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    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    Terminal plugin to display git information Ask Programming

    Terminal plugin to display git information Ask Programming

    Terminal plugin to display git information

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    Watching a youtube video, I noticed the presenter was using a terminal plugin which displayed information about the git tree as he navigated to various directories. Here's a screenshot https://imgur.com/a/2EdLU0A

    What's the name of this plugin?

    submitted by /u/cryptobillionaire
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    Confused about WordPress

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    I've been studying computer science for a year and a half now and been taking some webdesign classes and I quite like them. What I've been learning in those classes are HTML & CSS/SASS and backend hosting, and I'll be taking some JS now next semester. What I'm used to is just starting from an empty boilerplate and having to make the whole website myself, using grid/flexbox and styling everything to my liking.

    But here's where I'm confused, I've recently looked into WordPress because I keep hearing about it and PHP and I watched some tutorials on it and it seems like it's all really different from what I'm used to. There are millions of templates that you can choose that other people made, and "install" them and even then, you have to have some addons installed for that template to work... then you are adding element's with some GUI in the dashboard... and it's all really weird for me...

    Especially since WordPress is the most common platform that websites are designed in/by, and huge sites as well, like Microsoft and more.

    Can someone explain to me how professionals use WordPress? Or just the aspects of using Wordpress in general, I'm guessing you could get by whether your a complete beginner or a pro.

    I'm sorry, I'm just really confused.

    Thanks in advance though!

    submitted by /u/Crispy_Kleina
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    What do Lenovo, Dell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and other hardware manufacturers think of the major desktop operating system families: Linux, MacOS, and Windows?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 04:31 PM PDT

    How to keep motivated and finish a research alone?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 04:25 PM PDT

    I am currently working in a Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduate research project, for which no one applied to it besides me. It has been an year but I keep struggling on the same problems, and nothing really works.

    The project is to implement a wireless sensor network to our university school electrical grid and get to monitor some important places, like solar panels, water bombs and elevators, and create a software for monitoring it.

    I know there are some applications developed to do this, but well, there are reasons (?!) for it, and well, this is not the point.

    I have the equipment and, I assume, the knowledge to develop it, but I feel like I'm a failure since, after all my efforts through last year, I still don't have anything running.

    I still have one year ahead of me to do it, and I really don't know what to do: I have a broken codebase, which I refactored lots of times, and I am struggling to create new things. How to keep up with the project and create new things?

    submitted by /u/thevbob
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    Package naming conventions, outside of Java

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    My first time posting here, sorry for any mistakes.

    This is a bit of a silly question, but it's been driving me up the wall for years now.

    In Java, there is a well defined convention for package naming. This is facilitated by the fact that a translation unit 'src/org/project/package/subpackage/MyClass.java' is automatically assigned to the package 'org.project.package.subpackage.MyClass'. However, other languages don't have this kind of automatic package assignment. I cannot seem to fine any clear rules, conventions, or standards for package naming in other languages. With the C family of languages, namespaces are used instead of packages. So with, say, C#, it doesn't quite make sense to put 'MyClass.cpps' in the 'src/org/project/package/subpackage' directory - you can just as easily stick it in 'src' and use namespaces to designate your 'package' structure. You can even write your entire project in a single translation unit, if you really wanted to.

    What useful standards, conventions, or rules for package structuring would you recommend, which can work for any/all programming languages?


    EDIT: To clarify, I'm asking about what the best convention is for the structure of the source directories and files in relation to the naming of translation units, namespaces, etc.

    submitted by /u/MetallicOrangeBalls
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    What are reasons to use Amazon SES / email services instead of your own email server

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 01:31 PM PDT

    Besides the small convenience of a simpler setup and remaining off blacklists, is there any reason to use Amazon SES, SparkPost, Mailgun, etc?

    You could still remain off blacklists while using your own email server. So why use the service?

    submitted by /u/darkmatter201
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    Question regarding * placement [C++]

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:19 AM PDT

    So I've notice that the * is placed differently sometimes and was wondering if it actually made a difference where it was placed, or it was just based on the mood of whoever wrote it. Sometimes you have char* x and other times you have char * x or char *x. Just wondering if this is a syntax thing or a preference thing

    submitted by /u/GregFirehawk
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    Which studies program is better?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:58 PM PDT

    So i live in Lithuania, i just finished highschool and recently enrolled in a university. I chose "information systems" as my main studies program and after a while i notice there was another studies program specializing in "engineering informatics". So im kind of lost, because im thinking a lot about my future. So whats the difference between these professions? :(

    submitted by /u/Scr1pt3rs
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    How do I enter a loop partway through in C#?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:06 PM PDT

    In C, there is a construct:

    do { result = business(); if (!result) otherBusiness(); } while (!result); 

    I've often found myself using the opposite device:

    result = business(); while (!result) { otherBusiness(); result = business; } 

    There's also the break method:

    do { result = business(); if (result) break; otherBusiness(); } while (true); 

    This avoids duplicating the conditional check, and announces itself by labeling the loop as an infinite loop.

