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    Tuesday, June 12, 2018

    Experienced developers, What advice will you give your amateur self? web developers

    Experienced developers, What advice will you give your amateur self? web developers

    Experienced developers, What advice will you give your amateur self?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:17 AM PDT

    EDIT: thank you all for the advice. I'd try to practice them.

    submitted by /u/dudewith3faces
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    EU devs: please contact your MEPs to avoid having to implement dumb upload filter systems

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    What are some good things to do when first launching a site?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:55 AM PDT

    For example registering your site with google and using google analytics

    submitted by /u/zergUser1
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    Now, you can deploy your Node.js app to App Engine standard environment

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:01 PM PDT

    Docz — It has never been so easy to document your things!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:15 AM PDT

    [meta] mods aggressively locking posts with good discourse

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:33 PM PDT

    Someone pointed out a bug in a CSS framework here: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/8qifp6/the_bootstrap_4_navbar_isnt_even_behaving/

    People commented with: debugging info, how to fix the bug, thoughts on nav bars, and recommendations to submit a bug report or submit a PR to fix the bug.

    All in all, quality discussion for a post that was just a screenshot of a bug, especially one that had 200+ upvotes.

    Why was the post locked? The post did not break any rules. And the mod stickied his own comment to the top reiterating what others have already said.

    submitted by /u/qqqyqnz
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    Should I be hiring a Web Developer, a Full Stack Web Developer, or a Senior FS Web Developer?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:19 AM PDT

    The company that I work for is not a tech company. We have an internal web application (.NET C#, SQL, JS) that I've created and maintained for the past six years. I am a cowboy coder, self taught, make mistakes (some good, most bad), but get the end product out to my team. When I go back and revisit code I did 3-6 years ago I am angry at myself, but the product works, so I refactor and move on. I am an army of one here. We're looking at bringing someone in to assist me in getting some new things added and bring the app into a more professional design and feel as well as add tons of new functionality.

    It's daunting to think about hiring someone that I need to train, as anything I would be training may not be the industry way of doing things. I would potentially like to hire someone under me who has far more professional experience and can assist me in doing things the right way.

    So, the question - what should I aim for? Would a senior full stack web developer even want to work at a place without a formal development team? Any insight on what kind of resource I should be striving for?

    Our endgame goal here is to be able to release this product commercially to other small businesses in our field.

    submitted by /u/impediment
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    SCAM ALERT - iThemes won't disable auto-renewed subscription

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:37 PM PDT


    This company provides us 0 value, yet since signing up they won't disable the subscription which automatically renews every year.

    We are going to have to take up the issue with our credit card- manually entering a stop payment against this vender.

    They have no phone number, no real way to contact their company.

    By their own words, they send out fradulaent security warning to scare your customers:

    "Make Money by Selling WordPress Maintenance

    End the feast and famine cycle of freelancing by offering WordPress maintenance services... you make steady, reliable income by helping you provide monthly WordPress maintenance services for your clients."

    1Theme Security Pro provides value to freelancers by occasionally sending out erroneous security emails.

    submitted by /u/bishopZ
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    Were you also, as a Junior, made to feel like you're below others?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    Ever since I started as a junior Full Stack dev, I was always afraid of working with much more experienced developers, since I feared my opinions would be easily dismissed compared to theirs.

    At first I thought I was wrong, as people actually wanted to hear what I have to say, but eventually I realized that when the chips are down, my opinion is irrelevent.

    Once we started debating on whether to do something this way or another, and the discussion heated up, my opinion would always be trashed by the claim I'm inexperienced (even though I'm pretty sure I was in the right, and I'm well aware when I could be wrong).

    I'm all for learning and getting criticism, but it's come to a point where it just feels humiliating, like I'm lesser than them as a person.

    This isn't about being a good or bad developer, this is purely how in some places Juniors are treated.

