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    Wednesday, May 22, 2019

    I got my first job as a Data Scientist learn programming

    I got my first job as a Data Scientist learn programming

    I got my first job as a Data Scientist

    Posted: 21 May 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    So I've started my first role as a data scientist and I'm realizing just how little I know. I've managed to fumble my way through it so far but man am I screwed lol.

    submitted by /u/JohnGaltExpress
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    Trying to learn web development, and Im willing to spend a few bucks in any udemy course. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Hello there. First of all, im a CS student, doing the second year at the moment. I want to start practising, so I decided I would spend some money on a Udemy course. Why? Because I want to earn a few bucks. Why Udemy? I feel like there is a LOT of resources on the internet, but I never seem to pick one and Start practising because there is so much to learn I dont even know where to start.

    I was looking for two main things: either web development, or something like Python or C. What are your recommendations guys? It doesnt have to be a udemy course. Just shoot your answer

    submitted by /u/bigotegamer
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    Is it common for languages themselves to have bugs?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    A specific example: apparently C++14 was a small extension to C++11, and it was mainly bug fixes (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B#Standardization). I've never even heard of a language having bugs, but couldn't that be pretty catastrophic? On top of the developer's own bugs, the language had some bugs of it's own? If there are any such bugs, don't they need to be patched ASAP, instead of just patching them in the next version of the language?

    submitted by /u/CentralCathedral
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    Java vs PHP ?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Hello guys, i am learning Java in local school, i hope i will find some job at the end, but for my information i would like to know:

    **I done before some web site development (Wordpress) that my passion (web site building not WP).

    I have idea (when i am able) to create some forum site like reddit but for my country, in my native language.

    I see php and Laravel framwork are dominant in that field, is Java good choice to build something like that?

    I guess when it come to point when mobile app is needed Java will have advantages.

    Why Java is not so much used in web development?

    Can something like reddit be build on Java and is it good choice?

    see this forum built with laravel https://devdojo.com/forums its something that i target for beginning, can something similar be done in Java?

    Thanks a lot in advance

    submitted by /u/milansakic
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    I'm fundamentally strong in C++, but have no idea how to piece everything together to make something useful.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    I know how to program in C++ really well, but I've never seen a project pieced together to create something actually useful. I don't even know where to exactly look for code like that, or where to begin, or where I should be as I'm going into my second year of computer science, but I achieved good grades my first year and know all the terminology and syntax and a lot of Big O notation, and theory behind programming. If someone could kind of guide me that would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/LastVisage
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    What are the best books to learn Assembly Language?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:18 PM PDT


    I'm new here, I apologise in advance if I missed anything.

    For come context to my question I've been interested in learning assembly since I was young. I'm aware there are a few different assemblers out there, but I want to understand both Intel Syntax and AT&T Syntax as well as I can.

    So I'm looking for recommendations on what assembler to start with, I was thinking GAS, but I'm not sure and also if there are any books that are worth reading for learning assembly

    I do have some experience with C++ and C#, but assembly seems like my bag.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/zeealex
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    I'm selling all my Full-stack books.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I recently got hired as a Java developer and have outgrown the books that helped me get hired. I am selling them for cheap and wanted to recommend them here. I am self-taught and pored over these babies for months. They are in great shape. I hope they help someone!

    eBay link: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F233234503918


    submitted by /u/Bowleander
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    What is the best way to implement digital download sales of a relatively large file (500mb) on your website?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    This is a "I don't know what I don't know" issue and wanted to get pointed in the right direction because so far my googling is failing me. For the record I am using Django & Heroku - I'm really just looking for concepts at this point, but obviously ideas specific to those frameworks/hosts would be great.

