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    Monday, March 12, 2018

    Interview Discussion - March 12, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 12, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 12, 2018

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:08 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 12, 2018

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:09 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How difficult is a move to EU? Backend engineer with 1 year experience

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm a backend engineer with 1 year experience in NYC, mainly using Python. I lived abroad for two years and would like to spend another few in the EU. I'm primarily looking in Germany and the Netherlands.

    I'm only a US citizen, so I'll need a work visa.

    Any advice? How hard will this be given I only have 1 year experience?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ghengiscohen
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    In the spirit of Monday, how do you handle days where you just aren't motivated?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:51 AM PDT

    A typical day in the computer science field, such as software engineering, often requires critical thinking and problem solving.

    How do you guys handle the days where you just aren't feeling motivated? How do you continue to make smart decisions and write quality code on the days that you want to be anywhere besides work?

    submitted by /u/NowImAllSet
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    What is your weirdest perk you got at a job negotiation?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 07:13 AM PDT

    Just read Medium: how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation

    And I really like the idea of not only asking for higher pay. And ask for other things like flex hours, relocation expenses and maybe even that the company matches your charity donation.

    What is the weirdes perks you asked for? actually got? or can think of?

    submitted by /u/ABrownApple
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    Interning at Nordstrom?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    Hey guys

    I received an offer for Nordstrom's summer technology internship. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the program? Like what you worked on, what you learned, likes/dislikes.

    I found a couple posts about it, but I'm looking for more recent experiences like from last summer or even the year before (Summers 2017 & 2016).



    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/nordstromIntern
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    Job prospects after first internship, does it get a lot easier? Please share your experiences.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:39 PM PDT

    I was able to secure my first internship at IBM and I go to an unranked non targeted school. I applied to countless places and was able to land 3 phone interviews. I did not get a response from bigN. My question is how much easier does it get to land interviews at top tech companies after your first internship?

    I will be graduating next year but I would like to secure one more internship, preferably at a top company as IBM seems to have a bad rep for full time work.

    Should I work on more projects or just focus on interview prep hoping I can land interviews at more desirable companies?

    How much of a difference did first professional work experience make for you guys, especially in terms of interview response rates?

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway19877
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    Is it uncommon to find extroverts in this career?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 06:03 PM PDT

    I love CS but to be frank I've almost always felt that I didn't fit in. I spent more of my free time at in a very social and liberal university near my home than I did at the tech oriented university I went to.

    I don't dislike anyone but often I spent my time frustrated with trying to actually make friends with the introverted people around me. No one ever wanted to go out, they'd just want to play video games or spend time on the computer. I also didn't really have much time to go out myself because of all the stuff I needed to do, so I was sort of stuck with the people around me. I only ever knew of five people who would ever want to go out and who were extroverted like I was.

    Honestly, after graduating last week I just can't see myself doing anything related to CS in my spare time. I have branched out a lot to be honest, most of my close friends are not in CS. There's only really one guy in CS who is a close friend.

    Does anybody feel this way? Is this something out of the norm?

    submitted by /u/TheDude1009
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    Path to be an entry level QA Engineer

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:33 AM PDT

    Okay. So I know this subreddit has a lot of people who are aiming to be a Software Engineer but I am one of those few (? I think?) people that would like to be in QA.

    There seems to be a lot of information about how new grad SWE are recruited but can anyone explain the process for New Grads wanting a path in Software QA? I'm not sure if I should be continuing grinding through DSA or focus more on testing practices. If anyone has information about this field that would be great, thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/helleeo
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    Some people greatly downplay how tough it is to get a Web Dev job with no experience. Why do you suppose they do that?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 07:23 PM PDT

    I was reading a reddit post where people talked about how they got their 1st web dev job. They all indirectly said that it was luck.

    Meanwhile there are people online who basically say "Just learn to code, build a portfolio, and start applying. Your personal projects will count as pro experience."

    However, when I talked to a recruitment firm's VP earlier today, he straight told me that junior developer roles require actual pro experience.

    submitted by /u/MatCreatesStuff
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    Can't get an internship, don't know what I'm doing wrong

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 07:16 PM PDT

    I have a 3.49 GPA, currently in my sophomore year... I've applied for 160 internships (this semester), about a dozen of which were companies I met at the spring career fair. This semester I only received two interviews (both from career fair companies); one never got back to me after the interview, and the other told me they gave too many offers and had no more space. Last semester I did slightly better, applied at 40 places and got 4 interviews, but none of the interviews got me an offer. I'm trying to stay positive and keep applying to places, but it's starting to make me feel bad... what should I do? What am I doing wrong?

    Edit: Resume

    submitted by /u/Vigamoxx
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    It happened!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 06:49 PM PDT

    I just got a full time offer from the company that I am doing my internship at, and I'm over a year away from graduation!