    Have you ever experienced something similar?

    submitted by /u/dor442
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    A short Gitlab tutorial for curious people

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:48 AM PDT

    Trying to Log IP if a cookie exists but for some reason only my IP is being logged?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:35 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I made a small WordPress plugin that's intended to create a custom db table and then store the IP of any user who has a certain cookie set (the cookie is set elsewhere when a user accepts some terms via a popup). The table is being created fine, but some lovely people helped me out with testing and for some reason the only value that I can get to show up in the table is my own IP address and no one else's. The only difference I can think of is that I'm a logged in user but I'm not sure why that would make a difference. Code is below:

    function euconsent_activate() {
    global $wpdb;
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'eu_consent_ip';
    $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
    $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
    ip VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (ip)
    ) $charset_collate;";
    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
    dbDelta( $sql );
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'euconsent_activate' );
    * Add IP to Table
    if ( isset( $_COOKIE['eu-consent'] ) ) {
    global $wpdb;
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'eu_consent_ip';
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    'ip' => $ip

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/dogshaveweirdfeet
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    How to copy and paste formatted text from Google Docs to Wix blog editor

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi there, I have a blog on Wix, and I like to write my posts in Google Docs and paste them into the editor, as Docs is more reliable when my internet connection is spotty. Unfortunately, I've run into a problem: formatted text (such as italicized book titles) turns into plain text when I paste it into the Wix editor; however, while troubleshooting, I found that the inverse is not true: formatted text copied from the Wix editor pastes into Google Docs with formatting intact. Is there a workaround that will allow me to copy formatted text and retain the special formatting when pasting into my Wix blog editor? (I'm using Google Chrome).

    submitted by /u/Natnlgeoharry
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    Nudging users to choose a capable browser

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:55 PM PDT

    Director of Data Science offering FREE HELP for resumes

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:54 PM PDT

    This is not click bait, but I should warn you, this will be a quick, harsh, one-time edit for YOUR BENEFIT. I have seen enough bad CS/WebDev/ML/DL whatever you want to call yourself to understand that there is simply not a robust understanding of what people are hiring for.

    I could care less if you know 15 languages fluently. I hire for ATTITUDE and TRAIN for skills.

    I don't care if you know 15 frameworks, if I am paying you 60k plus, you will do it my way. HOWEVER, if the attitude is there, and you are teeming full of confidence, I could be SWAYED to do it your way!

    You are asking for peoples money, so you need to be prepared to back it up.

    Just quick advice in case this actually gets traction: IF YOUR RESUME IS LONGER THAN ONE PAGE I WILL TRASH IT.

    If I get over 20 resumes, I will link and rate them for you all so you can understand an INSIDERS point of view in regard to the hiring process.

    TLDR: ONE PAGE RESUME (unless a federal application, or CS gig that needs a TSCI clearance), NO PARAGRAPHS (unless stated otherwise), NO MORE THAN 4 BULLETS PER JOB (unless less than 3 jobs), AND YOUR NAME BETTER BE THE BIGGEST THING ON THE PAGE (if you have experience, your education goes last.

    Wishing you all the best! I am only harsh because I believe in you, and will hold you to hire standards than you dare hold yourself.

    -A :)

    submitted by /u/evilpineappleAI
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    Need help splitting a hexagon into 6 triangles so I can show different content when each is hovered over.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm making a website for a friend where I need to split his logo into 6 equal triangular slices, but have no idea how to do it.His logo is a hexagon, and for every slice that is hovered over, I want to be able to show different content. I can draw a simple sketch illustrating the point if my desorption of what he wants isn't clear enough.The part that I can't figure out is how to segregate the hexagon into 6 triangles. The closest I've gotten to doing it is to cut the image into 6 in photoshop, then position each part differently, but that doesn't really work very well.Was wondering if any of you could help? cheers

    submitted by /u/meemoooo
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    Learn how to handle authentication with Node using Passport.js - Learn how to set up model's password, handle logging in & out, protected routes... - all from scratch!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:15 PM PDT