    I want to sell a music album on my personal site for bitcoin (500mb zip). I have a bitcoin payment system set up (through coinbase commerce) and access to a callback function for successful purchases. I don't plan on making a lot off of this, so paying for a lot of different services isn't really an option. Here are some of my ideas and roadblocks:

    • Take no information from the user. This is my preference because bitcoin is all about anonymity. Through the callback success function I would then give the user access to a download. But how? I don't believe on the heroku hobby plan I can store a 500 mb file in my code - and I'm using github to update my site which won't let me push with a file that big. Should I look into storing it in a database? I'm having very little luck finding advice for this route online. If I just showed the user a download link - say from dropbox - they could obviously share it with anyone - but maybe I just cut my losses and rely on the honor system for this?

    • Take in an e-mail from the user. Then I send them a download link. But again - I either submit to sending a link that can be shared with anyone or figure out a way to only share unique links without spending money on a service.

    I'm hoping I can get more insight into a best practice when it comes to this.

    submitted by /u/Tennysonn
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    Has anyone heard of IBM z Enterprise Computing Kickstart?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    I just finished an in-depth assembly language course. The professor told me about this online IBM course that students can access for free. I was wondering how many people might've heard of it and can attest to how useful it may be.

    Course description:

    13 Courses (56 hours) of online, self-paced courses covering topics from the z/OS Mainframe System, the IBM Development Environment, JCL, WebSphere, COBOL and DB2. Differentiate yourself with essential skills needed by Fortune 500 companies to run their mission-critical workloads.

    submitted by /u/AmbientEngineer
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    Learning to code for the wrong reason

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    I recently got a internship as a web developer about a month ago. My job consist of building custom WordPress themes and plugins for a small media agency. As new interns came in they quickly realized I knew a lot about code and came to me for almost everything relating to the job and web development. But just last week as I was sitting at my desk working on a theme I realized..... I really don't like web development.

    I thought I was feeling like this because I was working with WordPress and not using a cool framework like Laravel, Rails, or Django. So I went home to start my own project using php and Laravel. After a few hours it hit me.... I FREAKING HATE WEB DEVELOPMENT....

    Sitting there, I started thinking about why the hell did I start learning how to code in the first place?

    I remember I always wanted to build dynamic levels in games.

    So then what brought me to pursue a path to become a web developer?

    The simple answer is I let the internet and social media dictate what I should do with my life rather than exploring on my own. Everywhere I looked everyone was talking about how easy and SAFE it is to become a Web Developer. Or how stable a web development career is. I figured since it's SAFE and I needed the money, I'll just learn it and move to something else later. But this led to me battling within myself every time it was time to build a site. My friends would be amazed with all of the cool sites I built but all I saw were some stupid web pages that I went through hell to build only to still be left feeling empty inside.

    I was following the mass and I regret wasting so many years fighting within myself hoping that the better I got the more I would like it. But in reality, the better I got the more I didn't care about developing websites.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to finish out my internship. But one thing is for sure, I'm going to start listening to myself when I comes to following my own path.

    Wise words from Jim Carrey:

    "You can fail at what you don't want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."

    submitted by /u/digihammerguy
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    Vietnamese text in Excel with C++

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    I am totally a newbie to Software Programming so forgive me if i ask anything seems stupid.

    I am currently working on a project requires reading and writing data to excel file ( .xlsx) in C++. I think the common way of doing it is converting the xlsx file to csv file, then reading data from the csv file. The same goes with writing.

    But i ran into a problem when i need the csv file to contain Vietnamese. Thankyou.

    submitted by /u/ThanhToan1742
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    [Python] How do you remove duplicate alphabetical characters in a string with keeping the order?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    My goal is to write a piece of code that takes a string and then prints a version of the string with all alphabetical characters removed. However, I can't figure out how to only remove alphabetical characters. Right now my code removes all duplicate characters, not only alphabetical ones.