    I have followed this sub for about as long as I have been a redditor. I have really appreciated the positive attitude and helpful spirit of this sub. Thanks for always being there when days were darkest!

    submitted by /u/Eyes_and_teeth
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    Can I get the opinion of someone who has quit their job without another one lined up?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 08:18 AM PDT

    There is always the stigma against quitting your job without another one lined up, but I wanted the opinion of someone who has actually done it in our field.

    The reason I ask is because in the next month or so I need to move from Los Angeles to Sacramento. I am a front end developer with a bachelors in CS, 4-5 years experience, most recently using Backbone, Marionette, Handlebars, etc.

    Given my current schedule/situation, its unlikely I will be unable to find something in that time, and am a little worried how unappealing this will make me to potential employers. I feel I should also note, financially speaking I am fine.

    EDIT: Thank you for the responses. It seems like the general consensus is a bit split, but overall positive. Kinda a reflection on how I feel about the whole thing. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/thowaway_too
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    How to deal with a dysfunctional company, a terrible code base and really bad code from team lead?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:45 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Senior developer lost in a totally dysfunctional team and company. What should I do?

    I'm a senior developer and recently I changed jobs, moved to a new country. It was a really bad decision picking up this company, I'm now starting to regret it very much. Every day I lose more and more of my motivation to work, I've never been in this position - I consider myself a highly motivated person. I've worked in 3 companies before and I loved every single day of work, never had the feeling of not wanting to go to work that I do now.

    My team is 90% very experienced developers yet the code base is EXTREMELY bad, ugly over engineered and extremely complicated when it could be much much easier to understand. It is common practice to write code as:

    for(UserAccountSettings c : dao.getUserAccountSettingsDao().findStatus(StatusUtils.parseStatus(Constant.USER_STATUS_ACTIVE))) { c.setCountry(dao.getCountryDao().findById(128l); ... do more c variable stuff and have other vars with 2 or 3 letters that mean nothing in that context } 

    No meaningful variable names. Extremely long code (methods with 300 lines and more), no use of appropriate variables to hold values and make the code easier to read and understand. Other things I've seen are:

    • the non use of PreparedStatments for SQL queries, passing SQL queries as literal strings in method parameters (I cringed when I saw it).

    • Constant copy paste of code around, intellij goes crazy with duplicated code warnings. Constantly trying to reinvent the wheel (example, even though we have apache commons dependency we also created the StringUtils.isEmpty StringUtils.blank etc methods in our own SringUtils class, how original naming, instead of using StringUtils from apache commons)

    • Spaghetti code everywhere.

    • No use response codes at all, we parse the response body looking for a specific string. I cringe at this, yes if we receive a 500 response code we treat it as it was a 200 OK so we parse the 500 trying to find the success string we were expecting to find. Our internal and archaic http client doesn't even have a simple


    The last one to take on my nerves was how extremely non logic and over complicated it was to figure out if we were sending request headers to a specific endpoint. A trivial thing that never took me more than 2minutes in my life took me and my coworker (the second most experienced guy with over 10 years experience) more than 30min to NOT find out if we were sending the appropriate headers or not. This lead me to be forced by my team leader and head of development to lie to an external company saying "yes we do send the appropriate headers" when we had not way to be sure we did and everyone knew I lied.

    I've tried multiple times to simplify, suggest ways to simplify and improve our code base but I've been always denied any step forward with general excuses like "it will take too much time to do it", "it just works so don't touch it", "I don't know that library/framework and it is magic to me", etc and I get frustrated because they don't even give me a chance to show them how it really is and how much it will simplify our life in the future.

    What makes this all worse is that big parts of this code were written by the team lead which is seen as a god programmer by the CEO. I'm starting to believe the team lead writes this ugly and bad code on purpose so that he can always come to save the team and be well seen by the CEO while following the motto "if you write extremely bad code that only you can understand it, you'll never be fired" or something like this.

    The head of development tries to push new things to the team but it is always pushed back by the team leader. My other team mates seem to be all conformed with this, they just don't care and come to work, do their shitty tasks, go home and collect their monthly payment. They have told me plenty of times to not worry, "this is fine, don't care too much about this" but I'm not that type of person - I can't move forward when I see things wrong or that can be improved. Maybe I'm a perfectionist.

    I've never been in this situation, I'm on this company and country for less than 6 months and already want to quit. When I was hired I was told we would be migrating from our legacy system to a brand new greenfield project but this is totally not true. The rewriting will turn this extremely legacy system in an very legacy system, nothing will improve that much at all. I feel lost at this company and want to quite but then I'll have a very short stay in a company when I moved to this country and I'm afraid that may backfire on me even tho I can explain it very well.