    Easier scrollytelling with position sticky

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:09 AM PDT

    how do you use another websites login as your own

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:46 PM PDT

    You're probably going to give me tips on FB / Google / Twitter login integration and that's really cool, because I don't know how that works either

    but more generally, could you do it? and how?

    a bit more specifically, I need to do a project for college on a mini website (basically 1 or 2 pages lol) that I have to create, and wondering if there was anyway to use campus login as login for the website I have to create.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Trolldermort
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    i need a manager

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:56 PM PDT

    i'm a freelancer/contractor & i love to make web sites but i hate business crap. the way i approach money in general is so stupid that i would very seriously rather have somebody else deal with it.

    when it's time to get paid i feel like i'm asking for a handout, i feel overwhelmingly grateful for being paid on time & what we agreed on and i just know that this type of mindset allows clients to walk over me. i also consistently price myself lower than i probably should/could, and underestimate projects. i tend to get excited when reviewing a project , which has probably only caused harm on myself.

    i'm getting pretty good at accurate timelines & scope of work type stuff but i'm still very bad at business relationship type stuff. if somebody negotiated all my deals, worked with clients as a sort of in between & found me work i'm sure i would actually make more money giving them 30%+ of all my income. that's how bad it is. i have friends who are artists, and they have managers that act as a layer between them & people that could utilize their skills because they are awful at mostly anything that isn't art. why can't i have a similar type deal for web dev?

    other than the obvious part of getting good at business management, what have other people out there done to combat this? i just wanna make the websites

    submitted by /u/pentillionaire
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    How would I remove the vertical line when the text is wrapped?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:56 AM PDT

    [Off-Topic] need help with startup share numbers

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:47 AM PDT

    Hello, So one of my friend and me are starting up. He's a non programmer, but the idea is his.

    I will be taking care of all the tech stuff, like from arichitecture, coding, maintaining servers, managing and guiding interns, deciding tech stack and maintaining the whole codebase.

    He will take care of design(UI), PR, marketing, bringing in funding, Finding candidates for employees/interns etc.(ofcourse ill evaluate the tech part of them)

    now we have decided to take roles as, he being CEO and me being CTO. Now we both are kind of new to this, so we actually couldn't come up with the numbers for our % of share. So can anyone tell me what's the reasonable market numbers to take?

    Also note I can't be considered as a founder as he was with this idea for a while and made a poc with some college freshmen but it was not great and couldn't really afford a experienced full stack developer who can manage everything. So I thought I'll invest my time and skills in it(also hes a good friend) and I may be investing a bit of money too in future.

    Please note: the CEO guy is not trying to con me with lower numbers. Hes a good friend.We both just dont know what's the reasonable number to put for both of us without affecting the % that will help get funding in future.

    submitted by /u/Ragzzy-R
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    What's considered best practice when it comes to releasing large-scale web sites/applications

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:03 AM PDT

    My company is currently trying to work out the best way to enable a better release process.

    In short, we want to be able to release quickly while reducing the risk of releasing to different parts of the site. So if a change to the homepage of the site is being released, we want to be able to release that part of the site knowing that it won't impact the rest of the site (and we could roll back or patch the deployment independently too then).

    It's a large application with 50-100 engineers working on it, so there's a lot of change going in, which is why we're looking at breaking up the deployments somehow.

    I'm just wondering how other projects handle this? Is there a way of splitting deployments without having to split the codebase up?

    I've only historically worked on projects where the whole site is deployed as one package, but was wondering what other devs working with similar concerns were doing.

    We're currently looking at splitting the site up into distinct deployable 'microsites' (home, account, payments etc) each with their own codebase, but I'd love to hear what approaches other teams use…!

    submitted by /u/ep1cw1n
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    How blockchain technology can become more accessible to developers with 8base

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:58 AM PDT

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