If you could take six months off work and learn any language(s) you wanted, what would it be and why? learn programming |
- If you could take six months off work and learn any language(s) you wanted, what would it be and why?
- My Terrible Experience At Lambda School
- I've been doing FreeCodeCamp. Now I'm stuck at the Responsive Web Design Projects.
- How are GUIs for big applications created?
- Which conflicts can be automatically merged with git and which can't?
- [Python]When it comes to Performance(latency) which one is better and why? Socket API or XMLRPC?
- [C++] How can I get my program to pause before going back to menu?
- Try to be an open source contributors
- How do big companies(like Snapchat) keep processes/updates and connections going or open on apps?
- Struggling to grasp certain concepts
- Why doesn't this AJAX request work?
- Picking Up PHP from JavaScript / Ruby background?
- Why can't pointers of a new object be deleted if the constructor throws an exception?
- Need some very simple programming 'riddles'
- Trying to learn Java, completely new. When I try to run it it just flashes the cmd and does nothing else.
- Coding challenges/practice specifically for mastering RxJS?
- Small project to learn python?
- What is the best youtube video tutorial series for learning Java in 2018 for someone who already has prior programming experience in several languages?
- [c++] [Homework] Wrong tax comes out for receipt
- How to Choose a Technology Stack?
- Best resources to learn hibernate?
- Getting enlightened after completing a challenge.
- C Piping one execvp to another and getting duplicates on output
- What's the advantage of coupling CSS and HTML rather than simply creating one language that would cover the functionality of both?
Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:12 AM PDT I know this is a loaded question as there are so many different languages out there based on personal preference and local job prospects, but I'm interested to see what the responses to this question would be, if I get any. Personally I've worked in the digital industry but don't have any programming skills, and might end up doing this. Cheers Edit: guys I posted this to r/learnprogramming not r/languagelearning! [link] [comments] |
My Terrible Experience At Lambda School Posted: 25 Sep 2018 04:22 PM PDT I want to start by saying that I am grateful to have learned how to program. Albiet, this (Lambda School) was a huge waste of my time. You all have already seen the many reviews and I'm sure you can get a picture of what is wrong and right with their practices. So I will list the pros and cons and my experience personally as accurate and concise as I can put it. TLDR; Don't do it. It's a scam with a business plan. It's basically an MOOC without the organization, a slack channel, and 8,000 x the brogrammer snark. Pros: The staff are very knowledgeable in their subject areas for the most part. I did learn how to program with some of their instruction and (lots of) my own tenacity. The curriculum is finally almost settling down on the 1000th iteration. The student body has a wealth of knowledge, and a captive audience, do you see how knowledgable I am bro? Tell me. Tell me! You could make actual friends there, through the internet. If you put the time in, you could possibly land a job with their help, and lots of your own help, and finally the time to work on what you want to do. The PM's are the most helpful resources they have, when they are not drinking the Lambda Kool-aide. Cons: A lot of the instructional and VP staff are very unprofessional, and disrespectful. One instructor literally yelled at the whole class for not googling things they didn't understand. Most of the staff have never taught a day in their lives, and it shows. The curriculum/schedule has changed 1,000 times, making the product you signed up to pay for, completely different than when you started. They will add days/weeks/months to your scheduled graduation date with little to NO notice. They will drop an entire language/library/framework with 0 notice. They will add an entire language/library/framework with 0 notice. The slack channel is disorganized and nearly impossible to navigate soundly. Students are allowed to say any and everything during instruction in the slack channel, all the time. It never stops XD. The instructors will easily go off on a tangent with said interruptions and not finish their lesson, all the time. It never stops XD. Most of the time, the instructors have 0% of the lesson planned, debugging is not fun when you're supposed to be teaching. A huge chunk of the lesson could be spent on debugging an error, a rift about cats, or the actual topic, it's a toss up every. single. day. You are basically asked to struggle and use google before asking any questions to anyone. Asking instructors for help is almost taboo, you have to rely on the help of someone who just went through that portion of the program mostly for help. Basically your PM's have 0 experience outside of Lambda School itself. There is a heavy, heavy, extremely obvious cult like following in the slack channel. The staff have no regards for the students time, or learning styles. The co-founder promised cohorts up until CS5 free instruction for life and did not go through with it. There have been numerous promises that went unfulfilled. I can't be bothered to name them all. They have still neglected to report their hiring stats to CIRR since forever. The