• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    I want to help you get a job learn programming

    I want to help you get a job learn programming

    I want to help you get a job

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I know how annoying self-promotion can be, so I apologize in advance, but this is something I'm really excited and passionate about.

    I've started a YouTube series and a community is coming together for the purpose of teaching software development to a level where someone could get hired as a developer. I'm going to be using C#/MS SQL/MVC, etc, and will be starting from the absolute basics, with the assumption that the "student" has no programming experience, but it will move pretty quickly to first get all of the basics of the languages down, source control, project management, database design, architecture, etc.

    Once the foundation is set, we will be working on a large-scale project. We will have multiple contributors, bug tracking, refactors, bad requirements, unit testing, etc. Many things you can expect to see in a real world scenario. It won't happen overnight, it will take several months. But my hope is that at the end, you can go to an interview with confidence that you have experience using different tools, methodologies, etc.

    We'll also be talking about interview tips, resume/portfolio reviews, etc.

    We have a few experienced developers already who have offered to help, so hopefully there will be plenty to help out if you get stuck. If anyone's interested, I'd love to help :)

    YouTube playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSGIJi1SszlHUR-VCWCUgKWQEEDIzhri7

    Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/relevantjesse

    Discord - https://discord.gg/bTbNm6V

    Edit: Quick thank you to all of the outpouring of support on this. It means so much to me that so many people are interested in a career in software development (or even just learning about coding!) Thank you for the platinum. So much love to all of you, and I promise to hold up my end of the deal and do everything I can to help you all succeed!

    submitted by /u/RelevantJesse
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    If you want free programming book pdf's (legal)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    These books are really useful so i just wanted to share it with you guys in case it might help you out :)

    check out https://books.goalkicker.com it's really useful and they have books on literally almost everything

    submitted by /u/pathetic_millenial
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    I got an interview for a Dev Job: The next chapter

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    URI originalPost = devJobInterview[0];

    I'm writing this in a separate post so people can go back and read the first before seeing the outcome.

    So the day finally came, from the moment I woke up to the moment just before the interview I felt so nervous that I almost got sick. About 10 minutes before the interview I had to take a quick walk around outside to get some air and try to calm myself down. Living in Arizona that wasn't the best idea since it was around 95 at the time, but it didn't really feel all too bad. When the meeting started I got confused when I was in a side office and had no messages or meeting invites from my interviewer. I go back to my desk real quick to grab a drink and when I'm about 5 feet away I can hear my desk phone ring, my interviewer was calling my desk. I answered the phone and asked if we were holding a Webex meeting for this instead(they are in Rochester NY so I could really just waltz into their meeting room, and I'm sure I would have been the first one in there just because I like to be early everywhere. Bad habit). She agrees that a webex meeting is a better option and sends the invite to the computer in the side office. I get on and as soon as we do a quick greeting, the webex meeting dies......No problem I work PC support I've seen this happen plenty of times. I quickly get the meeting back up and there are small laughs around with my technical prowess of getting everything back up quickly.

    We do another greeting as we're not sure if I heard the name of the the other two in the room. My interviewer(We'll call her Maranda), a manager of the other team that I'll be working closely with(We'll call her Gloria), and the developer who got hired on to that other team I'd be working closely with (We'll call him Roland, because I like Borderlands).

    First set of questions are your typical "What got you interested in programming" "What kinds of projects have you done" "If you wear two different color socks do you own it or just go without them"(Not a real question but some of them didn't seem linked at all.

    First Technical question: "How would you get information from an array, let's say a persons name, and retrieve that information to then feed into an API service?" This was where the fun began. I asked my questions: Is the name split up into different indexes of the array? Do I know the index that the name is in? Am I doing part of the name or the full name? First middle last? Is it deliminated in a way that I can pull by a comma or a space? All of the important things to know. After that I gave my answer. I feel like I kinda over explained it, but at the same time I wanted to be thorough with how I would go about it. I have the feeling I aced the first technical question and that I'm off to a good start.

    Whiteboarding question: "Do you know what a palindrome is?" Yeah, when you can spell a word the same way in reverse and get the same word. "Good, now use Racecar, or my favorite Tacocat(this guy has a good sense of humor already) and write and application for us that figures out if what you have is a palindrome"

    My mind: Blank........

