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    Monday, June 3, 2019

    Made a Video About My Success Story ... And Got Laid Off in 3 Days learn programming

    Made a Video About My Success Story ... And Got Laid Off in 3 Days learn programming

    Made a Video About My Success Story ... And Got Laid Off in 3 Days

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:26 AM PDT

    Ah, the irony.

    Not sure if you guys remember me. But, 6 months ago, I wrote a post here -- talking about my success story of becoming a programmer from a chemist:


    Since then, I've been working as a programmer. For the context, I worked at this company for more than a year.

    I got like ~2k upvotes. I remember doing my best to interact with 200+ comments and DMs (in fact, I don't think I missed a single one). I was super excited to help because I know what's it like to be on the other side -- learning how to program, hopefully, good enough to get a job, etc. And reading all the responses got me inspired to create a programming YouTube channel, so I could help others on my own platform.

    The first channel didn't do so well. Mainly because I didn't have time to upload frequently. So, I rebranded recently, and I've been passively making programming related videos. Just a few days ago, I thought "yeah, maybe I should make & upload a video version of the post I wrote on Reddit." So, I did that and 3 days later... this happened.

    It was just like another Friday morning. I was making jokes with co-workers. I think I was a bit excited about the company-provided free lunch. Then, the management called me into the office. First thing I thought, "Maybe they call me in to talk about the website I built some weeks ago. They liked it, so that must be it"

    I got laid off.

    ---> Ok, seems like I owe you guys more explanation. So, I'm adding more context <---

    [Why does this post sound so confusing? Because I'm just as confused as you guys are.]

    • On Friday, I entered the management office and they started reading the termination paper. I asked if I'm getting fired, and they said: "no, you are getting laid off."
    • And they started reading the termination paper again, so I asked: "hold up, why am I being let go?"
    • The management said (not verbatim): "sometimes when the company is faced with changes, departments get direct hit and people are being let go."
    • So, I asked again if it's related to my performance. The management clearly said: "it's not, and it was one of the hardest decisions we had to make."
    • Then, they continued to read the paper and we finished the conversation (which was calm and collected).

    [ Now, let me be absolutely clear. I'm not here to rant about the situation. I have the utmost respect for the organization and the people I worked with. I understand their decision 100% (although I'm not 100% sure what it is) ---> Why do I feel this way?

    • Because I know them too well. I know the management is a group of some of the finest people I met and worked with. And I know they didn't just make a dumb decision over like a YouTube channel. It's probably related to company infrastructure. It must've been tough. I knew immediately, that there's no reason to argue.

    I'm just here to express how I feel about the irony of all this. One day you are talking about how to go from 16k to 85k salary. The next day you are back to making $0. ]

    I think I spend a good two-days trying to figure out what I did wrong.

    • Was it because of what I did/said?
    • Was it because I didn't deliver XYZ in time?
    • Was it because I managed my hours poorly?
    • Was it because...?

    I don't know. All I know is that I did something not-so-cool that the management didn't like-so-much. And it's all in the past. There's nothing I can do about it.

    I failed about 7 times before becoming a programmer (med school, actuarial exams, Ph.D. program, etc.). So, it really wasn't that hard accepting the 8th failure. In fact, it was a lot easier than telling my wife on Friday afternoon. Every time I hit a rock bottom, I like to remind myself that life is not just about living the prime moments. It's about riding the waves of ups and downs. So, now that I have the downshift momentum, how am I going to ride this wave upwards?

    I think there are 3 ways I can achieve the greatest comeback:

    1. Get a job that's better than what I had before.
    2. Build side projects and turn them into profitable startups - Inspired by Pieter Levels' 12 startups in 12 months project.
    3. Document everything on my YouTube channel - Programming vlog?

    Realistically speaking, No. 1 should be the most reasonable goal. But, I've always been a fan of No. 2 and 3. When you are at the verge of a complete failure, you have enough courage to do something crazy. Sometimes, it's the fear of lows that make you rise to the top (fan of The Dark Knight Rises anyone?) Anyways, my plan is to do all 3 simultaneously and see which one takes off.

    So, that's my story. I think I'm the first one here to write both the success and the failure story. Hopefully, I get to write an amazing comeback story 6 months from now. If you are more interested, feel free to follow along - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3DrTo983haSYkCAFsygjg

    As always, thanks for listening.