curriculum was soo bad, a lot of the people in my cohort decided to take it over again. The second time around it was drastically improved, but the improvement from terrible was just bad. Personal Experiences: I was placed in a capstone group that was dysfunctional, and poorly managed. I was talked to like I was a dog, and stupid. I was forced to use basic tech stacks/libraries while my team members had free range to use anything they wanted, without approval/research from the entire group. The group had separate chats that excluded members of the group to make decisions and code changes. It was like being in high school. My suggestions that literally fixed the code was ignored, while other team mates introduced breaking changes, rewrote code, cursed each other out, and were praised. When I informed the project manager, I was scolded and they flat out REFUSED to intervene. I had to talk to a higher VP, I was then placed in another group. At the last minute. The next day. After waiting 3 weeks for a response. I just got kicked out of the entire school for getting a 3 hour a day part-time job to support myself. I was out of work for soooo long, and the city I live in is SUPER EXPENSIVE. I was also refused a spot in the part time cohorts labs because I was told it just wasn't a thing (which is a huge lie). I was refused career services. I was refused the entire programs services, for no reason. Rather than allowing me to be apart of the community, Lambda School alienated me. Was it race based? Was is homophobia? Was it my mom? Was is just unprofessional (is that even a question)? I will never know (we all know), I didn't receive notice or an explanation as to why I was kicked out. I just couldn't log in. And my emails have 0 replies. Also they said that "I dropped out," which is a lie as well. Clearly. Overall... I wish I had more hands, so I could give those titties four thumbs down. Don't go to lambda "school." It's good some times, but most of the time, it sucks. "No shade" XD. I will say that in the future, Lambda School could be excellent, will it last until then? Who knows. They clearly aren't profitable yet, nor do I see it becoming so. So far after my extended amount of time with them, and currently, it's still trash water. You've been warned XD *edited typos [link] [comments] |
I've been doing FreeCodeCamp. Now I'm stuck at the Responsive Web Design Projects. Posted: 25 Sep 2018 06:42 PM PDT I started FreeCodeCamp about a month ago. I started off by pacing myself. I have ADHD, so I didn't want to try to go 6 hours a day, burn out, and never come back to it. I wanted to make a habbit out of it. I really want to learn programming. So anyway, I worked up to about 3 hours a night, made it through the Responsive Web Design Certification challenges up to the Projects. Once I got to the first project, I felt at a loss. I felt like I hadn't retained enough from the challenges to make the most out of the projects. These are supposed to be the building blocks for my portfolio right? So after a couple of days of going back and re-doing some of the challenges, I stopped all together. I decided, maybe I'll try something (possibly) more comprehensive. I started a free trial of pluralsight. I was really wowed right off the bat by how sleek the whole website is. It's very impressive compared to a more modest looking site like FCC. I went through all the new account steps and finally landed where I thought I wanted to be, which was the HTML "path". I took the aptitude test, which going into, I thought was going to be easy after the 30 some odd hours I put into FCC. After a disappointing 24 out of a possible 300, I realized I had barely skimmed the surface. I thought to myself, "well I must be in the right place now" and started on the courses. I'm 3 hours into the HTML path on pluralsight, but it's really more like 5-6 if you count the content I had to re-watch after realizing I'd spaced out and missed the last however long. It's not giving me anything practical, just lectures. This is my problem: With FreeCodeCamp, I felt like I was making progress. I got a sense of accomplishment after doing 3 hours a night of that. But when you take the spoon out of my mouth, I couldn't put all that work to use on making something creative and unique. And on the other hand pluralsight is cool, but it costs money after my free trial is up and I don't feel engaged. I'm bored and unlike FCC there aren't really any challenges that I've seen so far. It's just videos. Should I go back to FreeCodeCamp and start over? Like, get more practice with their material and try again on the projects, hoping that this time the information sticks? Should I stay with pluralsight? I mean it's boring and doesn't hasn't as of yet given me any challenges or homework, but for all I know maybe you folks have had good experience with it and it's really worth the money. Should I do something else completely? Codeacademy for example? I felt pretty discouraged for a while today, but ultimately, I'm not going to give up. Right now, I'm leaning towards going back to FCC and starting from the beginning, but I'm interested in what everyone else thinks. Thanks in advance. tl;dr: I didn't retain enough info from FCC, so I tried Pluralsight, but it's painfully slow, although I do pick up some nuggets. Need help deciding what to do next. FCC, Pluralsight, or something else entirely? [link] [comments] |
