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    Sunday, October 14, 2018

    Useful link for learning Git interactively (for beginners) learn programming

    Useful link for learning Git interactively (for beginners) learn programming

    Useful link for learning Git interactively (for beginners)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 12:34 PM PDT

    [CSS] Having trouble trying to get a grid responsive

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 08:39 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, sorry for my English.

    I got a PSD that I'm trying to recreate to practice and this is the section I'm currently building:


    As you can see the concept for this design is for it to be some kind of fullscreen app, modern and always adapting to any viewport size without scrolling, no matter what. I wanted it to be fully responsive and so I made a decent use of viewport units and such; the overall layout is now decently responsive and always occupies and/or tries to get the best from the most of the available space on the device.

    This until I had to build this section.

    My first thought was to build a simple grid of this kind:

    .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1fr; } 

    spanning the "white table" element for 2 columns, with some gap and a media query to get the columns occupy the 100% of the available width on smartphones.

    But this won't work, because while all the other components can have some grade of flexibility this section can't. The aspect ratio of every grid cell has to be mantained and I tried this making both explicit rows and columns scale according to the vw and some other attempts; however I have a feeling that I'm taking the hard way and missing something simpler to achieve the result of having this section decently responsive.

    How would you approach this problem? How would you recreate this section from a PSD while keeping it responsive and fully adapting to the screen size like all the other elements?

    I can provide a link to my (not working) WIP implementation if needed.


    submitted by /u/rbrain_
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    Guide to internship interviews

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 04:34 PM PDT

    First and foremost – If you are currently in college, and your college has a career related office then you NEED to be in contact with them. They can offer support such as helping you with your resume, interviewing skills, and even finding potential employers. My college's career office also provided feedback at the end of the semester from the employers you have interviewed with so you can hear about what you are/were doing right/wrong.




    If you have never written a resume, or want some casual reading, then I recommend: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/top-resume-writing-tips-2063314


    The main concept with your resume is that you want to associate the business needs with your own skill set. Below is a brief description I took from a company I found online.

    • Super solid skills in multiple object-oriented and front-end languages (Java, C#, .NET, Ruby, Angular, JavaScript, Ember, etc.) and a drive to hone their craft and develop new skills.  

    •Practice getting their hands dirty in Agile development practices including test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration and pair programming.  

    • Superhero powers in consulting, collaboration and communication.  

    •Experience cranking out mobile applications and desktop solutions in true Agile environments.


    Now, I don't know about you, but I rolled my eyes so hard that I temporarily went blind when I read, "superhero powers in consulting." Ignoring my pain temporarily; I would like to instead, break down what they would like to see on a resume.


    Languages – You may want to indicate somewhere on your resume what languages you have experience with, and the skill level associated with it. You want to make sure that if you know what they are asking for, then it's on your resume, even if it has been a few years since you have programmed in that language. At this point, it is all about getting the opportunity to get in front of the employer. You can always take a crash course to freshen up on that language between now and your scheduled interview time. ** I was proofreading this before posting, and I want to make this clearer. Do NOT lie about the fact you know a language or architecture; rather, I am saying you should not omit the fact that you have had experience with it. **


    On your resume, you may have an area with work experience or projects, and in that area, I would try and include key phrases to show you have experience with their other criteria:  

    • Created an android application in an Agile environment utilizing Test Driven Development.
    • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills.
    • Supervisor, Shift Leader, Key Holder, etc. at XXX job.
    • Entrusted with the task of XXX.


    Doing this is not only important but mandatory. You should not have a "one-size fits all" resume. When I hear that someone has applied to a large number of positions and never got a call back my initial thought is that they are not tailoring their resume to the position. This part may be hard for a traditional college student as they typically have less work experience, but this is where projects come into play.


    Your resume should include other items such as your major, college, GPA (if >= 3.0), expected graduation date, and your contact information. You can also list other key facts like what clubs you are apart of, your minor or dual major, and potentially volunteer activities (if you have space to fill). Remember you a college student so your education information should be at or toward the top of the page not at the bottom.


