• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 11, 2018

    Fan game gets cease and desist. They remove the characters and raise $600K to continue. Original artist even offers help with characters.

    Fan game gets cease and desist. They remove the characters and raise $600K to continue. Original artist even offers help with characters.

    Fan game gets cease and desist. They remove the characters and raise $600K to continue. Original artist even offers help with characters.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:08 AM PST

    Solo devs who do their own artwork, music, programming, etc.: I would love to see your projects!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

    Screenshots, demos, anything! I've gotten a few results from searching but would like more examples. Especially some of your first/early ones.

    I've just recently been bitten by the creative bug and want to create a fun little free visual novel, but am worried about making it too short as well as making it too long. I have absolutely no experience in composing music, storytelling, programming, or art except for an art class in my senior year of high school that focused on a very different type of art I plan to use. I do plan on using Renpy, so programming isn't an issue. I've seen the royalty-free music that's available on this sub which is amazing, but I just like the idea of calling a game entirely mine. That's why I'll be practicing digital art on my Tab S3 so I can get everything just the way I want it. I have no doubt that it'll take a long time to reach even a mediocre level in these areas by myself, but I'm willing to learn. Is this a bad mentality to have?

    submitted by /u/SmugWendy
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    What goes into porting a game to another OS (usually linux)?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:20 AM PST

    What steps does a company need to take to port a AAA to Linux.

    And why do sometimes DLCs come out without a Linux port even though the base game has one, such as the case with the recent Civilization VI expansion?

    submitted by /u/TheGreyBearded
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    We made an online AI programming game in C++

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST

    We're a bunch of CS undergrads and Code Character is our AI programming contest, where you code your commands for a turn-based strategy game in C++. We also think this is a nice way for beginners to learn some more C++.

    Check it out here: Code Character

    It's live now, give it a shot! Registration is simple and you can jump right in. There's an online code editor and you can view your output right there too, no local setup required.

    From a development point of view, we had a problem finding a deterministic way to time code, so Code Character uses LLVM bytecode instrumentation to count instructions and time games. We instrument the participant code and place restrictions on the number of LLVM IR instructions, instead of imposing a time limit. This ensures that the game is the same regardless of which machine it's simulated on.

    If you'd like to read more about it, checkout our blog post here: Profiling Code with LLVM

    submitted by /u/CodeCharacter
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    Chest-high camera in Call of Duty and/or other FPS and how this changes architecture

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:08 AM PST

    Someone was telling me that in Call of Duty the camera is actually set at the character's chest height, and so a some of the objects in the world are slightly shorter than they would be in real life.

    So I guess is there anything online as video or article where they give examples of which things had their proportions changed to accommodate this?

    If they do this in other first-person shooters, I'm fine with any of them, too.

    submitted by /u/partybusiness
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    How to transition from indie to AAA?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:35 AM PST

    Hi folks,

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this kind of question, but I'm wondering if folks have any advice or stories with regards to transitioning from smaller indie projects to larger AAA teams?

    I've shipped two smaller indie projects on Steam & consoles and I am working on putting out a third, but I feel that I'm reaching a point in my career where I'd like to expand my horizons, focus on a specific discipline, and have more people outside my super-niche audience see my work.

    Folks who made this transition, what was it like and how did you make that change successfully? Were there any behaviors you had to unlearn when moving onto bigger teams? Anything you miss about indie work or things you love about larger companies?

    submitted by /u/throaw8yAccount
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    How to implement nested if-statements in behaviour trees?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:48 AM PST

    Intro I've been looking at implementing behaviour trees (BTs) in my Brood War bot due to it's advantages over finite state machines (FSMs).

    My existing codes (without BTs) just uses a lot of if statements that are nested.

    When I was trying to convert my existing logic into a BT structure I got a little stuck on my nested if statements.

    Statement 1 It appears that the canonical way to handle a "condition" in BTs is a leaf node that returns node::success or node::failure corresponding with the result from the condition inside.

    In Chris Simpson's gamasutra article on the topic - he appears to put a sequence above a condition (or several) and then finally the resultant behaviour comes after all of that, e.g. image.

    Problem 1 So I tried that to model my behaviour tree using that idea of a condition in a sequence, but I would end up with branches of the tree that I didn't know how should be connected up to the rest. : image.

    • If isidle returns succeed(true) but isterran returns failure(false), then where do I connect up the unattachednode that would scoutbases in that paradigm.
    • In this diagram I'm picturing the behaviours as returning succeed all the time - if they don't then that also complicates the if logic. Did the sequence with the condition and behaviour fail because of the condition or behaviour?

    Idea 1 Am I doing it wrong by nesting the sequences and conditions? Instead should I have one sequence and a conditions per behaviour? e.g. : image.

    This seems long winded and inefficient. I would have to test for isIdle multiple times for example.

    Statement 2 I was trying to search for solutions to this problem. I came across Unreal Engine help pages (can't find them now) but unless I'm mistaken they implemented conditions as a composite which has a condition inside and it chooses one child node is true and the other if false.

