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    Tuesday, March 1, 2022

    Which are some of the fundamentals of Web dev every developer should know regardless of experience? learn programming

    Which are some of the fundamentals of Web dev every developer should know regardless of experience? learn programming

    Which are some of the fundamentals of Web dev every developer should know regardless of experience?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 06:32 PM PST

    Most of the discussions on web dev are Framework wars (React vs Vue vs Angular). But frameworks are replaceable and we can't stick to only one framework. What are some concepts or fundamentals of web development that will stand strong even for the next 10 years?

    submitted by /u/beingsmo
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    Is it normal to feel intimidated by programming?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 02:43 AM PST

    Basically the title.

    I've learnt html and css quite easily, im working on javascript now and i can safely say that i never had to think this much in my entire life lol.

    I always read about job interviews, companies, and i cannot even grasp how much skill and thought it takes to get there, i feel intimidated by how absurdly large the programming field is, and how there is so much things one can learn. Basically i cant see myself programming for a company, because i never think im good enough.

    My mindset is in the wrong place. Most programmers say that to be successful you have to love solving problems, and i panic whenever i come upon something unknown, and i get mild headaches, although i do manage to finish the tasks.

    Maybe its because i am relatively new to programming, or maybe because im self-teaching, doing everything solo with zero guidance?

    submitted by /u/DavDav98
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    Your Favorite Coding Challenge Website?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 01:45 PM PST

    There are sooo many coding challenge websites. Below are a few I have seen mentioned on this sub.

    Which do you recommend for new(ish) programmers who want to move beyond the basics and learn enough so they can eventually land a job?

    CodeWars.com LeetCode.com Exercism.com Edabit.com CodeChef.com HackerRank.com

    submitted by /u/jeremyers1
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    How do all the Reddit bots work?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 03:22 PM PST

    I just saw a „paid not payed-bot" commenting under a post and then the question crossed my mind, how do these bots work? I remember several others bots that work similar, like the Shakespeare bot.

    Because I think I remember reading about the Reddit API not being that great and blocking access rather quickly when putting high traffic through it.

    I would guess the bots scan every comment for certain words, like payed in this case. But is this not a huge amount of traffic to scan every comment? Do they just scan a fraction of the comments?

    If there are any open source bots on GitHub where one can have a look at the code please post them into the comments!

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/frevelmann
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    Is Udemy; The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022 by Colt Steel worth the $25?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:00 AM PST


    I am doing the Odin project but I saw someone say they enjoyed doing both, that both suppliments each other really well. Is it worth picking up for the $25?

    submitted by /u/MTG_Blue_Green
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    Midlife Career Change

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 08:33 PM PST

    I am pondering if it's feasible to change career directions to a tech related function. I an 48 and working in a finance related function. I currently head a modest operations (in asia). I am also asian (not certain if that is a variable).

    What tech field and space is a good choice for my age. I have some 6 sigma proficiency and know the value of lean and efficiency, process improvemts, p&l oversight etc. No real IT or tech background that is worthwhile to mention.

    I am also thinking that it can help me emigrate out to a different country (i hope).

    Hope i can get some insights.

    submitted by /u/ManifestingCFO168
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    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 12:51 AM PST

    Just a reminder to backup your files. It's 1 am before an assignment is due and I just deleted a file with 1000 lines of code... no sleep for me tonight.

    submitted by /u/adambjorn
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    what is a good web dev project for a beginner?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 04:32 PM PST

    So my questions is what is a project for a beginner like me who knows python (very well), C and C++ (comfortable with it), algorithms and datastructuresbut knows nothing about JS HTML CSS and databases. I saw that common suggestion is to create a blog but it seems kind of boring (tho I will start with that most probably). I would want to learn it from the most basic thing ever (like hosting static html localy with access through local wifi network) and then progress from that. I saw many tutorials so far but they all seem to be a framework tutorials rather that the basics behind how those work. What do you think would be a good way of progress? At the end I see myself as more of a backend person but I do want to learn both sides of the web dev world. Any links to useful articles and sources are welcome!

    submitted by /u/KW__REDDIT
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    The Odin Project or freecodecamp for front-end web development from zero to hero ? Maybe something else ?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 12:25 PM PST

    I have a law degree and I can say that I have no experience whatsoever with programming besides doing some if, else conditional statements. Loops look hard but intriguing. It's been hard as I kind of lack the required way to think, I'm not used to it. In law school we solve problems too, but in a different way and they're of a different kind. Incomparable to the way I'm required to solve problems now.

