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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    How important is understanding the math in a Data Structure and Algorithm textbook, as opposed to skipping over it? Computer Science

    How important is understanding the math in a Data Structure and Algorithm textbook, as opposed to skipping over it? Computer Science

    How important is understanding the math in a Data Structure and Algorithm textbook, as opposed to skipping over it?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I'm reading through the CLRS Data Structure and Algorithm book, translating all the pseudo-code to C and to Python, and doing the exercises. However I barely passed trigonometry a long time ago, and I don't understand any of the mathematical concepts or notation in this book.

    Am I missing out based on my poor math background? E.g. would I gain a lot more from this book, in terms of being a better programmer, if I had the proper math education before hand?

    For example, in the section on shuffling an array, the book says you should select a random number between i and the end of the list. It spends a few pages with lots of math proving that this is optimal:

    buffer = lst[:] for i in range(len(lst)): index = random.randrange(i, len(lst)) buffer[index], buffer[i] = buffer[i], buffer[index] 

    In the exercises, it asks what would happen if you instead selected a random number between 1 and the end of the list. It expects you do to the math but since I could not, I googled the answer and it turns out that selecting between 1 and the end of the list is really bad. Because of my lack of education I will just have to trust this is correct and will not be able to figure it out myself.

    submitted by /u/chinawcswing
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    What is the Path to Learn Machine Learning?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST

    What do I have to learn if I want to understand machine learning?

    Machine learning is applied in almost every field of work today. It mainly involves statistical methodologies, some discrete math and co-ordinates geometry, some optimization/operational research concepts, some game theory concepts if you are into AI programming, etc. But all these are just for the entry-level problems that you can solve with machine learning. But I would suggest not to give too much stress on the subsidiary fields of study and only study an associated topic if the algorithm demands so. Learn as you go is the best strategy to follow.

    Is it difficult to code widely used machine learning algorithms?

    If you can balance an AVL tree just by understanding the pseudo-code of the algorithm, then I believe coding machine learning algorithms would not be that difficult for you. Entry-level problems require almost the same amount of brain work as balancing a simple AVL tree. Most widely used machine learning algorithms are already implemented via machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Scikit learn, Azure, Amazon ML, Watson, etc. For popular algorithms, you only need to know the algorithm, the supporting theories that were used to form the algorithm and it's application. These frameworks provide you with single liner methods to implement an algorithm and get the results. And yes, it's that easy to code. Understanding the concepts behind a particular algorithm is a challenging task at the beginning when you have little to no knowledge of stat or math.

    Continue Reading here on Medium

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousCompote6
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    My favorite hash and RNG, with relaxed comments, not production quality overall, quick copy paste from pet project, constructive feedback is welcome

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    25 Best Online Python Courses to Learn in 2019

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    Designing Distributed Cache - Part I | Google/Facebook/Amazon/Netflix System Design Interview

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    A good minor paired with Comp Sci?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:25 AM PST

    My goal is to go into the field of something like nasa or spacex, etc. A field where it involves space exploration- maybe along the lines of computational astrophysics. Astronomy has always interested me, but Im not sure if that would be the strongest minor to pair with my comp sci major.

    Any suggestions for someone who wants to go into the aeronautics industry with a comp sci degree?


    submitted by /u/indigofire1o8
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    Good Udemy courses for learning Data Structures and Algorithms?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:27 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this has been asked a billion times before. (i'm sure it has)

    Does anyone know of any Udemy courses that are worth spending money on for the subjects of Data Structures and Algorithms? It's really tough to know what courses there are actually worth spending money on. I am looking to broaden my knowledge on these subjects for things that come up in real world situations. Something practical. Would also be sweet if the instructor spoke english and didn't have some ridiculously thick accent that I have to struggle to understand.

    submitted by /u/bignotch
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