    Your resume should not include items such as your high school information, unrelated hobbies, photographs, the date, or the phrase, "References Available Upon Request."




    Projects are important, and I do encourage you all to pursue them. There are giant project listings on Reddit and other various sites. The only thing holding you back is yourself, and you need to stop doing that. Employers want to see you are doing more than just attending class. I would also encourage you to think of a minor problem in your life and turn that into a coding project. You can then work on that project(s) utilizing different development styles to get some experience with them. If you are proud of that project, then you should get feedback on it to see if you can improve it or even broaden its scope. Once completed I would encourage you to upload it to Github. ** Note: you can upload unfinished projects to your page, it's just my preference to only upload completed ones… Maybe that's why I have so few uploads…).




    I have NEVER been asked if I have a Github page. However, I have been asked about extra activities that I participate in, and that is where Github can become a powerful tool. Being able to show a potential employer your coding style, and various projects can be beneficial or damaging depending on how you manage it. I have two accounts. One that is professional and that is listed on my resume where I store completed projects, and one for work in progress or silly projects that I don't want them to see.


    Interview Preparation:




    • Go through the company website, and jot down key facts that you think may be important to you later on.
    • Research the company through other websites such as glass door. Take what you read with a grain of salt but sometimes the information there can be invaluable.
    • Research the community that the company resides in, and the impact (if any) that it has had there. This is harder to do in larger cities, but super easy to do in smaller ones.
    • Print copies of your resume, on resume paper, and place them in a nice envelope or binder to bring with.
      • Research and write down a few interview questions on a dedicated page for that company in said binder. NEVER have anything else regarding that company or any others in the binder. It should be clean and simple and for this one purpose only. When you are done with that company interview, you can tear out those pages, remove your resume copies, and put them elsewhere so you can start again if needed.
    • If applicable you should do a test drive on how you are going to get to that company. You can't always do this but when you can it is nice as it relieves the stress of getting there.
    • Eat smart the day before / during
    • pack a water bottle, and a pencil.
    • Clean your vehicle before you go to an interview. I have heard and read about hiring managers walking people out to their car to see if it is clean as that can tell a lot about a person.
    • Prepare an elevator speech about yourself.
    • Study the notes you took earlier the day before/day of the interview.
    • Basic Hygiene the day before, and day of.
    • It is ALWAYS better to be overdressed than underdressed.
    • Get there 5 – 10 minutes early.
    • Be friendly to everyone when you get there.
    • Look up common language interview. Do they program in C#? If so I'd search by, "C# Common Interview Questions."
    • Look up common interview questions in general.




    • Think that researching them is useless. In almost all my interviews they have asked me to tell them about the company, and why I wanted to work there.
    • Forget to bring extra resume copies.
    • Eat unhealthy day of the interview.
    • Show up late, or arrive more than 10 minutes early. It says a lot about you and time management skills.
    • Be rude to anyone when you arrive.
    • Think you can 'hold it' until the interview is over.
    • Forget to brush your teeth
    • Forget to bring breath mints




    Remember that interviews are both for you and the company. If you ever go through an interview that gives you a feeling you don't like then make a note of that because usually, your gut feeling is correct. If they can't sell you in an interview (and vice versa), then you will hate working there.


    With that said, you should know that there are two types of interviews that I have experienced. What I like to call the "Pre-Test Interview" and then the actual interview itself.


    The pre-test interview is usually made up of some form of math, or logical quiz to gauge your skill set. Most of them have been relatively straightforward, such as following some variables through a loop and writing down what is happening at each iteration; to filling in a flow chart based off the next sequence of steps. Once that is done they will then escort you back to where they conduct the actual interview.


    Interviews usually follow a simple pattern that once you learn it will be easy to spot. You get in the room, and the people who are interviewing you will introduce themselves, and follow that up by asking you to do the same. Do you remember that elevator speech I mentioned above? Well, this is where it comes in handy.


    Once the introductions are done, they will dive right in asking you a bunch of questions that can range from technical too, "tell me a time when…".


