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    Tuesday, October 9, 2018

    Would anyone be interested in a website that teaches c++ from complete beginner to more advance concepts? learn programming

    Would anyone be interested in a website that teaches c++ from complete beginner to more advance concepts? learn programming

    Would anyone be interested in a website that teaches c++ from complete beginner to more advance concepts?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 08:27 AM PDT

    I am thinking about making a website that is used to teach people programming. C++ first probably, other stuff later after that.

    Would anyone be interested in this? The only thing that im considering, is that there are already hundreds of resources that do this same thing.

    However, I feel like a lot of online resources just teach you the basics over and over again, and very few of them actually move on to more advanced concepts or help the readers understand where to go from there. Would anyone be interested in this, or would i just be making something that hundreds of other people are already doing? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/InsaneTeemo
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    How do websites like reddit tell browsers to load the page every time?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 07:21 PM PDT

    Like to not load it from cache, because even when I make pretty significant changes to my website they don't appear unless I delete all of my cache.

    submitted by /u/limbwal
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    How to plan a program?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:23 PM PDT

    Just wondering, I know nothing about programming is done in real life, so let's say you have an idea for a program. Do you just start coding or is there some way of planning out everything beforehand? Back when I took programming classes year ago I don't remember the professor giving any guidance on this but now, having worked professionally in accounting for a while, it seems like a necessity.

    For example, if I get a new client I don't immediately start banging numbers into the software to crank out a return. I first examine the client's facts to determine how the return is going to look like, then I look over the info they gave me, organize it all, and the last step is actually to prepare the return.

    Is there any books, sites, etc that cover how you do the same thing in programming? Up until now I'm just mashing code together which works in the end but I'm sure it's not efficient at all.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DebitThis
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    Taking a Web Dev course, should I use an IDE for HTML?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 07:04 PM PDT

    Sorry if this isnt the correct way to ask this, I didnt see a discussion or stupid questions sticky.

    I am taking a web development course and our first project requires us to hammer out a website in HTML, we will eventually use JS to integrate it and make it more complex.

    My professor asked that we do not use an IDE and write everything in notepad. I have written web pages like this in HTML (I'm taking this course more for the javascript portion) and it's a massive pain in the ass. Should I just use an IDE and then paste the code into a notepad file to turn in? Also will there be anything to give away that I did this? As I probably would get some points off if my prof knew since it was asked specifically that I use notepad.

    submitted by /u/AssPandas
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    Books for CS learning

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:37 PM PDT

    I just started getting into the world of CS

    Just thinking if I need any books

    Any you can recommend

    submitted by /u/ksfbkk
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    IDE for C# and Java (VS vs Eclipse/IntelliJ)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm a long time Vim user interested in picking up an IDE. I do a lot of C# dev (hobby) but I've just recently accepted an offer for a position that requires Java. I'm now researching IDEs since they're generally recommended for both C# and Java programming.

    Is there an IDE that works really well for both C# and Java (Scala and F# too, as a bonus)? I feel that it's VS for .NET and Eclipse/IntelliJ for Java. If it's better to go with two seperate IDEs, then which is preferable for Java? Eclipse or IntelliJ?

    submitted by /u/gnatbeetle
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    Lack of passion, ambition, and direction -- is anyone else out there like me? | LONG POST

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:48 PM PDT

    My highschool life was miserable. I never felt like I belonged with anyone - most people of my age group drove me nuts and I had a really bad habit of underachieving/skipping class/doing the bare minimum to get by. My family situation is a fucking disaster, and growing up I was emotionally, physically, and verbally abused basically daily. Through this I developed a severe case of generalized anxiety I'm still getting over, and as a result I skipped doubly as often as your typical 'underachiever' because there were days where I suffered from non-stop panic attacks. I had to repeat about 2 years of highschool; graduating at the age of 19.

