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    Wednesday, June 27, 2018

    Rules should start at 0 learn programming

    Rules should start at 0 learn programming

    Rules should start at 0

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    I'm talking about this: https://i.imgur.com/EEFXkzY.png

    It should be R0, R1, R2, etc.

    submitted by /u/OverCoder
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    How do you focus when self-teaching programming?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:34 PM PDT

    I'm really interested in computers, computer science and programming in general and I particularly really like web development. I know I need to practice, work through tutorials and build up my skills but I genuinely find it hard to focus. I'll find myself going back to YouTube or Steam in half an hour. This does sabotage my learning.

    How do you focus on programming? Also, is brain fog normal when learning to program or writing applications, or is it just me that gets it?

    submitted by /u/TheUltimateInfidel
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    What's your story of getting into programming?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:37 PM PDT

    You've done it your whole life? You wanted a career change? You're interested in making computers do magic?

    I'd love to hear why/how everyone here first started coding.

    submitted by /u/okdenok
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    Made my first electron app! It's a desktop version of the messages.android.com website for texting from your computer

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    Here's the github page for it. Right now it's pretty simple and it's just a webview for the website. If you want to contribute to an open source project, this would be a good one since it's pretty simple right now and there are tons of way to help out. Feel free to send me PRs!

    submitted by /u/alexsparty243
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    how to go about creating a script for clearing all cookies on exit of a page?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 11:35 PM PDT

    Im really interested in writing a script for my browser that clears all tracking cookies on exit of a page or even better, when the page reloads.

    Im not sure what language would be best to write this in or how to get started. Any ideas?

    Any help is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/thenewdev1
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    Enlight - Learn to code by building projects

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:19 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have a side project called Enlight (https://enlight.nyc) which teaches anyone to code by building fun projects. I think the best way to learn is to learn by doing, and that's why I built this platform. Enlight has several contributors and I just launched a new version with support for accounts, project submissions, and project requests.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the site and how I can improve it! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/shamdasani
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    Clearest written HTML 5 tutorial?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:55 PM PDT

    I don't care how much I have to read as long as it is written clearly. I am so frustrated at this point. I have had to ask twice about something that was trivial because the text describing it was not clearly written.

    submitted by /u/opentoinput
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    Is it a good idea to have business logic in database stored procedures instead of the app layer?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:25 PM PDT

    I am inheriting a codebase that is a web app where all database calls are done via stored procedures. This was done for security reasons: giving the web app access only to the stored procedures it needs keeps the database safe if the web app is compromised. All business logic is therefore in PL/SQL.

    I see a few cons with this approach:

    • Difficult to maintain/test
    • Need developers with PL/SQL expertise
    • Difficult to scale, can only scale vertically


    • Security

    I am building a case to move the stored procedure logic to the web app layer. The main roadblock is security. I believe that if the web app is pwned, we're screwed anyway in both scenarios, hence why I think moving the logic to the app layer and following security best practices in the app is the way to go. I am curious to know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/throwAwayException2
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    How to learn by reading documentation?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:14 PM PDT

    I currently learn through videos unless I have to memorize definitions for exam which then I go through books.Learning through videos is fun and understandable.It helps the most when I am learning a new framework.

    But some problems I am facing is when I forget something,I have to remember the video and skip over to the part and try to understand.I wish I could just read from somewhere and copy the code if I have understood it.

    Since CS is pretty much going to be my career I think I should be learning through documentation.I noticed that videos don't go over the whole documentation and skip a lot.So when I am trying to implement something from the documentation,I fail.

    How do I get better at learning through documentation?How do I know what to skip and what not to?The most frustrating documentation are of frameworks.They assume I know all those difficult terms and just go ahead and show the code for it.And even worse is,the actual language of the framework and the way it is implemented at framework seem to have no relation at all except for braces,semicolons and way of defining functions and class.

    The latest I am currently feeling this is with ElectronJs.Googling around,the prerequisites seemed to be some basic understanding of JS,some knowledge of npm and "you can build a Desktop app in an hour".

    Of course I can if I blindly do what the tutor is doing but I didn't understand most of the code.

    I feel if I at least make the app run myself reading the documentation,I will have accomplished a lot even if i dont understand the whole code because next time I go through it,even when completely forgetting everything,I can grasp things like the first time.

    I know as a beginner videos are really useful and many of you will mention videos are great for beginners.I have been programming for 3 years almost now and I feel I have gotten nowhere due to the way I learn.I think it's time I try doing things the professional way and go through documentation.


    submitted by /u/IamATechieNerd
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    How to integrate mongodb with module.exports in nodejs?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:07 PM PDT

    MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) { }); module.exports = function(app) { app.route(apiUrl) .get((req, res) => something) .post((req,res) => something); } 

    EDIT: How to connect them together?