How are GUIs for big applications created? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:45 AM PDT I've dabbled in GUI before with languages such as Java and C++ before. However I have no clue how big applications such as Steam or Spotify are created. I don't want to know the details but rather just the general gist of it. I have tried looking it up but came up short of what I wanted. Other than a few google searches I have no idea where to look. If anyone could point me in the right direction, like a video or an example that would be great. Thank you Edit: Grammer [link] [comments] |
Which conflicts can be automatically merged with git and which can't? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:33 PM PDT I assume if I have a 100-line file, and I edit line 1 and you edit line 100, git can handle that fine. What are the situations where this can't be done? EDIT: making this more obvious because people are explaining how it happens when two people edit the same line: If you and I both edit line 50, yes, I can see that is impossible to merge. But I see situations where, say, you edited line 49 and line 51, and I edited line 50. That can't be merged? Bonus question, what's the "recursive method"? [link] [comments] |
[Python]When it comes to Performance(latency) which one is better and why? Socket API or XMLRPC? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:26 PM PDT Okay, so I made a server client program using both Socket and XMLRPC. To measure the performance of both the program, I used the timestamp and saw that round trip time of socket program was much less than RPC one. But I'm not if this is true. Can someone explain me is it true that "Performance of Socket is better than XMLRPC?" If yes, why? If no, why? [link] [comments] |
[C++] How can I get my program to pause before going back to menu? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:16 PM PDT I've tried system("pause") and cin.get() but none of them are working. I'm using a Mac if that has anything to do with it. [link] [comments] |
Try to be an open source contributors Posted: 25 Sep 2018 10:08 PM PDT I wrote an article about why we should contribute to open source projects: Who Killed The Junior Developer? points out:
7 months later, anything changed? No, we can only found one junior developer position in Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2018). How to save the junior developers? My answer is, ask them to become an open source contributor, then hire them. I begin contributing to CPython a few months ago, I learned a lot from the Python Software Foundation and I really appreciate their work. I even discussed a document issue with Guido which only happens because I contribute to CPython. How much does it cost if a company ask Guido to mentor their developers, I don't know. However, as long as I contribute to CPython, they will still be my mentors. Every programmer can find great mentors in the open source community when the company doesn't need to pay a penny for it. [link] [comments] |
How do big companies(like Snapchat) keep processes/updates and connections going or open on apps? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 07:34 PM PDT For example if you have Snapchat open and someone is typing, it turns on a bubble and does it and then says you have a chat once there done. Or when you get a chat, it automatically updates and tells you. (Like refreshes that row). I've never programmed this deep. In java, I have to like open a new connection to check for database changes and then close the connection or I can do a fire table data changes. But how do big companies do it with continuous things updating and progressing? iMessage is another good example with text bubbles popping up and disappearing. I mean I could cheap out and hardcore this in a table and refresh continuously but that's a lot. Lol [link] [comments] |
Struggling to grasp certain concepts Posted: 25 Sep 2018 09:12 PM PDT This might be the wrong place to put this but I truly love computer science but at times my professors are just useless and I don't understand what they're doing. I'm really motivated to continue learning. I put in countless hours learning on my own and although certain concepts truly make me want to quit life what are some ways you got around these problems. Should I just stick to one language and learn it? It seems like every class always uses a different language and I've never really sticked to one. The ones I know the most are python and C++ but what should I do? At this point I'm just lost and frustrated. I've reached a new low [link] [comments] |
Why doesn't this AJAX request work? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 11:41 PM PDT https://gist.github.com/Jreye039/a3b1bebf3e0d730545bda27de327044d So I'm trying to dynamically update my user's jokes. However, I am very new to this and I'm not exactly sure why this isn't working. I assume because the php at the bottom either isn't called or that the variables are never updated. I got this code from some person's Github and modified it to suit my needs but I can't figure out why this isn't working. Any and all help would be much appreciated. :) [link] [comments] |
Picking Up PHP from JavaScript / Ruby background? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 05:30 PM PDT Hey guys, Any recommended resources to pick up php for a non-beginner in programming? I'm coming from a Ruby / JavaScript background and someone has told me that php is probably somewhere in the middle. I guess I'm just trying to figure out the similarities or differences between the syntax or what new things php might bring to the table. [link] [comments] |
