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    Sunday, June 17, 2018

    Big 4 Discussion - June 17, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - June 17, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - June 17, 2018

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - June 17, 2018

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Resource]: MIT Career Development Handbook [pdf]

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 05:11 AM PDT

    Many of us struggle to find a good guide to prepare resume, nail interviews and find better jobs. This is a nice guide from MIT


    submitted by /u/__bee
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    Have to leave company due to sociopath boss, what do I do?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 03:41 PM PDT

    Hey. I just got the notice on Friday that I need to leave the company and I seek your advice. I would love your thoughts and input on this because I am baffled by this entire experience.

    I'm a backend developer, graduated pretty recently, with some years of expertise. I have experience in most areas: mobile, backend, infra, frontend, so basically full stack, but choose to do mostly specialised backend, ML and mobile.

    I've been working at a smaller company for 9 months, and I have loved it. I have a very big impact role at the company that touches every area of the product, the only one working on ML.

    I have been a bit on the fence about my boss since day 1. When I signed, I had multiple offers, but went ahead with the small company because of the big impact role, working with what I love.

    When I signed, I was promised that:

    • I would be able to go to conferences and go over the given learning allowance to do so to learn more
    • I would be able to take courses online on the companies expense to learn more
    • Not have limits in cloud computing
    • Focus on what I want to work on after learning internal services in a few months

    None of these happened during these nine months, even after I asked multiple times. I coded backend and learned how a couple of our services worked in 1-2 months, and had to do the frontend too. I did data engineering for a month and then worked closely with product on a few products, constantly asking when I was going to do ML. I'd deliver on every project within the timeframe, sometimes extended to the next sprint.

    During this time, my boss constantly made excuses and made me focus on a bunch of different tasks, small, unnecessary tasks and made excuses about even building any infrastructure. Every time I would bring it up, he would say "don't worry, someone is working on it". Slowly, people began asking me what was going on with my role and why I wasn't doing these things: I said 'well, my boss wants me to focus on these things instead, I don't know what to do.'.

    During this time, he noticed that I wasn't taking his shit anymore.

    He began to become uncomfortably close to me. Watching my every move, walking around my desk, or where ever I'd be and listen in on conversations. He'd eventually sit in front of me and while I was working, he was literally staring me out, creeping. On top of this, anytime anyone had a question to me, he'd interrupt me and tell them his version, trying to outsmart me.

    I wanted to share the knowledge about my field in the company because a lot of people was interested. He fucking hated that. In our next 1:1 he would be like 'Interesting, so you're doing this huh, how are you going to find time?'. He'd join, and would look extremely agitated when I presented something, refusing to look me in the eye. Then, he would try to override me and ask me trick questions. I noticed that he was highly incompetent by this point and simply answer politely.

    Then, out of nowhere, he went from agitated of me to very... Kind. He wanted to become my best friend. The CTO of the company came back from leave and literally asked me 'Why isn't anything here? Why haven't you prioritised building infra and investing in product' - I told him straight up that it's because my boss. He said 'Why are you getting micromanaged by him?', and I replied 'What else should I do? He's my boss'. My boss literally told him that the reason we don't have the platform and infra was because I hadn't done anything, and that I should be fully focused on working on this and drop all other projects - WTF?!

    I started to become sad and pretty much depressed. I had given up chances and opportunities of a lifetime having to play games with this fucking fool of a boss. I didn't tell anyone these things because I was pretty much in denial of what his intentions were.

    I started to become uninvited to meetings. I asked to join, but he made sure I wasn't invited, because I had 'to focus on other things'. He let others do my work and deploy my work without asking. He told me 'You don't have to go to any meetings, or do any organizational stuff for a long while, focus on getting infra done and creating value'. He'd interrupt me when I wanted to know more. This made me even more depressed. I was shut out of my team, and started getting sick more and wanted to pretty much work from home more.

    Before my performance review out of nowhere, he tells me 'You have a problem with being organized and writing tasks for what you're doing, nobody knows what you're doing. You shouldn't work here and there, you should sit at your desk and work. Your goal is to, for a month write all you are doing in dotted format in this shared document with me so I know exactly what you're working on, and you should be here at the office.'. I'm good at what I'm doing and everybody knows this, so nobody can say anything about the code or tech, or my personality.

    Then, he calls me to a meeting with the CEO. They said I haven't been doing what I should do and that there's uncertainty. The CEO was very understanding and said that there would be a plan with what they want from me so everything is clear. Weeks went by, no plan came through. Just more, new things 'to focus on'.

