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    Wednesday, June 5, 2019

    [Python] My girlfriend asked about prerequisite knowledge for an AI/ML class. I compiled a list of subjects and corresponding resources for her and, hopefully, for anyone looking to start developing their own algorithms! learn programming

    [Python] My girlfriend asked about prerequisite knowledge for an AI/ML class. I compiled a list of subjects and corresponding resources for her and, hopefully, for anyone looking to start developing their own algorithms! learn programming

    [Python] My girlfriend asked about prerequisite knowledge for an AI/ML class. I compiled a list of subjects and corresponding resources for her and, hopefully, for anyone looking to start developing their own algorithms!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:58 PM PDT


    Scalars, Vectors, and Tensors are the heart of machine learning. Tensors lend themselves quite well to data representation; for example, a picture might be represented as a tensor of order three where each pixel has corresponding R, G, B values. It's extremely important to have a basic understanding of what tensors represent and how to manipulate them using linear algebra techniques.

    n spaces and higher-dimensional space. One of the hardest parts of Machine Learning for me was visualizing data in dimensions past n=three. Because we "vectorize" our complicated data, it often exists in a large multidimensional space. It's important to understand higher dimensional spaces, and that we are not limited to three dimensions despite how we see and visualize real space.

    Partial derivatives and gradients are used for activation functions and a variety of optimization functions. We often use the inverse gradient of a function to determine how weights are adjusted to minimize error. To perform gradient calculations, you will need to know how to take partial derivatives of a function.

    Regression is used to find lines of fit for data and determine how great an effect each point has on a final outcome. A brief explanation of regression can be found here.

    Mathematical logic (logic gates) and truth tables are the core of perceptron algorithms. They compare two conditions using binary flags. Here is a list of common logic gates and their I/O.

    Probability Theory - thank you /u/kittttttens - When I was learning to write ML code, we used stochastic matrices to represent probability. That said, machine learning is an incredibly powerful statistical analysis tool and the statistics used in the algorithms would warrant a section of its own. For starters, the classes I've taken have touched on linear regression, logistic regression, clustering, and other similar topics. I'm not well versed in this, though I would gladly add to my post if somebody did a more thorough explanation.

    Python libraries

    NumPy is a mathematics tool for Python. It contains simple calls for complex mathematical operations, such as finding the gradient of a surface, multiplying vectors, or taking the average of multiple data. NumPy has incredible documentation.

    Pandas allows for data to be read into python. We often work with .csv files and Pandas is the "translator" that allows us to read them in. This is the most intuitive explanation of Pandas I have yet found. It is very powerful and relatively straightforward.

    MatPlotLib allows data to be presented with charts and plots. This is essential for communicating the results of your algorithm. Their website has a very helpful list of tutorials.

    Seaborn is an extension of MatPlotLib with fantastic tools such as a correlation heatmap. Their website also has decent documentation.

    TENSORFLOW AND KERAS are a fantastic, comprehensive ML library built by Google. Many of the standard ML libraries are built straight into TF, eliminating the need to write tedious mathematical processes. Because it is such a popular and well-used library, their website has fantastic documentation

    Python Skills

    List comprehension is vital for writing good AI/ML code. The processes are complicated, therefore, it's best to simplify loops whenever possible. It is also a good practice for coding in general. A tutorial can be found here.

    Garbage collecting is done automatically by Python, but manual GC can still improve performance in larger, high-cost algorithms.

    Please don't hesitate to make suggestions or additions to the list! Hopefully, it serves as a starting point for those of you looking to explore AI/ML programming.

    submitted by /u/JeNePasParleFrancais
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    Hobby productive project to learn more python

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:03 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to put some basic beginner python skills to use with a productive project for something I'd need for work that I think I could automate and improve over time. There probably is something already existing out there, some app of sorts, but since this is a learning experience I'd like to be able to build it step by step even if it takes me a year. Understanding the whole process would benefit me more than downloading and learning an already existing app.

    I'm writing out the idea as I have it now and kindly asking for any direction as to how to best go about this both from a descriptive/planning point of view as well as a script structure kind.

    I suppose I'd have to start somewhere REALLY basic and work my way up, but at least having a clear idea of what I want to eventually achieve would help as a guide to determine what exactly I should be practising/learning.

    Keep in mind all my knowledge comes from 'How to automate the boring stuff' and basic programming courses in C taken back in college.

    I think in general the approach I should take would be to define the use cases as much as possible, basically be as detailed as possible as to what I'd expect the script/program to do, and then work on how to achieve that.

    Any advice is very welcome, and thank you in advance.