    At this point, my best advice is to take a deep breath, sit up straight, and try to relax. You remember that water I mentioned you should bring? Take a sip of that. If you get asked a question you don't know then your response should never be "I don't know," or worse yet, "Yeah I know that." Instead, you should be honest while providing information.


    For example, if you don't know how to code the Fibonacci sequence, you shouldn't try nothing and say, "I can't." Rather, you should look at the problem and realize it requires a loop and some variable declarations. Maybe write what that would look like on a sheet of paper, and try to work through the steps. If you can't then I would explain what you did try, and why you attempted it that way. Some interviewers aren't always looking for the right answer, but rather what you do when you don't know the answer.


    Toward the end of the interview, they will open it up to you so you can ask them questions. At this time you can look at the questions you wrote down prior and reflect on if they are worth asking. This is not the time to talk about money, or benefits as that can happen when they offer you the position. Do not ask them questions that they already answered, which is why you need to be an active participant in the interview, and if you hear them answer one of your questions then place a small check mark next to you it so you can ignore it when the time comes. I would encourage you to make quick notes throughout if it interests you; or if they say something you want them to elaborate.


    Your last question, if you are still interested in the position, is to re-state that you are still interested in the position, and to inquire what their interviewing process is. How long are they going to be interviewing for? When will you hear back? When you leave, you should still be friendly to everyone on your way out. Drive smart as you leave as they can still be watching. Within the next 24 hours, you should send them an email thanking them for there time.


    Sample Email


    Dear (PERSON),


    I enjoyed meeting with you the other day and discussing all that (YOUR COMPANY) has to offer. I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to (COME TO MY COLLEGE OR TO SEE ME) to interview me for the role of a (POSITION – INTERN).


    I believe that my (1 – 2 SKILLS) make me an ideal candidate for this position as I bring (1 -2 PERSONALITY TRAITS).


    After our interview, I am even more interested in this position. The information you shared (SUCH AS THAT SUPER INTERESTING FACT I WROTE DOWN IN THE INTERVIEW) matches well with my achievements and goals.


    Thank you for your consideration for this position,


    (YOUR NAME).


    Then you have to wait. If a company says they take two weeks to respond to you, then I would way until the middle of the third week to reach back out to them to check in and see if they have any updated timeframes for a decision.


    There is more that I wanted to say, but I think I have been distracted long enough for today. So I have included some questions that you can expect to answer in an interview. Best of luck all!




    • Describe a time in which you overcame a challenge in a group setting.
    • Describe a time in which your program was not working as intended, what did you do?
    • What percentage of coding/testing do you think is acceptable?
    • How do you handle stress?
    • Describe yourself.
    • Where do you see yourself in 3, 5, 10 years?
    • What is polymorphism?
    • What is method overloading?
    • What is special about the final class?
    • What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
    • What is the difference between equals () and == ?
    • Why should we hire you?
    • What do you consider to be your weakness?
    • Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
    • What type of work environment do you prefer?
    • What do you want out of this internship?
    submitted by /u/Bush_Bush_Moose
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    Understanding method for checking if two line segments intersect.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 12:08 AM PDT

    I've been staring at this GeeksforGeeks tutorial on how to check if two given line segments intersect for a few hours now and I'm still very confused. The solution revolves around using the concept of "orientation" to determine if line segments intersect. The solution is broken down into two cases- the "general case" and the "special case". What I specifically don't understand is the "special case" examples seen here. Why does the left hand example say "All points are collinear. The x-projections of (p1, q1) and (p2,q2) intersect. The y-projection of (p1,q1) and (p2,q1) also intersect"? How are these points at all collinear, since they clearly don't lie on the same line? Could anybody who has experience with this problem lend me a hand in clarifying? Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/calchelp55
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    I'm looking to learn C#, what books do you recommend?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 12:38 AM PDT

    I have a very basic knowledge of programming, I can tell you stuff like what a parent and child are and what a variable is and how to define it in Lua. I want to use C# for game development. If possible, I'd prefer that this be something that I learn by reading, whether or not it includes exercises and such. Ideally it would include both, but learning through reading is at a higher priority for me.

