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    Wednesday, February 23, 2022

    What's the reason HP uses subdomains like these? web developers

    What's the reason HP uses subdomains like these? web developers

    What's the reason HP uses subdomains like these?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 12:12 AM PST

    Freelancers: What Are You Making (Ballpark)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:00 PM PST

    I can't get myself excited about working for some large company and being a cog in the machine even though most ppl esp on the internet are obsessed over FAANG

    Smaller companies are more attractive to me than very big companies (think: Meta, Amazon). But the pay is often significantly lower & the processes aren't as well ironed out.

    This has me thinking I just want to freelance or start my own business. I can get excited about something that I can control and someone else isn't making more money than I am off of my work.

    I've been working for a really small company for ~3 years and have worked with someone who is currently at AWS and another good dev who was a freelancer and now has his own company. From the very beginning I've been able to have a lot of influence over the product(s) & I've been able to interact directly with clients and overall its been pretty exciting and fun.

    Developing some backend microservice to optimize search time or figuring out a way to increase ads shown to users just doesnt get me going.

    So my question to you is if you are a freelancer or own your own development business, how much (ballpark) are you making? And what is your YOE (comment)? Do you recommend? Some hurdles to overcome?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AnnualPanda
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    what to use for image storage without getting billed large quantities of money?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:58 PM PST

    I am using s3 for this small app but my god is it kind of confusing and I'm a little worried I might get a large unwanted bill or something. Can't seem to figure out how to set a "data cap" so I won't go over the free tier storage and requests. Any idea on how I can do this or alternative services? Or is s3 not that expensive? I don't care if I have to pay like 4 dollars a month so employers can view my resume, as that is the main purpose of these projects using s3. thanks.

    submitted by /u/imares
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    Chat in my webapp

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 02:39 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I want to build a chat for the webapp I am working on, with some business specific features (reply with predefined messages, actions in messages etc). So I would like to build a custom UI.

    I am currently using TalkJs, they have a good out-of-the-box chat UI, but their rest API seems like a work in progress.

    Is there any other provider you would recommend?

    submitted by /u/robavbalnav
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    How to make sexy audit logs. Best practices for audit logging based on my experience hacking side projects and working in a unicorn.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 02:45 AM PST

    How to make sexy audit logs. Best practices for audit logging based on my experience hacking side projects and working in a unicorn.

    When someone says the phrase "audit logs" to you, I bet you don't get weak at the knees. They don't sound like the most appealing feature to build. But when you're trying to debug a problem or understand why one of your customer's accounts is misconfigured, a robust audit log is positively arousing. I could never find anything online about how to make a good audit log, so I thought I'd share the approach I recently used for achieving satisfaction.

    Over this past Christmas, I was wrapping up a side project I built with my fiance for co-working spaces. I found myself really wanting an audit log. Not even for customers (we have none), but simply for quicker and easier development of features. In my 9-5 job, audit logs are an essential every-day tool we use to check the status of customer accounts, what was changed when, and debugging any misconfiguration that might happen.
    ps: We're hiring remotely in my 9-5, here's my referral link - please click - we need money for a house :D

    Audit logs list

    What are audit logs?

    Audit logs are effectively an activity log of things that happened in a given entity (usually an "account").

    For instance, for my side project mentioned above, we log all activity within an "organisation" so that admin members (and us internally) who manage the organisation can see who changed what, and when. It makes it very easy to debug customer problems, as well as simply being able to track active accounts and see what people are doing as they poke about at your app.

    What's more, a lot of large clients will expect this kind of thing, and are willing and able to pay for it.

    What audit logs are NOT

    Audit logs are not like console logs in the console, or backend logging in your API like you might have in Datadog, Rapid7 or some other log provider. Those type of logs have equal, if not more, importance. But they serve a different purpose. Those types of logs are for your developers or technical support to interrogate and check for problems. Audit logging is for your customers themselves (so they can see changes to things over time) and also your support/success staff for issue resolution and, to a lesser degree, usage.