    There's a method in C which announces itself upfront:

    switch (true) { do { otherBusiness(); case true: result = business(); } while (!result); } 

    Basically, if there's a body of code which does not run on the first iteration, but does on every subsequent iteration, you skip that body of code as you enter the loop.

    What's the preferred approach in C#?

    submitted by /u/bluefoxicy
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    [C#] Best IRC library for someone who is no longer a beginner but not really an expert?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:49 AM PDT

    I've been playing around with PHP, C, and C++ for a couple years but not really doing anything with it, but I recently took a course for the microsoft developer certification for C#. I have been working on programming exercises and now can say I am not a beginner when it comes to the language itself. However I am still trying to learn visual studio and definitely wouldn't consider myself to be an expert, so someone suggested that I create a game/bot for IRC.

    I have been looking up libraries on github to be able to do this, however their examples don't compile. Does anybody have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/theguywithacomputer
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    WPF Alternatives

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:01 AM PDT


    My company develop product using WPF. we want to move forward to something newer

    What are the popular alternatives? Desktop or Web?


    submitted by /u/avi00
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    Does code signing certificate matter?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 08:58 AM PDT

    Does any have any experience with a Windows code signing cert for desktop software and whether that increases the number of installations or not? Without one, the windows "smart screen" will display a message that the software is insecure, which might confuse/deter some people from installing. I'm curious how big of an effect it is, though, to decide if it is worth it.

    submitted by /u/PlentifulCoast
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    Not sure if this is the right place, but r/AskIT is a small subreddit and this is an interesting problem.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    On my work computer, I have no trouble using the file explorer to access files on the company shared drive.

    However, if I use a shortcut to get there, I almost always lose internet connection. I am still connected to the wireless network, but can no longer access the internet or the files. I am forced to disconnect and then reconnect to the network and try again.

    What I mean by roundabout way is (so far) one of two ways:

    Opening Excel, File, Open, selecting a file from the recent workbooks window on the right (that happens to be on the shared drive). No issues if I use Browse.

    I have certain folders saved to Favorites in the left-hand ladder menu that are from the shared drive. These would normally be 10 or more clicks deep in the shared drive. If I go through those to access large files (photos in this case), the same thing happens.

    Any ideas? Our IT department is stumped. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/WhatisAleve
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    Extract string from inline JS

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 10:50 AM PDT

    *edit - gold may or may not be given to whoever can help me

    Good Day All,

    I'm currently working on a Chrome Extension that pulls the "webID" from the inline JS on a website. Currently I am pulling this string:


    The webID in the above is "gmps-21". The webID will change from site to site. Sometimes it will have the prefix "gmps", "lex","motp", ect... I would like to only pull the webID from the string

    Here is how I am pulling:


    { "manifest_version": 2,

    "name": "Team 16 Hackathon 2018", "description": "A simple page-scraping extension for Chrome", "version": "1.0", "background": { "scripts": ["popup.js","payload.js","background.js","background.html"], "persistent": true }, "permissions": [ "chrome://favicon/", "clipboardRead", "clipboardWrite", "idle", "notifications", "tabs", "http://*/", "https://*/", "background", "activeTab", "background_page" ], "browser_action": { "default_icon": "logo.png", "16": "TestExt/logo.png", "32": "TestExt/logo.png", "48": "TestExt/logo.png", "128": "TestExt/logo.png", "default_popup": "popup.html" } 



    // send the page title as a chrome message chrome.runtime.sendMessage(document.body);


    // payload.js script --> insert into the current tab after the popout has loaded window.addEventListener('load', function (evt) { chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: 'payload.js' }); });


    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (getWebID) { document.getElementById('body').innerHTML = getWebID; chrome.tabs.executeScript({ code: '(' + (() => { for (var el of document.querySelectorAll('script[if="inlineJs"]'))

    { var m = el.textContent.match(/"([^"]*webId*[^"]*)"/); var webid = m; if (webid) return webid[1]; //else {return document.getElementById('body'). innerHTML = "This is not a CDK site";} } 