    Some of you are a little confused about the story. So, let me explain,

    • Timeline: Hired 4/2018 --> Started YouTube early 2019 --> Rebranded 3 weeks ago --> Posted a success story video --> Got laid off 3 days after.
    • It's officially a laid off. They were very generous with the whole procedure. I never said anything negative about them (here or the video), and I never will because I respect my coworkers.
    • I think a lot of you want to tie my reason for failure to YouTube, but the management actually encouraged me to continue. I never mentioned anything related to my work. It was an extension of the local programming workshop I was running to help the beginners. I started the channel to practice public speaking.
    • For the clickbaity title (got laid?), I'm sorry but that's how the mobile Reddit cuts the title 🤣

    (Update 2)

    Ok, seems like I owe you guys more explanation. So, I'm adding more context:

    Let me just be clear why this post might sound super confusing. It's because I'm still very shocked and confused about all this.

    • I didn't get any probation for my work. This happened in less than 10 minutes. No one in my team knew (not even the team lead).

    Why did I try so hard not to disclose the information?

    • Because there are people still working there and I want to respect them. I like every single one of them.

    Why do I still think it's a performance issue? Even after hearing, "no it's not"

    • The company is located pretty far from where I live. There's always heavy traffic in between. Several weeks/months ago, I had a burnout situation, where I felt pretty lethargic coming to work every day. Did I ever not deliver in time? Did I ever give a half-ass job? Nope. Was my speed dropping? Yes. Sometimes, I had to work leftover from home to finish what was assigned. I'm thinking maybe they caught that and thought I was the least productive one.

    What the heck is the point of this post?

    • Let's just say I want to let it out. When you get an overnight termination like this. It's very hard to stay sane. You start blaming everything -- yourself, organization, everyone around you. I want to stop doing that to the point of depression. I want to let someone know that "hey, I'm moving on -- these are my next projects please check it out"
    submitted by /u/seanjun21
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    Everything you need to know BEFORE learning how to Code!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm starting a longer programming tutorial, that takes you into learning the programming language Python, and then to make video games, using frameworks like Pygame and Kivy.

    The idea is to make the tutorial I wish existed when I started. That not only covers the basics, but takes you deep into every aspect you need to know to actually make a game. The end goal is for everyone that follows the tutorial have their own 2d RPG or similar game when they go through it all.

    But, I wanted to start at the beginning, and in fact BEFORE the beginning, hence this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpclOk10VM7gIWyirriII1z4Z7Y-u344n

    Still working on style and tempo, so feel free to give me some feedback. Also ask me anything about it here, I'm always checking Reddit.

    submitted by /u/Aurelio_Aguirre
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    How do I make THREE.js always rotate an object around the vertical axis?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    I have a ball I want to rotate in the direction it is traveling. If it is traveling exactly in the Z direction I can simply say ball.rotation.x -= 0.01, however, if the ball is going in any other direction, this obviously doesn't work. I thought I could combine rotations about the x and y axis to get what I want, but this doesn't seem to work. When the ball is oriented normally, rotating about y spins it like a top, rotating about x spins it forward and back, but, if I rotate forward say 90 degrees then rotate about y, it does a barrel roll when I wanted it to rotate like a top as it did before. How do I fix this?

    Edit: I found something called "MakeRotationAxis" could I use that? If so, how?

    submitted by /u/Danger_Squirrel_X
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    On scale of One to Ten

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    One scale of one to ten how much do you think your skills are in X. My question is how to decide what to answer(6/7/8) cause I really don't know the difference between 6/7 to 8/9. It will really be helpful if someone point outs difference between these two levels mostly for popular programming languages.

    submitted by /u/dhanno65
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    Can I uses grid with scss?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    Been looking around about this and haven't got satisfactory answer, so can I use it?

    submitted by /u/dangerblown
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    How can I put variables from a function to be set to a different variable in a different function? (C++)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    I have a class that has its defined variables in a function and I want to transfer the data from the variables into a variable in the main function. I thought of passing the variable's value by reference but I don't want the user to change the data I set for the functions. I would like to have the user choose which function to use and store that into a variable.