    Now, I'm a pretty social guy. Literally everyone at the office knows me and talks to me and invites me to lunch, parties and what not. I have only made good friends/colleagues at the company. I got invited to do HR work as well and I did it, writing manuals and guides for the entire company. I am good friends with the CTO too, and he was supposed to be back on Friday.

    We had to stay very late for weeks to get this done, he would just surf and drink himself drunk every night, not doing anything to help. He got so drunk and started saying shit that he wanted to invest in me, I would get so many opportunities etc, only if I put in the work and stayed late, be last in the office for a couple of years, stay until 9-10PM?!

    Are you kidding me? I had already been working until the moment I went up to the moment I went to bed, AND on weekends.

    8 months in, he was so in on being my best friend and mentor, ie wanted to know what I do at all times 24/7. Reorg happened and he grabbed me in a 3 man team.

    Then, it happened. I was brought into a meeting saying 'this doesn't work' due to: 'not appearing in meetings and being inconsistent with delivery', with him and the CEO. I'm getting a new contract for resigning and leaving the company quietly, two months salary (I have a 3 month due notice in my contract).

    TLDR: Followed extreme micromanagement from boss, doing everything he says, got depressed and sick, blamed my faults on me and then making me leave the company.

    What the actual fuck? This has been such a disturbing experience. Why are people degenerates like this?

    What would you do here?

    Over the weekend, I reflected on all of this and I have to say - I'm so glad this happened. I'm finally free from this control freak and parasite. I got goosebumps all over my body and it was like I had been healed. I got ideas again. My depression literally got healed. I have done so many things around the house and organizational stuff I have been holding off because I have been literally paralyzed by this experience and ignored how I had been treating myself, everyone around me for months.

    submitted by /u/chemkick
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    Should you disclose you have a disability if it's not a visible one and requires no support?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 01:46 PM PDT

    I'm applying to jobs and a lot of larger companies have "Do you have a disability" question. I have a recognized disability - doctors notes and all - but it's not at all visible and doesn't affect my work to the point where my current boss has no idea and of all my friends the only ones who know are the two I've told.

    I'm wondering, though, should I disclose my disability (in saying yes, not actually saying what it is)? Would this make me less likely to get hired even if they wouldn't admit it? Would it help due to quotas?

    submitted by /u/AgoInfluence
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    How much do you look at glassdoor reviews

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 11:47 AM PDT

    I have two interviews scheduled this week with start-ups. One of them is a series B start-up, with good benefits. However, they have some negative reviews on Glassdoor. Two are mainly saying that management is mess. There are other reviews by some engineers who were recently laid off without severance pay (different location than the one I'm applying for). These reviews have me worried (3.2 stars, about 20-ish reviews).

    The other start-up I'm interviewing for doesn't have any reviews on Glassdoor.

    Do you guys think I can judge the working environment by the reviews. I have the interviews coming up and was wondering what I could ask to get a better feel for the environment.

    The one thing I'd like to know is if the environment is negative, and if they might lay me off without any severance pay like the other reviews on Glassdoor seem to say.

    submitted by /u/anonymoose-goatee
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    How does a heavily technical IT internship stack up against a "Software Development Internship"?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 03:31 PM PDT

    I have a summer internship in IT, but not help desk type stuff. I've been building UIs for webapps and doing lots of front end stuff and a little server side.

    My question is really how do you guys think this will stack up compared to someone who interned FOR software development. Like I said, my internship is in IT but not stereotypical IT. Way more technical. Will employers hiring for dev positions discount the experience because of the IT label, or do I just need to make sure I let them know the nature of what I did?


    submitted by /u/GeneralDevice
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    What's something that's great about being a software engineer?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:26 PM PDT

    Everyone who's developed software for longer than a week has a horror story or two. We almost take that as a norm. But sometimes we're also quick to forget the great moments, but we all have great moments too. Why do you love your CS career?

    submitted by /u/Rob_NoStops
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    Need some advice

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:56 PM PDT

    I'm 24 turning 25 this fall. I had to switch majors and switched to cs. I finished my first semester well and got 3-4 more left before I graduate in undergrad. My question is should I do masters? I am kind of tired of school and want to finish asap and already wasted a lot of money in my other major. I'm thinking of combining it with an it minor and hopefully that is good with just an undergrad. Would this be fine?