    FUCK What do I do? Palindromes aren't hard. It's just taking a string and......and......what the fuck do I do with a string? What is a string? What is C#? Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs bark? Oh brother where for art thou? I had no clue what I was doing.......I pull up Notepad++ (which they said was fine) and I start to try and code something. Start with an a public/private bool isPalindrome(string input). NAILED IT! SWEET! Next~........what do I right after that? Well for my own taste at the top I put bool foundPal = false; Why do you ask? Because I just like to return a variable in the case something weird goes on....not the most efficient sometimes, but it's my style. THEN!.....then.......for some reason I start with a Dictionary..........and it all goes down hill from there. I'm just typing with no real idea where I'm going, I'm trying to think how I'm going to work this. i'm used to testing this as I'm coding them because I'm a bad coder that hasn't tried to work in a TDD way yet.

    Finally after watching me struggled for about 5 minutes Roland speaks up: "So why don't you explain what you're trying to do here". I start rambling and realizing how stupid my Dictonary idea was at first (I know a way to make it work now, but it's too late). Then Roland says "Now what if you were to think of things in a different way. You know how palindromes can be read the same way backwards?"


    Me out loud: C# has a string reverse function and I could just check that against the original input and make it return true if it's a palindrome.

    Roland: That's right. Another popular way would have been to use an index at the end and at the beginning of the array and make your way to the center and check if each letter matches until you hit the center or if you pass the beginning and end.


    I was devastated and almost slammed my head against the desk. I have a feeling that Maranda and Gloria could tell because they quickly changed the subject to telling me more about what I would be doing if I got the role, how many interviews they had left, Roland brought up Relocated back to Rochester which before was a tricky subject (I had just moved to AZ from Rochester back in August 2018) and even though I fought it tooth and nail before I said I wouldn't be opposed to relocating because doing something I enjoy and wanting to further my career was more important than my hatred for snow. This seemed to ease everyone.

    Final thing just before the interview because I wanted to at least poke fun at Roland is:
    How do you write your code blocks?







    Well shit, I threw down the gauntlet and restarted the holy war!

    Roland: Well you're the one being interviewed. What do you think the write way is?

    He got me.
    Me: I would use what ever the team or company standard of coding would be. Readability is more important than my own personal input to the way code should be written.

    Roland: Well that's a trick question and you just got it write. I like it.

    Very unsure how this will go now. I failed the whiteboarding part, passed(I think) the technical question and was able to prove I do have at least some knowledge in how a team of developers work within a company. So.....Yeah. That's how my interview went. How was your day?

    TLDR: I think I did well, but I think I failed, but I think I did well. You should just read it for the real feeling of failed and did well.

    submitted by /u/SG_Moto
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    Anyone Have Recent Coding Bootcamp Experiences

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been devouring every post on every forum I can about coding bootcamps. However, it seems difficult to find any recent information, and it is hard to tell what is what, which is why I am here. I've always been fascinated by computer code in general, but life happens, and my after high school plan was put on hold for quite a few years.

    Fast forward to now. I'm in a position and have the motivation to continue what I originally saw myself doing back then. However with no college degree (few English credits but, never fully committed to the college scene), I've been struggling heavily over the idea I'm sure so many people have....

    Cs degree, or coding bootcamp?

    I understand there are many, many factors that can be discussed. Short story, I'm always willing to learn more, and hypothetically, if a job required me to go get a degree while I worked, I would be thrilled. Oppositely, for whatever reason, if I had a degree and was required to attend a bootcamp, I'd do it.

    However, my plight is this. I've read so many horror stories both ways about not finding jobs after graduating for both bootcamps and cs degrees. Have you recent grads of boot camps been having success in finding jobs? Obviously, I understand level of competence is important. However, for you average Joes, how have you been faring? Have you been finding jobs?

    I guess cut and dry, my ideal situation as to not waste anymore of my time would be to attend a bootcamp, find a job so that I could build experience, and if need be (or if I decide to) get my degree in software development while working.

    I'n not a slacker, and tend to excel as I have a high level of drive and competitiveness.

    I've watched loads of youtube coding, built a few simple programs, and am currently going through the free course on appacademy.io.