    Problem 2 If this is how they implement it in Unreal then it's not in agreement with other explanations of BTs. This could come with downsides I'm not aware of.

    Idea 2 I've started work on trying to implement a "Decision" node which has two child nodes and a condition attached, code.

    Conclusion Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/s7jones
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    Building a 2d level in 3 minutes

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:14 AM PST

    This is the first in a series of tutorial videos showing how to do game development in Voxel Verse.

    Voxel Verse is a free visual editor and publisher. The idea behind it is to allow for making games in an incredibly rapid fashion.


    • Both 2d and 3d
    • Do single or multiplayer
    • Add quests
    • Save and share your game instantly.
    • Create monsters, weapons, and items.
    • Write sandboxed javascript

    building a 2d level in 3 minutes

    the built game

    submitted by /u/various15
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    Geometrize - desktop app for turning images into geometric primitives (x-post from /r/proceduralgeneration)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:56 AM PST

    Made this open source desktop application for recreating images as geometric primitives. It's an improved version of this web demo I released here early last year.

    This began as a tool for generating rough assets for gamejams e.g. this. But people have found many other uses for it too.

    The technique is based on the primitive library. All the code is open source, written in C++ using Qt and ChaiScript. It should run on Windows (MSVC), Mac and Linux (clang/gcc).

    submitted by /u/Twidlard
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    LÖVE Jam 2018 — make a game over a weekend using the LÖVE framework

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

    mobile gamedev - Finding an investor or a publishing deal?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:49 AM PST

    Hey everybody, me again, relatively new here. I have recently released my first Title to the google play store, about a month ago, game looks cool ,stats are nice, about to hit 10k downloads and the game has really nice rating ratio.

    however, I am stuck, I ran out of fund(my own), and I haven't fully polished my game yet, and also, it hasn't been globally released yet (in key countries of potential users) lets call it a soft-launch/beta

    I am at a point where I need to choose whether I try to find an investing partner ( which I am negotiating with one potentially at the moment) or to maybe try to find a publisher who wouldn't mind to also help me out in fine tuning the game.

    do you have any recommendations of where should I go (online) and seek for 'game' driven investors or a mobile game publisher?

    thanks yomi

    submitted by /u/yomi07
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    Looking for game dialogue spreadsheet example

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

    Hi, I'm looking for an example of how dialogue driven games handle their scripts in preproduction.

    I'm writing an RPG-lite, like Night in the Woods, with simple dialogue trees, but I don't know the best way or what tool to use for organizing my text. I assume it's done in Excel? I'm really only familiar with linear screenplay format and the proprietary scripting software at my studio, which I don't have access to outside of work.

    Could someone point me in the right direction with their own experience, or even better, an example? I'm planning on using GameMaker Studio 2 for production, if that makes any difference. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Bumebocks
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    Made prototype, how thorough should my next revamp pass be?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:59 AM PST

    I made a prototype as a beginner in UE4 blueprint which is a great way to visually learn C++. It worked fine but especially with networking aspects, I did things in very inefficient ways. I then did a lot of research and completed 2 C++ courses. Now I'm remaking my original prototype idea purely in C++ with the goal of getting the same functionality but with a rock solid architecture that makes it easy to extend (the blueprint version was made in such a way that I had many things not properly abstracted away and many parent classes that shouldn't have been so specific (e.g. the master parent gamemode always assuming that there are teams, that made making a non teammode very difficult as all that code had to be moved).

    My question is this: how detailed or edge case conscious should I be with this revamp pass? I always see advice like "bash out the prototype with a few cubes and don't worry about the details" I feel this also means "code the idea as quickly as possible and don't waste time polishing it". In this case, the blueprint prototype was really fun, so I'm almost counting that as my actual prototype and this as the first pass at the actual game. There are many edge cases that crop up just with movement and shooting, for example this: If you are running while reloading and you press the fire key and keep it held down, does the weapon fire both on your screen (the local client) and also the remote clients when the reload completes? This example alone took a few hours to properly get working by caching held down inputs and ensuring they worked even through state changes that would normally clear out the weapon firing actions. There are dozens of these kind of things that crop up when trying to get movement and shooting to work under all conditions (easy to get the basic initial setup, but these edge cases are what keep the game functioning properly and responsively). Taking the advice that I usually hear, I'd stop at the basic implementation and keep building with a comment to come back and address this later, but the fundamental problem is this: if the edge cases aren't addressed at a basic level and I go and build on top of that, I then feel as though the potential errors have just multiplied by a large factor. If I can iron them out and nail them before building on top, I feel as though the foundation is rock solid, instead of a hasty wood and glue mess. The more comments I add to go back and address, the less I'm likely to understand the original context. I also see many games that seem to have been built on this kind of a foundation, with common input bugs coming back time and time again, years into the release.