Why can't pointers of a new object be deleted if the constructor throws an exception? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 05:09 PM PDT I'm trying to understand RAII, so I understand that the following is bad practice: Because if blah throws an exception, a cannot be deleted, and we instead want to make sure a is deleted in a destructor, but I can't understand why that is. As in, why can't "a" be deleted if "blah" throws an exception? [link] [comments] |
Need some very simple programming 'riddles' Posted: 25 Sep 2018 07:54 AM PDT I'm a fairly experienced programmer, and am making some puzzles. One of the puzzle themes is programming. Some of the people doing the puzzles will have no experience and some will have some. I was planning on them being in python just because that's the easiest to read. Here's an example of a puzzle: Desired output: 'NULL!' After a brief explanation of null types, they'll be told to solve the bug and produce the desired output (just add quotes around NULL). They can definitely be harder than that. Main idea is that it needs to be a simple puzzle with a clever, one or two line change for a solution. Also if there's a better subreddit to ask this question I can go there instead. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Sep 2018 07:03 PM PDT I am trying to use swing to make a simple button. It compiles okay but when I try to run it, it simply flashes the cmd and does nothing else. I tried to run it from the cmd and got this error. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException import javax.swing.*; public class Scalculator { public static void main(String[] args){ JFrame f=new JFrame("Scalculator"); }//End of main }//End of Scalculator Class Thanks [link] [comments] |
Coding challenges/practice specifically for mastering RxJS? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:36 AM PDT I've been acquainted with reactive programming, specifically RxJS, for only about 9 months now. I understand the core concepts and some of the main operators, but find myself constantly having to relearn things due to the complexity and learning curve behind reactive programming. Are there online coding challenges anywhere that exclusively focus on learning how/when to use which RxJS operators? Ideally, it should be up-to-date with version 6. "Thinking in reactive" seems to be the core issue here, and the only way I know how to do this better is through practice and repetition. [link] [comments] |
Small project to learn python? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 01:19 PM PDT I'm looking for a small project to learn to program in python. Not so much the language or computer science, but more project management, work flow etc
I'm not looking for a app/website to teach the basics like sololearn, udacity, edX etc but actually download an IDE, create code, make it shareable. I know programming reasonably well, mainly VBA (which sucks) but I've done java at uni and some phyton, MATLAB etc. Other questions: * What's the best IDE to use? Thinking of pyCharm, someone recommended it a while ago * How is the output from python best stored in excel, the medium my company stores everything.quick searches yielded that this is actually not the easiest, most convenient thing. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Sep 2018 09:40 PM PDT What is the best youtube video tutorial series for learning Java in 2018 for someone who already has prior programming experience in several languages? I've already learned JavaScript, python, some C# through Unity, and a few other languages, so I don't need something that goes slowly. I want to cover everything but just at a quick pace. [link] [comments] |
[c++] [Homework] Wrong tax comes out for receipt Posted: 25 Sep 2018 05:54 PM PDT I'm trying to create a receipt with data from a file "HW3_Data_W.txt". I believe I have everything correct except for the tax part. Its supposed to only take the price of the taxable items and then multiply it by the taxRate. When I run the program it only uses tax for the last item on the list though. https://gist.github.com/EitherRock/e9a0e6b5a8e33b31ce6a884de98ca489 CONTENTS OF file "HW3_Data_W.txt"I dont know how to add files, sorry.Bread 2.49 Y Milk 1.89 N Eggs, dozen 0.97 N Apples 4.75 Y Bananas 1.69 Y Peanut Butter 2.49 Y also ignore my bad spelling of "receipt" [link] [comments] |
How to Choose a Technology Stack? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 11:29 AM PDT I'm a senior at my Uni, and we have a group of 5 designated to work on a web application (very similar to Slickdeals) where a userbase will post deals and it will link to external sites etc. I'm also personally wanting to start a side project fitness and health related web app. At my Uni, we learn Java and C++. I'm wanting these projects to look good on a resume to a potential employer, so wouldn't it be best to choose a stack that is currently utilized and sought after in the job marketplace? Does anyone have any advice on that? Thank you, your suggestions are much appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Best resources to learn hibernate? Posted: 25 Sep 2018 09:11 PM PDT Looked through the FAQ and didn't find this question. I want to learn hibernate. Any updated resources would be helpful. I just finished this