    I have no CS, business, physics or math related background or degree.

    I'm asking for these two or something else because I found out that the Odin project uses Ruby and that's not something that's used in my country's IT market from what I've researched. Freecodecamp on the other hand isn't structured so good and the courses there seem waaay beyond my very basic level. This is very important as our market is quite saturated these days with intern/junior level people due to the many online courses/academies here and they simply won't hire people if they don't have what's commonly used here.

    I'd like to do it with pure Javascript. I want to know a lot about it as most jobs here require vanilla JS and good understanding of OOP principles. HTML and CSS are a given of course as is some sort of framework like React and something like MongoDB.

    submitted by /u/Deranox
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    How do I securely implement with React + Node + Auth0

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 09:26 PM PST

    Hi, I am trying to build a web app that uses React as Frontend and NodeJS + Express as backend. I heard having Auth0 connected from Frontend will cause a problem as it's not safe to save Secret key and API key for Auth0. So I am trying to have a proxy server for making the login request so that keys could be saved on the backend safely.

    While implementing this, I encountered COR with 302 error that backend shouldn't redirect client for a incoming request (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51359082/redirect-blocked-by-cors). For using Node as proxy backend, may I ask what would be the ideal way to implement user auth? Also, I shouldn't manage auth state with redux on frontend but just on Backend right? (I assume hackers could simply change the state on Dev Tool).

    Any advice will be welcomed! Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/DenseArachnid5379
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    First meeting with git rebase

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:02 PM PST

    I've heard that when working with team, it's worth to rebase my branch once or twice a day. Recently I tried for a first time and I encountered some problems, maybe you guys could tell me what am I doing wrong

    1. git checkout main - switching from my branch to main
    2. git pull
    3. git checkout my-branch
    4. git rebase main
    5. Here I resolved 2 conflicts - with package.json and package-log.json
    6. Pressed VScode button to push & pull changes to my remote branch

    Now 2 things happened that I did not expect:

    1. VSCode showed all commited changes on my branch as conflicts and I had to resolve them all
    2. When I made my Pull Request, github included all files and commits that I pulled from main. Which means that instead of "5 commits, 8 files changed" I had something like "28 commits, 45 files changed"

    I know that I should rebase my branch frequently but I suspect it should not look like that every time :/

    submitted by /u/Armauer
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    User schema design for mysql db.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 01:09 AM PST

    I have added basic auth using passport local. Now I want to add google auth to my app. so how should I design user schema.

    submitted by /u/devilismypet
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    A C++ Course with "homeworks"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 01:05 AM PST

    Hello. I am looking for a C++ course that also has some homeworks so I will be sure that I practice. I am currently a student so I have access to Coursera through my university, but if you recommend a good course I can also buy it. I know some OOP basics that I've learnt during university (working with classes).

    submitted by /u/Adnosius
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    I need someone to discuss design pattern with me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2022 12:58 AM PST

    I have learned concepts of various design pattern from various tutorials and blogs . I want to discuss with someone who already has experience with it to get deeper knowledge and understanding .

    It would be great to get some ideas about implementing design patterns in personal projects .

    submitted by /u/exotic_blackhole
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    I cannot go past beginner stuff

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 05:35 AM PST

    I've been learning programming for a 6-7 months now and yet anything above beginner in code chef is completely out of my grasp. It's really demoralising to see problems that i can't even begin to understand and they're labelled "easy" I'm mostly self learning so seeing this makes me believe that I'm not on the right path to learn and....and then comes the procrastination lol. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Luc1ferm
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    Inserting existing Arrays inside a 3d array

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:45 PM PST

    I would like to create a 3d array with the already existing arrays(Score, CourseRating, and SlopeRating). I would like to do so, so that I can match the Scores with their Ratings. If it is not possible, I was thinking I could maybe find the index of the score, and match it with the Course and Slope rating so that I can calculate the Handicap Index.

