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    Wednesday, June 6, 2018

    Who's interested in group learning? learn programming

    Who's interested in group learning? learn programming

    Who's interested in group learning?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm Walid and I'm looking for people who are new to programming and are interested in doing it in group, so we can start together, motivate each other and be more committed :-)

    submitted by /u/w0a0l0i0d
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    How to prepare for C++?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 07:27 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm starting to study Computer Science (C++) in August and wanted to ask what a good way to prepare for it is, since I have a 2 month break now. I don't have much programming experience at all, although i fiddled around with C# for a bit. I want to put my free time in these 2 months to good use, and I'm wondering whether to just learn some C++ in that time, or start with something easier like python. I'm not sure if trying to learn another language would be helpful in that short amount of time, but on the other hand people seem to recommend python for a good base knowledge to programming in general.

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mamuttt
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    What is data science? A resource for beginners

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:59 AM PDT

    A few years ago, Bloomberg published a story called "What is Code?" It used storytelling and cool animations to break down a very complex topic: coding. I still remember thinking to myself: here's a story about programming written for me = someone on the outside looking in.

    Last year, I joined Thinkful and as I tried to get up to speed on data science, I realized that I could really use something similar to "What is Code?". And thus, "WTF is Data Science" was born. Over the past few months, I worked with a number of data science experts to put together this fun and approachable introduction to data science, machine learning, AI etc. I hope some of you find it helpful and would love any feedback! https://www.thinkful.com/blog/what-is-data-science/

    submitted by /u/adamelevenson
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    Web-Scraper Advice

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 02:28 PM PDT

    I would like to automate checking a single category on Amazon for a narrow set of criteria. Will following one of the web-scraping or bot tutorials accomplish this?

    I'm not asking How, just point me in the right direction. I'd like to figure out the project from there.

    submitted by /u/inferno006
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    [React.js] Can't get function to return a JSON from axios.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 10:23 PM PDT

    I have a function that sends data to my backend:

    export function loginUser(postData){ return axios.post(`${url}/login`, postData) .then(response => { console.log(response) console.log(response['statusText']) }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); }) } 

    I have another page login.js that calls this function to send to the backend. However I would like this function to return the response JSON (response n this case). But I can't get the function to return anything. When I use return response when I call the function loginUser it is undefined. Example :

    export function loginUser(postData){ return axios.post(`${url}/login`, postData) .then(response => { console.log(response) console.log(response['statusText']) }) response .catch(error => { console.log(error); }) } 

    I know a bit about regular Javascript, but I haven't used react.js that much. Thanks in advanced.

    submitted by /u/JohnKY1993
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    Our free JavaScript videos are on YouTube now

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    We've had a course on Coderbyte for some time now called Learn JavaScript in One Week and we recently just uploaded our videos for the course onto YouTube.

    The course also contains some coding challenges alongside the videos. We're also going to be uploading more videos in the future on other topics like Python, software development, and preparing for coding interviews. Enjoy the videos!

    Learn JavaScript in One Week YouTube Playlist

    submitted by /u/10_6
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    Can Programming Help Me Track Changes To Government Websites?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 10:30 PM PDT

    First off, I ask that you pls forgive my horrible ignorance of programming, but I have a conceptual question:

    • Is there a programming solution via which I could track and log any changes made to these two ice.gov web pages: one, two ???

    These two pages are where U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement uploads completed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Rather than provide the requesting party with a link to the documents requested, I've noticed that ICE refers users to one of these two pages to dig through a disorderly hodgepodge of thousands of downloadable HTML pages and downloadable PDF docs. In this way, ICE creates an additional obstacle between their own accountability as a federal government agency and determined American taxpayers looking for answers, like me.

    In short, rather than spend dozens of hours wading through these ICE.gov backwaters where the agency hides the results of my completed FOIA requests, is there a way to ... idk, crawl the page? Is that a word for this sort of exercise ... crawl? I truly hope so. It's truly embarrassing af to have no idea what I'm talking about. So much so, in fact, that I'd surely delete this post altogether where it not far worse to let ICE off the hook.

    A colleague did point me toward News Klaxon earlier this afternoon ... but it's late and before I wander down an interminable rabbit hole of trying to figure out how Github works, I'll put it first to you, Learn Programming fam ... Can News Klaxon solve my problem? Is there a better solution? Is a better way to learn by programming my own solution from scratch? I really have no clue.