    I never had a sense of direction and it always scared me when I saw my peers having clear goals and aspirations. Doing anything for 40 hours a week sounds like a chore to me - even gaming for 40 hours (if forced for my livelihood) sounds extremely unpleasant and I don't think I could be passionate about it. Because of this, I decided my 'path' should derive from logic rather than passion, and told myself I would get into CS, as it's a highly in-demand field where I can find work basically where ever I go, and get paid well.

    My first semester of College I studied hard, and found a small spark of passion in me I thought was unattainable. I passed with a perfect 4.0 and was very proud of myself, even if it was just "easy intro stuff". Near the start of the second semester certain life events spiraled me into a seemingly endless bout of depression, and snuffed out what little fire I had for programming. I reverted back to my old highschool ways, skipping classes and most assignments - only doing the bare minimum (typically just studying for tests) to get by. I'm half way through my third semester now and I thought I'd be over this but here I am in a constant cycle of getting depressed over not doing anything and not doing anything because I'm depressed. I try to 'bite the bullet' and just do my assignments regardless but it's like my mind works 100 times slower and my ADD is at an all time high, I get distracted by the dumbest things and allow them to consume my time when I know I should be doing assignments.

    I can't shake this feeling like I should be doing a different major, but after years of thinking about what I would want to do as a career I continue to draw blanks, and I'm already 2 years behind my peers - it's far too late for me to swap majors.

    TL;DR: Underachiever, already behind in life but feel like I'm in the wrong major and don't know what do to.

    submitted by /u/ZingZah
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    Deploying my first Telegram Bot (Python)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:27 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I made my first Telegram Bot yesterday..a really simple one. I'm a bit unsure how I can deploy this, I know that Heroku is a free option but here's where I'm confused: Do I first need to upload the code on GitHub? Secondly, if it is on GitHub then my bot token would be publicly available..that shouldn't be the case right?

    What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/NahidMuz
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    Interactive Ray Diagram Help

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:03 PM PDT

    For a high school project I need to make an interactive ray diagram for science. We were given a choice to do a physical one or an electronic one. Since I've scratched the surface on html, css and javascript I want to make a website with an interactive ray diagram.

    I was just wondering what would I use (and how) to make an [dragable on a path] object that when moved, it's incident and reflection ray and normal would move accordingly.

    submitted by /u/slipperysausage8
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    C++ Help

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 11:43 PM PDT

    I am trying to write a code that uses a function to ask the user to input the values in a matrix, here is my code right now, and I'm not sure why it isn't working.

    include <iostream>

    include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    void input1(vector<int> Vector1){

    int nRows, nCols; cout<<"Number of Rows in the first matrix?: "; cin>>nRows; cout<<"Number of Columns in the first matrix?: "; cin>>nCols; int x=nRows*nCols; for (int i=0; i<=x; i++){ cout<<"Enter a number:"; cin>>Vector1[i]; } 


    int main() {

    vector<int> Vector1; input1(Vector1); 

    return 0; }

    submitted by /u/cdd_
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    Will a diploma really do me any good?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 11:42 PM PDT

    So I've been programming since high school, enjoyed it a lot and since I left I continued to learn on my own outside of school.

    Fast forward a few years later and now I'm taking a 2 year diploma at a decent college (I've just started). I'm now having second thoughts about this program and was wondering if anyone has some insight or anything to add to this topic, since I know I am no rare case.

    So, would a diploma really give me any kind of advantage, at all? I'm not interested in university (nor do I have the money or grades needed) and was just looking for something that could most practically get me a job while also giving me some formal education.

    I often find myself wondering whether I'll actually be using any of the skills I'm learning in real life. I've considered coding boot camps (but they're also quite expensive and usually very intensive) and I would just like something that will show me HOW we do things for clients, what the process is actually like, the business side of things for a complete beginner.

    And before anyone mentions it, I understand that portfolios are very important and I'm doing my best to put one together. But again, I want to know the HOW and WHY of things before I start blindly doing them. Who would even be able to teach me these kinds of things? What program, or am I looking entirely in the wrong place?

