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    Wednesday, July 11, 2018

    To all programmers who are self-taught or started later in life. learn programming

    To all programmers who are self-taught or started later in life. learn programming

    To all programmers who are self-taught or started later in life.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:55 AM PDT

    You guys are my heroes. The sheer will it takes to make it professionally when you're completely self-taught just blows my mind. I'm a 27 year old bartender with an economics bachelor's degree. Which means I don't know anything about anything and have zero skills so I'm basically unemployable except for the service industry which I absolutely hate because I'm socially awkward and very much dislike communicating with people. So, I've been learning c# for 1 month and it's kicking my ass mentally, especially since I don't have any days off and can only spend about 1 hour per day while I'm at work. Every time I open the textbook it feels like I'm reading hieroglyphs and i want to give up. I can't solve a single problem without help from Google. I feel stupid most times when I can't understand the simplest things. Moreover, I am completely broke and can't afford any courses. To make matters worse, I don't know anyone whom I can ask for help. I'm completely alone in this. Feels like I don't really have the brain power for this as well, but I will give it my best shot and all of my free time.

    Just wanted to say thank you guys for existing and inspiring the rest of us. I love knowing that someone somwhere made it. Naturally, I also would like to express my respect for the people who knew from an early age that this is what they wanted to do and pursued it. You didn't just wait until you failed at all other things to follow your dream.

    And if you have a friend who is just starting out, please take 10 min of your free time to answer their questions, stupid as they may be. You don't know how much they will appreciate it! Wish I was friends with all of you!

    Good luck and be good to each other!

    EDIT: Holy shitness! So this is what it feels like to have people support you and cheer you on. It's been a decade since I've felt anything remotely resembling what you all have shown me. Nice to see a community where noobs are encouraged rather than treated with disgust. Whenever I feel like quitting I will come back to this thread for a confidence boost!

    submitted by /u/dumbfuck3
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    Looking for teammates to build a website on github!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:20 PM PDT

    What to build: Simple yet proper open sourced website which has 3 major features: articles, shared links, ad board.

    • Articles: Think of medium.com but simpler

    • Shared links: Think of hackernews but better looking

    • Ad board: Think of craigslist but better

    Tech stack: Could be MEAN but I'm open to suggestions

    If you want to join me, let me know. If you have discord, I can add you there. I'm a CS student from USA.

    submitted by /u/icecreamoverload
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    What is your way of learning programming/computer science in general?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 06:48 AM PDT

    For me personally, I usually program for a few hours a day (usually 3), solve problems on leetcode/hackkerank and read tech related stuff. Once in a while I will go to EDx and watch a lecture from a course but I do not feel like I am hardworking enough so I want to see what do others do and hopefully can improve myself. I can't go more than 5 hours without coffee, always get sleepy.

    submitted by /u/libreprincipal
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    How do I create a dynamic blog?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:53 PM PDT

    No I don't want to use Wordpress or other alternatives.

    I know how to program a fair bit. I can program what I want my blog to look like already. However, I expect to have dozens if not over a hundred pages. The problem is that I only want a small section of the website (where the content is) to change. It doesn't make sense to copy and paste an html file format dozens of times just to change one part of the website.

    So I did some searching and it seems that I'm in need of a dynamic webpage.

    I know the standard three HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. However, I'm practically in the dark about everything else. I am learning Python if that matters. Later in the course I'm taking is going to have a project that we build something using PostgreSQL.

    submitted by /u/TheRealist0ne
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    [Javascript] It won't return the entire object?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:29 PM PDT



    => '[object Object]200'

    I want it to return the entire object.

    submitted by /u/JohnBrookz
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    My font won't update no matter what I do? I've changed the font-family name and the url, no luck.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 09:59 PM PDT


    First time working with @font-face. Always used the Google Fonts link they provided. Decided to try something new. Yes, that's all the code. It's a new WIP.

    submitted by /u/Garthmer
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    A question for all of you full time workers..