    code (sorry don't know how to format code in here yet):

    class Weapon { // weapon type will be set by player in a switch case in main function


    int Damage; string weaponName; 


    void Heavy() { int heavyDmg = 15; string heavyName = "Hilt"; // FIXME HILT SHOULD BE SPECIAL WEAPON. NO CREATIVE TITO Damage = heavyDmg; weaponName = heavyName; } void ShortSword() { int ssDmg = 5; string ssName = "Master Sword"; Damage = ssDmg; weaponName = ssName; } void print() { cout << "Weapon Set: " << weaponName << endl; cout << "Weapon Attack: " << Damage << endl; } 


    int main() {

    Weapon weapon; int weaponChoice; string playWeapon; cin >> weaponChoice; switch (weaponChoice) { case 1: weapon.Heavy(); break; default: weapon.ShortSword(); } 
    submitted by /u/TheGoshDamnPicket
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    How do I save user input to an array in react, and display it multiple times as a list?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    Sorry if the solution here is painfully obvious, but I'm new to programming and I'm really confused.

    I wanted to convert a simple JS app to React. It takes a word and a number(n), and then displays that word as part of an interpolated string n times.

    I can get the input to save, but I'm really not sure how to create an array of list items in React, or how to display it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Here's my code:


    class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { name: "", numOfTimes: "", namesArray: [], submitClicked: false }; this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.onClick = this.onClick(this); } onChange(event) { this.setState({ [event.target.name]: event.target.value }); } onClick() { for (let i = 0; i < this.state.numOfTimes; i++) { this.state.namesArray.push({ name: this.state.name }); } this.setState({ namesArray: [this.state.name], submitClicked: true }); } render() { return ( <div> <form> <label> Name: <input type="text" name="name" value={this.state.name} placeholder="Enter a Name" onChange={this.onChange}/> </label> </form> <form> <label> Num of Times: <input type="number" name="numOfTimes" value={this.state.numOfTimes} placeholder="" onChange={this.onChange}/> </label> </form> <form> <input type="submit" value="Display Hello!" onClick={this.onClick}/> <input type="reset" value="Reset" onClick={this.onClick}/> </form> {this.state.namesArray.map((name) => ( <p>Hello {name.name}</p> ))} </div> // [namesArray(this.state.numOfTimes)].map(() => <div>{this.state.name}</div>) ); // // if (this.state.submitClicked === true) // return ( // [...Array(this.state.numOfTimes)].map(() => <li>{this.state.name}</li>) // // ) } } 
    submitted by /u/justfIuff
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    I was asked to create a method that counts the number of times a different method is called,

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    I'm using an online guide and we're going over using multiple classes. I was asked to create a method that counts the amount of times a different method is called.

    Add to class Reformatory the method

    public int totalWeightsMeasured()

    that returns the total number of times a weight has been measured.

    I got the right output,but I'm not sure if I did it the right way. I looked up online how to make a variable available to all methods and then just made a counter variable outside all methods and then made it so that each time the weight method was called it would add 1 to the counter. Then I just returned the counter.

    package problem85_reformatory; public class Reformatory { int count = 0; public int weight(Person person){ count++; return person.getWeight(); } public void feed(Person person){ person.setWeight(person.weight+1); } public void grow(Person person){ int tempvar1 = person.getWeight(); tempvar1++; person.setWeight(tempvar1); } public int totalWeightsMeasured(){ return count; } } package problem85_reformatory; public class Person { String Name; int weight; int height; int age; public Person(String initialName, int initialWeight, int initialHeight, int initialAge){ this.Name= initialName; this.weight = initialWeight; this.height = initialHeight; this.age = initialAge; } public String getName() { return Name; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public void setWeight(int weight) { this.weight = weight; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } public int getWeight() { return weight; } } 

    Was there a better way to do this.

    submitted by /u/spikelived321
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    Pong in console...harder than I thought! (C++)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    So Ive been starting to refresh my skills in C++ because it's been awhile. I also wanted to get into some hobby level game development. I've always heard that pong is a good starter program and Im like "Ok ill try to make it in console first"....holy hell it's harder than I thought. Not really so much the logic but just the actual drawing to the screen.

    I noticed you don't actually see a lot of examples of this and I wonder if it's because it's actually a lot harder than it seems (Since console isn't really meant for this). Or maybe im just stupid! ha.

    submitted by /u/mercfh85
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    Need help getting pytest to recognize Django project location in Python Path. Any advice appreciated!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm a college student currently working on a small Django web app project and I'm trying to get pytest up and running on my container.