    General Concept

    I want to write a script with a simple GUI that allows me to click on 'start' at the beginning of a workday and 'end' at

    the end of it. The simple and very basic GUI should have also checkboxes for 'holiday', 'PTO', and 'WFH' (working from home), etc., some of which would gray out the timers and set default values for that. The data would be stored and reports in different kinds of formats need be generated.

    Phase 1

    For the first phase all of this data could be stored daily in a text file with the day's date, start time, and end time.

    Phase 2

    The concept of a week would be introduced and reports would be generated on a weekly basis, detailing the days and giving out a total amount of hours per week.

    Phase 3

    Rethink how the data is stored so that it can be somehow transferred to specific cells in an existing excel sheet.

    submitted by /u/learningtester
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    Recommended free databases online

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Hello there, so there some services like databases online free, which one do you recommend, I personally use mlab but I'm open to new suggestions, especially talking about relational databases.

    submitted by /u/manolesparta
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    I know how to program, but how do I program?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    I know the basics of C, Javascript, and Python. I learned using online resources that teach you how to program using examples. It's good at teaching you fundamentals because they have you write out the examples and compile then run them and explain everything along the way. The only problem I've experienced learning that way is I cannot program anything unless I am following a tutorial. How can I learn how to work on a project without following a tutorial?

    submitted by /u/slothdynamics
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    Where to compile C++ and Python

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:15 PM PDT

    So, I am studying Computer Science and I plan to learn C++ and Python, I have been working with java in the terminal of Linux, so my question is, where should I go to start compiling in those languages? Any preference?

    submitted by /u/IsayDamar
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    I took over a project using Webpack, Vue and TS and I just can't fathom how it all works

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    I'm at a small company and this is my first real project and my first time doing anything significant with JS. I'd never used a frontend framework or anything requiring bundling before. I'm the only person working on a project we took over that we had developed by an external company.

    I got the hang of Vue and Typescript quickly and can do most of what I need to do. I can run npm build. What I can't get my head around is how Webpack and loaders are working. I get the basic idea: when you build, the TS and Vue are transpiled to JS, then Webpack finds everything you've imported and mashes it together in one big file.

    I know there are different ways to import in JS, and I thought which one you used depends on the bundler you use. I thought require() and import both worked the same way.

    But here they've used both require() and import, and I can't work out why. We use import for most of our files and some Node packages. We use require() for some of our legacy vanilla JS code, and for other Node packages. Here's an example:

    import Vue from 'vue'; import Slider from './slider.vue'; var $ = require('jquery'); 

    Now there have been a couple of times I've changed a require() to an import and it's made no difference. I assumed maybe they were interchangeable in this case. I tried replacing the jquery require with both import $ from 'jquery' and import \ as $ from 'jquery'*, and in both cases I get linter errors like "Property 'modal' does not exist on type 'JQuery<HTMLElement>'." and I can't build. I'm working on removing all the jQuery stuff anyway but I just don't get why it works this way.

    To make things even more confusing, I wanted to reduce the filesize so I tried to see whether Webpack was tree-shaking (I don't think it is because our main.js is almost 900kb) and our webpack.prod mentions common.js and consists only of this:

    const merge = require('webpack-merge'); const common = require('./webpack.common.js'); const path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); const VueLoaderPlugin = require("vue-loader/lib/plugin"); module.exports = merge(common, { mode: 'production', }); 

    I'm sorry if this is a noob question but I'm really struggling to get my head around this works, probably because we have so many technologies working together and no documentation.

    I'd really appreciate some insight into how the transpiling and bundling process is working here.

    submitted by /u/BeneficialYam4
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    CS degree vs non-CS related degree vs no degree whatsoever - How much is this "weighted" when applying for jobs in the tech industry? Does having a non-CS related degree look better compared to having no degree whatsoever? [Full details in text]

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I have been browsing this subreddit for a while now and I have been noticing a lot of posts in regards to getting a job in the tech industry without a degree whatsoever. Although I have seen many success stories of self taught developers who have landed very nice jobs without any degree (skill triumphs everything), having a degree (CS specifically) makes getting an offer a lot easier in comparison towards having no degree whatsoever.

    I graduated from a 4 year public university a year or so back with a BS in Biology. I have been working in healthcare ever since and although i do enjoy science to a certain level, I have slowly realized that computer science fits my personality more than anything else. This is something that I would like to pursue in a long term career perspective and I know that it is a lot of work but i am very confident that I can self teach the necessary skill sets that are required to be a successful developer in todays age [give me a few intense years of self studying].