    import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class RoughDraft { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); int count; int[] Scores; double[] SlopeRating; double[] CourseRating; System.out.print("\nHow many scores would you like to enter?: "); count = scnr.nextInt(); // ------ adds Scores, Course Rating and Slope Rating to Arrays ------ // Scores = new int[count]; CourseRating = new double[count]; SlopeRating = new double[count]; if(count >= 5 && count <= 20) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { System.out.printf("\nEnter Score #%d: ", i + 1); if(scnr.hasNextInt()) { Scores[i] = scnr.nextInt(); } System.out.printf("Enter Course Rating #%d: ", i + 1); if(scnr.hasNextDouble()) { CourseRating[i] = scnr.nextDouble(); } System.out.printf("Enter Slope Rating #%d: ", i + 1); if(scnr.hasNextDouble()) { SlopeRating[i] = scnr.nextDouble(); } } } else { System.out.print("Enter a minimum of 5 scores and a maximum of 20 scores."); main(args); } System.out.print("\nScores: " + Arrays.toString(Scores)); System.out.print("\nCourse Ratings: " + Arrays.toString(CourseRating)); System.out.print("\nSlope Rating: " + Arrays.toString(SlopeRating)); } } 
    submitted by /u/Op_2873
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    How to accept multiple inputs from an array (pass through multiple words with process.argv)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:57 PM PST

    I am trying to make a script that creates a new file. (using node) I would like to make the program accept as many as 3 word titles for the folder creation. I can make process.argv[2] to where it accepts a one word document but not sure how to accept multiple words. For example:

    const fs = require("fs");
    const folderName = process.argv[2] || "New Proj";

    If I enter $ node app.js New Project Here my resulting file name will be "New" rather than the desired "New Project Here". How do I specify proocess.argv to accept array options 2 through 4?

    This is a very simple question but hard to search documentation for me so far. I'd really love to have been able to find the solution myself. If there is documentation of this on mdn or something I would really appreciate a link and maybe an explanation of how I should be searching for something like this! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/YUNG_DRIFTY
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    Am I the only confused by JS convention to overload "names"?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:26 PM PST

    const container = document.querySelector("#container");

    Constructs like the above really throw off the beginner - it's easy not to realize that the two instances of 'container' are completely different, unrelated, things.

    When I first learned to program (in C), we were encouraged to avoid ambiguity by instead specifying something like:

    const the_container = document.querySelector("#container");

    No ambiguity between 'the_container' and 'container'.

    But I see that common JS practice is to "reuse" the same word (sequence of letters) everywhere in different context. Am I the only one confused by this?

    submitted by /u/mohishunder
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    How can I do an efficient unit test of a library function with various types of arguments in C++?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 07:31 PM PST

    Background: I'm using the Unity test framework to write unit tests for custom library functions from the manufacturer of some hardware we're using. I'm an intern and this is the first time I've done unit testing.

    The function I'm trying to test takes in an unsigned int, pointers to several unsigned longs, pointers to two different chars, and a pointer to a void pointer (I don't why it wants a pointer to another pointer, but that's what the documentation says).

    I managed to write a test that just manually use a test assert on each argument after its passed by reference into the function and that works, but it seems ugly and inefficient, and I have several more of these tests to write, so I need to figure out a better way to do this.

    My thought was to put everything into some kind of data structure and use a loop to compare the values within the structure after they're passed through the function to an array of NULLs (as initialized everything to NULL at the start and I'm currently just testing if the function is modifying them at all).

    I tried various versions of using an array, a std array, and a vector, using std::variant to be able to use multiple data types in the same array/vector but I couldn't get any of them to work. I did std::vector<std::variant<//list of each data type>> and similarly for vector and c style arrays but it kept complaining about my use of variant. I did look up how to use variant by itself, but getting the values from it looked like it'd be just as messy as manually checking each argument. I also considered using a tuple, as that was one of the other options that came up when I Googled "array containing multiple types C++" but that looked like it'd be just as messy as manually testing each function argument.

    I finally gave up on that approach and tried using a c-style array of void pointers (tried using std::array first but intellisense was being really weird and kept telling me I was using an incomplete type even if I did something as simple as std::array<int,3> x = {1, 2, 3}; I tried compiling it anyway since intellisense is often wrong, but then the compiler gave a similar error). That seemed to work at first, but when I tried to do, e.g. TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(NULL, (DevInfoList*)[index value of relevant parameter]) but it kept complaining that "TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL does not take 4 arguments" which makes zero sense, since I only input two arguments. I also tried to do it using an array/vect of type DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODE (which is a typedef struct defined in one of the library files, which contains all the same types as the function arguments) but my coworker pointed out that'd just make an array of structs, not an array of the data types within the struct definition.

