• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    Microsoft unveils AI capability that automates AI development Computer Science

    Microsoft unveils AI capability that automates AI development Computer Science

    Microsoft unveils AI capability that automates AI development

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 06:28 AM PDT

    Suggestions for good papers/articles in ACM

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 11:35 AM PDT

    I got access to the ACM digital library through my employer. I am mainly interested in data structures, probabilistic data structures and cryptography. Any suggestions for good papers in the ACM library on these topics ?

    submitted by /u/vmsanaaa6
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    Format of nesting conditions?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 01:09 PM PDT

    Using dr.racket

    (I'm in beginner student)

    So what I'm trying to do is make a code that lets me know if I can eat old food.

    I have so far (Define (can-i-eat smell type-of-food days-over)

    My final answer should spit out true (for you can eat) and false for you can't eat.

    I need to use conditionals, but I'm not allowed to use boolean operations (and, or).

    Can someone help me nest conditions into each other? My idea right now is to list all the conds where I can eat the fruit, then saying else false.

    submitted by /u/jstquestions
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    How to Choose a Technology Stack?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 11:35 AM PDT

    I'm a senior at my Uni, and we have a group of 5 designated to work on a web application (very similar to Slickdeals) where a userbase will post deals and it will link to external sites etc.

    I'm also personally wanting to start a side project fitness and health related web app.

    At my Uni, we learn Java and C++.

    I'm wanting these projects to look good on a resume to a potential employer, so wouldn't it be best to choose a stack that is currently utilized and sought after in the job marketplace? Does anyone have any advice on that?

    Thank you, your suggestions are much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/anonymouspsy
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    Question: Implementing a linear programming feasibility test in 3D

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    Question about adding a project I did for my internship to my personal GitHub?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:45 AM PDT

    So I had an internship this summer where I was tasked to create a bot that essentially sent notifications via Slack on certain GitHub pull request event triggers. It also created JIRA tickets and moved these JIRA tickets across the current active sprint as the pull request went through the code review process. I wanted to know if I could upload this code on my personal GitHub account to showcase the source code if I took out all private information from the company? It seems like a generic bot that could be applied to any workspace, so as long as there's nothing tying it to the company would this be fine?

    submitted by /u/vietthrowawaybb
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    Finding distance from every node in a directed graph to a particular node for a very large graph.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:03 AM PDT

    Let's say I have a graph of approximately 4 million nodes with about 70 directed connections each. Nodes do not know what other nodes are pointing at it.
    I want to find every node's distance to node x, so for example every node pointing directly at x has a value of 1 and every node pointing to one of those has a value of 2 and so on. It is safe to assume every node has some path to node x.

    It does not matter particularly how long it takes but obviously faster is better. Also don't worry about storing the nodes in memory or anything like that, this is more of a hypothetical problem. Also assume the task can not be parallelized, it is running on one computer.

    My current solution is:

    nodeX.distance <- 0 while there are nodes with a null distance: for each node that's distance is null: if currentNode has any connections with a non null distance: currentNode.distance <- 1 + min( currentNode.connection's distances) 

    Is that a good solution? Is there a faster or better way? Or any other general thoughts

    Edit: image that may help https://i.imgur.com/kIQV2AD.jpg

    submitted by /u/doominabox1
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    Advanced ways to learn a new PL?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 07:30 AM PDT

    How do PL theorists, or very experienced programmers, pick up on a new programming language, say ReactJS?

    Do you read the language specification, e.g. type and semantic specs, etc, or is it as simple as going through the language tutorials and learn as you go?

    What resources and features do you look for when learning about a PL you've never used before, that gives you the best holistic/ birds eye view of the language using your experience and theoretical knowledge?

    This isn't really meant to be a practical question, just out of curiosity.

    edit: what sparked this question is a reply I received from this thread, where LambdaJS specification was brought up as a more formal, succinct way to examine the essence of JavaScript.

    submitted by /u/tulip_bro
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    What is the best/easiest way to open and split a 12GB JSON file?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:56 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am sort of a newbie data scientist, and I have downloaded a 12GB JSON dataset... now I cannot read this in R or R studio, nor any other programme I've got... I wonder if there is an "easy" way you know that I might be able to split this into a smaller size for me to handle? [sorry if this shouldn't be here, let me know as I can remove it!]

    Any ideas? Thank you so much form a confused PhD student

    submitted by /u/bid27
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    FP vs OOP in modern languages. Search of Truth

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 09:52 AM PDT

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