    So to Wit -- I'm here to learn if/how programming can address the challenge of monitoring changes to pages on .gov domains, specifically ICE.gov. Doable? If so, pls teach me :)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mnrqz
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    Should I Only Become A Computer Programmer If I Am Dedicated To CS?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 05:06 PM PDT

    I was wondering if a career in computer programming would be right for me. I've been coding on and off for a few years and I enjoy it as a hobby but only for a few hours per day. I'm not passionate about it and I've heard when you go into CS programming becomes your life. I'm not sure if I have the dedication or interest to make it through a Diploma or Bachelor's program in CS. I would want to spend time doing other things outside of class because I would get sick of coding all day long. For anyone who is taking a CS program or who has taken it what is it like?

    submitted by /u/FallOutFighter
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    Python installation

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:50 PM PDT

    Is there a way to compile python code using a text editor? Right now I've been using Atom as the text editor and running it through the python terminal. It looks and feels really clunky, so I was wondering if there was a python equivalent of something like eclipse for Java

    submitted by /u/diamondustt
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    Learn to turn ideas into code.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 12:34 PM PDT

    It often happens that I can understand the logic to solve a particular problem but fail/struggle to convert that logic into code.

    To have a more concrete example, consider the following problem:

    Given an array nums, write a function to move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.

    After thinking for couple of minutes I came to conclusion that I need to keep track of the first zero element and first non-zero element and then swap them but I had to struggle to lot to implement the logic.

    class Solution { public void moveZeroes(int[] nums) { for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < nums.length; j++) { if (nums[j] != 0) { if (i < j) { swap(nums, i, j); } i++; } } } private void swap(int[] nums, int lo, int hi) { int temp = nums[hi]; nums[hi] = nums[lo]; nums[lo] = temp; } } 

    How can I learn and avoid common mistakes? am I missing some mental model to understand loops?

    Any tips would be really helpful.

    submitted by /u/b_curious
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    Which bootcamp should I choose?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 05:30 PM PDT

    My wife and I are moving to the Durham-Raleigh area and I am in the application process with Project Shift, Momentum Learning, and Tech Talent South. I'm trying to decide which of these three I should prioritize assuming I'd get accepted to all three. If anyone knows anything about these different programs and can recommend one over another I'd really appreciate it. I also included links to each program. Thank you.

    Project Shift - https://www.projectshift.io/ Curriculum - https://www.projectshift.io/curriculum/

    Momentum Learning - https://www.momentumlearn.com/

    Tech Talent South - https://www.techtalentsouth.com/ Curriculum - https://www.techtalentsouth.com/courses/code-immersion/

    submitted by /u/GohanSolo23
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    How can I fetch multiple JSON api urls? Promise?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 11:19 PM PDT

    So I have this code that gets a json api. How can I fetch multiple api urls within the same fetch function?

    fetch('url').then(response => { return response.json(); }).then(data => { // Code that works using the json data }).catch(console.error); 

    I worked with a few Promise.all examples I found online but they were all referencing text files and I couldnt parse the json correctly.

    submitted by /u/LATWENTYTWO
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    am i going crazy?? ascii table c++

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 11:18 PM PDT

    ....problem on hackerank needs me to use the ascii values for numbers and such.....but am i missing somthing...all i should have do is somthing like

    cout<<'53' for 5 right??? cause im doing that and instead of giving me a 5 its giving me big random numbers @_@

    submitted by /u/rhoona2
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    What should I do next?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 11:16 PM PDT

    To preface, I don't really have any great need to learn everything really quick, or to get started actually writing practical things immediately. I'm in high school right now, and planning on taking some programming classes in college, so I'm not too too worried about time, job market for languages, etc.

    I'm reading SICP right now, and once I'm done with it, I'm wondering what I should do next. Should I continue on with Scheme/Lisp, or just use SICP to learn the fundamentals and then move on to something lower-level and more practical, like C? If I should stick with Scheme or Lisp, how is the book "How To Design Programs?" Would I learn anything from it that's not in SICP?

    Any recomendations would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

    submitted by /u/llucas_o
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    Where to go from here?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 11:15 PM PDT

    Hello all, I am currently wondering if the path I am on is going to let me reach my end goal. Some background: I am 3 classes short of an unrelated associates degree, I am in an electrician's apprentice program, and I want to transition into a career in programming. I have been teaching myself through codecademy and freecodecamp. I don't have the means to go to a boot camp.

    So my question is: should I go back to college, finish my associates and then go on to get a cs bachelors? Or can I teach myself enough to get a job and let my work speak for itself? I have been under the impression that I could work my way into a position from teaching myself, but recently I have been told by a friend, who works for Adobe, that if I don't have a bachelors, they won't look at my resume at all.