    I've never had a job actually and I don't know what I can do about that but I hope to get an internship next summer would that hurt me

    submitted by /u/progamer9690
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    Negotiation Round: how do you answer recruiters asking you to stack-rank their companies, especially before getting actual numbers?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 03:14 PM PDT

    I've had the good fortune of receiving a few verbal offers, and one part that I'm always unsure of how to approach is how to answer this main recruiter question, which persists through the onsites and offers and negotiation stage - "how do you feel about the opportunity with Company X, and how do we rank against the other offers you have?"

    Some more targeted questions, especially if anybody has hiring manager/recruiter perspective:

    • If you have a #1, do you ever just flat out tell them that they're #1? I feel like this is easier mentally, but can only imagine it hurting your negotiating position.

    • Is it ever okay to candidly tell a company, "if all compensation is equal, this role isn't at the top-tier. However it's not far off and could easily leapfrog the rest if the offer is much higher" This always feel harsh/brutal to say, but it's honest and to the point, which should only help companies optimize their strategy to land you as a candidate.

      • On the flipside, I can imagine this torching the idealized vision of a candidate who is going to come in seeing the place as a perfect 10/10 role. And I can imagine some more cult-like companies that would just rescind an offer because they only want people who fully "buy in" to their culture, etc. Is there a tactful way to still convey this sentiment, or are you better off to just grit and play the part?
    • How many of your other offers should you reveal? What if that is a really large number - it seems like it'd give off the impression that you are a bit of an interview whore, and/or you're aimless and don't really know what you want (which could be true in my case). But given that you've passed the interviews and they want you - does choosing between 10+ offers vs 3 offers ultimately help or hurt from a negotiation standpoint?

    If it helps set the context, I'm looking at typical big Bay Area software companies, but I'm sure there can be answers targeted towards other markets/fields that will be just as interesting.

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway789
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    Really Pushy, Sketchy Recruiters

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 03:08 PM PDT

    I had a question. I was using a recruiter to bolster my job search. None of the opportunities he found for me worked out, and now I've gone and found a good gig on my own. I have signed with them.

    This recruiter is asking me questions about what other jobs I'm applying for, which companies I'm in process with, etc. Honestly, I really don't appreciate being milked for information in this way. I feel like he's really just using me to get access to a lot of these companies in order to try to pivot and refer candidates to them.

    I would prefer this shady guy to know as little as possible about the employer I've signed with. Whenever he asks me about where I have been interviewing, I've only been giving him names of the "bottom of the barrel" places where I would never interview again. I am considering telling him that I am going to one of these places.

    Is this a good idea? I could really use some advice here. This guy is really pushy and creepy, but I don't necessarily want to spoil my relationship with the recruitment agency that he works for, just in case I need to use them in the future.

    submitted by /u/eagle83z
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    Giving up a manager role to be a developer again

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 03:47 PM PDT

    I've heard this story from at least a handful of people who built their career up to management and then deliberately sought a retreat back to a developer role with less responsibility. I've been in management for a while now and it's a very fickle beast. I'm actually pretty comfortable with the pressures to deliver and answering to execs, but atm I'm in a role with such nebulously-defined objectives that I'm constantly stressing out about what the hell is wanted of me.

    Who here has taken a step back in their career? How did you go about doing it? How do tell a recruiter to ignore your title and hire me as a senior dev and give me a pay cut? How did it work out for your long-term career goals/mental health?

    submitted by /u/tootie
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    Got a phone screen coming up, still feeling rusty. How long should I postpone?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 05:11 PM PDT

    Given the amount of material I need to cover, I postponed my interview a couple more days. But now I've heard people saying they practiced on leetcode for months before feeling prepared, I have a week. Should I postpone? I'm spending way too much time on sample questions (like hours), and don't feel I'm fast enough. Do you think they'll be annoyed if I want to reschedule more weeks ahead?

    submitted by /u/s_nation
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    What formula should I offer my client to go from freelance to part-time at his company?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 05:06 PM PDT

    I have been freelancing for over three years and this year, things started to pick up very well.

    I recently got a very good client. This client offered me to work as full-time or part-time.

    Last year I made 55K and this year I might hit 60K. In the city where I live(Montreal), 55K is a very good income.

    Now the thing is, that I would like to be part time at this company and still be able to keep my current clients. This will help me buy a condo very soon.

    My question is: what can I suggest to my client?

    I thought of guarantying at least 3 days a week which can be done from their office or from home. They will be charged weekly for 3 days even if i am not given work.

    This seems a bit harsh and I like to keep thing very smooth and flexible, what do you suggest other than that?

    I also charge them 45$/hour, so I thought i will drop it to 35$/hour if they take me as part time.