    The code I'm having problems with is this

    from collections import OrderedDict my_word='fu_ct_o_f' no_repeat_my_word="".join(OrderedDict.fromkeys(my_word) print(no_repeat_my_word) 

    What it prints is


    when what I want it to print is

    submitted by /u/The-Toon
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    C# & WPF Code Patterns Help

    Posted: 21 May 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    I've been working on my application for a while now, as I learn more it starts expanding at a faster rate, at this point I've got way too many grids in a single window, a couple extra windows that go completely against my original design because I can't access methods/functions from my main window, which contains all primary and UI based functions that won't work being in my dll. I've been using grids instead of windows all hosted in a single window because I can't access a single method I need from my main window class (where almost all functions are, as stated previously) and this had made my main window cluttered with UI controls and way too many methods (like with my togglebuttons, where I have a method for toggled on/off for every togglebutton in the application), I need a better way to manage all this without separating any methods because my entire application is interlinked and any user control needs to have access to any and every other user control.

    This application is basically just a utility application designed to provide useful features while being easy and quick to use, so I don't need a business or market oriented design pattern, instead one that makes it easy to manage many individual objects and events.

    submitted by /u/loneoption
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    How to change data type in R

    Posted: 21 May 2019 07:42 PM PDT


    I want to change the data types in this column to Boolean, how can I do that using the console? What is the exact code I should write?

    submitted by /u/Frizzzle62
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    Program to reach the last index in minimum number of stretches.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Say you have an array a[5]={2, 3,1,1,4} Each element represents the largest stretch from that position. Reach the last index in minimum number of stretches. 2->3->4 ie. 2 stretches.

    Ex2. Input : 19 1 3 4 5 3 6 2 2 5 3 3 2 9 4 3 6 6 2 1

    Process : 1->3->5->5->9->1 ie. 5 stretches.

    Output : Output = 5

    My code:

    void steps(int [],int);

    void steps(int a[],int n)


    int large=0,var=0,flag=0,test; while(large<n-1); { large++; if(a[var]+large>=n) large=n-1; else { test=large+a[large]; for(int i=large;i<=a[var]+var;i++) { if(test<i+a[i]) { test=i+a[i]; large=i; } } var=large; } flag++; } cout<<"\nOutput = "<<flag; 


    void main()


    int arr[20],n,i;

    cout<<"Enter the no. of elements\n";


    cout<<"Enter the elements\n";







    Error : Time limit exceeded, also Segmentation error, core dumped.

    I am not able to debug it. Please point out my code's problem.

    submitted by /u/FuneralxParlor
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    4 Programming Languages you can start with to develop Virtual Reality Applications

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Making VR applications requires more than fundamental information of programming. The structure should be strong, and the programming must be joined with the correct 3D and audio components to guarantee that the final application sounds good to each client. In case you wonder whether you should take up AngularJS Training Course in Chandigarh for VR applications, we investigate four programming dialects that work better for the reason.

    JavaScript – The greatest progression of JavaScript is the way that developer can make a structure, and the greater part of the VR machines being used some type of JavaScript to send data and pictures to the showcase. JavaScript may be fundamental, yet it's a developer's helpful apparatus.

    Java – Developing VR applications requires building explicit calculations, and that is the place Java proves to be useful. Indeed, this ought to be the primary purpose of begin for any developer, notwithstanding what they wish to plan later on, and the highlights are sufficient to get fledglings in real life.

    C++ – This is another programming language that make well for planning different sorts of VR applications. Unbelievable is most likely the following best option in contrast to Unity. C++ may appear to be difficult to see at first, however you can really take in things without any preparation and begin structuring applications.

    C# – There is no denying that the Unity Game Engine is important for VR application advancement, and it does some incredible things in making applications for different stages, including portable ones like Android. With a great many architects, getting support is never an issue.