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Defeyeance
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    Game/App Thing (idk where to start)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    So I'm thinking about developing some sort of highly realistic space simulator-type game (somewhat like a 2d Kerbal Space Program) just as a side project (and maybe an app if it goes well). So far I've done a fair amount of research on the physics behind it but when it comes to development I'm just not sure. I'm thinking about using Unity and C# since it seems like a fairly simple route. When it comes to coding I have a decent understanding with some experience with java. I've never developed a large program like this, only the basic ones you get in simple CS classes (a year ago in high school specifically) Where should I start? What should I do to make sure this turns out how I want it to?

    submitted by /u/SasquatchOnVenus
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    Folks who learn through Udemy, do you supplement it with books as well?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 11:40 PM PDT

    I'm pretty traditional in thinking that books are the best way to learn. However, I tried a Udemy course and found it very helpful. My question is, are Udemy courses comprehensive enough to have to skip textbook or do they typivcally need to a textbook as a supplement to go into the finer details.

    submitted by /u/Gullible_St22rain
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    Good alternatives to watch people code.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 07:50 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    One of my favorite ways to learn to code and to pass the time is watching other people talk and code. A great example of this would be the YouTube channel "The Coding Train." I know that r/WatchPeopleCode exists, but I was wondering if there are alternative sources.

    submitted by /u/tremndez
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    What's the best way to google questions about C, not C++?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 11:14 PM PDT

    Anytime I try to google search some question I have with C, inevitably all these things about C++ show up and clog all the results, what's the best method to get rid of this?

    submitted by /u/GMJack
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    Good site to learn html?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 11:09 PM PDT

    Okay, so I've completed codecademy's HTML and CSS courses. I just want to know where to go now. I can make basic websites etc. But I want to learn more, any advice?

    submitted by /u/Warrlinty
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    C# used List.Sort() twice to make it a pseudo stablasort. How big an issue is it?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 10:55 PM PDT

    The built in List.Sort is an unstable sort and was causing my list to change on each press of the sort button. List is 30 items at most.

    By double calling List.Sort on button press twice, is this likely to cause issues? It's purely visual for a game inventory, sorting itgameby rarity.

    Now, I know if I was learning 'properly' I'd spend time learning and fully understanding a stable sort, but I'm currently picking and choosing my battles, and this bodged fix seemed easy enough. Is it likely to be a big deal?

    submitted by /u/Calmer_after_karma
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    [Homework] My Java code will not wait for user input when I ask the user for a new input

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 10:48 PM PDT

    Hello programming friends, I have run into some trouble with a odd homework assignment. Basically, I am supposed to take a string and manipulate it, and then send info back to the user. I take the string, and then give the user options on what to do with the string. The problem comes when the user enters "5" which means they would like to replace the original string with a new string. In my case switch, when the "5" is entered, I ask for a new sentence, and then make the old string into the input that the user enters. Unfortuately, when this is run, The user enters "5" and then to do/while loop continues, without waiting for the new input. I have looked on the web already, but all the suggestions are is to use nextLine(), which I have already implimented, but it still does not wait. Below is the error message:

    This Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source) at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source) at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at SentenceManipulator.main(SentenceManipulator.java:28) i>

    Here is the code fragment, taken from the main class. Once again, thank you !

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int userChoice; System.out.println("Please enter a sentence:" ); String userInput = sc.nextLine(); do { System.out.println("\nPlease enter:\n1. To display the number of words in the sentence.\n2. To display the number of vowels characters in the sentence.\n3. To display the word with the most number of characters.\n4. To display the word with the most vowels.\n5. To enter a new statement.\n6. To terminate the program."); userChoice = sc.nextInt(); switch(userChoice) { case 1: System.out.println("1 test"); break; case 2: System.out.println("2 test"); break; case 3: System.out.println("3 test"); break; case 4: System.out.println("4 test"); break; case 5: System.out.println("Please enter your new sentence"); userInput = sc.nextLine(); case 6: break; } } while(userChoice != 6); 
    submitted by /u/yoyofella
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    When is one considered an intermediate programmer ?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 12:57 PM PDT

    Your opinion based on experience.