    Learning from Flipdish

    Flipdish (my 9-5) just reached Unicorn status with our latest round of investment. Since joining three years ago, it's been a whirlwind, to say the least, so right now feels like a good opportunity to pause and reflect on some of the things I've learned.

    Here's that list. One of the bigger things on that list is audit logs. When a customer calls in with a query, being able to track down who changed what, and when, is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal to get any issues resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    What should be logged?

    The first logical question when tackling audit logs, is what actually should be logged, and what shouldn't. A good rule of thumb is if something changes in your database, it should be logged. Typically, this means all POST, UPDATE, PATCH and DELETE requests. GET requests typically would not be logged, but that doesn't mean they can't be if you've got a compelling reason to know when someone viewed something, for instance.

    Ask yourself the question "As the customer managing the configuration or monitoring of this app, would I like to know when this activity has happened, by who, and when?". If the answer is a yes, then you need an audit log.

    What should be in an audit log (for it to be sexy)?

    For me, there are a few key elements of an audit log that need to be there in order for it to be effective and useful to your team.

    1. The entity that was changed. What was the entity that was created/updated/deleted etc. In the example below, the entity was a "resource".
    2. The type of event. Was it an update, a deletion, or something else? Being able to glance at an audit log and know the action that was taken is essential.
    3. When the event occurred. You need to know when the event happened, and of course if you're showing a list of events, they should be in chronological order. Bonus points here if you show both the time, and relative time (eg "10 minutes ago")
    4. Who did it? Knowing who made the change is essential. Was it a support team member, or the customer themselves? Bonus points here for including the user ID, to make chasing down the culprit that bit quicker.
    5. What was changed? Understanding the properties that were changed, the previous value, and the new value, is essential. Without this information, your audit logs are a lot less effective.

    Audit log example

    How long should I keep audit logs?

    This is up to your use case, but in my experience, typically any more than 3 months is overkill. If there is anything to debug, it'll usually crop up in that time frame. The only caveat to this would be large customers who want to retain logs for longer. This is of course an opportunity to upsell those clients onto a longer log retention period 😉.

    Apps that do audit logging well

    Of course I'm going to say Flipdish first, with reservadesk.com as a close second!

    Other apps I've noticed that do it well are Stripe, split.io and localize.biz - although in localize's case it's more of a light activity log.

    Anything else I should know, Chris?

    I'm glad you asked. Once you have your audit log system set up, and it has appropriate filters, you should link to the audit logs from every entity that has them. In our examples above, this means that if you're logged in as an organisation teammate, and you view a resource like Desk 1, you should have a link that goes directly to your audit logs list page that has the filter pre-filled for that resource.

    Or even, better, display the logs for that item in the UI itself, no need to redirect the user.

    Hope that helps someone here make some sexy audit logs in their projects :)

    submitted by /u/cderm
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    How can I improve the mobile performance score?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 04:15 AM PST

    During Covid I had some down time and started to learn web-development and created the visualsm.art based on WordPress, Bootstrap and using Vega-Lite for plotting.

    When I check how performs in https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvisualsm.art%2F&hl=en I get a performance score of only 59 for Mobile.

    I am trying to improve this metric, but I got a few questions:

    1. Does this score has effect on SEO ranking?
    2. Is there a tool which can reduce unused content from the CSS?
    3. "First Contentful Paint (3G) 4230 ms. First Contentful Paint 3G marks the time at which the first text or image is painted while on a 3G network." How can I track down the root cause of this?
    submitted by /u/RUng1234
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    I'm going to build a CMS. What would you like to see?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 01:28 AM PST

    5 years ago I build my own Content Management System (CMS). 3 years ago I made it open source: https://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/cqo2l3/i_created_a_cms_kikcms_it_is_now_open_source_i/

    New technologies have arrived so much so, that a complete rebuild from scratch is the most efficient way to move ahead.