    There are numerous establishments that offer Java, JavaScript and Node.js Training in Chandigarh, so investigate their course substance. Begin with the correct choice, and you can generally feel free to get a hang of other programming language courses to extend your vocation as a VR application software engineer.

    submitted by /u/enlivenskills
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    Need Advice for Coding (Beginner)

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:51 PM PDT

    Hey, MIS Major here, and I was wondering what are the best ways I can learn coding from little knowledge/zero experience, and eventually get a job. A little info:

    Languages looking to learn: Python JavaScript SQL Solidity

    Job Aspirations: Data Scientist Database Administrator Software Engineer Anything FinTech ANYTHING IN BLOCKCHAIN

    What's the best text editor to use? How can I get the best output from it?

    Is a coding bootcamp worth it in this scenario?

    I've been learning from YouTube, making little HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects, gonna try Udemy as well.

    submitted by /u/Icemasterflex
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    What Language/ Framework to connect database to server & create graphs from data? Building an interactive dashboard

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    Hey there, I am working on building a dashboard/ interactive web application that pulls from a database to show the data in the form of interactive graphs, models that can change overtime. The data I'm using is in PostgreSQL/ pgAdmin.

    I am trying to piece all the languages and frameworks I need to learn to do this. It seems I will need at least HTML, CSS, JS and a Javascript framework that enables making graphs/ charts etc. But I know I need a language/ framework for the server side, to connect the database to the server. I'm having some difficulty figuring out how exactly this works and what missing pieces I need to connect the components.

    I believe I should be writing SQL commands to access the data, but I'm reading that hardcoding SQL logic is a bad idea in the event that the database scheme were to change, etc. So you're supposed to use an Object Relational Mapper. I'm quite confused about what to use. Do I need to use python and then connect the client and server side with Node.js? I saw a recommendation for that, but I don't understand how.

    Overall, this is my main question. Can someone tell me all the components I need to build this web application that pulls from a database and displays graphs? Also any recommendations for languages frameworks that would help? Literally any input would help. It's just a bit jumbled in my head. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Parapurp
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    Issues with Go TCP Server sending HTTP Responses

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:43 PM PDT


    i'm trying to build a HTTP server from the ground up in Go as an exercise to learn about A) how servers, and the internet work, and B) how to write good reusable go code. I am aware that there are numerous tools to do what I'm trying to do with very little effort, but i want to have an idea of how those tools work under the hood before I use them.


    Design is in iterative process, and i'm currently in iteration 0; this is still the "hack something together" stage of my process.

    The Problem:

    My server gets the request from the browser, but when it sends back an HTTP response, the browser hangs but doesn't display an error message-or anything at all, for that matter.


    I already know that the server is capable of sending a response to a client, and have the client receive it, because I've already written a super primitive client app that was able to display output from the server. I also already know that the Server is capable of serving a browser as a client, because I've had the server send decidedly Non-HTTP-compliant responses to the browser, and the browser threw an error complaining about a non-HTTP-compliant response. Finally, i tried using Firefox rather than Chrome, but the problem persists.

    What I Think the Problem is:

    Given that non-HTTP responses explicitly fail, i'm guessing that my HTTP response is super whack, but idk how to write a proper one.

    The HTTP Response:

    "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n" 

    The Server Code:

    package main import ( "fmt" "net" "time" ) func checkerr(err error) { if err != nil { panic(err) } } func main() { var err error var network, addressStr string = "tcp", ":9000" var dataIn = make([]byte, 512) var connection net.Conn var listener net.Listener listener, err = net.Listen(network, addressStr) checkerr(err) for { connection, err = listener.Accept() checkerr(err) fmt.Printf("connection made, connection is of type: %T\n", connection) time.Sleep(time.Second) var bytesread, err = connection.Read(dataIn) fmt.Println("bytes read: ", bytesread) checkerr(err) fmt.Println(string(dataIn)) var response = []byte("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n") fmt.Printf("Response: %v\n", response) connection.Write(response) fmt.Println("Response sent.") } } 

    If anyone can help straighten me out on what i'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate it. Also, if anyone knows any good resources for learning about what i'm trying to do (or if anyone is a good resource and wants to donate some of their time), please let me know; it seems that most guides on how to set up a server are written with a much higher level abstraction in mind. Keep in mind, I'm working above Ethernet frames, and syscalls.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MyFeetOwnMySoul
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    Advice on How To Start Project - Project Inside

    Posted: 21 May 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    Hello /r/learnprogramming!

