to design and develop and have no idea if I’m at/above/below average for turnaround times. web developers

    How do you know if you work “too slow”? I struggle with the time it takes to design and develop and have no idea if I’m at/above/below average for turnaround times.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    I'm a designer and also write my own markup/CSS/JS, and I seriously struggle estimating turnaround times. I can have a vague idea but base them on if I know exactly what I'll be doing and have zero hiccups (LOL).

    Because of this I add extra padding in my estimates, but I find myself questioning if I'm a slow designer/dev or if everyone takes as much time. Maybe I'm faster than average at the end of the day. No idea.

    I know this is difficult to answer, but for those that have questioned their speed/efficiency, how did you end up quantifying it if you don't have other real world devs to compare against?

    submitted by /u/Mike
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    How is a full stack project structured?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:27 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I feel like I am missing something crucial from my understanding of full stack development. I cannot wrap my head around it and specifically it is to do with how the back end talks to the front end and how the host serves API and web pages.

    I would like to know how to structure a full stack project. For example, I have a NodeJS backend with express server which is responsible for all CRUD operations with mongodb and mongoose. That is all sweet and dandy as I can create that now with all of the API routes set. Then I want to add a framework like vue-cli (which includes webpack) and I can make a nice front end, that is all sweet and dandy as well.

    I have a few questions about how the back end and front end speak to each other during development and production

    When I start development do I usually start with the back end service?

    Do I need to have two servers running on my local machine, one for front end and one for back end?

    When I push it to production to a server how does the express serve a front end from vue?

    Maybe I am completely misunderstanding what I am doing so if you have any additional steps or thoughts please feel free to share them.

    Thank you.

    PS: I am aware there are tools like nuxt.js but I would like to understand the details of how it all works under the hood.

    submitted by /u/Archikus
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    Why do big name sites have separate interfaces for username/pass?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Google and PayPal (off the top of my head) have you input your username/email first, hit next, then have the password input show up. Why? What's even the point? It makes using password managers like keepass super annoying since you have to setup custom keypresses to navigate.

    submitted by /u/Rpgwaiter
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    "We plan to hide 'https' scheme and special-case subdomain 'www' in Chrome omnibox on desktop and Android in M76"

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Agile for small teams?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Does anyone have any experience implementing agile principles on small agency teams?

    The majority of my projects are large scope custom web apps for businesses. On the surface, agile always seemed like something for people at Google and not applicable to basically a single person dev team. However, since adopting TDD, my entire workflow has changed. The iterative process of create feature, give feature to client to test, implement feedback, has been working really well.

    The only problem is we're still scoping things like a waterfall approach. Are there any PMs or managers here with any insight on how these projects are billed?

    submitted by /u/glasscalendar
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    Best Github tutorial?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get comfortable with git, but I haven't really found any good videos or tutorials on it that goes by step by step and why. Seems like they just explain commands and perform them, but I wanna start from nothing to a full project.

    I signed up for tree house and will see how their program goes. You guys have any other ideas on where I can learn git by doing?

    submitted by /u/Citrous_Oyster
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    Should designers also know how their design should function?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    I'm working with a designer that doesn't really know how the database is structured and so when she creates filters, she doesn't really understand how to group them and such.

    Also, because she doesn't understand that type is different from status, her thought contradicts her design a little. For example, she would put a user type and a user status together in one badge/indicator.

    I'm trying to bombard her with questions and comments because she's just a designer, but should designer know how their design should function?

    submitted by /u/eggtart_prince
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    Funnel Graph component for Vue and vanilla JS

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    You can play the original Diablo in your browser.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    Fully responsive and works on mobile.

    Gonna spend the rest of the night re-living my youth.

    submitted by /u/javascriptPat
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    Where do you guys get art for your personal projects?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Images, icons, inspiration, templates, fonts, etc... where do you go? I'm not a designer, so I need as much help as possible in this area.

    submitted by /u/pentakiller19
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    ADA/WCAG Compliance

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    Hello all. Just a simple (I hope) question: If I have a checkbox input followed by a span that effectively labels it, both of which are in a div, do I still need an aria-label on the checkbox input? I'm going through all of my code to see if it measure up. If the extra aria-label is unneeded I'd worry a bit about a screen reader freaking out and sounding like it was saying the same thing twice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/scottm124
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    Resources for mastering CSS image manipulation

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    I'm relatively new to web development. So far I have completed most of Colt Steele's Udemy course and I have messed around with a few of my own projects.