    If you read up to here I appreciate it. There's probably a lot more context needed so I'd be happy to do that too, just shoot me a question.

    submitted by /u/skriptkiddiez
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    Any advice for configuring a Macbook (long time Linux user)?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 07:16 PM PDT

    I've been using Linux (Ubuntu) exclusively for years and have never in my life owned a Mac. I'm starting my first software engineering job and they're giving me a Macbook. I'm cool with it.

    Any tips for configuring a Macbook for development? My preferred development environment is i3 + Tmux + Vim. I'm used to using a windows tiling manager and living on the terminal. I'm not really sure which Mac-specific tools I should be looking into.

    submitted by /u/gnatbeetle
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    Augmented Reality’s Tryst with Gaming | Augmented Reality applications

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:54 PM PDT

    It comes as no surprise that augmented reality (AR) was introduced to the world wide audience through the game – Pokemon GO which crossed 650 million downloads in the first six months alone. Those who have even slightly scratched the surface of the current technological advancements would know that augmented reality is the future for all sectors and industries and by the end of 2021 it has been predicted that 80% of all the brands and firms that exist in the digital world would have incorporated augmented reality into their functioning in one form or another. While it's true that AR would take under its wing all known fields it would have a special place in its heart for the gaming industry. Today let us discuss this technological relationship between augmented reality and the gaming sector.


    The earlier sparks between the two started with consoles like the PlayStation and Wii which offered the first ever augmented games. The gaming sector of course first had a fling with AR's older brother Virtual Reality (VR) by making use of head gear and other hardware but the gaming industry was quick to understand that VR is high maintenance and that relation was very short lived.


    The ever increasing popularity of smart phones and other hand held devices has catapulted the number of AR games that are made available in the mobile devices. We have already mentioned how big a success Pokemon Go was and that is just the beginning. Anyone who has played the game would know the potential for what it could have been is vast and that is just a game where the complexity and in game mechanism is very less..............[Continue Reading.....]

    submitted by /u/Comfortable_Name
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    Question for someone with basic Trigonometry knowledge

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 06:56 PM PDT

    Basically, the c++ cos() function seems to be acting up. The smallest decimal difference is yielding a wildly wrong answer

    #include <thread> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "util.h" #include "Pizza.h" #include <typeinfo> #include <regex> #include <sstream> #include <cmath> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <math.h> int main() { double degrees = 90; double radians = degrees*M_PI / 180; // this is the EXACT formula for radians, correct? std::cout << "degrees: " << degrees << std::endl; // prints 90 std::cout << "radians: " << radians << std::endl; // prints 1.5708 std::cout << "cos(radians): " << cos(radians) << std::endl; // prints 6.12323e-17 ---> totally incorrect std::cout << "cos(1.57): " << cos(1.57) << std::endl; // prints 0.000796327 ----> really close to correct system("pause"); return 0; } 

    Can someone explain this strange behavior? How does less decimals yield an answer closer to correct?

    submitted by /u/DietDonut
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    Pointers question

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:36 PM PDT

    What i happening to the second p in this code here?

    int main() {

    int x = 2;

    int *p;

    p = &x;

    printf("%d\n", *p);

    *p = 21;

    printf("%d\n", p); <--- What is happening here that it prints out -16774188? What is this large negative number?

    printf("%d", x);

    return 0;


    When I run this I get an output of :




    submitted by /u/MaverickT1000
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    Learning CS on my own

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:26 PM PDT

    How should I learn CS on my own

    How did you start

    What would you do if you could go back in time

    submitted by /u/ksfbkk
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    [Back-end] Looking for easy-to-use and easy-to-conceptualize back-end to help carry out processing language through TCP port 9100 via telnet from webform?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:05 PM PDT

    My goal: I want to build a simple web form that accepts an IP address, telnets into that IP address through port 9100, and inputs some processing language that operates with the IP address.

    The IP address will be a configurable printer, and the processing language I wish to pass is static and is the media settings for the printer.