    I have read in this subreddit as well as on r/programming that people without a degree whatsoever have gotten very far into the interview process at tech companies and even though they "proved" that they have the necessary skillset to be very successful doing X job, they were denied the offer just because they didnt have a degree. Also hear complaints of non-degree holders who have gotten jobs as developers BUT can only get so far into their careers in terms of future growth and/or career "flexability" because having no degree is holding them back.

    Now, will most tech companies view a non-related CS degree and no degree whatsoever as the same? If two people with identical skill sets and projects got interviews at a company but one had a non related degree and the other had no degree, would both be penalized the same way since neither hold a degree in CS? [I am aware that every company is different but just looking at the big picture of applying to jobs in terms of what companys look for for non-cs degree holders, I live in the midwest, USA if that matters at all].

    Just simply wondering if having a BS in biology (or any bachelors in general) will help me land a job in the tech world as opposed to if i did not have a degree whatsoever. I have heard that even though an individual does not have a CS degree, having a degree in general shows that you have ambition, determination, grit, the ability to independently research and push through and complete a 4 year long goal, etc. and i am also aware that having personal projects that relates to what x company is looking for will always look good regardless of whether you have a cs degree or not. Anyways, does it go like this? CS degree > Non-cs degree > no degree at all? Just simply wondering since going back to school right now to pursue another BS is not really worth it at the moment because 1. expensive and 2. very time consuming.

    TLDR: Long story short, I am looking for any advice/personal experience/feedback on the importance/weight of having a bachelors in computer science vs having a bachelors in general (STEM in my situation) when applying for jobs in the tech industry. I would like to know if my opportunities will be "limited" just because i do not have a degree in CS or if having a BS in biology is still infinitely favorable compared to if i did not have a degree in general. I just dont want to feel like i "wasted" the past 4 years of my undergrad studies getting a bachelors thats not computer science if my long term career goals is to eventually transition into the tech world and if having a degree in general will still be just as beneficial/looks good compared to people who hold computer science related degrees.

    Thank you to everyone who read this far and thank you to any help/advice i can get. Cheers everyone.

    submitted by /u/whitecat69
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    is this what it’s like?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    So, here I am trying to do my best to learn as much as possible. Going through a lesson on Conditionals and Loops and I'm like oh yeah I got this shit after following along for about an hour. Next up is the assignment! Finally, I've been itching to test my knowledge.

    As I read the instructions I am like ok cool this is pretty simple I can do this no problem.. Two hours and three DMs later turns out my dumbass couldn't even interpret the instructions properly.

    Is this what it's like? Programming I mean. To think you have a grasp of something just to realize you have no clue what you're doing

    submitted by /u/subject141
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    Why can't regular expressions be used to solve recursive structures?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    For instance, you shouldn't use a regexp to detect balanced parentheses or html parsing. Why is this? What makes an html structure not "regular"

    submitted by /u/UpOnCloud9
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    Perlin noise generator producing lines that fail to meet.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    I am trying to make a program that successfully samples random noise that was pre-generated and converts that noise into smooth perlin noise. I know that there are websites that have functions that I can copy-paste into my IDE, but I want to be able to customize the noise that I put into the function, so I decided to do it from scratch as he is doing in his video.

    The first complication is that I'm doing this in Java while he is doing this in C. So there could be an issue there. The real issue emerges when, after calculation, the values that are generated appear jagged and lines tend to not meet in certain spots.

    The crazy thing is that I went to his source code and did the math by hand and also got the same results of crooked lines that fail to line up.

    These are the values the console returns. I have a total of 32 values and I run 2 octaves that are broken up by the || symbol. The values are mapped like so:

    (Sample1,Sample2)-(Blend) Pitch:(Pitch) Sample:(finalSample)

    Here is the video that I am following along with to attempt this. He also has his source code in the description.

    My source code is here.

    I also understand, as he said in his video description, that this is not truly how Perlin noise is generated.

    submitted by /u/pebble255
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    English-speaking blue-collar American Learning C# and Spanish simultaneously

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    I am starting to learn C# through Udemy, purely as a hobby, and I also just started learning Spanish to, one day, surprise my girlfriend who is a Spanish teacher. I wanted to ask if this is a bad idea to try to take on these two things at once and if anybody else has had any experiences with learning a programming language and learning a spoken language or any other academically challenging (for me at least) task.

    submitted by /u/Rozaff
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    When to learn a new language?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    Forgive me if this has (likely) been answered. So I've been programming for about a year now in java through two different high school classes I took. At this point I know most the basics and some intermediate stuff but am far from advanced. I start college in a few weeks and feel like learning at least the basics of C on my own will help me greatly.So should I keep working on the my java knowledge and try to learn more of it or switch over to C?

    submitted by /u/AkeenL
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    LISP Projects

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    What are some good projects to get started in LISP and also look good on a resume? (Scheme or CommonLisp)

    submitted by /u/BaywatchBoy3000
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    Confused out of my mind regarding linked lists in Python

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    I am fundamentally struggling on the topic of linked lists in Python. I've tried looking at solutions, guessing and checking, asking around, etc. But I've come to the realization that I am missing a huge part of the necessary concepts. Which is why I am posting here. Sorry if it's a little long... but I tried to really think it out and show my complete work and thought process.