    Every day I receive contacts on LinkedIn from local and abroad companies but I've been reluctance in moving forward and I am afraid I may regret it soon.

    I am really lost, what would you do in my position?

    Sorry the long post.

    submitted by /u/AnyDesigner
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    Need help on Internship Offers. (Possible Reneging)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:21 PM PDT

    Throwaway because I'm paranoid.

    Hi all, I need some input on a tricky situation.

    Offer 1:

    Medium sized company (1000-1500 employees)


    • Role is in Data Science, which I am passionate about.

    • Will be doing a lot of exploratory work.

    • People seem easygoing


    • Nobody's ever heard of them because they do backend stuff for Enterprises.

    Total compensation is ~12k over 10 weeks.

    Offer 2:

    Large Credit Card Compay


    • Big, recognizable company

    • More exposure to a traditional software development environment.


    • Role is in Networking and Operating systems, which I am not particularly interested in.

    • Involves support work (fixing customer bugs and providing support for issues).

    • Might have to learn the nuances of a very particular system that might not provide any benefits for the future.

    Total Compensation: ~13k over 12 weeks PLUS $4000 dollar tax-free bonus = 17k

    Here's the twist:

    I already accepted an offer from company 1 in February, so I would have to reneg on their offer to accept the second one.

    • I am a current junior in college, and recently had an internship in Data Science and Machine Learning, which I loved and as of now, I want to pursue a career in it.

    • However, there's been a lot of buzz about how ML/Data Science is a bubble, and is eventually going to pop. That's got me really worried.

    • Also, though I didn't particularly enjoy OS and networking in class, I know that if exposed to it in the right environment, I could find a liking for it.

    • I originally was going to stay with the first offer, but the 4000$ bonus really threw a wrench into things.

    • I really don't need the money that much right now (no student debt, commuting from home), but one of the biggest worries for me is the brand name and recognizablility of the companies I work at.

    • Even though I want to pursue Data Science as a career as of now, would having an unrelated internship at a big company be comparable to having a related internship at a smaller, less recognizable company?

    • Also, the internship at the bigger company in my opinion keeps options more flexible if I ever decide to pivot from Data Science / ML and switch into SWE in the future.

    I'm sorry for this huge rant, I am just so overwhelmed and really need some advice.

    submitted by /u/pleasesendhelp111
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    Research Internship at High Ranked University vs Internship at Startup

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:29 AM PDT

    Research seems more interesting (Getting published, counts as a credit towards degree and gpa, topic is awesome, reference letter) vs Internship at Startup (actual industry work, paid, learn from people working in dev industry etc) What would look more attractive if my plans are to start applying to Big Companies for next summer. Currently finishing second year in a Math and Cs double major.

    submitted by /u/Ctrl_Alt_Del3te
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    Graduated 4 years ago, no full time position. How screwed am I / What do I need to do now?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:19 PM PDT

    Anonymized Resume

    As title says, I graduated 4 years ago. I worked as an intern in a company's IT department for 5 years, and ended because, understandably, my boss wanted to open the position up for someone else to get the kind of experiences I did. Although some of what I did there was development work (I was the only person there with that background), a significant portion was helpdesk support related like shipping PC's to other branches, setting up PC's, responding calls from users, etc. I have been applying for full time work since graduation, and although I have had interviews and some take home projects, I've not received any offers yet.

    I know that I'm at a disadvantage compared to more recently graduated candidates (I've been asked "Why haven't you found full time work yet" during a few interviews). I do have some code examples on github (my username has my last name in it, so I don't want to make that too public; send me a pm if you want to look).

    submitted by /u/obviousfakethrowout
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    Am I a bad engineer for not doing personal projects outside of work ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:53 AM PDT

    For a bit of background, I graduate this fall. I've a job lined up after I graduate and currently doing an internship until I graduate.

    I'm getting a lot of flak for my opinions lately. Personally, I don't think it's possible for me to go to the gym, spend ~9/10hrs at work everyday, and then be back to work on some projects outside of work. I'd rather treat my job as any other job and not "do some projects" on the weekends, while I could be better spending my personal time or maybe even enjoying.

    Am I a bad software engineer for feeling like this ? I spent a lot of time grinding LC and working the weekends to get my full time offer and would rather want to enjoy whatever time I have before I start professionally. At the same time, I feel guilty when I have similar discussions with friends/coworkers who spend their weekends learning/doing something new.

    I know that this field demands life-long learning, and I'm totally up for learning new stuff at work to get the job done. I'd like to know your opinion. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/SantGurmeetRamRahim
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    Programmers + Artist?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    My friend started saying things about how programmers and artists are different in a way that their mindsets function differently as in programmers think logical so they will have trouble learning to draw creatively and he started saying these things about artist use right brain and programmers use left brain or something.