    The impact: The environment I work in has a lot of printers, and I want to make a human-friendly web form that handles all the terminal/command line work for the user, and still gives them a nice web form GUI instead.

    My experience so far: I'd say I'm still beginner-to-intermediate with programming, I work more on the front-end side, but feel like this is a good start project to combine both front-end and back-end worlds into one cohesive project.

    Can someone recommend a good back-end language that will be easy-to-use and easy-to-conceptualize, and help me get started with some basic building blocks of code for it?

    I highlight easy-to-use and easy-to-conceptualize because once I can get the hang of it, I will be able to run wild.

    I know how to piece together the front-end portion, I am curious on how can I take the textboxes and pass it through the back-end and pass that back-end through the terminal.

    Please note the infrastructure this will be housed in will be more than likely on a small server like a Mac Mini, and on the same network as the configurable printers.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/networkhappi
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    Site for practice programming with solutions for c++?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a website that has sample programs for us to make with possible solutions and help along the way for all levels of experience? I need more practice for my computer science class

    submitted by /u/WasMrBrightside
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    I'm having trouble with Impostor Syndrome and learning

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:08 PM PDT

    First of all, if this is the wrong sub, I apologize and would appreciate it if you let me know the correct one in the comments.

    So a little background, I originally wanted to learn Java, but I decided I would try to learn some easier languages first, like HTML, CSS and Python, and then work my way up to Java.

    The problem is, I'm just having trouble learning. Like with Web Development, it's not as bad, but I find myself not knowing how to go about achieving something without watching some video. So if I wanted to create something unique, I'd be stuck. It's like Impostor Syndrome but I actually am an impostor.

    So my question is, are there any courses for Java. or really any language, that teach the language really well? Like, they tell you how to do certain things, and why certain lines of code work the way that they do, and how to know when to use one method over the other etc.

    Or am I going about this wrong? Am I asking the wrong questions? Is this normal for beginners? And how do I overcome this?

    Edit: Syntax

    submitted by /u/Psycho_Potato
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    Can someone help me set up an auto mod for my subreddit?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:07 PM PDT

    I made a sub recently and would like help with setting it up ex: what comands are available and how to use them. Disclaimer: I know basically nothing about coding.

    submitted by /u/supershinx
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    Recommend a complete node.js web app tutorial

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 08:46 PM PDT

    Can anyone recommend a suitable tutorial? I'm looking for user login, AJAX via an API gateway, serving static content, form validation/submission, database, and triggering email.

    submitted by /u/bookroom77
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 03:47 PM PDT

    Click here! For $15 bucks, you get a bunch of Head First books! I think that's a good deal for these books. Just letting the community know :)

    submitted by /u/chaosnoctis
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    What is the best way to improve myself as a C++ programmer?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 08:40 AM PDT

    I currently have 4 years of experience as a programmer, with only two of them being a simple C++ job. I think I am lacking in depth knowledge of C++. I dont know about copy constructors, references vs pointers, new C++11, 14 features etc.

    For me improving means two things(in priority).

    1. I become so good that it is very easy for me to find a new job when I want to switch from my current position. (I have struggled with job interviews in the past). Most people recommend the programming interviews book but that does not work so well. My number one fear is ending up without a job. Money is not a problem but ending up without a visa of that country is my fear.

    2. I get a very good understanding of C++ so that I become very fast and efficient in doing my daily tasks.

    You can suggest books, websites, articles or anything to improve myself.

    submitted by /u/acertenay
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    Has anyone gotten Google API (GMail, in my case) to work w/o having to open a browser and authorize?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2018 06:28 PM PDT

    So I'm writing a program that monitors apps on my server to see if they go down, then shoots me an email if they do.

    I decided to go with GMail b/c they're free and their API is free, as well. I've gotten it to work by being able to open a browser and authorize the app, but that's not possible on a server running Linux (no GUI).

    After many hours racking my brain and researching without a solution, I've decided to come here for help and ask: Has anyone gotten Google API to work w/o having to open a browser and authorize?


    submitted by /u/user9713
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