    I'm not really sure what I did wrong with any of the approaches, despite plenty of Googling. I feel like I just don't know how to Google properly anymore, because lately I just can't seem to find anything useful to help me with troubleshooting.

    submitted by /u/dcfan105
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    Need help understanding callback function in javascript

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:16 PM PST

    I have quite a bit of experience with C and work with C++ so I'll try to explain using C++ terminology

    Suppose we have this code:

    function toggle() { button.classList.toggle('altColor'); // where altColor is a css value button.addEventListener('click',toggle); 

    How is toggle called? It seems like the toggle gets passed in as a function pointer and is then something like:

    1. Pass in the event 'click'
    2. Pass in the address of toggle
      1. Execute toggle? but only if a 'click' has been made

    So the function executes like:

    click has been made ?? toggle() // Pseudo-Code ish 
    submitted by /u/flank-cubey-cube
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    Is it worth it to learn Lua?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:20 AM PST

    Both as a hobby for side projects and potential job that require Lua knowledge?

    What are the possible use cases for Lua today?

    submitted by /u/GabiNaali
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    Javascript JSON guidance needed

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 11:15 PM PST

    So, I'm trying to make a web page that generates router commands. My plan was to have the "skeleton" commands in a JSON format in a separate js file and pass variables to my objects whenever I called them in my script. Don't know if that makes sense, but let's say for example I have:

    const cli = {"command":{"ping":"ping "}} 

    And then in my script, I have a variable containing an IP address:

    var IP = "" document.write(cli.command.ping); 

    So, I'm wondering how would I go about passing a variable to that object so that when it writes to the document, it prints as "ping"?

    submitted by /u/No-Calligrapher9076
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    Team at work wants me to move to another project because I’m struggling. Really not sure what to do.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2022 03:10 PM PST

    Hi. I have been at my first job out of school for around 7 months. Only offer I got, in the tech/ defense industry. From the beginning, I expressed interest in getting involved in UX design but Initially I was assigned to work under the chief engineer/ project leader on controlling hardware for the system. I was learning from doing that but given that I don't have a computer science degree, there was a lot of fundamental knowledge and experience I just didn't have. I was swimming in software design docs, complex hardware code and just didn't understand as well as I needed to even though I tried taking courses online. Also, I'm interested in UI design/ development and eventually want to move into design. So that tasking did not align with my goals. I tried to stick it out but eventually I ended up asking my scrum master how I could get involved in UI/UX on the team. Almost immediately I was moved to the UI development sub-team for the project.

    The team only had two guys on it, one of which is the lead. Both have way more experience than me as this is my first corporate job apart from internships. Since then, I noticed a few things. - they'll often have meetings I'm not included in. - I have to reach out to my team lead for information in most cases to stay up to date on what's happening. - when deciding what tasks to assign to team members, they don't know what to give to me.

    The team lead seems to be frustrated with me because I take a lot longer to finish tasks. When I ask for feedback, often they don't have time. For example I've been trying to get their feedback on a component I built for over a week to no avail.

    Well, today one of the leads of the entire project let me know that they want to move me to another project where I can be "given better opportunities to get up to speed". She said they don't think the lead of my UI sub-team has the "bandwidth to support me" and hasn't been giving me the mentorship I need. She reinforced that the project has been a mess since the beginning and requirements keep changing, so she knows it's been exhausting for me, etc. While this is true and this project keeps getting redefined and more complex, I know this is due in part to me not finishing all my stories in time for the end of the sprint, and not meeting the velocity of the team. I really feel that I am trying my best at this job- I don't wait for people to reach out to me, I ask ANYONE I can for help but also try to figure out the problems I'm having myself. I've been trying to troubleshoot this one task for over a week by getting help from outside my sub-team, as they have not had much time when I ask them to help.

    But It's getting to the point where it's harder to ask for help and my moral is low. I think I'm just not where I need to be to survive in this environment without working 50+ a week and burning out. Because my long term goals are not in software development, I'm wondering if I should even keep trying.

    Is this a case where I can just work harder and improve? Is moving to another team at this company even a good idea? Or should I look for a job I don't suck at and struggle with every single moment?

    submitted by /u/Parapurp
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