    I've been looking at the info on https://cirr.org/data , but the last info is from Jan.- June 2018, so it is not very helpful.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm in the Utah area, so if anyone has experience there, that would be great. Else, I'd most likely be looking into online or Denver area. Either way, any information would be fantastic.

    Thanks again. I, as well as my two huskies, appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/TheAzeban
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    Trilogy Coding Bootcamp

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    Trilogy is the worst program going for developers these days. Waste of money and time. TAs are awful, just awful. I think they purposely hire shitty developers to teach so they don't have to pay a well-educated and skiled developer more $$$. As someone else said, run for the hills if its Trilogy. Im just finishing the program and don't have anything good to say. Fuck Trilogy.

    submitted by /u/skifishhike
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    Some of the best Python Books

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm starting a new job soon, so it's time to read up on some Python information. I like reading books, so I had a bit of a search on Amazon. However, most of the top ranking books have the weirdest reviews, which all seem to be bots spamming Amazon. So, I've created my own small list of books which seemed helpful to me.

    You can see the list here: https://www.jworks.io/python-books-for-beginners/

    Let me know if I missed an obvious book which should be in the list, and I'll add it ASAP. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/bodiam
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    Stanford CS 106/107 classes - self teaching

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    Hi! I started going to school for CS and dropped off, I took first two CS classes which consisted of programming with C++, started with procedural style, made the way up to classes, never got into data structures from standard library or algorithms. I want to teach myself from here, I am very interested and biased towards Stanford's program and started learning through it, In the '90s, Stanford had CS 106A/B sequence which was based on C programming language, starts from basics and goes through "programming abstractions".

    I am very interested in C/C++ programming and prefer to start there and I know that the educational even though it's their 90's classes, it is timeless, Stanford's new sequence starts with Java class for 106A and then 106B and 107 which are Programming abstractions and Programming paradigms respectively use C++. I already have C++ experience which from what I learned is really C-style programming in C++, at least till you make it to classes and ADTs, downside and the possible upside of these two sequences is it makes use of Stanford's own library, they do not use standard library because they simplified the syntax to make it easier for students to focus on the concepts and thinking vs. the complex syntax and mechanics of these complex languages.

    I am at a loss at making a decision on what to do, on one hand, I can start with C and learn procedural programming and other concepts that are inherited by C++ very well and then go back to C++ from a different source or approach since my skill level will be higher and the third course is C++ based anyways, or should I go through the updated version that uses C++ and later on return to learn C through content that is not introductory level. I could always do both generations of these classes but that does not seem like it's an efficient use of time.

    Another option is completely to abandon the Stanford classes and not have to worry about configuring their libraries and getting them to work, even though I already sourced the library files, they may not be complete or defeat their purpose, their purpose is to minimize technical and syntax obstacles and have the student focus on the fundamentals.

    submitted by /u/blu3gl41v3
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    Difference between ... in C++

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    What's the difference between templates arguments and auto and which one should I use?

    int foo(auto i) {...}; 


    template<typename T> int foo(T i){...}; 
    submitted by /u/MeowTooMovement4Cats
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    Linux Game Development

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    I plan on making my first 3D video game by following this video: https://youtu.be/IlKaB1etrik

    However, my main question is how viable is game programming for Linux (planning on using Pop OS, currently on Ubuntu 18.04.2)? Are there any good unity alternatives to 3D game development that natively run on Linux?

    I know that unity is technically available for Ubuntu, and wine exists to get windows applications working in Linux. There's also Java, but I'm not familiar with how to use that code to make 3D games or what IDE to use.

    Some background: I've successfully completed my first year of IT (with a focus on software development) at a two year technical college. I cut my teeth on C#, and gained exposure to Java via my Data Structures and Algorithms class. I've never made any games, but I'm hoping I can make a basic 3D application. This way I can gain exposure to game development, and keep my pogramming skills from getting rusty.

    submitted by /u/GhettoGifGuy
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    Is it possible to learn how to programming without relying on programming language?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    Hello guys, can someone answer? I mean to learn principles of programming, abstractions and other related stuff. Because each of programming language uses their "own" implementation of for ex. List, LinkedList. Plus that one of them is strongly typed whereas other is dynamically typed. But under the hood they are all compiled to one thing.

    submitted by /u/qwiz1q1
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    What program/language is best for me to automate File uploading in a website?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    Hi, we have this tedious task at work that we do everyday and I want to automate this. Our IT department is very slow in creating automation tools so I decided to maybe do it myself. I'm studying Python online but I don't have any actual project yet. I understand some of the logic like If,While,Vlookup as we use MS Excel every day but I'm not an expert. Though I can create very simple macro in Excel. Everything I know about Python is just theory with no hands on project yet that's why I want to take this opportunity to learn more.

