• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 12, 2018

    Intro to Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists [lecture: 1h 28m] by Andrew Helwer of Microsoft Research Computer Science

    Intro to Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists [lecture: 1h 28m] by Andrew Helwer of Microsoft Research Computer Science

    Intro to Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists [lecture: 1h 28m] by Andrew Helwer of Microsoft Research

    Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:19 AM PDT

    How Artificial Intelligence Could Prevent Natural Disasters

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:40 AM PDT

    Need insight to understand connections between adjacent CS topics

    Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:51 AM PDT

    Hello friends,

    There are some deep connections between adjacent logic related topics namely constraints satisfiability, boolean satisfiability, answer sets models from one side, logic inference, automatic proofs, types theory, (typed) lambda-calculus as a more theoretical constucts and categories/topoi theory on the most theoretic side of a spectrum.

    Books I have usually concerned with single narrow topic and I struggle to understand how all of this fit in a grand scheme. Do you have any advices on books that covered specifically correspondences, similarities and differences and how the same or similar problem can be solved/presented by all these models.


    submitted by /u/pgess
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    Help out with CS Research!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:24 AM PDT

    The application is part of ongoing research at Franklin and Marshall College. It records information about when applications on your device are installed, uninstalled, or updated. Please install it to help us gather data and contribute to this research project!




    The research is focused on application updates issues such as:

    • Which apps users update more quickly.
    • The rate of app update adoption through the play store.
    • Predicting the time of the next app update.
    • Security and vulnerability concerns of rapid updates. If you are interested please feel free to ask questions!


    App update information is sent to F&M but it is stored under a fake name. This application is free and open source software distributed under the GPL v3.0 software license. https://github.com/fmresearchnovak/updatetimingcollector

    "Update Timing Collector" Informed Consent Statement

    This application is part of ongoing research at Franklin and Marshall College. It records information about when applications on your device are installed, uninstalled, or updated. By installing and running this application, you are consenting to participate in the "Update Timing Collector" research study. For the duration that you have the app installed or until the research project concludes, whichever comes sooner, data about your software updates will be collected and anonymously sent to the primary researcher listed below. Specifically, the following aspects will be studied and analyzed in detail:

    • Which apps users update more quickly.
    • The time between an update being available, and a user installing it.
    • Predicting the time of the next app update becoming available.
    • Security and vulnerability concerns of rapid app updates.

    The study does not require any participation or involvement from you besides installing the application and running it one time (thereby "activating" it until it is uninstalled) The installation and first run of this app should take approximately 30 seconds. If you would like to stop participating at any time, with no penalty, you only need to uninstall the application. All data is collected anonymously and stored under a fake name. Data can be deleted or removed permanently by contacting the primary researcher (listed below).

    This project has been reviewed and approved by the Franklin & Marshall College Institutional Review Board. Questions concerning your rights as a participant in this research may also be addressed to Marcus Thomsen, Ph.D., Office of the Provost, 102C, Old Main, mthomsen@fandm.edu, (717) 358- 4283.

    Primary Researcher Dr. Ed Novak 415 Harrisburg Avenue Franklin and Marshall College Computer Science Department enovak@fandm.edu

    Institutional Review Board Chair Dr. Marcus Thomsen 415 Harrisburg Avenue Franklin and Marshall College Office of the Provost, 102C, Old Main mthomsen@fandm.edu

    submitted by /u/fmresearchnovak
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    Compsci AP test advice

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:50 PM PDT

    Announcement – The Data Incubator Partnership with MRI Network

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:28 PM PDT

    How does a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in digital art sound?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:25 AM PDT

    At the college im going to, they have an arts program that teaches digital art which includes things like game design, photoshop, creating apps, digital moviemaking, 3d modeling, web design, creative coding etc. Where would these two degrees be employable? Would it be a good idea to get a BFA in digital art?

    submitted by /u/kidacrosstheblock
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