course-https://www.udemy.com/hibernate-with-java/ Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Getting enlightened after completing a challenge. Posted: 25 Sep 2018 09:02 PM PDT I'm not sure if I can post something like this, but I want to share how I suddenly received enlightenment. I know this is messy and my first language isn't even English so I'm sorry. //skip this if you want In high school I received a webdev class which introduced me more into programming but I still didn't know anything (besides basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript) A lot of my classmates had taken C++ classes and I felt I was very behind. I never really understood the whole thing about libraries and how to code in C++ while in high school. I still decided to study an engineering since I really liked web developing and I searched more about it and became interested in backend too, I also studied a bit during my vacations to have an idea of what I would be doing. So I started college, at first, in my programming class, the teacher would kind of explain what he was doing while showing the code in the screen so we would mostly just copy it. I wasn't really understanding much, it was a new language and it wasn't even as if I actually knew much. I sat at the back so at one point I gave up since I couldn't see well and decided to do it by myself, I finally did one thing by myself, I was really proud. //this is the main point Then our first exam came, our teacher gave us 3 exercises, one was really easy, it was about printing something, another was quite hard, after all I had never done anything like that, and the last one was easy (basic arithmetics problems like a*b, a/b, etc.). So I did the first one and started to panic, I had no idea how to do the second one so after pondering for a few minutes I went for the last one, after finishing the last one I felt relieved and since I still had some time left I went for the second problem, after thinking about it I got enlightened (we used % in the last problem and I didn't even know such thing existed but since it was there, I was enlightened with it) and wow, that truly made me excited, I finished the 3 of them and it felt really good, most people didn't do all of them. I think after that exam I was truly enlightened and I was finally able to do whatever we were doing with ease. That kind of feeling is one that makes you want to program more and more, I'm honestly happy that my teacher leaves us long homework (well it's not really long, it's easy, we've only done stuff with arithmetic and ifs and a bit of GUI) , our homework is doing a few programs so doing all of them won't take more than 3 hours unless you have no idea how to do it) Anyway I'm really happy with my homework, it's not all boring since it's gradually becoming more challenging (it's still easy stuff though), and I like it when the teachers leave replies to my homework complimenting it. It makes you want to do more. Anyway programming is fun, I really like it, if you're a teacher compliment your students (if they're good, of course if they're bad tell them, we just want an honest review so it feels good when we receive a genuine compliment for our hard work) //skip if you want too Also thank you to this sub because it has helped me a lot! At least it has definitely gotten me more familiar with this environment, maybe that's what some of my classmates need because some still feel like me when I had no idea what I was doing, damn. I really like this, I know there's still a lot I need to learn but I don't see it with fear, I'm excited to see how much I'll be able to learn now, when I started I was just confused, everyone seemed to have so much knowledge and I didn't even know what was a variable. (My high school was weird, it had like areas and I changed mine after a term, I had to retake some classes but I still had to take the classes from that term, everyone had already learned C++ (which I never learnt, I had taken that class already but instead, I had learned how to use word, which was honestly cool, I learnt a lot of new stuff, my docs look nice) it's confusing but the thing is that I had never coded and I was just completely lost and I might have relied on my teammate for our arduino class since I really didn't know anything about coding, the teacher never explained in depth the basics since everyone already knew them, so yeah, I just had no idea what was going on ) I don't even know what I want to do when I'm older, I'll just see what I like better, maybe it's because I'm young but I feel excited about everything, I feel like a doggo and honest reviews to my homework=treats. I'm sorry if this isn't allowed here, is there somewhere I can post this? I just wanted to get this out of my chest, coding is fun, challenges enlighten you, compliments make you excited! I regret not learning how to code earlier but well, I'm still 16, I can hopefully live some more years. At least I should make use of this excitement I have before it dies. [link] [comments] |
C Piping one execvp to another and getting duplicates on output Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:37 PM PDT Any ideas what is causing the duplicate outputs? Results in this: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Sep 2018 12:42 PM PDT I have been learning CSS and HTML and am curious why there is not a single language that covers both of their functionalities. [link] [comments] |
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