    New technologies

    The current CMS uses the Phalcon Framework. It's a great framework, with outstanding performance, but the community is quite small and the upcoming version will lose the biggest performance advantage. Also Phalcon requires a PHP extension, which makes hosting it more tricky and less accessible to others. It also hinders me from using the latest PHP version, because I need to wait for Phalcon to make a version for it.

    I decided to use Symfony for the new CMS, because of much larger community, better IDE integration and wider hosting possibilities.

    Another big one is MySQL + JSON. Currently I use multiple tables for metadata for pages, products and other entities. I build a very complex tool for storing data and multiple caching techniques. That complexity falls away when I store it as JSON. With the JSON functions to retrieve data, I can retrieve embedded data with ease and good performance.

    The 3rd major change will be using Vue. The current CMS uses jQuery. jQuery is great, but with high complexity it get's harder to maintain. Vue will solve this and also add better testability.

    Why my own CMS?

    You might wonder, why build your own CMS when there are so much out there? Well I've been working on CMS's for 16 years now, and I've grown really accustomed to be able to deliver exactly what I want to deliver to my clients, and not be hindered by a certain CMS's restrictions.

    Also a major thing that bugs me is the design and the simplicity that other CMS's lack in my view. When I make my own, I can make it as clean and uncluttered as I want.

    Open Source

    The last CMS I build I also made open source. I got some reactions from people that wanted to use it and some issue reports on GitHub, but the overall response was somewhat low. It's not that important, because if I only use the CMS for myself and my own clients that's fine.

    Still, I want to improve on the open source part and make it more accessible to others. I have some ideas how to improve on that, but I would like your input.

    TL;DR: What would you like to see in a CMS?

    submitted by /u/krazzel
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    What do backend developers generally think of learning more than one language for writing the backend?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 10:39 PM PST

    Is it often you need to use a different language for a different project? I understand that you can pretty much write any backend application using any language, but obviously each language has its pros and its cons. Like NodeJS isn't great at handling heavy computational tasks.

    I personally only know JS/TS and use the NestJS framework, but I'm personally interested in learning a new language like Rust or Elixir or GoLang.

    submitted by /u/fungigamer
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    Work with family?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 12:28 AM PST

    I've been looking for a job, I've had an interview recently, the easiest interview I've ever had, and I still didn't get the job.

    Recently I showed my uncle who runs his own business and has been a programmer for years a site I'm working on during my down time. When he saw my code he seriously dropped his jaw and asked if I did it all myself, I told him I did it completely on my own from scratch. He asked me if I could explain my frontend (React) and backend (express/node) and what's going on. I explained it and he smiled. He said you got some skills, you still have a lot to learn but you really got some skills.

    Him and I have been planning on him teaching me some asp dotnet so I threw together a simple React/dotnet app to show him I'm excited and willing to learn... He called me tonight and offered to fly me to his house and we implement frontend React to his existing dotnet app. He said if I can create responsive user friendly UI then he will hire me to work remotely at $25/hr plus stocks.

    Of course I'm excited and I know I could learn a lot from him BUT he's family. I used to be self employed and after hiring friends even for small jobs I realized it wasn't good to mix friends with business. Now as excited and grateful as I am for his offer, and for me regardless of the pay it is a great offer because I would be able to use my favorite frontend tech and learn a in demand backend that I have pretty much no experience with...

    My uncle and I were never really close until these last few years when I enrolled in school for programming, even then, I would day this last year is the closest we've been my whole life but he's always been my heroic (desert storm) and favorite uncle.

    Is it worth taking this opportunity at the risk of our relationship souring or should it be okay since I know my job and I feel I can do it pretty well even though I still need to get a better understanding of global state management and RTK.

    What are your thoughts or advice?

    submitted by /u/Limp_Flatworm_1832
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    Google Analytics - Clicks from Paid search

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:48 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Quick question re: google analytics. Recently, I've been getting clicks from paid search. The problem is that I don't do any paid ads at the moment.

