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    Monday, March 12, 2018

    Unused CSS - Scan your website for unused CSS selectors web developers

    Unused CSS - Scan your website for unused CSS selectors web developers

    Unused CSS - Scan your website for unused CSS selectors

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 06:13 AM PDT

    Why we don't hire girls!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:15 AM PDT

    Spring Webflux, simply amazing

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 07:18 AM PDT

    Employee is an awesome Web Developer and I love having him on our team. I moved him into a management role, but he seems to have weak IT management skills. What can I do to help him succeed?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:14 AM PDT

    Sorry for the wall of text. I have a situation and I am looking for some practical advice.

    tldr- I'm a small business owner. One of my best employees is leader of a 2-person IT team. We are expanding and I want to hire 2 more people and keep him in charge. He's an awesome web developer who works his ass off, but he seems to have very weak management skills. He doesn't know how to delegate well; he has no system for planning tasks of a large project; doesn't know how to hire or assess employees. What can I do to help him succeed in a management role? Training? Classes? Conferences? Other ideas?

    The Details

    I own a business with about 18 employees. I have an IT staff of 2 in-house people. (It was 3 people until last month; One left to pursue another opportunity.) We publish niche information files (reports) and sell them online.

    Both people on my IT team are amazing, but struggling. They have both been with me for over 4 years. They are great programmers who can do a variety of things - manage AWS servers, javascript, css, php, email servers - everything we need.

    One person was put in charge of the IT team - he's the most talented and productive developer who puts in a shitload of hours and works super hard. At the time I appointed him IT Leader, we had him and two other developers with similar, well-rounded skills. They have all worked well together.

    They have done a great job with our current site over the years, but honestly the work hasn't been overly stressful.

    Now we've recently taken on a new development project. It's basically a newer, more complex version of our website. I have put aside a decent funding for development. I even told my IT leader that he can hire a two more full-time, in-house programmers if he needs to. Or if he prefers, he can hire freelance, remote programmers. Since he knows more about web development than I do, I put him in charge of the project, and basically told him - whatever/whoever you need - we'll make it happen. Just give me the plan.

    Here's what I am discovering: My IT Leader is a phenominal, hard-working guy, but he doesn't have a clue how to manage the development of a new project.


    • He doesn't know how to find and hire additional programmers. (I can tell because he is dragging his feet. And his only idea is, "I can look for some qualified people on LinkedIn and contact them.")

    • And he admits he doesn't know how to train a new employee.

    • He's afraid new hires won't be able to integrate with their "coding styles." (He's probably right. They don't really do code audits and both programmers have very different styles.)

    • I have found that he isn't very good at giving me realistic completion dates. (He severely underestimates the time tasks will take. He thinks they can do everything really quickly, but despite their best efforts, things take time.)

    • He doesn't track projects well. There are no steps or charts - just a million random post it notes and sheets of paper all over his office. (He does get them all done, though.)

    Now, I want to keep this guy in charge if I can. Why I want to keep him:

    • He works like 60+ hours a week, even though he doesn't have to. He loves his job - or seems to anyway.

    • He's kept our websites running beautifully for years. He is definitely charismatic and seen by others as a good leader. We've never had any major IT/development-related problems.

    • He is loyal to the company. He sincerely cares about our product and our customers.

    • He's been in charge for three years already. While he never had to plan a big development project, he's been good at delegating routine tasks. Other IT members like working for/with him.

    • I am afraid if I hire someone else to be in charge, I may eventually lose him. And I don't want that. He's one of the best employees we've ever had.

    Our company is growing and I want him to eventually lead a team of 3-5 people. What can I do to help him become a real, honest-to-goodness IT Director?

    I want realistic timelines. I want him to help hire fresh talent and assess their work. I want him to plan projects. I want projects broken down into small delegated tasks.

    I am willing to do whatever I can - pay for training; give him time for training; hire consultants; pay for additional college.

    I am not an IT specialist, just an entrepreneur / business owner. I don't know where to begin. But I do know I love having this guy work for me; I want him in my company long-term. Instead of hiring someone to be his boss, I want to grow this guy into the IT director of a slightly larger team.


    edit: Yes, I've talked to him. He says he wants to be leader of a larger team. I have expressed my concerns. He says he will do what needs to be done, but I can tell much of this is over his head at this time. Also, since he is leader of the team now, hiring someone else as IT director is 1) a crapshoot and 2) would probably been seen as an insult. I mean, he HAS led the IT team successfully for 3+ years.

    edit 2: Lots of awesome advice, and plenty of good points to think about. Keep the replies coming. I really do appreciate it. I have to leave the office for a tax meeting, but I will return to this thread later this afternoon.

    submitted by /u/guano-is-bird-poop
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    Question about <li> spacing standards

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:46 PM PDT

    Hi I am just wondering if anyone knows the general standard for margins between each <li> (in a blog)?

    For ex: if I have a 1em/14px margin bottom for my paragraph <p> text, what margin should I set for each <li> listing?

    submitted by /u/jasoncdu
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    Moved away from Web development three years ago and now looks like tools and the process for bootstrapping projects have completely changed. Any good resources to get up to speed with how to start new projects?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:20 AM PDT

    Basically back then it was common to use grunt or gulp to manage the lifecycle of HTML/JS projects and some people additionally used to use Yeoman to create their project directories. SCSS and Less were popular tools for creating maintainable CSS. There were a number of tools used together with Grunt or Gulp to compile CSS and JS into one files for each.

    What tools are being used today to create HTML/JS? Is it Webpack?

    submitted by /u/LamborghiniVeneno
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    How do you reconcile the idea of keeping your digital footprint that can be tied to your real life personal info minimal in order to reduce your chances for getting hacked in some way, and marketing yourself with resume websites/portfolios/linkdin/public gethub accounts/etc. ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:11 PM PDT

    As someone who is just gotten to the point of starting some freelance work and applying for jobs, not sure how to proceed.