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:33 AM PDT

    When do you find the time to study coding. I plan to wake up before work but find myself hitting the snooze button until I have to go to work. I've never really been a morning person. When I get home I have chores and am pretty burnt out from work. (I work in IT as a help desk technician). I'd like to know when you guys find it best to study. How do you stay motivated?

    submitted by /u/GreatSc0ttMarty
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    What does this part of the numpy docs mean?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:29 PM PDT

    LInk : https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/arrays.ndarray.html#internal-memory-layout-of-an-ndarray

    What is it with strides? I just couldn't understand anything in this section.

    submitted by /u/ola-hates-me
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    [QUESTION] logic for snake tail in c

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:52 PM PDT

    I am new to C programming and found a code for snake game but I am unable to understand the logic part for tail creation here is code

    void Logic()


    int prevX = tailX[0];

    int prevY = tailY[0];

    int prev2X, prev2Y;

    tailX[0] = x;

    tailY[0] = y;

    for (int i = 1; i < nTail; i++)


    prev2X = tailX[i];

    prev2Y = tailY[i];

    tailX[i] = prevX;

    tailY[i] = prevY;

    prevX = prev2X;

    prevY = prev2Y; }

    Actually I am not understanding for loop part, by the way according to my understanding , in first iteration

    1. prev2X = tailX[1] // prev2X = 0
    2. prev2Y = tailY[1] // again 0
    3. tailX[1] = prevX // assuming value of prevX 5
    4. tailY[1] = prevY // assuming value of prevY 6
    5. prevX = prev2X // prevX =0
    6. prevY = prev2Y // again 0

    In second iteration

    1. prev2X = tailX[2] // prev2X = 0
    2. prev2Y = tailY[2] // again 0
    3. tailX[1] = prevX // prevX is 0 bcz of 1st iteration
    4. tailY[1] = prevY // same 0
    5. prevX = prev2X // 0
    6. prevY = prev2Y // again 0

    But I know it is wrong so how this logic is working please explain step by step at least for 2 iterations

    submitted by /u/devilhaxi
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    [Python] TypeError: Example4() takes no arguments ? Not sure if spacing error..

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:45 PM PDT

    So I've been trying to learn how to code GUIs using Tkinter Python on my own. I'm pretty familiar with C language, but completely new to Python.

    I've been using this PDF to learn by myself.

    In PDF page 22 (Listing 23), I've tried to put the code it in my Python IDE, and manually adjusted the indentations. I think it's pretty much the same with what was on the PDF, except the error TypeError: Example4() takes no arguments (Line 102).

    From what I know in C language, Example4(root) sorta make sense to me. It's calling the class Example 4, and putting it into Tk() which is a window. However on Stack Exchange, all I find are people saying it's just a common spacing error but I'm having difficulty finding which spacing. I'm sorry if this is a low quality question.

    I also have some other questions:

    1. At 'from tkinter import *'. Why does some IDE use Tkinter and why does mine have to use tkinter ? Using Tkinter, I had an error. Googling brought me to a forum where someone used tkinter and it didn't work, the solution was to use Tkinter. But for mine it's the other way around instead.
    2. Is the PDF I'm using good to learn how to program GUI ?
    submitted by /u/Jinium
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    Not 100% sure what I'm trying to ask

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:58 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing electrical work for a living and have been working (a lot) towards learning computer science in order to change careers. Are there fields in coding that also involve the parts of my job that I'm happy with? I know that no career is perfect or without its frustrations. The things, by the way, that I like about electrical work are building complex physical systems, automation and controls work. Are there good self-taught paths to get involved in PLC programming/building automation? Or robotics/self-driving cars?? Is that even what I'm looking for????

    submitted by /u/pyClimbFly
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    What's a good C Programming cert to obtain?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 04:55 PM PDT

    My work place needs me to obtain a C programming certification in about a month. They did not specify which program it has to be and has left it up to me to choose which one. What are some reputable C programming certs out there?

    submitted by /u/squirrel_eatin_pizza
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    Gripes... things they wont teach you.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:33 PM PDT

    1. Don't just learn to do it. Learn to do it well.

    Most of the time the hardest thing about doing it well is knowing how.