    I'm wondering what application should I install and use and what topics should I study for me to create this. I need something that will link MS Excel to local folder to website. The famous apps installed and used in our machine are .net and VBA but I'm not knowledgeable on those. I'm not in a hurry and I have the time to study first before creating this.

    The task is something like this: Number of folders that need to be uploaded in intranet site

    1. Open website
    2. Get reference number (from folder name or excel list)
    3. Enter reference number to website ###a list of product code will appear with check box beside them
    4. Tick the box of the first product code from the list
    5. Click Upload button
    6. Pop up will appear with 5 default upload buttons ###click More if the files are more than 5 for addtl upload button
    7. Click Upload and select the file from the folder ###do this depending on the number of files inside the folder
    8. Select Definition from the drop down button located beside the box ###definition depends on what type of file is
    9. Click Okay and wait until all files are successfully uploaded
    10. Click Release button in the website END ## proceed to the next folder

    This is a extremely tedious process but a crucial part of the workflow that's why I want this to be automated. Please note that I'm not requesting anyone to write a code for me but I'm begging for suggestions and tips so I can also learn :)

    Thank you very much!!!

    EDIT: formatting

    submitted by /u/Sorbetesman
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    Avoiding cross db querying

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    We have a Invoicing module that gathers transactions from several databases and stores it in a central database for further price calculation.

    Atm we use a cross db query with a join, to avoid fetching transactions that are already collected.

    Whats the best way to only fetch transactions that have not been collected yet, but not using a cross db query?

    submitted by /u/mieeel
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    How do you motivate yourself to learn programming with all your other obligations

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    I am doing some stuff right now that goes from 9-5. When I come home at 5 I'm sort of tired and need to do other stuff but I know learning programming is important. I want to learn how to use AI and biolib for some bioinformatics stuff. Just hard to keep myself motivated because there is so much to learn and sometimes with problems its frustrating not having a person you could directly ask and going on a rabbit chase throughout internet trying to find an answer

    submitted by /u/FallsZero
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    Best ways to improve skills in C++ Competitive Programming in 2-3 months

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    If you are a beginner or programmer want to improve the Competitive programming skills.

    Read the blog of >>> CodeAvail dot com <<<<

    Best ways to improve skills in C++ Competitive Programming in 2-3 months

    submitted by /u/codeavail_expert
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    Which programming language should I learn as a Telecom OSS Engineer.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Hello Programmers,

    I am Telecom OSS Engineer, practitioner of Carrier Grade WiFi/EPC solutions for the operators.

    To elevate my skill-set, I would really like to learn a programming language that could help me in :

    • Packet manipulation
    • Data analysis
    • microservices

    I have zero to no skill-set regarding development, and have burning desire to learn it. Though, I have already started learning golang since yesterday, a right direction from you experienced developers could really help me out.


    submitted by /u/DesiAgent47
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    What should I do? Is 1.5 more year in college worth it?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is off topic for this sub-Reddit or not, but I can't find a better one to ask. Anyway, a little background about myself: I've been in college for 3 years and graduating soon. When I first started, I was thinking of Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS), but I went for IS because many of my friends were IS major. Also, at the time, I thought CS was not right for me; and I didn't want to get stuck coding all day.

    However, last summer my friends told me he had this crazy idea and wanted me to help him out. At first, I didn't know what to do and was only fumbling around the front-end. I spent the whole summer learning and managed to be decent at it. I learned both back-end and front-end technologies such as MEAN stack. Also, I've built several static websites for some restaurants after gaining some experience. Never thought that I would enjoy coding that much, but I did. I had fun learning about data structures and coding best practices. Learning how to program was really enjoyable.