    Need help with more suggestions. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/_BodyBuilder
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    Can I ask to move my start date up?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 02:52 PM PDT

    So about 2 weeks ago (end of May), I accepted a verbal offer from the hiring managerto start at a big company.

    During this call, I was asked about when I could start. I answered that I would like at least a month since I need to relocate. I was told that this was no problem. Last week I got my offer letter with an official start date of July 16th.

    So i've been preparing for the move and i've realized i'm bored out of my mind, and would like to start sooner. I've already signed the official offer letter with the start date. I know there is an onboarding process about 2 weeks before the job start.

    I was wondering whether it would be appropriate to email my recruiter asking if it would be possible to start a week earlier (July 9 instead of July 16). I don't really have a specific reason other than having nothing better to do. I'm hesitant to ask because I didn't specify a day in July, so they might have given me that start date because the hiring manager might have requested it or some other reason.

    Would this annoy my recruiter? I'm not sure how lengthy the process to move the start date would be, and whether it is worth asking to start just a week earlier.

    This is for an entry level position btw.

    submitted by /u/doctordiddy
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    KCML (Kerridge C Macro Language)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:45 PM PDT

    Is a job at Kerridge Commercial Systems a dead end because of the language they use to write their products? I'm told that they use KCML, a more or less proprietary? language. I can't actually find much information on it. I'm trying to find a first job out of college.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Trolldermort
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    How did you figure out your direction in your career?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:40 PM PDT

    I'm a graduate and I'm answering some self assessment questions that should help give me some insight on myself so I can figure out where I want to head with my career.

    At a ground level, I like problem solving, automating, creating, fixing, programming, being challenged and resource planning. I also know that I'd rather be in a development role as opposed to a supporting role. I struggle with going more into depth than that. I thought I liked Machine Learning so I took a class on it to only be bored when learning the algorithms. The idea of AI and ML are more intriguing to me as opposed to the actual work behind it but maybe I just didn't get far enough with it. Besides that, I really can't think about anything else that's piqued my interest. I know there's plenty of fields within CS but this has been really challenging for me. Right now, the idea of complicated graph systems like suggestion algorithms sound interesting to me but I haven't actually tried to "work" with it yet and I don't know what kind of career that is.

    Right now, I've sort of been floating around just solving whatever problem gets thrown at me. I want to have at least a general form of direction in my career. Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/mezapizzalol984
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    Increasing My Internship Chances

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:35 PM PDT

    I'm currently a rising sophomore and will be going back to school towards the end of August. so I have roughly two months and a week till I get back to school and I really want to make the most of my time from now on till the end of my summer break, so I thought I'd ask here since there are a lot of more experienced people here who can give top notch advice.

    Anyways, here's my situation. I've taken two semester's worth of Java and one semester of C programming and AVR Assembly (as far as my cs background is concerned). I've also taken discrete math, linear algebra, calc 3, and two semesters of applied stats at the 400 level. Just wanted to mention that in case that has any effect on any suggestions anyone recommends.

    I really want to get an internship with a big n company. I know a lot of people say to start small and then shoot big but I see a lot of time that sophomores do land internships with these big companies and I want to be able to do the same. That being said, I was wondering what I should be working on this summer to increase my chances in doing so.

    In case anyone was wondering, I want to be employed as a software engineer.

    Here's my resume and GitHub profile if necessary:

    I just don't know what to do over the summer. Like I hear people say pick any side project and work on it but like that's not entirely true. I should at least do something that fits what I'm applying for. Idk I'm just lost. Any suggestions on what I should do to at least stand a shot at big n companies next summer would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/kids_eat_drugs
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    What does it take to get into a place like D.E Shaw

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 05:35 AM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. Does anyone have experience interviewing or working for D.E Shaw?

    According to their website:

    Our employees include Rhodes Scholars, Fulbright Scholars, Putnam Fellows, and both International Mathematical and Physics Olympiad medalists.

    Does a normal person without any of these accolades have a snowballs chance in hell?

    submitted by /u/ExactResist
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    VACO SF Student Innovator Program?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 04:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys! Today I was invited to apply for VACO SF's "Student Innovator Program." I have linked the article they have on their website below but I wanted to see if this would be beneficial for my goal of working for the Big 4 as a SWE. I assume there wont be much coding but would it be worth it in terms of networking? In the email they mention that I'd be flown to Google's HQ for a training summit although I have no idea when I'd even be able to network while there (if at all). The pay is not specified and the hours are 20/month. Thanks in advance and sorry for the rushed post; I am currently on my phone and in a rush.