    When you do your first code once you make it work make sure you know how it works and that you genuinely understand it.

    Also improve it. Remove any mess, anything not needed, optimise it, test that, work out how to test it easily, investigate possible bugs like what if someone does something whacky, make it secure by working out how to hack it then fix that.

    Read the manual.

    2. Housekeeping.

    It is amazing how little importance is put on such an important thing. If you don't need a file, delete it. Don't leave .bak files everywhere. Keep things organised. If you need to do trial and error, undo what you did when something doesn't work.

    When you update something update it everywhere.

    To ease deletion processes use version control and archiving folders.

    Take pride in your work but don't get so attached you're afraid to change it to improve it or delete it. Get someone better to clean and improve your code when you have reached your limit. Then sit with them to review the changes and ask why they did each thing. Learn to be efficient in producing code not hoarding code.

    3. Focus on learning programming, not frameworks.

    It is amazing how many people will dive into using frameworks before learning the basic programming language. A framework does not replace a programming language. You still need to learn the programming language and the framework. It is many more times the effort. Framework * language = difficulty. Frameworks will often give the illusion of simplicity with here's one I made earlier examples. The reality is the moment you move away from being able to follow tutorials that tell you what to do, using out of the box solutions or copying answers for how do I do this, you'll hit a wall with most frameworks.

    There are some frameworks that aren't that bad but unfortunately you wont be able to establish this until you have a multitude of experiences including hand coding as points of reference. The reason for this comes down to people. Ask which framework is good and you'll have a thousand fanboys voicing their opinion. They may sound very confident and knowledgeable because they've done more than you but that's compared to you. It doesn't mean they're good in the same way someone who just passed their driving license isn't suddenly Schumacher. Unfortunately bad frameworks are just as capable of gaining rapid popularity as good ones.

    The more adament someone is their framework is infallible the more full of it they are and unfortunately nothing they say will be of meaning. These people you should avoid. People who can tell you what is bad about their framework likely have better experience and sensibilities. On other frameworks they will probably tell you their opinion (expectations, hopes, suspicions) but they don't really know as they haven't use them.

    4. Continued, focus on programming, not fad and cargo cult.

    Frameworks is a big one but also going straight into things that are cutting edge and popular like cloud, microservices, design patterns, nosql, etc. Half these things don't really mean anything useful and are just marketing.

    Cloud just means web, internet, online, nothing new. It's just branding and people trying to sell stuff being tricked into it. They're trying to define the internet and their services as the same thing to make people think that to be on the internet (such as have a website) you need to be on the "cloud" (their hosting services). Microservices just means programming your software in a way it'll automatically work with "the cloud" duping you into investing heavily towards being ready to adopt their services even though you've not made a purchasing decision and didn't even know you were. Contrary to popular belief microservices just make things worse in most cases and dedicated is often still the most cost effective.

    In most cases where people utilise the scalability of these services it is just because their code is awful. Cloud will be a massive money maker because it is so easy for a programmer to make things hundreds or thousands of times more inefficient than they need be. You just screw up some joins and multiple a bunch of sets. One simple comp sci concept destroys cloud providers business model. Big O. Optimisation matters and that's the first port of call for scalable solutions.

    Fads are really annoying. NoSQL for example got adopted as some replacement for traditional SQL databases. They're not even strictly speaking an alternative in many cases. They gained popularity because some big companies released some and invested in them for extreme problems you're not likely to face. People then started to use these technologies assuming that they would then magically be able to support google sized processing capacity. Also with completely unrealistic expectations about how they will scale. You see people trying to make something able to scale to a billion users before they're even able to support a million users.

    This gets worse with "big data". Everyone seems to think they're going to be working with this when they aren't. You seem people then creating "big data" with poor deduplication and by logging everything possible on the higher verbosity not using the most compact and noise free formats either.