    }) + ')()',

    }, results => { if (!chrome.runtime.lastError && results) { document.getElementById('body').textContent = decodeURI(results[0]); } });


    I HAVE ALSO TRIED - but this only returns a null value even if I change the chrome.extension to chrome.runtime // payload.js script --> insert into the current tab after the popout has loaded window.addEventListener('load', function (evt) { chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: 'payload.js' });; }); //popout.html chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message) { document.getElementById('body').innerHTML = message; chrome.tabs.executeScript({ code: '(' + (() => { for (var el of document.querySelectorAll('script[if="inlineJs"]')) { var m = el.textContent.match(/"(["]webId["]*)"/); var obj = JSON.parse(m); var myVar = obj.cache["Co.context.configCtx"].webId; window.alert("webId is " + myVar); return myVar; } }) + ')()', }, results => { if (!chrome.runtime.lastError && results) { document.getElementById('body').textContent = decodeURI(results[0]); } }); });


    <!doctype html> <html>

    <head> <title>WebID</title> <script src="popup.js"></script> </head>


    <h3>WebId =</h3> <p id='body'></p> 


    </body> </html>

    submitted by /u/thewhaler1
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    What does the Windows HOSTS.TXT file do exactly?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:31 AM PDT

    I was always under the impression that it contained hardcoded pairs (ip_address,URL) and all that it did was bypassing the DNS and substituting the ip to the website name.

    However, it happened at work that we were told to add a line like the following to hosts.txt:

    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx service_name.website_name.com

    I tried to use the ip address in the browser and received some generic error page, ok. But after I added the above line to my hosts.txt and used the url instead of the ip, suddenly no more error, the service responded as it should.

    From this I gather that there is something more than simple string -> ip replacement, or am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/murderer_gardener
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    What is the most complete book, manual or web about CSS?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 08:53 AM PDT

    I want to improve my CSS level and I'm looking for the best source of information.

    submitted by /u/pcorder
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    What are some of the great resources you could use to study OOP concepts?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    I started studying programming with Java 4 months ago, and I am glad to say that I have learned a lot in that time.

    However even tho I have my fair share of the knowledge about OO concepts (encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism) and what each of them means, I still feel like I don't know much about them, mostly because it was difficult enough to grasp abstract concepts like these in the beginning and sometimes imagining myself in interview situations where I'm asked to explain each concept makes me feel nervous as I think that I would only be able to give simple explanations like:


    The bundling of data and methods into a single package (class) and restricting access to necessary parts... 


    The process of hiding the implementation details and all but the relevant data... 

    And so on...

    So here I am looking for any resources (books, websites, videos etc...) which could help me or anyone else expand the knowledge of OO concepts, and get a better understanding of them since I figured that these principles are most important when working with OOP languages.

    Thanks in forward, and pardon the long post.

    submitted by /u/vulk21
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    Trouble creating CRAPS game C++

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:54 AM PDT


    I've been tasked with simulating 10,000 games of craps, so I've created loops for the task and for some reason, the values always return as 0.

    If you could look over my work it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/IDontGetFunctions
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    Java servers... where do I start

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 04:22 AM PDT

    So Ive worked with java for a few years and I want to now move on to server and client side development. I want to learn how to make a server that users can connect to and play games.Meaning the users connect to the server, the server in a sense is a middle man. Though Im stuck on the most basic/beginning part, how do i make the server. Do you know any tutorials,books, videos etc?

    submitted by /u/dogboy60
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    Html and php?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I'm trying to get some form-data to my PHP script with the help of w3 schools. So what I'v written is the following code in a html-file:

    <div class="col">
    <form action="welcome.php" method="post">
    Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
    E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
    <input type="submit">

    and in a .php-file in the same folder:

    Welcome <?php echo $_POST["name"]; ?><br>
    Your email address is: <?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?>

    According to w3 schools, the PHP-script should show me the name and email-variables data, but all I get is this error code on a new page: Cannot POST /welcome.php

    I'm doing this in an Angular project, on macOS High Sierra. Is there something I have to configure to get this working?

    Note: Everything in my project is ran in localhost and since Apache comes pre-installed I wouldn't have to worry about setting up a Apache-server, right?

    submitted by /u/niyz
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    Project ideas for writing code samples for interviews.(C++)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 10:34 PM PDT

    What are some mini-project ideas to code for providing samples of your work to prospective employers? I feel like its easier to provide samples for something like Web or mobile app development. Any ideas for specifically C++ code samples?

    submitted by /u/kenadams16
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