    When I try to run pytest, I receive an error

    pytest-django could not find a Django project (no manage.py file could be found). You must explicitly add your Django project to the Python path to have it picked up. make: *** [pytest] Error 1 

    I'm wondering how to fix this error so that pytest is able to find my 'manage.py' file which is inside another folder.

    I've tried messing with the settings a bit but to no avail. I think the main issue is that my django project is inside another folder which is why pytest isn't able to find the manage.py file.

    Here's what I tried in the manage.py file:

    PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'timetracker')) 

    This is my project structure:

    timetracker/ |---- accounts/ |---- timetracker/ |---- settings.py |---- conftest.py |---- manage.py docker-compose.yml Dockerfile Makefile pytest.ini requirements.txt 

    My Dockerfile:

    FROM python:3 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 RUN mkdir /code WORKDIR /code COPY requirements.txt /code/ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . /code/ ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE timetracker.settings 

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dinkleberg10
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    Help adding audio to java video game.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    Professor provided us with some video game code and we had to alter/add to it.

    Been trying to add audio for background music, player colliding with enemy, player dying, colliding with treasure, and firing a gun.

    I have all the sound files but its been tough trying to integrate them. Im not so sure where to put them or if my code is correct, but this is what I have so far.

    The code I've pasted here runs as is, but doesn't play any sounds.

    My sound files (wav files) are all in my resources folder.

    Also, if I uncomment the playDyingSound(); and playEnemySound(); etc, I get a ton of errors

    Please any help will be appreciated.

    package main;

    import java.util.ArrayList;

    import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;

    import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;

    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;

    import javafx.geometry.Insets;

    import javafx.geometry.Pos;

    import javafx.scene.control.Label;

    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;

    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;

    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;

    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;

    import javafx.scene.text.Font;

    import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;

    import javafx.stage.Stage;

    import javafx.scene.media.Media;

    import javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer;

    public class Game extends Pane implements Runnable {

    // instance variables private ArrayList<MOB> mobs; private ArrayList<Rectangle> hitBoxes; private ArrayList<Treasure> treasure; private Player player; private final ImageView background = new ImageView(); private Level level; private SimpleIntegerProperty score; private int enemyCount; private int chestCount; private HBox GUIView; private Label scoreLbl; // text label for displaying current score private Label livesLbl; // text label for displaying remaining lives 

    private Label healthLbl; // text label for displaying remaining health

    private MediaPlayer backgroundMusicPlayer;

    private String playerCollideEnemyMusicFile = "player_collide_enemy.wav";

    private String playerDyingMusicFile = "player_die.wav";

    private String playerCollideTreasureMusicFile = "treasure.wav";

    private String playerFiringMusicFile = "player_firing.wav";


     \* Constructor \*/ public Game(Stage stage) { 

    // create the score counter

    this.score = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);

    // create our mobs arraylist

     this.mobs = new ArrayList<>(); 

    // create the arraylist for MOB & wall hitboxes

     this.hitBoxes = new ArrayList<>(); // create an arraylist for our treasure objects 

    this.treasure = new ArrayList<>();

     this.enemyCount = 0; 

    this.loadLevel(1); // load the first level of our game.

    this.initGUI(); // load/initialize the GUI

    // run our main loop once the stage is shown

    // this.backgroundMusicPlayer = createMediaPlayer(backgroundMusicFile);

    stage.setOnShown(e -> this.run());



    * initialized the gui/overlay to track player lives,

    * level, total score, etc.

    * @return a new HBOX with our GUI elements


    private void initGUI() { 


    //background music player private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer(String musicFile) { String musicFileUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/resources/" + musicFile).toExternalForm(); Media sound = new Media(musicFileUrl); MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(sound); return mediaPlayer; } private void playBackgroundSoud() { backgroundMusicPlayer.setCycleCount(MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE); [backgroundMusicPlayer.play](https://backgroundMusicPlayer.play)(); } /\*private void play() { playBackgroundSound(); } \*/ 


    /\* //SoundEffects private void playSound(String musicFile) { String musicFileUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/resources/" + musicFile).toExternalForm(); AudioClip audioClip = new AudioClip(musicFileUrl); audioClip.play(); } private void playEnemySound() { playSound(playerCollideEnemyMusicFile); } private void playDyingSound() { playSound(playerDyingMusicFile); } private void playTreasureSound() { playSound(playerCollideTreasureMusicFile); } private void playFiringSound() { playSound(playerFiringMusicFile); } \*/ 