    Any programmers here who like to do art on the side, what do you think of this?

    submitted by /u/yalalilili
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    What do you guys do outside of work (to deviate away from code related things)?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 06:09 AM PDT

    Do you guys watch a movie, read some tech blogs, watch a cooking show, read books? How do you de-stress from the 8-5 coding day? Sometimes it feels like after I finish coding at work, I have to go back home and code for personal reasons (especially now since I'm shooting out applications). I feel like can't stop programming or get away from looking at code.

    submitted by /u/StrongStorage
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    What are the best tech markets with affordable real estate?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:58 PM PDT

    I'm changing my career to software engineer and would like to pursue opportunities in a city with a strong tech market where I will be able to afford a house or condo. My house\condo budget is about $300k, but I could go up a little bit.

    I was thinking Denver. Is the tech market strong enough there? I guess Indianapolis comes to mind, but I'm not sure I'd want to live there or if the jobs would be at all interesting.


    submitted by /u/algorithmicnoise
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    How do you reconcile the idea of keeping your digital footprint that can be tied to your real life personal info minimal in order to reduce your chances for getting hacked in some way, and marketing yourself with resume websites/portfolios/linkdin/public gethub accounts/etc. ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 02:07 PM PDT

    As someone who is just gotten to the point of starting some freelance work and applying for jobs, not sure how to proceed.

    For example, I want to upload my resume website I've created to my webhost and submit it to /r/design_critiques, but then I will be exposing my reddit account to my real name and info. How do I reconcile that?

    submitted by /u/csrabbit
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    Long notice on a position without any sort of agreement

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:52 PM PDT

    I work with a small remote shop and I am not fond of their workflow (timer, too tight deadlines, no autonomy to pick tasks and manage my time). I decided to leave after 3 weeks. We still haven't signed anything (even NDA) and due to bureaucracy on my side (I needed to register as self-employed, nevermind, local tax laws), so, they can't pay me legally, but they kinda could arrange a simple wire transfer, but they keep saying that I'm leaving within a couple of weeks to the release, leaving unfinished features behind, so they would go through the hassle of wire transfer only if I work for another couple of weeks. I'm kinda OK with loosing money on this whole thing just to stop working on this project ASAP, it's OK but I'm completely burnt out from the workflow, I'm kinda looking to switch to job search and something entirely new. Hence the questions:

    1. Is it OK to leave like that or they are kinda in the right here calling to my dignity?
    2. Is it OK that they are ready to pay only on their terms (our relationship is still undocumented due to a problem on my side)?
    submitted by /u/massivewurstel
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    How hard is it to get a full time dev job while still pursuing first CS degree? (masters)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:53 PM PDT

    Ill be starting my masters spring 2019 safter prereqs, and am wondering if i should be hireable as soon as i get in

    submitted by /u/newkid1197
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    Is it a bad idea to apply to web development positions?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    I am about to graduate and have applied to a few jobs so far but I noticed that the number of web-based positions in the area that I am applying are quite a bit higher than the other positions. Web development is my least favorite based on the classes that I have taken in school. It just doesn't feel rewarding for me. All that being said if my goal is to end up working in embedded systems and I was wondering if taking a position in web development as my first job as a new grad would somewhat pigeonhole me into web development in the future

    submitted by /u/iFrostyBoy
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    Lots of time at work spent doing nothing, is this normal?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:15 PM PDT

    I've been in the business for a short time, but one thing I keep thinking is that I'm much lazier than my colleagues. I spend a great deal of time doing not much, waiting for the organization to grind along until I can work on something.

    I don't pick up any internal side projects because it's hard to manage a second stream of work when my workload is unpredictable. When I have work, I'm putting in 90% of my day towards design and writing code (the rest is informal meetings and a smattering of reddit) but otherwise I feel that I'm running at 20% and spending an inordinate amount of time doing nothing much in particular. I do code reviews as PRs are submitted, I clean up stuff I've been working on or test it again and again, or I get real sneaky and fire up a video game because my mind is hurting for stimulation.

    I see many of my colleagues (openly) watching things like hearthstone on youtube or browsing various non-work websites even when we have work to do. There's a lot of chatter, probably in excess, and it all seems to increase when workload is light. Is this the norm for most people or places and I'm just being too hard on myself for not putting in my all every day?

    submitted by /u/throwawayeffort
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    React Native vs Swift for better job opportunities?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:13 AM PDT

    I am still a student so I am not sure how development is at real tech companies. I already started learning Swift, but I see how Facebook, Instagram, Discord, etc.. are being built by React Native. Would I have less job opportunities if I learn Swift? Do you see React Native being the normal thing at companies over Native apps? I am asking this question on this subreddit to see the perception of React Native from a software developer.

    submitted by /u/csstudent10
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