    One area I always struggle with is using images. Recently I have tried using an image for a background of an entire website and another image for just a section (to create a banner). I've spent hours trying to find the right attributes to apply to get the images to display correctly. Every solution on StackOverflow or the docs on W3 seem to be bits and pieces of what I need.

    I'd like to find a source (tutorial, blog, book, etc.) that goes in depth about image manipulation in CSS. Something that covers A to Z. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/billy-g-pops
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    Coming back to frontend dev after a lot of backend work, what is the best way to deal with responsive images in 2019 for multiple devices?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 09:34 PM PDT

    More specifically, here are what I am curious about:

    1. What workflow do you guys use in terms of optimising images,
    2. How many versions of each image do you have. Do you both keep different sizes of each images, as well as lower quality of each image?
    3. Which format? Do you use webp format with fallback to png/jpeg?
    4. Do you display it as a <picture> element or srcset or css backgrounds with media queries for each device or something else?
    5. Any other things to look out for in 2019? Such as how do you handle async rendeing of offscreen images or lazy loading???
    submitted by /u/zergUser1
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    There are almost always 200-500 applicants for every webdev internship in my country. Is this normal?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    And the worst part is, they're not even big companies! Every internship listing is from small companies or startups. And the listings are only a couple of days old!

    Seriously, is this normal? How tf do i even compete when i have less than 1% of a chance?

    Edit: I am from Egypt btw...

    submitted by /u/9039039
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    Are netlify functions sufficient for more complicated backends?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    I recently made a website with netlify, using functions to handle the contact form. I loved how I didn't need to pay for a server to host the backend and was wondering how far I can go with them.

    My next project the client needs a graphQL API, database, authentication, etc. I'm used to writing graphQL in golang, which ends up with some local packages/factoring of files/different directories. My concern is if someone has made a similarly complex backend with netlify functions, or if it wouldn't be worth the time investment.

    submitted by /u/suave_squirrel
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    Four things to avoid in HTTP API's

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    Electron 6.0.0 | Electron Blog

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    The Real Dark Web - We rarely acknowledge the vast majority of web developers

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    Want to start doing freelance web dev as a side job, but have some questions

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep this as short as I can.

    Some info about me:

    Recent college graduate. (Graduated May 2019)

    Held an internship position with a fortune 500 company from Jan 2018 - Dec 2018, where I essentially taught myself full stack web development (HTML, CSS (bootstrap is my main go-to framework), JavaScript (jQuery), and PHP with Oracle databases)

    Held a second internship position with the same fortune 500 company as a data analyst from Dec 2018 - May 2019 when I graduated college.

    That internship turned into a full time position, and I am now a full time data analyst. I write a lot of SQL, generate Microsoft Power BI reports, do some web development, write PHP scripts to move data from one database to another, and play roles in large data migration projects.

    Now that I am a data analyst at my day job, I still want to do web dev as a freelancer on the side. I'd like to start small, so I know I'll be able to accomplish the tasks thrown at me.

    I live in the Detroit area, and there are many mom and pop shops I know of who have little to no online presence. Either they have a shitty website (and I mean SHITTY... so bad I could start from scratch and make a better one in like 5 hours), or no website at all. I know some of these shops are contemplating hiring someone to get them a website, because we communicated with them when I took my web dev class in college... We presented some of our work to them at the end of the semester, with the possibility of getting hired. Long story short, the adjunct prof who taught the class was a complete moron and basically fucked us all over on that project, leaving us all with very shitty projects that obviously would never get us hired by anyone. (Not allowing us to use jQuery or bootstrap, not allowed to use PHP til the last week of class when we're all busy with final exams and 20 other projects, being extremely unclear on what he wants, etc, etc, etc).

    I would like to redeem myself, create a portfolio website, walk door to door to these businesses and show them what I'm really capable of. I don't yet have a portfolio site, because most of the work I've done is for the company I work for. So I can't post any of my work anywhere. I currently have some of my own work I can post up, but I still need to create more content for a portfolio site.