    Tried, but it doesn't work. 404 error.

    MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) { module.exports = function(app) { app.route(apiUrl) .get((req, res) => something) .post((req,res) => something); } }); 
    submitted by /u/laksjdf0jnmdfpqpwpm
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    Free UML and Sequence diagram software

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:03 PM PDT

    I want to make a presentation and I need to present my UML diagrams as well as Sequence diagrams for a certain idea.

    Is there free software for developers that can aid me with this?

    submitted by /u/ace1309
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    I would like some project ideas for a summer coding program

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm working at a library and they'd like to do a program where we have to do a coding project that would be something similar to what you might do in the real world, over the course of 2 months. Off the top of my head I am thinking of a project that involves some basic automation tasks or some data processing program. I think the target is to be able to teach people who are adept computer users (teens interested in learning to code) some basic programming concepts and how they would relate to creating some software in the real world.

    Any ideas?

    edit: If you have any additional questions or I didn't explain everything enough just let me know so I can explain it better

    submitted by /u/made-me-login
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    is that the true dir where to save software binary when compile

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    i changed the directory where to save binaries for future compile processes on linux

    but this error show up

    Command 'sudo' is available in '/usr/bin/sudo'

    The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.

    sudo: command not found

    why the hell the sudo path changed i only changed where to save future binary? what to do?

    someone told me it's not the right place where to save binary

    submitted by /u/angelafra
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    What should I use to create a application for Playstation?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:34 PM PDT

    For example, what platform/language was used to develop Netflix inside the playstation? The application itself. I need to know more about this.

    I know there's the devKit, but I need to know what to use to make those netflix-like interfaces.

    Also, if it's too hard to develop for Sony, what else can I use to make applications like Netflix?

    Not sure if this is the right sub for this, if it's not, I can remove it.


    submitted by /u/caick1000
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    I was asked to post this here: A quick rundown of how a computer can start with transistors and end with a web browser.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:57 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm not a regular here but I do love trying to teach others and share my knowledge. I posted this in response to an askreddit question, and /u/abhinav4848 asked me to crosspost it.

    I've always loved computers and wanted to understand how they worked. But they're damned complicated, aren't they? It took me a long time, but after seven years of searching, I figured it out. I'm hoping maybe I can save you guys some of that time.

    Here's a hint: nobody can think about the whole thing at once. It's just too complicated. So instead, we built it into layers of abstraction. If you can understand each layer of abstraction, you can understand the whole. As such, I recommend going at each one individually, as suits your fancy.

    First level: a transistor is a switch. We can combine those switches into logic gates like AND.

    Second level: We can do basic math like addition using those gates (look up a half adder or a full adder). We can also do other operations like bit shifting.

    Additionally, we have configurations of logic gates that will hold on to a 0 or a 1. That way we can use a group of them to store a sequence like "0110". This group of memory cells is called a "register".

    Third level: machine code. We use the 0s and 1s in our memory cells, feeding them to logic gates. Those gates route the other 0s and 1s to a section of logic gates (like the aforementioned full adder). There are also gates that will move new instructions into our memory cells. That way we can have a sequence of what we want our memory cells to be, like "0110" and next "0001". Each of these instructions represents doing something, like "0001" could represent addition.

    Clarification: The 0s and 1s in our register get sent everywhere. However, only one group of logic gates will let them in, because only one set of logic gates will fit the pattern from the instruction. So "0001" will only "fit" into the addition block.

    Fourth level: assembly code. Instead of writing 0s and 1s, we give them names. Instead of "0010"ing "0001" and "0011", we "ADD" "1" and "3". Instead of storing data at address "01100101" we store it at address "STORAGE".

    Fifth level: C code (AKA a third level programming language). Instead of telling the machine that "01100101" is the location of "STORAGE", we write code that says we need a "storage" variable. We then run this code through an assembler that has been keeping track of all of our requests and assigns an address for "storage". Basically this just hides a lot of the grunt work that we'd otherwise need to do with assembly.

    Sixth level: libraries. Instead of rewriting code every time we want to calculate a square root, we reference code that has already been written. Maybe even written by someone else. Instead of writing the code to manually flip bits in the screen to make colors, we reference the code that does that for us. Now we're integrating other people's code into our own.

    Seventh level: programs. Instead of manually integrating other people's code into our code, we can just run a compiled version of their code and let it do its thing. These compiled programs can do math, they can create graphics, they can do basically anything. And we can just run them. This is what you deal with on a day to day basis. Double click a program and it runs.

    There's a bit more than that, of course, but that is the general foundation of how computers work, from bottom to top. Oh, and they don't actually need billions of transistors. You could make do with a couple hundred. But, just like using a calculator is faster than doing math yourself, those billions save a lot of work for the CPU and let it only work on the complex stuff.