    TLDR: Is it actually possible to get into programming and work my way up with teaching myself?

    submitted by /u/TheoRob
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    Important Announcement for those who signed up for Weekend Bootcamp

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    Dear all, Thanks for your strong support for the intro data science (python) bootcamp. A few hundred people signed up and so emails I have sent have bounced back. Please sign into the Discord Server for all bootcamp related announcements- https://discord.gg/PqkB5b2 I have opened channels for you to ask questions and share resources.

    Important Announcements

    -2:30pm EST class was more popular. So I will running the 2:30pm class this weekend. Will record the video and share on Discord Server for everyone.

    -Class will be live streamed on YouTube. No downloads needed. Will share link tmr after YouTube approves my live streaming account.

    -Based on feedback, I have decided to breakdown the 4 hour class to two 2 hour sessions. We will focus on the basics of Python (i.e., data types, loops) this weekend. Next weekend, we will focus more on data science packages like Matplotlib and Pandas.

    submitted by /u/g_pal
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    Need to develop a quick Find and replace program, what would yall recommend?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 07:25 PM PDT

    Gotta build a simple "Find" and replace program. Trying to create a program with 3 things on it, A dropdown menu, a text block that shows a text template that will change via the dropdown menu, and 2 input buttons that when filled with new info will replace a piece of text from the template shown on the page. The text being replaced will be the same for each template. Then display the newly changed template on the page. (Not trying to replace text in the source file)

    submitted by /u/Aef26
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    Is there a way for Visual Studio to compile and automatically link a library into a project without manually doing it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 10:48 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to use libcurl in my project. I can create a libcurl project, compile, dig for the .dll file, and then in my actual project, I add the include directory and library files in my project properties.

    Is there a way to do this automatically? That is, having libcurl as a standalone part of my project, so that when I compile, libcurl gets compiled and linked to my project? I can have its source code as part of my project's source code, but that sounds too messy.

    submitted by /u/TertiaryBlob
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    Is it always better to create a branch and then merge it to the main branch?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 10:39 PM PDT

    I'm learning to use Git in whatever I do.

    I'm learning to use OpenCV and made a Tkinter application using Python and am posting everything I'm learning to Github.

    But I just commit and push changes every time I make changes or add a new program. I see Git stores all the previous changes and thereby using up a lot of disk space.

    So is there a way I could create a branch and merge it to the main branch after every 10 days or so and delete that branch to save space?

    submitted by /u/priyankerrao
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    Calculating P2P ping using two server-to-user pings

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 10:07 PM PDT

    I'm probably being a blabbering idiot but I have an interesting math/programming problem.

    Let's say I have a server, and I have two users connected to the server's lobby system. The lobby system collects pings from both users, but due to how active the lobby system is, I cannot have the users directly ping each other unless there is a user-generated request as it would basically DDoS everyone. That being said, the game is P2P and I need to estimate ping between the users within the lobby system, while only given the server-to-user ping for each user. I understand that this may not be 100% representative due to not being able to traceroute but an estimation is good enough.

    Because the server is not involved after the users connect to each other, a regular ol' average of the two pings would unfairly favor those who are close to the server. I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, but I can't seem to think of it. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/TheSilenceOfNoOne
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    Why do C programmers use such weird function / variable names?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:36 PM PDT

    As a Java developer I was always taught that variable and method names should describe what the variable is for or method does perfectly. For example "getCharAt(int index)" is supposed to get the char at a certain index, everyone gets that. I'm learning C right now and I'm really confused. Why are C programmers using such weird names for variables and functions?

    Some examples:

    getrdtsc(void) struct iovec snprintf(...) 
    submitted by /u/Klausar
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    Possibility of a C# Console app running in the background on a Linux server?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:10 PM PDT

    So for our class we're creating a simple webscraper. We need it to parse website info based on user input and notify the user of matches. To do this (yes, I know there's better ways, but we have to do it a certain way because we're working with the networking class on it too) we are using an ASP.Net app for the UI, and connecting it to a Linux server, where the database and back-end console application will be run. My question is that I've seen a lot about running console apps in the background as windows services and such - is there a way to do something like this if the console app will be hosted on Linux?

    submitted by /u/florvas
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    Learn OOPs concepts

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 09:07 PM PDT

    As I am a newbie to programming I am looking to improve my skills in objective oriented programming. I have already solved a couple of problems from hackerrank oops section ; but this doesn't boost my confidence levels. I am seeking to solve more challenging problems related to oops concepts. Please suggest me from where I can solve ample number of problems related to oops.

    Note: Please ignore the grammar mistakes.

    submitted by /u/codeForSurvival
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    Looking to make an app

    Posted: 06 Jun 2018 08:56 PM PDT

    What's a good program to use to make an app ? I'd like the app to run on mobile devices .

    submitted by /u/MikeAdamo
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