    Link: http://www.sfvaco.com/student-innovator.html

    submitted by /u/throwaway211018
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    time constraint

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 08:00 PM PDT

    For big companies interview, what are the time limits? Is it limited to 45 mins or 1 hour for leetcode medium question? For whiteboard interview, you need to work with the interviewer and thus, time is flexible?

    submitted by /u/zorororo16
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    I was told I'd be a software engineer intern but I have been working with databases and writing SQL queries instead. Will this still look as good compared to a software engineering internship? What would you call the work I am currently doing?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 07:44 PM PDT

    I do enjoy working with SQL so far. Its actually the first time I have done so and am quickly learning alot. I would rather have done regular high level programming but unfortunately it does not look like it since the company restructered their IT department right before the start of my internship.

    I'm just wondering if this will hurt me since I am graduating this Fall and haven't gotten an actual software engineering internship. The company is a large health insurance provider so I do think their name will look good but am more curious about the title and experience itself. Is writing queries considered a database developer or would it be something else?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheLionest
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    Recent High school graduate. Can't figure out what to do in college

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm a recent graduate who has had a interest in technology all my life. A few years ago that love centered onto computers and I have wanted a career where I could use that love. I'm going to school (community college) in the fall and can't decide what to major in. I have looked into CIS, CS, and IT and the jobs they offer. I know CS is very math heavy compared to CIS AND IT and I'm not good at math so I'm scared to major in in but I also know that it offers more and better paying jobs than the other majors. Can anyone offer any assistance on what I should do.

    submitted by /u/s0frosty23
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    Help/advice on Job offer negotiation.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 07:23 PM PDT

    I'm not in US , So, this is not USD or anything.

    I'm a fresh graduate (still didn't graduate, completing studies at the end of the month). As I've posted some days ago. My batchmates (who're still studying like me) who already got job offers accepted the offers in range of 90k-110k as an average. Some of got offers for 175k (around 20 people) , 140k (8 people) and lowest is for 85k.

    And I received a job offer from a startup. They asked me my expected salary, but I asked them to give me an offer as I thought they'll come up with something I'm comfortable with. They said 40-60k is their salary range for a fresh graduate. Then I said 90k-110k (after reductions) is the average salary range and asked them to consider it, and I said that I'll be able to start from 1st week of July, if they consider it. s Then they countered that the best they can do is 70k before reductions (tax and so). I was considering this over the weekend. As I like the company, tech stack, team and the domain, I'm comfortable with minimum of 80k after reductions. I'm going to reply them with saying that. And something came up (have to submit a Thesis for the final research project) and I won't be able to start on 1st week of next month, but I can start on second week**.** As I'm going to counter the job offer (salary), how can I ask for 1 more week as well ? And I was asked about Salary only. So how can I ask for information on full job description/ benefits and others (PTO and so on)

    TLDR : How to ask to extend the starting date (which I said I'm ok with) by one week in salary negotiation mail ?

    submitted by /u/sp3co92
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    Phoenix, AZ

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 06:59 PM PDT

    Anybody working as a software developer/engineer in PHX?

    How is the job market there? Overall vibe of the city? Good developer community? My background is .NET...

    submitted by /u/ChadeepThundersheet
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    Starting First Internship

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 06:47 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I am starting my first internship tomorrow and am pretty nervous. I was told that I am going to be working with Java, as well as Javascript for some front end related stuff, so I presume I am going to be doing full stack work. Regardless, it is my first time and was wondering is there anything that I should know? Tips/tricks to looking good?


    submitted by /u/BlackCasperrr
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    Any tips on starting new job?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2018 10:54 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I just graduated my Masters and will be starting out as an SDE in Seattle at a company I also interned in during my Summer last year.

    My question is this: there were always certain things in my office work, that I never really bothered to understand, because I was in general; feeling lost (no prior job experience) For example when I saw some ancient technologies like Pro*C. I always shut off my brain thinking that I will never be able to pick these large technogies up simply because there was too little time for that(I'm the stereotypical get hyped about new language/framework and work on it type of guy) . I was able to convince my Manger to let me work on a fresh project requiring a different perspective but that convincing was much easier for me as an intern. Interns are in general already treated as liabilities IMHO; but as an actual part of the cog now, I can't do that anymore.

    I don't want to keep running around aimlessly for the first 1 month like I did during my internship.

    Any tips on how to start better? How do I build reputation? Any specific aspects I should focus on?

    submitted by /u/yugonline
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