    Anyway, here is my question: If I want to get the CS degree, I would need to stay in college for 2.5 more years, or I can just graduate next year with my IS degree. What do you guys think? Is my experience enough to get me a position as a junior developer? 1 website built using MEAN stack which I did half of the work (front/back-ends) and 2 static websites, Or should I stay in school for another year and a half to get that Computer Science degree and be in $15K more debt?

    Edit1: My GPA is not that good ~2.7. I'm worried that companies would not hire someone with such a low GPA. Also, how should I reply if my interviewer ask why I went for IS and not CS? (I'm planning on being honest).

    submitted by /u/BunHen21
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    Become the junior developer that companies want to hire. My latest attempt to aid self-motivated developers to achieve the success they deserve.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    I know there's a big anti-Medium move, and I will soon be migrating my content to a self-hosted platform, but in the meantime I have just published this work.

    I put a lot of effort into this. It is the result of months (if not years of mental preparation) of documentation, note-taking, courses, and training. I have a binder full of pages of outlines, categorization, and brainstorming. While I have more planned articles on this topic, I had to split them down into smaller pieces so as not to be writing a book. The following article already weighs in at 22 minutes worth of content. I think my preparation adequately broke it down into digestible or skimmable sections:

    • Education
    • Open Source
    • Networking
      • LinkedIn
      • Twitter
    • Résumé
    • Mentality
      • Know yourself.
      • Interviews should not be scary.
    • Interview Preparation
      • Create a list of your most impressive projects.
      • Bring data.
      • Be confident.
      • In the end…

    The article link is here: https://medium.com/@Charles_Stover/become-the-junior-developer-that-companies-want-to-hire-c539f4c236d8

    Let me know if you have any questions or comments. 🙂

    submitted by /u/Charles_Stover
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    Swapping 2 parameters in a Function or some other method

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    I need to swap the number 42 with the name Michael.

    I can't figure it out, I did it before and now I have completely blanked on it.

    is there a better way than a function? please help and thank you in advance!

    here is what i have:

    function swap(num,name){
    var temp = num
    num = name
    name = temp;
    function swap(42, Michael);

    submitted by /u/MichaelPaulfv
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    What's the best route to go from zero to web developer? 3 month bootcamp? 6 month bootcamp? Or self-teach (x months)?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    3 Month bootcamp


    Fastest route Leads to landing a job quicker

    Cons: Would have to quit my job

    6 Month Bootcamp

    Pros: Won't have to quit my job

    Cons: Will have to spend literally all my time after work to study and have no time off for 6 months

    Self Teach

    Pros: Won't have to quit my job

    Won't have to spend $15,000 on a bootcamp

    Self paced


    Can/Will take over a year

    No guidance

    No job placement assistance

    submitted by /u/Insayne1
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    When should i start learning JavaScript?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:06 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am an aspiring Front-end Web Developer. I now the basic HTML and CSS. And i can pretty much clone websites now with just those 2. I am curious when should i move on to Javascript? Should i be an expert with HTML and CSS first? Any input or advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/joshjurado5
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    Does it look good if you do small commits on large projects?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if it's worth working on some small commits on some rather large projects (as in taking a break from working on my own projects). The project's I have on my github are kinda small, so I was wondering if I should consider spending a couple weeks doing that to bolster my github.

    submitted by /u/node_user910253
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    Cinematic Logo Intro in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - No Plugins

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    After Effects Tutorial: https://youtu.be/bg_wCI7z63U

    submitted by /u/Anilraju
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    What level of formal math education do I need to prepare myself intellectually to be able to code up 90% of any project I want to do?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Maybe not invent bitcoin or develop a new kind of algorithm, but what's the level of math needed to develop applications on my own, such as education software for little kids or a management tool for janitors or something like that?

    excluding something obviously technically heavy like machine learning or AI

    submitted by /u/lotyei
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    Error when creating new Java project in Eclipse?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    Hey guys Im pretty much just getting started at trying to learn Java so I watched a tutorial today on how to setup Eclipse and got through the whole thing without any issues until I try to create a new Java project. When I do, I am met with an error that says "'Building workspace' has encountered a problem. Errors occurred during the build." along with "Errors occurred during the build.

    Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'myproject'.

    java.lang.NullPointerException." Ive tried googling this and even reinstalling Eclipse but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this????

    submitted by /u/yung_papu
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