    In Google Analytics, I go to Aquisition --> Google Ads --> Campaigns. I see one campaign with a group of 'not set'. It's cost $0. 129 users. The clicks seem to be coming from this campaign that was setup in the past 2 days that I didn't create.

    Do you know what could be going on?


    submitted by /u/django_noob
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    Any audio resources worth listening to?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 03:23 AM PST

    Hello! I started learning web development last October, I'm doing The Odin Project as a base + other resources.

    I changed my job a couple of weeks ago and now I have a bunch of time where I could be listening to something and I would love to listen to something useful and not just music all the time. I can't really look at videos so I'm looking for purely audio resources (I imagine podcasts, theory classes, idk).

    Any ideas?

    Edit: I'm looking for resources to understand concepts and things like that, I'm not really looking for stories or anecdote podcasts, etc.

    submitted by /u/andthecow
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    php echo sends unrequested html error code

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 03:00 AM PST

    Making a plugin in wordpress and I have a couple of Ajax to PHP calls being handled by a middle man file. However, I've noticed that the echo I get has some added HTML code, which seems like an error block. I'm still rather new to this so I'm judging that I'm handling these calls wrong or sending the data incorrectly? Searching hasn't given me any clarification so I'm clueless.

    Console.Log Debug data:

     {"id":"1","name":"Escritorio","active":"1","birthdate":"2022-01-04","internalid":"Escritorio","mediaid":null}<!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE 9 ]> <html lang="pt-PT" class="ie9 loading-site no-js"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8 ]> <html lang="pt-PT" class="ie8 loading-site no-js"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--><html lang="pt-PT" class="loading-site no-js"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> there's more but it's inrelevant imo 

    Ajax call code (js):

    url: 'ajaxToPhpCalls.php', method: "POST", data: {callFunction : "GetPersonData", functionValues : id }, success: function(dados) { //console.log(data); //var dados = $.parseJSON(data); //console.log(dados); $('#modalPerson').modal({ show: true }); $('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false); $('#id_p').val(dados.id); $('#name_p').val(dados.getPerson.name); /* Throws error saying that name does not exist. doing dados.name will give me an undefined value despite seeing online that it is ok to do it */ 

    Ajax to PHP handler (php):

    else if ($text == "GetPersonData") { $postData->id = $_POST['functionValues']; //Constantes::console_log($postData); $response = PersonServices::GetPerson($postData); echo $response; //data here is as it should be } 
    submitted by /u/PandaDemonipo
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    User information / statistics about share button us

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 02:38 AM PST

    As the title says I'm looking for information about how much the share feature actually is used. Anybody know about some information on this?

    submitted by /u/hasteiswaste
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    Thoughts on my email template to offer web dev services?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 02:18 AM PST

    I'm about to e-mail some companies that don't have websites to ask if they would be interested in having a website made for them. Can I get some opinions on my template please? I'm not a professional, just a student but I feel like that doesn't need to be mentioned.

    I don't want to make it too long, but is there a way I can make it more personalized / impactful?

    ​​Hi [Name],

    I recently came across your business and I noticed that you currently don't have a website for your products. I am a web developer and was curious if you'd be interested in helping with your website presence.

    I went ahead and designed a quick demo for what you can expect from your website, of course more personalized to your brand if you decide you'd like to move forward with this.

    You access the demo here: {link}

    In addition to that, I will set you up with a Stripe Dashboard, where you will be able to track monthly revenue, sales, transactions, payments and customers all with a few simple clicks.

    You can view what your Stripe Dashboard would look like here: {link}

    A great website would help your business connect with many more customers and directly translate to interest in your brand from those who are unable to visit your location in-person.