    I think the main thing I don't recognize is what in my code is a pointer and what is a linked list node value.

    Anyways, here is my linked list implementation.

    Definition for singly-linked list. class ListNode(object): def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None 

    My understanding of this implementation is, self is for instances. init is a constructor for objects. Objects are specifically an instance of a particular class or subclass. So when you run the init, you create an object.

    I don't understand the ListNode(object) portion. I think the (object) has something to do with inheritance, but not sure exactly.

    So the first problem I am trying to do is reversing a linked list. My code is below:

    class Solution(object): def reverseList(self, head): prev = None curr = head while curr: curr.next = prev prev = curr curr = curr.next return prev 

    I am testing this on the linked list [1, 2, 3]. Below is my logic of how I think the code will run and what the resulting variables will be.

    prev = None curr = 1 curr.next = None prev = 1 curr = curr.next 

    When I say curr.next = None, that means that the pointer from current points to None, correct? And then going off this idea, when I say curr = curr.next, does this mean the variable curr equals the node that curr is pointing to? So in my example, curr = curr.next = None.

    I think the curr = curr.next line is where I am going wrong. Because I now want curr to be 2, not None. So I am thinking to fix this, I can have my code be:

    while curr: prev = curr curr = curr.next curr.next = prev return curr 

    But I get a time limit exceeded error. Not sure why because....

    prev = curr 

    So prev = 1.

    curr = curr.next 

    So curr equals what curr.next is pointing to, and curr.next is pointing to 2, so curr = 2.

    curr.next = prev So the pointer of the current node, 2, now points to prev, which is 1. So 2 is now pointing to 1. Which is what we want.

    submitted by /u/hapatheorist
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    Data Deduplication in Cloud Computing

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    Good day everyone. I am currently doing a research paper on the implementation of data deduplication in the cloud computing with Java. So, I have already identified the necessary algorithm for it but I cannot find any tutorials or place where I can learn the Java that is related with it. I have only found like research papers on the topics that I wanted but I cannot find any place where I can learn how to implement it. The algorithm of my program is basically :

    get file -> break file into chunks depend on size -> calculate rabin has -> if no hash value (encrypt with hash algo then upload file) -> if got already, compare hash value with other hash value in database -> then if same, discard otherwise upload

    I am looking for

    • Rabin fingerprinting in Java
    • How to perform file chunking in Java
    • How to encrypt the chunked file with hashing algorithm such as SHA-256 or md5.

    I am not looking for source codes but like resources where I can learn because i cannot really find anything online.

    submitted by /u/Angel_Of_Death_98
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    Domain Redirection and Mapping in Squarespace for a site within a site(upper layer for another application).

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:24 PM PDT


    Describing my Use Case, I'm currently running a website on Squarespace indexed as this :









    And I have another application for which I thought I would take a separate Squarespace website to manage the pages which function the same way as above.

    Instead, I was wondering if I could create another index within my first Squarespace website and map the domains like below.

    App2.com/Intro <- Fetch Squarespace and Rename Page <-Website.com/App2/intro

    App2.com/SignIn -> Redirect -> App2.com.com/MainApp - Web Application - webservices.App2.com

    App2.comMainApp <- webservices.app2.com

    App2.com/About <- Fetch Squarespace and Rename Page <- Website.com/App2/about

    App2.com/Contact <- Fetch Squarespace and Rename Page <- Website.com/App2/contact

    App2.com/TermsofUse <- Fetch Squarespace and Rename Page <- Website.com/App2/TermsOfUse

    App2.com/PrivacyPolicy <- Fetch Squarespace and Rename Page <- Website.com/App2/PrivacyPolicy

    App2.com/Support -> Redirect -> Website.com/App2//support

    App2.com/Blog -> Redirect -> Website.com/App2/Newsroom

    So when the user visits app2.com, he lands on website.com/app2/intro which is renamed as app2.com/intro in the URL Bar.