    (And to the more experienced among you -- I apologize for some of the sweeping generalizations I made. This guide was intended to be quick and fun, nothing more)

    submitted by /u/Dirty_Socks
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    Java program to read from a text file and add a phrase at the end of each line

    Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:03 AM PDT

    So basically i have a text file of about 15 lines and i want to add ":8080" to each line.what is the simplest way to do this?

    example of text file:

    so on...

    want the outcome to be

    so on...

    submitted by /u/airwreck98
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    Is there something like a CFA of CS?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 11:19 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm new to the world of programming, but I want to use to more in my day to day job. I've taken a few courses on edX, codeacademy and udacity. But I was wondering whether there is some sort of universally accepted course I can take that would show my employer that I'm serious about it. Eg in the financial world you have something like CFA or an MBA in the business world. Yes, I've read about these bootcamps, but they are not that well known. Any thoughts here?

    submitted by /u/ARESXIV
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    [CSS Animate] How do I animate a diagonal line, as though it's being drawn in real time?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:56 PM PDT

    I'm referring to a line that starts at Point A and animates itself until it reaches point B.

    One thing I've looked at is SVG, but I feel like there must be a better way using CSS animation by using keyframes, or something else. Any guides/tutorials?

    Something like this but I'd like the line to stroke itself, as though someone is drawing it in real time.


    submitted by /u/oh_hai_it_s_me
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    Programmer's Health and Well-Being Subreddit

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I created a subreddit /r/programmerhealth to discuss all things mental and physical well-being with programmers and developers. It's pretty difficult to watch your own health in any field as we get busy, but Computer Scientists don't only face debugging issues; we also have to deal with mental and physical health issues as well. Feel free to join and share any health issues you are having as well as find help too! Thank you all.

    Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/programmerhealth/

    The subreddit is mainly geared towards developers, programmers, and Computer Science students, but anyone can join and contribute here as well.

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/uG8aRrt

    submitted by /u/programmerhealth
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    Do I really need an inversion of control?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    So, I've been programming for some time now, but have somehow avoided using any kind of inversion of control. Now I'm working on a Unity based project that could potentially need one. In that, someone else on the project has a "stateless state machine" library they got from somewhere (and has a proper licence for use), and has asked us to look it over and see if we can use it for our goal manager. The thing is, all of our demos and examples worked completely perfectly using a set of enums and and a handful (like 3) boolean variables and a single loop. While I am aware that IoC;s have their uses and can be really helpful, I'm wondering if in this case it might be overcomplicating things, when just those handful of variables and if statements alone can solve the generic versions in around 80 (condensed, aka no excess whitespace, no comments, no debugging lines leftover) lines of code?

    submitted by /u/TGotAReddit
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    Where do I start when creating a web app?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:16 PM PDT

    I want to start making my first real web app and have no idea where to start. Should I make the front end part first or the back end? Do I add features as I go or do I create something with minimal features first? Lastly, I know some Python, CSS, and HTML, is there any other programming language I should learn before trying to do this?

    submitted by /u/iOwnUranus
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    Aggregate and combine multiple messages and message types to a single document.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:14 PM PDT

    I am looking for recommendations / techniques for how to approach a problem.

    Basically, I have a scenario where pieces of a document get streamed to me (think rabbit mq). However, the individual pieces are not really that useful to me / my webapp. However if I can combine multiple messages of different types, over time, I'd be able to piece together the "full document". By "full document", I mean it could be a noSQL record or even a single record in a DB with nulls for the values that haven't streamed over yet.

    Naively I'd approach this with reading the messages as they come in, and for each message, fetching the related document as stored in my persistence layer, adding or updating the info from the message, then writing the document back to my persistence layer in whatever state of completeness it may be in. However, I don't think this would scale with needing to handle thousands of messages a minute and having thousands of "full documents" I'm trying to build up- one for each user interacting with the system.

    Is there some technique or strategy I can read up on for accomplishing this sort of thing? The sender of the messages doesn't ever have the full document either or I'd just "use their DB/data". Hopefully this makes sense but feel free to ask and I'll try to clarify anything that doesn't.

    submitted by /u/megadork
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:10 PM PDT

    is nodejs server for js like apache for php?

    if yes why bother myself not hosting my js scripts on embeded page in apache webserver?

    submitted by /u/angelafra
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    Creating a basic business website with a shopping cart

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:16 PM PDT

    So I need to get pointed in the right direction to create a basic business website that includes shopping cart functionality.

    Is there a guide I can follow? I understand this will take some time, but I have some background in programming. Is The Odin Project suitable for my needs?

    Basically I want to create a website for a friends very small business pro bono.

    submitted by /u/Panthor
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