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    Tuesday, June 26, 2018

    Adding text in HTML with Javascript Ask Programming

    Adding text in HTML with Javascript Ask Programming

    Adding text in HTML with Javascript

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:06 PM PDT

    So my goal is to add text to my HTML written blog using Javascript. I am new to Javascript so I only know the very basics of Javascript.

    Any help will be appreciated! Thanks

    submitted by /u/feedmycookie
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    Magic Square help in C!!!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:44 PM PDT

    Hello I have a problem, the sum of the columns (horizontal values) the result is 32 and 36, only with pair orders, please I need help fast!. This is the code:





    int i,c,n,r;

    /* We get the range of matrix in variable n and use

    to set the range for magic square box */

    printf("Enter the range of magic square\n");


    int arr[n][n];

    /* In first for loop we use to arrange the elements

    on the equations of magic square box */



    r=(n-i%n+1+2*((i-1)/n))%n; // for row //

    c=((n-1)/2+i-1-(i-1)/n)%n; // for column //



    /* Here we print the generated magic square box using nested for loops */











    submitted by /u/yeoxd09
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    Should dev tools live in the same repo as the company's product?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    I am in a friendly debate with my boss about whether a new tool that will help developers work on one of our products (a PHP web application) should live in the project's git repository. What the tool will do is pump mock data (i.e., live user data such as location data of mobile users) into our local instances of the product so we can observe how features work locally as we're building them out. I am of the opinion that this tool should be it's own repo for the following reasons:

    • The tool is in no way coupled with the project
    • The tool can be written in any language
    • The tool is not necessary for the product to function in production
    • There is no need to ship the tool to production along with the rest of the code

    My boss' arguments for keeping the tool in the same repo:

    • The tool is used to help developers work on the product so there's no case in which a developer would want to have the tool repository without also having the product repo
    • There is a non-zero cost to having multiple repositories in the form of overhead in finding where things are and configuring the repo settings and such
    • The tool is not very big
    • The pattern of adding tools to the product repo has already been established

    I'm wondering what the community's thoughts are on this. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/walter_melman
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    Is the Soundcloud API registration permanently closed?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:30 PM PDT

    Hello! I am in the middle of a project, and to finish it I was planning on using the Soundcloud API, when I went to get my client ID I learned that they were no longer accepting registration of of new apps.

    Is this permanent? I've seen other people having this issue, but I've also seen people online saying they are currently using the API. Do I have to scrap my project?


    submitted by /u/MIVHlhCCVZ
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    What does it mean for a reference to be unresolved?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:58 PM PDT

    I am reading about linkers and how they resolve references (in the context of the C compiler system). What does it mean to resolve a reference?

    submitted by /u/Inita_Life
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    Help finding a program to check DMV cancellations?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:33 PM PDT

    Just failed my drivers test, was wondering if there was a program that could check if a date was cancelled so I can book my next driving test faster

    submitted by /u/NanoDesu69
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    Can I create a Search Engine and Search Wherever I want?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:14 AM PDT

    What I want to create is a Search engine but that is not the problem, I want to know If I can freely use for example Amazon, or Ebay products as part of the result of the querries of a user search?? or Do I need permission from them or anything?

    submitted by /u/john1587
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    How can I get rid of these if statements from this Vue.js Loop

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:51 PM PDT

    What I would like todo is make it so there is only one img tag in for-loop below. The only thing that differs from image to image is the class. The only reason that the class name is different is because I wanted each image to have an animation that could be applied conditionally.

    Is there a better way to apply a conditional animation to each image?

    <div class="charbox" v-for="(player, index) in gameState.players"> <img v-if="index+1 == 1" class="charicon left" :id="`player-` + (index+1)+ `-portrait`" :src="player.character.portraits.livePortrait" :class="{'shakeIt': shake1 == true}"> <img v-else-if="index+1 == 2" class="charicon left" :id="`player-` + (index+1)+ `-portrait`" :src="player.character.portraits.livePortrait" :class="{'shakeIt': shake2 == true}"> <img v-else-if="index+1 == 3" class="charicon left" :id="`player-` + (index+1)+ `-portrait`" :src="player.character.portraits.livePortrait" :class="{'shakeIt': shake3 == true}"> <img v-else class="charicon left" :id="`player-` + (index+1)+ `-portrait`" :src="player.character.portraits.livePortrait" :class="{'shakeIt': shake4 == true}"> <div class="charinfo left"> <div class="lives"> <img v-for="n in player.lives" :src="player.character.icons.liveIcon"> </div> <div class="kills"> <img class="left" src="../assets/icons/swordicon-bg.png"> <p class="kills_count left">{{player.kills}}</p> </div> </div> </div> <script> let app = new Vue({ el: '#overlay', data () { return { shake1: false, shake2: false, shake3: false, shake4: false } }); </script> 
    submitted by /u/tikimyster
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    Anyone know what type of angular table this is? Attempting to make something exactly the same