    For example, I want to upload my resume website I've created to my webhost and submit it to /r/design_critiques, but then I will be exposing my reddit account to my real name and info. How do I reconcile that?

    submitted by /u/csrabbit
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    A Chrome extension that extends your Google search results on Github repos with customizable information such as: star count, time since last update, primary language and many-many more

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:39 AM PDT

    Is there a app on OSX that will let me edit any HTML/PHP file locally and it will automatically, incrementally synchronize the modified file(s) via SFTP on a remote server? (i.e: so I don't have to edit files, save, then upload everything via FTP because I forgot which files I modified)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:44 PM PDT

    Standardizing Node.js Version in an npm Package

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    Are there any popular websites that exclusively use JWT with the HTTP Authorization header or as query parameter for session management instead of using cookies?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:57 AM PDT

    While JWT is useful for implementing authentication for APIs, looks like some people are using it for session management on their Web apps too and others believe it is not a good idea to do so [1] [2].

    But I haven't stumbled upon a big or popular Web site that uses JWT for authentication and session management.

    Are there any that you know?

    submitted by /u/behrangsa
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    past work experience + years since graduation on resume?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys, currently studying to be front end web developer and would like a question.

    I graduated back on may 2016 with degree in mechanical engineering but due to some personal problems both mentally and physically, my gpa was low, no internship or work experience due to chronic depression. 6 month after graduation, on november 2016, decided to go for part time job at retail store to get myself back together, and for some reason ended up staying there until now, so it's been around a bit over a year.

    My questions:

    1. Will employers frown upon me for working in retail when it comes to landing a front end webdev job?

    2. When they say degree will help, are they talking about cs degree or degree in general? Regardless, it's almost been 2 years since my graduation...

    submitted by /u/yalalilili
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    I feel like I should feel ashamed for tbis thing I made, but I'm kinda like not...

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:21 PM PDT

    Is there free web hosting for devs?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:57 AM PDT

    I want to try building a website from scratch and I was wondering if there is somewhere that can host it for free. I've only found Github pages as of now.

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for the awesome answers! Really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/lightning391
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    Need help with initial web page

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:52 PM PDT

    When ever I go to my website on chrome it displays a distorted version of the homepage. However, whenever i click on home (which should lead to the same page) it looks correct.

    Edit: HTML btw

    submitted by /u/Tekkit126
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    Lighter than Lightweight: How We Built the Same App Twice with Preact and Glimmer.js

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:02 PM PDT

    Web Development Top 10 Articles for the Past Month-v.Mar 2018

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:06 AM PDT

    Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance - Rough.js

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:46 PM PDT

    Best PaaS for Node/Express?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:33 PM PDT

    Working somewhere where we need to start scaling some of our microservices for about 2-3k users at a time, max. I would definitely like to balance ease of use with cost. So far, we've been using Heroku, but I'd like to know what ya'll think of other PaaS options, like Google App Engine, AWS, Azure, etc.

    submitted by /u/Hardlydent
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    Do you guys think it's 'appropriate' to put an image of yourself on your portfolio website?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:30 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm working on developing/designing a new portfolio page for myself currently, and the hero image is a full-body picture of myself...The more that I am working on the design, the more pretentious i find it to come off as.

    Am I overthinking it, or is adding a picture of yourself to your portfolio page frowned upon? I know its usually a big no-no to have a photo of yourself on a resume, but not sure the consensus about using it on your portfolio site.

    e: Here is what I was going for in my wireframes: https://imgur.com/a/pmfwW

    submitted by /u/BenKincaidWeb
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    Using Pre-Signed URLs so Web Apps Can Safely Upload to Object Storage

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:15 AM PDT

    Are these characters important to escape in HTML?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:41 PM PDT


    I'm wondering if it is recommended to escape (or not use) the characters below for XSS protection.


    Special/unsafe characters within an HTML comment. This would mean removing them, i.e NOT including the copyright symbol:

    <!-- ©2018 --> 


    Apostrophes within a JSON structured data script (since it's important to escape them within tag attributes), i.e:

    <script type="application/ld+json"> { "description": "I love description\0027s" } </script> 


    Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/signinginagain
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    Alternatives to Meetup.com

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:26 AM PDT

    Hi everyone- I host a bi-weekly webdev workshop / meetup in Philadelphia. I started this with a Meetup.com page since I found, from personal experience and with a little research, that it had most of the target market for what we were doing.

    Thing is though, the group quickly ballooned and we have a lot of interest. Which is good! But Meetup is, in my humble opinion, ridiculous with their pricing model- it turns to 15 a month after 50 members join, 20 after 100. We're sitting around 130 presently and it's just kind of a bummer to me that something like this is costing 20 a month. I understand it's the userbase we're paying for but really, 20 dollars is buying us hosting for a couple static HTML files and a minimal database for the occasional comment or question.

    I don't want to abandon the page because I worry it's going to lose us a large reach, that is to say the developer community on Meetup. But I really hate giving them this monthly fee just because they can charge it. I'm renewing it for this month but in the meantime want to come up with a solution.

    Do any of you have experience with setting up meetups or workshops outside of, well, Meetup? I'd be very interested in your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/ohphono
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    What is a good adsense alternative? I got rejected due to insufficient content, but the nature of my content is more centered around an app/game, so it's difficult to add more textual content.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:09 PM PDT

    What is a good adsense alternative? I got rejected due to insufficient content, but the nature of my content is more centered around an app/game, so it's difficult to add more textual content.

    submitted by /u/ScratchTrackProds
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