    I am extremely driven and am willing to put in what it takes to make this a successful side gig. But here are some questions that I have:

    1. Should I invest in a server to host these sites on, charging people to host their site on it? Or is there a good third party host which supports PHP? I see a lot of contradicting thoughts online, with some saying it's not worth it to run your own server (due to cost and inevitability of getting hacked), but others saying that is what they do.

    2. What are the major legal issues I should be looking out for?

    3. Do you think this is a reasonable option for someone who just graduated college recently, who has under a year of experience creating full stack sites entirely on their own? Or is it something you can only be successful doing if you've been working as a full time web dev for 10 years?

    4. Should I be searching for work on sites like Upwork, or should I focus more on visiting businesses face-to-face, building a local reputation and getting customers through word of mouth?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/black_widow48
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    Looking for a carousel that will allow me to show a grid of items, with the number of items shown per slide changing for each breakpoint.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I usually use Slick as it does everything I need and works well responsively, but I've got a design where it's showing a grid of 6 user profiles per slide on desktop. I want to be able to change the number of profiles shown per slide as the screen gets narrower, eventually only showing one per slide on mobile.

    For example:

    Desktop; 6 slides, Tablet; 4 slides, Landscape mobile; 2 slides, Portrait mobile; 1 slide

    All the while allowing the controls to only change the number currently shown.

    As far as I know, Slick will only allow me to change the number of slides shown on a breakpoint and not reconfigure the number of items within each slide.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JFK1980
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    I just finished a website using Laravel and Vue. Now i’m going to start working on a PWA and i want to use angular, but i have some questions:

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    I finished a project using laravel and Vue components, at first i was using Vue CLI but when i learn about laravel I basically redid the project to include it in laravel and not have a separated backend and frontend.

    Now i'm going to work on developing a PWA in angular, but i'm not sure about the best way to proceed.

    1. Can I get started with angular CLI building my screens or should I start looking into how to write APIs and knowing how i'm going to connect it to my app first?

    2. Is there any "essential" resources i can read into/watch to learn about backend and how to set it up for angular?

    3. Is there any frameworks you would recommend me that makes it easier to start with a PWA? I liked Laravel and the laracast tutorials were really good but when i looked for a laravel-angular tutorial I read they discontinued the project...

    submitted by /u/Limelight_019283
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    WordPress Localhost

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    I posted here a little while ago about working on a project for a family member. It turns out that they had a previous website made for them in WordPress and even though I'll likely end up building a new one from scratch, I wanted to be able to take a look at the existing one. I got the WordPress files along with the SQL file but the domain name has expired. I used xampp to locally host it but everything links to the old domain name and therefore most links are dead and there is no style.

    I have read that there are plugins that can help with the problem but my understanding is the website needs to be live. Is there an easy way for me to locally host and view the layout of the existing website?

    Thanks in advance. I'm inexperienced in web development and this is my first time working with WordPress so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.

    submitted by /u/tech_aficionado
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    What type of Math is important?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    I am enrolling into an online university for web development and ran into a few math questions I needed to answer before I applied.

    While these were simple enough, I am worried that I'm getting into something I may not be good at as I am atrocious at math. I understand the basic laws and have a proficient understanding of algebra, but is "advanced" math heavily utilized in web development ?


    submitted by /u/BrochachoNacho1
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    Can the server send only the diffed HTML so the client side doesn't have to do the diffing, such as with React's virtual DOM?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    I was wondering, since traditional server side rendering sends the entire HTML at once, per page, and now single page applications such as those made with React do the HTML node manipulation (and virtual DOM HTML diffing to limit recomputing the entire page) on the JS/client side, which can be slow, is there a way to have the server send only the changed HTML rather than sending it all at once, and the browser can interpret and correctly place the new sent diffed HTML?

    The browser can use a "thin" React implementation that only takes care of properly splicing the DOM tree rather than computing the diffs. Or is this already how it works with modern server side rendering? I saw something like what I'm talking about with Elixir's Phoenix's LiveView (https://elixirschool.com/blog/phoenix-live-view) which opens Web Sockets for bidirectional communication with the server without the use of JS.

    submitted by /u/zxyzyxz
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