    submitted by /u/Konedi23
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    What is the best way to determine a starting node for a* pathfinding on a graph?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 10:36 PM PDT

    Hi I am currently working on a 2d platformer and I am using a* for my enemy pathfinding. I understand how to use the algorithm and what not but for some reason I am drawing a blank on how to determine what node my enemy actually starts on. when I was using a grid it was simple, just check which square I was in and that would be my starting node but I am currently using a graph of waypoints instead. My current method is to just check what my closest node is on the left and on the right and set those as my adjacent nodes and search from them but this is problematic with my enemy as he moves from one location to another. What is the best way to determine a starting node for my a* search especially when the path is being updated fairly often? Are there any tutorials or videos that go over something similar? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/inNeedOfHelp69
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    Learning SQL, Struggling with Nested Queries and Aggretation

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm learning SQL for school. Learning basic SQL was easy, but I'm struggling with Nested Queries and Aggretation. Like how do you jump from basic SQL to Aggretation? None of the websites I have found provide a good and in depth explanation/examples of the two. They just does the bare minimum of explaining Aggretation and Nested Queries. Any advice in how to make the jump?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/fauxataraxi
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    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    What are the prerequisites for webdev before applying for an internship?

    submitted by /u/APIMecca
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    Need help with Java stream()

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:49 PM PDT

    Hello! As the title says, I'm a bit stuck. I understand the basics of forEach, map, etc etc, but definitely not everyhing. Here's my current problem:

    I have a list of objects which each have a key that points to another list of objects (see below). I need to take that list and create a new list of a third type of object based on the data in each nested object.

    List<Map<String, List<Map<String, Integer>>>> outerList = [ { "listKey":[ { "value":9 }, { "value":7 } ] }, { "listKey:[ { "value":8 }, { "value":4 } ] } ] 

    expected output (order is unimportant):

    List<Map<String, Double>> nyNewList = [{"newValue": 9.0}, {"newValue": 7.0}, {"newValue": 8.0}, {"newValue": 4.0}] 

    I can do this sort of thing with just one level of stream, but I can't figure out the right syntax for this nested. Does anyone have any thoughts? Or even where I might be able to read up on this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ChuckBTaylor
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    What are some good resources for beginners to learn big data and related frameworks/technologies?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:42 PM PDT

    Unlike for programming languages and related frameworks, there doesnt seem to be a lot of high quality resources for someone starting off with Big Data, wanting to learn about things like Hadoop,Spark etc. For those of you well versed with these things, where would you recommend a beginner to start? Are there any prerequisites I should know of?

    submitted by /u/ThiccShadyy
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    How do i obtain exit status' from terminal?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    I'm trying to write a function in c that performs regardless of any errors found in terminal.

    How can i get my code to grab an exit status from terminal? I know echo $? gives me the exit status but how do i tell my code that?

    Someone mentioned exevcp to me but still not too sure what that is even after reading up about it


    I'm writing a program called "bake" in C that performs the exact same as the make function.

    If you are not already aware, 'make' has some other command line options. For example, in this case," make -i " will process make and ignore any errors. I'm trying to write my bake function in c so that when i type in "bake -i" it does the same as "make -i" .

    submitted by /u/Shapebuster
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    How should i start and learn MYSQL???

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 01:20 AM PDT

    I've learnt Java for about a year now and I'm now learning JavaFX and maybe learning other parts later.

    The one thing that I want to learn now is MySQL BUT I DONT KNOW WHERE TO START

    My goal is to build a database that connects to the internet and I can somehow use Java to connect to that database and get the info . And also updating it from another computer .

    I see people using command line of MySQL and I see people using MySQl 's build in IDE(I dunno if you can call it IDE)

    And I also see people using myphp a website that seems to let you take control of ur server/database .

    Where should I start and learn MySQL. My Java for dummies sucks at explaining MySQL connecting with Java . And I can't find a single tutorial on YouTube that helps you understand everything from scratch to online connection with Java .

    Can anyone help me??

    submitted by /u/Forgotten_Who
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    What database is better to make a production level chat system?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:26 PM PDT

    What database is better to make a production level chat system?