    I'm hoping to begin a project that will teach me a variety of skills along the way. I want it to start off simple and grow in complexity.

    Programming/Education Background: -Intro level courses in Java & C++ -Completed Bachelor's in Math -Extensive use of SQL (mostly for data retrieval) & VBA in professional job

    The project I had in mind would be to interface with the Magic the Gathering API to build a card database in SQL server. From there I would make a simple program to type in the card I want info on and it would pull up, in a GUI, the info from the card. This would be step 1 and I would want to build from there to perhaps allow for users to be created and save there own decks and so on.

    My question for this subreddit would be where do I begin? Would C++ be appropriate to begin this project in? What if I wanted to transfer this to a website? If someone could provide a very broad outline of the steps I should follow to get this moving along, I would be very grateful. I feel like I have a solid beginner's knowledge of programming but not enough to feel confident planning this out.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/marko4287
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    I want to learn programming languages. How can I start?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    I'm an electronics and telecommunication student and I want to learn programming(C,C++,JAVA,Python,etc). I have basic knowledge of C but I know it's a long way to go if I want to enter into the IT SECTOR and I'm also aware that it's necessary to learn programming if you're an engineer(it's always expected from you). How should I start?

    submitted by /u/cupcakeforlife
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    First world problems, I know, but I'm a CS undergrad feeling impostor syndrome in a bit of a different way than normal.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    I'm currently a CS undergrad at a pretty well regarded university (for CS at least). I feel like I belong very well, but at the same time I don't.

    Since middle school, I've always loved math and programming and logic and all that stuff. I competed throughout high school, had some pretty good accomplishments and always did well in school. I was pretty much always thought to be going into computer science. But, the moment I set foot on campus I found about 6 different things I wanted to study. I wanted to study astrophysics. I wanted to study math. I wanted to study business/finance. I wanted to study music composition. I wanted to study to become a doctor. Finally, I "wanted" to study computer science.

    It always kind of felt wrong to me. I went to this school because it had a great computer science program. I applied to get into the computer science department and almost wished I didn't get in. And now I'm in the program and wondering what I'm actually going to do. Computer Science kind of comes pretty naturally to me. Somehow and someway I put little effort into the classes and do really well even as others try really hard and do mediocre. Everyone is constantly complaining about how difficult it is and about the cool and fun things that they've worked on.

    I'm over here raving about a new astronomy paper I've read, or a new math paper I've read, or a new concept in music theory. I don't hate computer science, but I just really don't feel like I belong. I'm participating in a google program in the summer and I don't know how I feel about it. Lately, I've just been kind of shoehorning my way into all these opportunities. I kind of fake my passion to get in. I'm grateful that I'm good at what I'm studying, but it often just doesn't feel right for me. It's often been really hard for me to talk about this. I know that many people wish they are in my position and I know that I should really just be happy. What should I do?

    Do I keep going and just work a meaningless job just because "oh it pays really good and you'll be rich!"?

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Meeesh-
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    Need help on where to start for GUI based Rasberry PI project with mentioned requirements

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    Newbie here on this whole programming and electronics field. I am trying to develop a program in Rasberry Pi 3 which needs to following things:

    Touch GUI with smooth animations of texts but not overly complex Embeded google maps. Not right now but very soon Fast boot time - max about 3 seconds Simple to develop at least initially. 

    A quick search gave me I should probably try the embedded route but I am not sure what route to follow. As far as I understand, embedded is kinda fast because I am not booting whole OS. Where as for other route, I would need to boot whole OS and then lauch app but again the benefit of having OS is it would take care of lots of problems like bluetooth and GPS.

    Suggestions/directions are welcome.

    submitted by /u/stha_ashesh
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