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:33 PM PDT

    is there a good macro and/or character recognition software for a Non-compsci university student?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 11:39 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a university student currently doing an internship at a corporate company my job at the internship is a very simple task that can be done by a macro and I am considering purchasing the standard edition of macro toolworks 8.2 but I am not very good with dealing with computers and do not know how to write a macro all I need it to do is: 1- mouse click on several consistent coordinates on the screen to scan a paper. 2- recognize (image recognition) some letters and numbers from the scanned paper (pdf file). 3- type those numbers and letters into an excel file

    is Macro toolworks the right software for this? or would you guys recommend a different way to do this simple work task? and is this something that should be paid for? please help, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/finito793
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    Powershell possible scoping problem

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm cleaning up a script I wrote in a hurry for manipulating active directory, and having problems with this function:

    function Accept-InputLoop([String]$queryString, $key, [System.Collections.Hashtable]$hasharray){ do{ $userInput = read-host $queryString if($userInput -ne 'c'){ $correct = read-host "$key will be set to $userInput. Is this correct? [y/n]" if($correct -eq 'y'){ $hasharray.add($key,$userInput) break } } elseif($userInput -eq 'c'){ $correct = read-host "$key will not be set. Is this correct? [y/n]" if($correct -eq 'y'){ $hasharray.add($key,'') break } } } while($TRUE) } $enterphone = "testing. c to cancel" $user = @{} Accept-InputLoop($enterphone, "OfficePhone", $user) 

    Running the actual code body works as intended, but when trying to call Accept-InputLoop, it doesn't seem to actually pass the variables to it. Does anyone have any insight?

    submitted by /u/qwadzxs
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    How do i make my webpage automicaitcally open at 75% instead of 100% zoom?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:44 PM PDT

    I need my webpage to open at 75% instead of 100% (which is what most people have by default)...

    I am building a website with Wix...

    If there is code, could you provide it? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/throeeeeey653444332
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    Xojo with Slack API and PHP

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:58 AM PDT

    I have my employer wanting me to make a integration for Slack using his existing vb code with a php file.

    To better explain, basically his existing code has hard coded data for a user's client_id, client_secret, scope and redirect_uri, which are needed for the Slack API. He also has a message box which lets someone then post a message to Slack. But he wants me to integrate PHP into this and have the authorisation process done with PHP.

    But as far as I can see and know, PHP can't work with Xojo.

    Please provide any answers to this issue or any alternatives I can suggest to my employer.

    P.S. here is the code he basically wants me to replace and make functionality in PHP

    Dim http As New Chilkat.Http

    Dim success As Boolean

    success = http.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial")

    'success = http.UnlockComponent("VSNBAS.CB11117_SSiv2wLZ745y")

    If (success <> True) Then



    End If

    Dim req As New Chilkat.HttpRequest



    req.AddParam("scope","incoming-webhook,Web API")


    Dim response As Chilkat.HttpResponse

    response = http.PostUrlEncoded("https://slack.com/oauth/authorize",req)

    If (http.LastMethodSuccess <> True) Then




    End If

    If (response.StatusCode <> 200) Then

    System.DebugLog("Error status code: " + Str(response.StatusCode))




    End If

    // The JSON response is in the response BodyStr property


    System.DebugLog("-- Success.")


    submitted by /u/DNDLoser07
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    Why do websites strip out newlines in their 'Contact us' tool?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:01 AM PDT

    I've noticed this in quite a few places.

    "Send us an email through our handy tool!"

    I send a nicely formatted email, but when they respond with my original message attached...

    Every single newline has been stripped out. It's all in a single line.

    I've just seen it again in a professional website, even my "Sent" messages is in a single line.

    submitted by /u/Shrath
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    A problem to solve

    Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:30 AM PDT

    Dear Reddit Programmers,

    I need a problem to solve digitally. Any problem of any person, community, generation etc. I would be very grateful, if you could post some suggestions. Not the solution, just the problem.


    submitted by /u/Yuffel
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