    So assuming time and money isn't a problem, and this is still also technically C++ learning time, what would you recommend- get it right and understand how to build a solid foundation, or just bash it out for the sake of speed? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/awera
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    Royalty Free Music for your Projects - Creative Commons - CC BY 4.0

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST

    Hey everyone! In need of music for that next big project you're working on? Check out some of these royalty free tracks for the perfect background music, free of charge! Creative Commons License - CC BY 4.0






    If you like what you hear, feel free to browse my channel for more free music:


    submitted by /u/CanadianHerb
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    How To Export From Blender To Unity Tutorial

    Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:23 PM PST

    Aspiring Developer Here...

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

    I've gamed for about 25 years of my life in on form or another, and have recently taken an interest in being a developer. In part to having played Stardew Valley for a while, I've been inspired with a concept for a game that I would like to see through.

    The thing is, for me, that I have no experience in making games, however I am a pretty good writer, and have a pretty good layout and plan for about 60% of my game.

    What should I do? Is there a place for green indie devs to meet other specialists, like artists or composers? What about if I want to design the game myself? What are some good programs to use? Any that are free? What programming languages should I worry about learning into?

    Sorry to have so many trivial questions, but I thought this might be a good place to get information. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/jawilwood
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    How To Export Assets From Blender To Unity With Textures

    Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST

    Anyone here good at 2D background scapes? Or know of any good articles/tutorials on it? My backgrounds are starting to look redundant, and I don't know how to fix it.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

    If this is the wrong sub for this kind of help I apologize. Please let me know and I'll delete the post. /r/gamedesign doesn't allow this per their rules and /r/gameart is more for showcasing.

    Hello. I'm making a 2D mario bros style platformer mobile game. "Accelebot" has large explorable levels and a clean but simple art style (not pixel art based).

    Here's a screenshot of a section of level 1. The mountains and clouds in the background look pretty good in my opinion. Two tone clouds are platforms and all grey clouds are just for looks. During the course of the level you ascend much higher than this area and the background becomes just clouds and blue after a while.

    Here's a screenshot of level 2. Level 2 is mostly cave with a small section where you're back outside for a bit. Again I used the mountains since they're in the background of the first level and you're not too far from the first levels location.

    Here's a screenshot of level 3. You start in the lower left corner which is the exit from the cave. I feel like if I keep using the same mountain backdrop for grass land backgrounds it's going to get very repetitive.

    Looking for any ideas, advice, articles or tutorial links I can learn from on how to progress forward with backgrounds without being redundant.

    Thanks everyone!

    If you're curious about my game I have a landing page and trailer you can see here

    submitted by /u/QuickIOS
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    Reality of selling games on itch.io?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:20 PM PST

    Recently i released my first 3d shooter game on itch.io for a cost of $1.99. After a week, the sales are zero and the views are around 1-5 views per day. I got 100 views for a one day because I shared it around social medias but afterwards it falls quickly.

    It is kind of sad but i guess this is how it is on itch, they are not pushing my game out nor making it easy for people to see my game unless they featured it..

    I am launching next on gamejolt to see how it goes..

    submitted by /u/CHOO5D
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    Migrated from Analytics to Firebase, what the deal is with Events?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:07 AM PST

    So it's just a couple days after migrating my app from Google Analytics to Firebase, getting some data now, but I can't figure out Events.

    For example, I have a "click" category, and I pass in item_name as many various things like "(splash screen) website button", "(menu) tutorials button", etc...

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, "(splash screen) website button"); firebaseAnalytics.logEvent("click", bundle); 

    However, this is what I see when going to Events > "click": https://i.imgur.com/kJ7zdyY.png

    Why can I only see the values of parameter "item_name" for just the past 30 minutes in a tiny section? I want to see all of the data, through custom ranges of dates/etc. This goes for "value" parameter too.

    I also have other categories, like "language" where I pass in which screen the language was changed (item_name) and to what language (as a value).

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, "language-select screen"); bundle.putDouble(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE, languageID); firebaseAnalytics.logEvent("language", bundle); 

    No idea how to see that info either.

    Am I doing this "correctly", maybe I'm misunderstanding what category vs item_name should be, etc...or is Firebase just not cut out for these types of events, which GA did fine?

    submitted by /u/jig_is_up_yo
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    Quick question about Admob mediation settings...

    Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:29 AM PST

    So I have an app that does pretty well. However, Admob on iOS far outshines Admob on the Android version of the app, so I figured let me try out other networks / mediation.

    Signed up for and implemented Chartboost and Facebook Audience.

    Here are the settings: https://i.imgur.com/hGLJtqp.png

    What I want: If available, show Facebook or Chartboost first. They are set to show only well-paying ads, so fill rate should be low. If they fail to serve an ad, the mediation should default to Admob which previously was giving me a fill rate of 98-99% w/ no mediation.

    Results (after just two days): https://i.imgur.com/3wVWzsW.png

    Not sure how correct this is, shouldn't the fill rate of Admob remain unchanged (98-99%)? Why is it down? It's my "safety net" if Chartboost and Facebook don't serve an ad, but if it's now only serving 43% of the time, that's a safety net with a bunch of holes, right? Or am I misunderstanding "fill rate"?

    submitted by /u/jig_is_up_yo
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    Blender to Godot 3 : Low Poly Scene Export

    Posted: 10 Feb 2018 02:30 PM PST

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