    Noting that I am using Django as backend for the Web Application so possibly I can route apps from there ? But if I can do that via Squarespace itself, it would be efficient. Any approach towards the solution is much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ravingelectron
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    [C#] Bot on virtual machine

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:20 PM PDT


    I have a few bots. Their based on typic point-click on the screen or press predefinied keys on keyboard. Everything works fine, but what I'm supposed to do to get a bot to work on virtual machine? There's no screen there, can't simulate clicks or press keys (unless I connect remotely and I see screen).

    submitted by /u/karezard
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    Being able to automatically press and hold buttons

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:17 PM PDT

    I want to know how to have a script press and hold a button for a certain amount of time, then loop it. Absolutely no idea where to start

    submitted by /u/AydenAct
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    College and Comp Sci

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    I am still in school. I had, or in this case will have, three years worth of college level education in Computer Science, starting from AP Computer Science Principles, where we explored networks and foundations of Computer Science with JavaScript; continuing to AP Computer Science A, where we studied higher-level concepts, such as Inheritances, class interactions, etc., in Java. Next year we will be doing a non-AP project course, where we will be separated into groups, to design programs/apps/games with programming languages of our choosing, which in my case is C++. This project would later go on to participate in FBLA, which is a pretty major competition for all types of students, as well as Comp Sci.

    Considering our team does a pretty good job with our game for FBLA, should I go straight into college, or maybe wait a few works, work for a few companies, get some more experience in-field, and maybe get enough money for college?

    submitted by /u/De_Obliviator
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    Does anyone else feel like they don't care about tech?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    As in, do you only really care about programming and problem solving?

    Everywhere I see that the Tech industry is constantly changing and you need to be constantly learning to keep up. All of the developer roles I look at say "you must have a passion for technology" or something along those lines.

    I've been studying front end web development and learning what I can in the hopes of getting a job as a web developer somewhere. I've been making games with game maker for the last 10 years and love writing code for games.

    But really, if I'm being honest, I'm not sure I have the interest in technology itself to learn about network security or the structure of my operating system for example. Or have a passionate opinion about what platform, language, hardware I use. I can't see myself reading over the latest technology news every morning before I go to work as a developer. But it feels like that's what I need to do.

    I don't care what language I'm using. High level concepts like solving problems, writing algorithms, using maths, I love all these things, but it just doesn't feel like I'm meant to be in the IT industry when I see how passionate everyone else is about the technology itself.

    Does anyone else feel the same or have any advice?

    Edit: should clear up I work as a functional software tester right now. No technology/programming in my job. All manually testing software.

    submitted by /u/blupps
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    Python resources for (compiled) language programmer?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    I've been using C++ for quite a bit now, and I'd say i'm fairly skilled in its logic. I also have experience in Java and a few other languages. I want to learn python, but most resources that get recommended are for beginners and tend to delve into introductory concepts such as variables and conditional statements. Are there any books/tutorials made for people who have strong previous knowledge in another language, instead focusing on the shift in syntax and pythonic concepts?

    submitted by /u/Assurbanipal_
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    Web Dev or software programming??

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    I have some knowledge in both java and html..I am confused whether I should go in the field of web development (HTML,CSS,PHP,JS) or Should I turn towards software development and programming (PYTHON,JAVA,C++,C)..Which would be better for future Job prospect??

    EDIT:This website points out the difference quite well

    submitted by /u/AlphaaRomeo
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    [Homework] Java Class Extension method naming convention

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    The homework question lists the methods to be used to solve the problem at hand. I am trying to make sure I understand convention for one of the method name correctly.

    public static BanffMarathonRunner getFastestRunner(BanffMarathonRunner[]runners])

    BanffRunner is an extension of a class which have parameters like name, and run time. If I am understanding this correctly this method should return an object of the class BanffMarathonRunner, ie the fastest runner. I am not sure about the BanffMarathonRunner right in front of the input list. Does that mean the class BanffMarathonRunner should have an an array of parameters being passed into this method?

    Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/AUGcodon
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    How do I use an id token on the client to enable/disable tabs to be shown on a web app?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    I'm working on setting up a login page using an IDaaS (Auth0/cognito/okta) for a meteor web app. I'm a bit lost on how I can use an id token (JWT) with an authenticated user's role info to enable them to see selected tabs on the web app based on their role.

    Should this happen on the client (ie. have a JS function which checks the users role and enables/disables the view of the tab in the HTML).

    Or should the id token be sent to the server once the user is Authenticated and redirected to the web app, then the server should handle working out which tabs the user can see and send the client code appropriately.

    Please help I'm very confused. If you can explain how this is generally implemented or point me to some resources that would be great 👍 👍

    submitted by /u/bitofInterest
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    Why do people prefer rebase over merge squash?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    With rebase, you can't bisect because intermediate commits likely fail some tests. Also, fixing merge conflicts for each commit one by one during rebase is PITA.

    submitted by /u/netok
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