    I am doing a project with my roommate and we want to make a basic simple social website. We are using Node and Angular but we are still researching SQL, Mongo and other ways to store messages. If we get real and live users, which database is more streamline to use?

    In terms of efficiency of querying messages, cost of storage, ease of coding? What is a good direction?

    submitted by /u/ChiefSnibble
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    ASCII questions

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:24 PM PDT

    Is there any reason that ASCII values are given? For example, what is the reason that "A" is 65? Why is "7" 55, why is "+" 43? are they arbitrarily given?

    submitted by /u/brownass666
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    Why should I be learning how to program?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:17 PM PDT

    So right now I'm doing some homework from a computer science class at a university (I'm not in the university; it's open source) and am pretty stumped on a problem, so that means it's time to procrastinate.

    Long story short, I tried to ask out this girl once and it completely bombed and I've never been able to forget about her since, though I know she's a programmer, or at least learning how to be one, and because I'm obsessed with her, I want to learn how to program, too.

    This isn't a joke. I'm like 60 hours into this programming thing since like a week and a half ago and though I love it I don't know if my motivation and reasons for doing it are in the right place. This girl is all I think about. It's like borderline stalking. She has a restraining order against me that I'm about to break any second now because she's that nerdy and gorgeous like you wouldn't believe. Think short and shy hot librarian.

    I'm stumped on this computer science problem (I'm learning Java right now) because I don't know how to make a grid out of some rows I made. If someone can help me with that, then please message me and try to satiate my dilemma.

    I want to be a programmer to impress this girl that has a restraining order against me, which is going to be null in one year and 230 days and is the next time I can talk to her, and I hope to be a respectable software engineer by then so that when I try to miserably ask her out again I might have a chance.

    Did I mention I have a mental illness? It's called bipolar disorder and the user suffers from insane delusions that are grandeur and completely based on nothing but fabricated knowledge and facts. I wish I didn't have this, I'm probably manic right now, but if I weren't like this at the moment and still thinking I had a chance with this girl, then I would be miserably depressed again and on the verge of suicide (like I am every other week).

    My question is should I continue to program for these reasons or should I instead just watch Netflix, movies, and television all day and get a job as a grocery stocker (no pun intended) instead?

    Thanks for reading if you got this far.

    submitted by /u/drifter465
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    I Need This!!!!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:14 PM PDT

    I've never been in an environment that fostered the value of STEM. Poverty stricken with a 128 IQ(nothing special among this subreddit). Anyhow, I'm starting to see, that programming is the most valuable ability any person can learn. Possessing the ability is like being a scribe in ancient Greece. That was reserved for the privileged. This is available to EVERYONE!

    What I perceive is that, in many ways knowing a programming language or, many that have symbiotic utility, is more powerful than knowing how to read and write fluently. The whole reason I'm able to communicate anything publicly over this platform is because arrays of python, and presumably React with HTML binds are functioning to full effect, allowing me to post.

    I have 0 experience exercising any programming language. ☝🏻That last sentence of the previous paragraph is the result of reading cryptocurrency white papers and trying to understand how they function, mediocre at best. However it has been, my precursor to this curiosity; And I hope to foster an absolute obsession. I just started getting into this today and it's profound.

    Any other career prospect is worthless by comparison. I will have to teach myself. Any opinion on how long this could take? My prime difficulty is discipline and creating time. I watched this today, understood about 15-20% conceptually, however it'd take many hours to just perform everything he did. It's what triggered my interest. It'd be gratifying to fluently perform many classes, with a multitude of objects, possessing many instance properties, operating through many instance methods; I see it as values operating through algorithms, within a variety of objectives, simultaneously cooperating to produce a result, categorically independent from the other classes. As for sequencing of classes Idk, not that far. JavaScript Tutorial

    Hit me with any correction if I'm wrong. Also, any advice or resources would be much appreciated! 
    submitted by /u/AceMav21
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    Need some pseudocode help

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm trying to write a recursive function that can check if a string is balanced ie . "[()()]" would be balanced. I've written a function already but the one test it fails is [[]]. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to match braces. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/aunitpls
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