    Literally any programmer can naively generate unlimited amounts of data and consume unlimited CPU cycles. Don't be that programmer. There might be a pro in programmer but it doesn't make you a pro, bro.

    Unfortunately people learning programming are always going to be naive and vulnerable prey to big companies with far greater voice than real professionals. My best advice is that if anything is "trending" be cynical. Start out with the established and stable technologies first (tried and tested).

    Using bleeding edge will often make your life a misery because it's probably complex, isn't mature, has bugs, likely poor documentation and other problems not yet addressed.

    Cargo cult software engineering is a big one. This means crap like following GoF. Most of that is useless because it's too high level. It focuses on how to implement things in the most complex way possible. Do it the simplest way first and move on from there. I've seen things like people use command bus and CQRS to attempt to solve a problem that just needs an object that maintains/encapsulates a stack.

    5 Why is this important?

    Most programmers that are hired are still learning. By this I mean not that programmers always learn (which they should) but that supply outstrips demand so people get hired even if not ready yet or even just not good (some people suck after twenty years).

    It is people like me, a relatively rare and limited resource that has to not only fix the mess but break people out of all of their wrong learning.

    submitted by /u/EATMYLONGJOHNS
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    C++ Tutorials for a mid level developer that knows nothing about c++?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 06:22 PM PDT

    So I am looking to pick up C++ especially in terms of game development. I started following some tutorials but find them slow and impossible to get through because its covering simple programming topics like variables and functions. But I cant just skip them because somewhere in these early they will cover something like header files vs cpp files something that in Java or the other languages I know don't have.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Dylan552
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    Does anyone else get tired and know they are writing inefficient code but continue anyway?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 05:35 PM PDT

    To clarify, I love my job and programming in general. I work at night a lot and sometimes when I'm tired I get into modes where I start writing code that I can just tell will be inefficient and need cleaning up the next morning. As long as it works I continue.

    I feel like this is a bad habit, but like maybe it isn't because it has worked out so far? Does anyone else have this same struggle? Is there any methods for helping with this?

    submitted by /u/SmartTest
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    How can I share my console program (C++) to people when I used the Visual Studio compiler?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 09:13 PM PDT

    I have a friend I want to share my program with. I am not sure how I can share the program with them.

    submitted by /u/SpiritMountain
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    Displaying SQL results using PHP

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I'm trying to add a feature to a WordPress website. Basically I want to retrieve a number of entities from a database based on what users select in a form, and then display them in HTML tabs on a webpage. I've successfully implemented this in Flask, but am new to PHP and don't really even know where to start.

    So far I've managed to create a function which passes variables to a new page using wp_redirect, and appending the variables to the URL and retrieving them with $_GET. However the entities I want to pass are far too large for this method. I also don't think I can run PHP on the webpage itself, since I am using a WordPress theme which assigns pages .html, and specifying them as .php ruins the theme's formatting (although I might be misunderstanding something here).

    Here is my current code:

    function handle_entity_creation() {

    $time = $_POST["time"];

    $topics = $_POST["topics"];

    wp_redirect( home_url() . "/exam/" . '?time='.$time . '?topics='.$topics );



    Any advice at all would be massively appreciated, because I've been stuck on this forever.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/detective_internet
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    What are your thoughts on programming bootcamps?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:56 PM PDT

    I've been trying to teach myself for the last six months, but have had little success because I work six days per week so just don't have enough time to dedicate to it.

    Having read a lot about bootcamps, I'm now considering leaving my job and attending one. Le Wagon is the one that's most caught my eye, and I've read quite a lot about it. But I'd like to hear the thoughts/opinions of anyone else that attended one of these bootcamps.

    Which one did you attend? How worthwhile was it? How easy was it to find a job once you were finished?