    /\*\* \* Loads the default/background images for our lvlMap \* @param in the integer value for the lvlMap image to load \* all images are 'lvlMap' + in \*/ private void loadLevel(int in) { 

    hitBoxes.clear(); // clear the list of hitboxes

    mobs.clear(); // remove any existing old mobs

     switch (in) { case 1: 

    this.level = new Level1();


     case 2: 

    this.level = new Level1(); // placeholder for second level


     } background.setImage(level.getImage()); // get the background image hitBoxes.addAll(level.getWalls()); // get all the wall hitboxes enemyCount = level.getEnemyCount(); // get the enemy count from the level 

    chestCount = level.treasureCount(); // get the treasure count from the level

     this.getChildren().add(background); // add the lvlMap imageview to scene 

    this.getChildren().addAll(hitBoxes); // add all the hitboxes for the walls to the scene

    this.initTreasure(chestCount); // add the treasure chests for the level

    this.initMobs(enemyCount); // initialize our mobs



     \* Initializes the default mobs for a given level \*/ private void initMobs(int count) { 

    player = (player == null ? new Player(this.level) : player); // load the player

    player.setStartPoint(level.playerStart()[0], level.playerStart()[1]);

     mobs.add(player); // add the player to the mob array first, so always index 0 // add our enemies to the arraylist after the player 

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    mobs.add(new Enemy(this.level, i));


    // set the starting coordinates for each enemy, skip the player/index 0

    for (int i = 1; i < mobs.size(); i++) {

    /* the enemy coordinates are stored in a 2-element array

    with index 0 = x-coord, and index 1 = y-coord */

    Double[] coords = level.getEnemyCoords().get(i-1);

    mobs.get(i).setStartPoint(coords[0], coords[1]);


    // iterate over the list of mobs and...

     for (int i = 0; i < mobs.size(); i++) { 

    MOB m = mobs.get(i);

     hitBoxes.add(m.getHitbox()); // add it's hitbox to our hitbox list 

    this.getChildren().add(m.getHitbox()); // add the hitbox to the scene

     this.getChildren().add(m.getView()); // add it's view to our scene } 


    private void initTreasure(int count) {

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    Double[] coords = level.treasureCoords().get(i);

    Treasure t = new Treasure(i, coords[0], coords[1]);



    this.getChildren().addAll(t.getHitbox(), t.getView());



    private Treasure getTreasure(Rectangle r) {

    for (int i = 0; i < treasure.size(); i++){

    if (treasure.get(i).getHitbox().equals(r)) {

    return treasure.get(i);



    return null;



    * Collision check method to determine if the player

    * has hit enemies, or treasure/chests


    private void collisionCheck() {

    for (int i = 1; i < hitBoxes.size(); i++) {

    Rectangle r = hitBoxes.get(i); // get the hitbox to check

    boolean bool = player.getHitbox().intersects(r.getBoundsInParent()); // see if the boxes intersect

    if (bool) {

    if (r.getFill().equals(Color.RED)) { // RED = enemy collision

    player.takeDamage(1); // if we're the player, take damage

    //SoundEffect playEnemySound();

    } else if (r.getFill().equals(Color.BLACK)) { // BLACK = fake wall

    // TODO fakeWallCollision();

    // play a secret sound, ala zelda.

    } else if (r.getFill().equals(Color.GREEN)) { // GREEN = treasure/chest

    Treasure t = getTreasure(r);

    if (!t.isOpen()) {

    score.set(score.get() + 10); // increase the score

    chestCount--; // decrease our global chest count to track end of level

    t.openNow(); // open the chest so it can't be opened twice


    //SoundEffect playTreasureSound();





    /\*\* \* Main game loop method. \*/ private void play() { // Creates gameLoop, where most operations will be handled AnimationTimer gameLoop = new AnimationTimer() { @Override public void handle(long arg0) { 

    // check if we're ready to move the enemies

    for (int i = 0; i < mobs.size(); i++) {

    MOB m = mobs.get(i);

    if (m instanceof Enemy) {

    ((Enemy) m).moveCheck(arg0);



    // check for collisions with the player and other objects


    // check if our player isDead/we need to respawn

    if (player.isDead()) {

    //SoundEffect playDyingSound(); 


    if (player.livesProperty().get() > 0 && player.isDead()) {



    // check if the level is over

    if (chestCount == 0) {

    // DO Something for level over!