    If you're interested in speaking to me about your website, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

    Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you!


    submitted by /u/InvictusJoker
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    Whats the best book you've ever had for learning JavaScript?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 01:49 AM PST

    See title

    submitted by /u/Crynnec
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    Why does the website stick when scrolling on mobile on this site? I can’t figure out what’s causing these overflow issues and what is making the website stick when I scroll too fast

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:31 PM PST

    Here's the site


    Mozilla inspector says I have an overflow issue on the body and a number of website sections. Any ideas on what they could be? I'm Dumbfounded on this one. I appreciate any help. First time I've actually run into it this badly before.

    submitted by /u/Citrous_Oyster
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    Securing a Public Firestore Database

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:28 PM PST

    Hello, I just want to seek advice on securing a public firestore database for my web application. It is an application that allows anonymous people to create messages and put them up on a dashboard. As such, there is no user authentication required. I was looking on how to secure the database but it seems quite difficult without user authentication. Are there ways to reduce the likelihood of my database getting hijacked by some malicious user? I was thinking of using App Check ReCaptcha but I'm not sure if this is sufficient as I saw this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7PUm7LmAOw&t=342s , you can just get the url and destroy the whole database. The other problem is that a user can just manipulate the database to read more than 50,000 and that is what I'm afraid of as I don't want to inccur a hefty bill and I can't fight for it since my database was insecure in the first place.

    submitted by /u/bigbaddugong
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    Is this too much variety for personal projects?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:08 PM PST

    In short, the projects I want to put on my CV are using these tech stacks:

    1. Django and a bit of pure JS
    2. MERN Stack
    3. ASP.NET Core 5.0
    4. Spring Boot + Vue.js

    Is this too much variety?

    My reasoning is the interviewer may take it as a red flag, since I can't possibly be proficient at all of these technologies. On the other hand, this may signal that I'm a flexible developer with a passion for learning.

    For context, I'm a college student about to apply for internships.

    submitted by /u/-metacontrarian-
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    Anyone Have Bad Client Stories?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:02 PM PST

    More of a rant than anything here but just had a pretty bad potential client. He explained to me their company already has a website but it's really bad, they couldnt customize it, and they want me to make a completely new one. We go over what they have now and what they want from a new website. Around 10 webpages, send a message from the site to their email, they want things like Google Adsense. Whatever. No problem.

    But then he starts getting unreasonable saying he wants me to set them up a Google Maps account and he wants them to be the top search result wherever people are searching for a store despite them not having a store there. That's ridiculous and not what I do but the guy is dating my sister and I'm trying to do him a favor so I said let's focus on the website now then we can separately talk about that.

    Next the guy says he got his previous website for $1500 and pays $200 a month to manage it but he wants me to do this for $800 and $50-100 a month and he isnt hiring me unless I do the Google Maps thing too. Like... no. I'm not building you a custom website that's better in every way for half the price of your current one.

    After rejecting his offer and saying I was giving him a discount at $3000 he got angry and started going off on how web development is easy, he can do it himself, and other services will only charge $500. I thanked him for his time and encouraged him to give them a try. Anyone else got bad client stories you want to get off your chest?

    submitted by /u/Breach344
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    Email storage limits?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:57 PM PST

    Alright so admittedly i've taken a little while longer than most of you to finally get fed up with NoDaddy and their mediocre overpriced services. The switch to them middlemanning office365 mail was the final straw. So have had a few clients and a couple online recommendations for zoho mail (being based in Aus) but upon switching i've just come to realise the 5GB storage limit isn't a per month / per year thing but instead a lifetime limit? Already being in business for 8 years, I regularly get returning clients 5+ years later and having previous email threads is handy to say the least (never was an issue with godaddy as they have unlimited mail storage) so now i'm stuck asking what do you pros do?! Is the total GB storage limitation thing strange or is that commonplace across the board?

    Some may think 5GB worth of text based emails is a lot but I day to day get 20MB+ attachments sent to me being in the design industry, so 100MB+ per week means i'll struggle to last a year before filling 5GB and having to delete emails. (that i may need years later)

    submitted by /u/josuhataylor
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