    Just anything you could tell me, good or bad, to help me decide if it's the right way for me to go.

    submitted by /u/wise_joe
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    Build a RESTful API using C#?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:50 PM PDT

    I am an iOS developer who has been relying on backend services such as Firebase and Parse.com for the past several years. I want to make the jump from iOS developer to full stack developer so that I can cut out the ever-changing middle-man, but I am not quite sure where to start. My main language is Swift, but I do have some decent C# chops from working quite a bit in Unity.

    Is C# a good language to build a RESTful API with?

    I ask because I know that it is technically possible to build an API using Swift (through Vapor), but that it is very uncommon and neither well supported nor easily maintainable. I don't know much about the use cases for C# other than Unity. Is this a common use for the language?

    Also, I am going to do my own research, but if anyone has any tutorials to recommend on how to build a RESTful API for integration with a database using C#, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/GreenLanturn
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    Been Self teaching myself C# and need some advice.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:15 PM PDT

    So ive been teaching myself C# and I've got a grasp on the basics (so i feel. probably still really clueless/terrible. XD) Could i get some basic programs that i can try out and see if i can do on my own. I use Visual Studio code currently. Ive got all these dreams of doing crazy things like coding my whole house to be able to be run off of motion sensors and phone interfaces and api for youtube to work with wireless speakers and so on.

    Thanks for any feed back/challenging basic programs. I just want to shrink my head back to normal size.

    Edit: changed it to Homework because i am setting some stuff like this as homework for myself.

    submitted by /u/DrBeats777
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    I'm Completely Lost At My Job, Advice Needed!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:52 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to the sub, hopefully I'm in the right place. I just graduated from high school and since then I've gotten a position as a volunteer web dev where I'm working with 2 others (both my age) to create a website. The problem is, I am very new to web development. I've gone through the responsive web design part (covers HTML5/CSS) and basic Javascript portion on freecodecamp, but that's about it in terms of exposure to web dev. The people I am working for/with do know that I am very new and unexperienced, however I feel like they have overestimated my ability.

    I am so lost, and I am essentially unable to create anything meaningful. I can read already-made code and understand most of it and why it works, but when it comes to making anything myself I just draw blanks. It easily takes me 15-20 minutes to do something that would take my teammates just a couple minutes. For example, it took me around 30 minutes just to get an image, resize it, centre it and then make sure it's in the right place (reducing margin), whereas I feel like anyone even semi-competent would be able to do this in a few minutes tops. Or, I will ask one of the 2 guys who are working on it with me for some help with something, and I just won't get how I'm supposed to do what they told me to do. It's so frustrating because normally I pick things up pretty quickly but this doesn't seem to gel in my mind, I can't figure out why I'm so lost.

    I feel really useless and I imagine my higher-ups are going to cut me off of the project because I am so useless. Could anyone offer some encouraging words of advice, or just something to help me out?

    submitted by /u/imsolost27
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    Has "Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days", written in 1999, become obsolete?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:45 PM PDT

    I know this book probably isn't the best method for learning C, but I already happen to have it. My question essentially boils down to .. has C changed significantly since 1999 that it would make the book obsolete? I would hate to grind through these 800 pages just to find I've learned a bunch of outdated garbage. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ThouArtMortal
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    What makes one programming language better for certain things than another?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:44 PM PDT

    I am currently learning Java which is my first programming language. I've heard a lot about how different languages are more suitable for different things (such as how Java is used for Android apps, JavaScript for web development, etc). But aside from syntax how are these languages different?

    submitted by /u/ExternalBag
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    Know the mere basics of c++, want to expand knowledge but need a starting points

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 03:52 PM PDT

    So I went to a camp and learned the basics of c++, and my eventual goal in the distant future is to create games from scratch (that is my hope). I have been trying to find tutorials on the basic fundementals of coding with engines but I have only found videos which use premade code to basically connect the dots. But I want to go in depth and understand as much code as I can, and use that knowledge to move forward. If someone could direct me to a site or book that will teach me the very in depth basics, to the complicated stuff of making a visual game (either 2d or 3d) that is not a text adventure game, that would be amazing. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/StanusSpock
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