     } }; // start the loop now gameLoop.start(); } 

    /\*\* \* Main runnable: 

    * 1) register our key handler

     \* 2) register our game over listener 

    * 3) starts playing the game

     \*/ @Override public void run() { 

    // Uncomment to see the actual stage layout coordinates for the scene

    // this is useful to determine the width and height of the window frame

    //System.out.println("layoutX: " + this.getScene().getX());

    //System.out.println("layoutY: " + this.getScene().getY());

    this.getScene().setOnKeyPressed(e -> player.moveHandler(e));

    //this.getScene().setOnKeyPressed(player::moveHandler); java8+ method reference style

     // start the game loop now [this.play](https://this.play)(); } 


    EDIT: ok my code got butchered after posting, I'm not sure how to fix the formatting so I apologize

    submitted by /u/Mikkii
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    Book or online paid resources to learn Spring / Spring boot?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Hi, I want to make a software with Spring/Spring boot but I found it difficult to follow scattered tutorial online which were aimed for different version of Spring and Spring boot. I do this project for portfolio. Should I buy a book for Spring boot or plain Spring? I looked into spring.io but couldn't find what I want - User authentication with database. It only has tutorial with LDAP authentication. I found a tutorial online but it was for "Spring 5". From what I gathered, spring boot was created because spring was too complex and I want to focus my time less on technical stuff because I just want to do a login feature.

    This is very important because I want to use this project portfolio to find a job so I really appreciate any opinion, suggestion. Thank you very much.

    P.S. I already have a job but I couldn't show the code I wrote for my company.

    submitted by /u/gunbuster363
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    From Where do i continue

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    Hello folks, first of all English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar mistakes.

    So here's my situation, i used to study C#/.net platform i got to what i'd call middle and then for some reasons i stopped.

    topics that i covered are basically all the usual C# topics except : Reflections, Attributes, Preprocessor Directives.

    Now onto the Libraries, i covered EF and when i tried to tackle MVC is when i basically stopped.

    Now here's the thing i want to pick up my study again but i'm confused cos language and libraries seem to go long way while i was off.

    i don't even know what's really relevant nowadays do i continue with MVC? or is it already obsolete? should i try my luck With ASP.NET Core?

    Basically what i'm asking you guys (and girls) is what libraries should i pursue and in what order.

    This is very important to me because i tend to struggle with putting things in order, i don't know what topic should come after the one i covered.

    Also mind you i have absolutely no knowledge of any markup language/library so i think i'll have to squeeze those somewhere.

    Any help is welcome and thanks in forward :)

    submitted by /u/iberieli
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    New Programmer: Many Question

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:29 PM PDT


    So I am a brand new programmer or atleast am learning about development. The 1st thing I am learning is python. I feel fairly confident to start my 1st project which is going to be an auto login tool. My main question right now is when it comes to development what comes first? The program itself or the GUI? Or both?

    submitted by /u/ZeroSki11ed
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    Just had back surgery - where do I start learning?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Hello fellow nerds! I had back surgery today and will be in recovery for the next 10-12 days and then pretty restricted at work for the next 3 months. This will give me an exceptional amount of free time which I would love to put towards learning the basics of program and finding a language to focus on.

    What would you guys suggest for a complete beginner? Should I order a few books? Stick with online resources?

    Does one language have more pull than another? Where is a good starting point for me?

    submitted by /u/ImGoggles
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    How do i install a web server just to test my home work assignments?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    The book poorly explains how to install a webserver. I'm taking a beginner webdevelopment course and i'm at that one chapter where i need a webserver in order to see a php page.

    submitted by /u/MaxPayne4life
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    What's the industry standard for comments in c#?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    Just yesterday I started a 4 week course in "Programming 1" as it's called here. It's basically an introduction to c#.

    I've been coding for the last 2 years by myself but needed to have taken this course to get into a uni I've applied for.

    The coding itself is super easy but I noticed that I don't really know the best way or the industry standard for comments. Are you supposed to add a comment above every line of code like

    //Comment here

    Code here;

    Or something like..

    Code here; //Comment here

    Sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile. And also sorry for bad English, it's not my first language and it's 5:23 in the morning..

    submitted by /u/Martinuoi
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    Employed programmers, are you overworked?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:48 AM PDT

    The title is pretty self-explanatory. Like many on this sub, I'm considering trying to become a professional programmer. I occasionally hear things about developers being pretty overworked.

    What has your personal experience been? Do you have a decent work-life balance as a developer?

    submitted by /u/diu_tu_bo
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    The best book reading app in the world

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    Let's say that you like reading, and also want to make it easier for other to read...How will you structure the app? Which languages? PWA? Database? How will you include books that are free now? Let say that you also want to fastest download with minimum data usage, how is that possible? Open source?

    Any resource would help greatly...

    submitted by /u/wymco
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    How to pull the first character off a string?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    I am working on an assignment in c++ that requires me to take a binary number from a file and turn it into a unsigned decimal number signed decimal ones complement and twos mag number. So far I have taken the binary numbers from the file and turned them into the unsigned decimal value. I am not really sure how to handle the other forms however because each one has to have a sign in front of it. I was wondering if there is a way to remove the first character of a string, then I would be able to just use that value to determine whether or not it should get a + or -, then I could use the new string that is one digit shorter to convert into decimal and it I think that should give me the right answer.

    submitted by /u/jpdurs98
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    [JAVA] Questions on System.out printing

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    Hi !, Whats the difference between System.out.print, System.out.println, System.out.printf, besides println having a new line and printf having formats?

    Also is it okay to use only System.out.printf? I use it more because I learned C before Java and printf() seems much more familiar and better especially when printing with variables

    submitted by /u/elevenwizard
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    Correct behavior of synchronize in java

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    Consider the following code

    private final Map<String, MyObject> myMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public void put(MyObject myObject) { // do I need synchronize here? myMap.put(myObject.getKey(), myObject); } public void submit() { synchronized(myMap) { for(String key : myMap.keySet) { // do something } myMap.clear(); } } 

    If I synchronize myMap on submit, does that mean during submit no one can access myMap or does that mean no one can access myMap that is in a synchronized block?

    submitted by /u/dmanog
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    Problem sorting my matrice.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:11 PM PDT

    The code bellow will find the largest value in each row of my matrice, store it, and then store the index of that value in the original matrice, and then display those values, it will do this for every single row of matrice. So this is the current output of the program:

    The 0 largest 8.58 and index 3

    The 1 largest 15.05 and index 0

    The 2 largest 88.05 and index 1

    The 3 largest -8.05 and index 1

    But what I want it to do, is find the largest value in the WHOLE matrice, not just the largest in each row or column, and then store that value's index , it should repeat this process N times, N being the number of rows in the matrice.

    So if the matrice has 4 rows, I want the program to find the 4 largest values in the whole matrice, and store them along with their indexes. and then display them. The desired output would be:

    The 0 largest 88.05 and index (2)(1)

    The 1 largest 15.05 and index (1)(0)

    The 2 largest 11.05 and index (2)(0)

    The 3 largest 8.58 and index (1)(3)

    include <iostream>

    include <vector>

    include <cstddef>

    include <algorithm> // std::max_element

    include <iterator> // std::distance

    int main()


    std::vector<std::vector<double>> matrice {

    {1.05, -8.05, 1.0, 8.58, 3.04},

    {15.05, 8.05, 7.05, 8.58},

    {11.05, 88.05, 7.06},

    {-12.05, -8.05}


    std::vector<std::pair<std::size\_t, double>> indexLargestVec;


    for (const std::vector<double>& row : matrice) {

    const auto iter = std::max_element(row.cbegin(), row.cend());

    indexLargestVec.emplace_back(std::distance(row.cbegin(), iter), *iter);


    std::size_t row = 0;

    for(const std::pair < std::size_t, double>& indexElement: indexLargestVec)

    std::cout << "The"<< row++ <<" largest of " << row++

    << indexElement.second

    << " and index " << indexElement.first << '\n';

    return 0;


    submitted by /u/GhostXPTX
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    I need help on how to do something.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    So here's the overview of my plan. You create an image in an android app which sends the image to a python script which displays the image. Importantly, the python script needs to know it got an updated image and act accordingly. I have no good idea of how to do this. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Zanolon77
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