• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 15, 2022

    I'm creating "Game Codebase Tours" – source code walkthroughs of finished game projects – in order to help new devs learn how a finished game is put together. Would anyone be interested?

    I'm creating "Game Codebase Tours" – source code walkthroughs of finished game projects – in order to help new devs learn how a finished game is put together. Would anyone be interested?

    I'm creating "Game Codebase Tours" – source code walkthroughs of finished game projects – in order to help new devs learn how a finished game is put together. Would anyone be interested?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:46 AM PST

    Title says it all! :)

    The idea is that I'd create:

    1. A finished codebase that serves as a reference implementation of a game genre, and
    2. A source code walkthrough, that teaches you how the game is put together

    It'd be kinda like Fabien Sanglard's work that demystifies Doom/Quake, but perhaps more practical since the codebases would be in Unity.

    Here's a landing page I put together where you can see more details of what I mean:

    > https://jasont.co/game-codebase-tours

    My question to the community:

    1. Would you be interested in the teaching format?
    2. What genres would you like to see a "tour" for?
    submitted by /u/ntide
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    Anyone else burnt out? Does the AAA grind get easier?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:50 PM PST

    Five years in AAA, launching my third big game this year, and now we are beginning our death march to RC. I'm dying.

    The stress, long hours, lack of good sleep, weight gain, etc is killing me.

    Do these "push to RC" or "Let's hit this milestone for vertical slice" ever get easier?

    I'm in art at a senior level. Should I switch to engineering? How's it on a tools team? I've considered going back for my masters in comp sci if it meant better pay and more importantly better hours. I can always do art on the side for passion projects.

    I'm worried I'm not going to live another twenty years at this rate. My heart is going to give out before then lol.

    I love my job until the last 8 months of development or the big push to finish VC before we pitch it to the top dogs. It always kills me to say no to family time with my partner and kids every weekend, gain twenty lbs, and feel like poo everyday from lack of sleep. Any other devs feeling the same? Any vets able to transcend the grind to survive decades? I don't want to leave the industry truthfully...

    EDIT: Thanks for the words of encouragement and sorry for the pity party. I was having a rough night after some director notes and a shortened Valentine's dinner evening because of it. I'm off to bed now to fix it all in the morning. 🙏

    submitted by /u/moneystressed
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    Does the game industry really not pay that well?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:20 PM PST

    I've been going around the internet and asked a few devs how it is in the game industry and the internet says that an entry level job of game dev pays well but when I asked some devs, they said its not a lot for the hours your putting in. So I want to know how well does it actually pay?

    submitted by /u/yeloooooo
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    Watch out for fake game developers

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 10:24 AM PST

    There are fake Discord profiles that will message random users offering to be a gametester for a game they do not own. They go as far as to create a Discord server full of 500 fake and hacked users, they also made a website with the download link to most probably malware.

    A kind person (SusMan) messaged me telling about this, that my game was being used as a front for this scam.

    You can see some pictures here https://imgur.com/gallery/oreTd27

    I'm just putting it out here so that people know about these types of scams regarding gamedevs, it was the first time I have heard about something like this.

    submitted by /u/Shamahan
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    Stopping work on my indie game was the best choice I've ever made....

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:00 AM PST

    I'd been working on this ambitious indie game for something like 8+ years now (probably saw me post about it at some point or another, called "Bloom: Memories"). The project hit every setback you could imagine, including needing to start over in a new engine a year+ into development and a half dozen team members who came and left at various points.

    Anyway, about half a year ago I found some side work working for Roblox.... and I decided to stop working on the game for a while (especially to save up money).

    I gotta say, that was one of the best choices I've made in a long time. Who knew having a "real job" (something that actually pays) and having so much free time and money to try out hobbies and things was so great?!

    Anyone who says money doesn't buy happiness is a liar.

    I know there are other indie devs out there living in poverty (like I was) trying to "make the dream come true".... but it's not worth it. Not even close. You just get burnt out and the years slip by as you miss out on a lot of stuff you could have had working a "normal job".

    A lot of people give advice to do indie game dev on the side until it starts making real money, and after ignoring all that and trying it the "passion way".... then getting a taste of normal life... I now have to agree. Take this as a cautionary tale.

    Anyhow, just throwing it out there for other indie devs that feel trapped by their projects. Making an indie game to entertain a few people isn't worth sacrificing your life over.

    submitted by /u/Dani_SF
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    An interesting site I found that has 2-4k textures of all categories you can download for free. Recommended for beginners who aren't familiar with creating textures.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:20 AM PST

    Need help understanding "Please confirm how the framerate should be converted into scores in the game settings menu.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:41 AM PST

    Recently applied for a communications/translation based job within a QA company, and got rejected because I apparently messed this up:

    "Please confirm how the framerate should be converted into scores in the game settings menu. "

    I understood it as how framerate should be converted into "scores", as in benchmarking tools like 3DMark, and etc. Is there any other interpretation? I've asked people that are experienced in my industry, and no one seems to know.

    Is it something that's very exclusively dev knowledge? Thanks in advance. And hope this type of question isn't against the rules.

    submitted by /u/JustHalfANoob
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    My youtube is a small channel but I get an email to help promote a big game?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 03:03 PM PST

    So I got an email from publisher/dev company asking to place a 30 second clip in one of my videos for a popular upcoming game and how much I'd charge them. But first off, my channel is small like 400 subscribers, some of my videos are under 200 views. And second, my email is not listed in any details on my youtube channel.

    The reason I'm posting is because it makes me think, did the marketing people for this game just fish the internet for email address to anyone that has a gaming related youtube channel and fire off thousands of emails?

    submitted by /u/ManicD7
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    For all the web game devs of this sub, how do you make money?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 03:12 PM PST

    I've released a few web games but never have tried to monetize them. I'm curious in hearing how other people have gone about doing this. Do you use ads, sponsorships, etc? How many plays does your game need to be successful money wise (or is that not relevant)?

    submitted by /u/chickenbomb52
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    I noticed that C++ is the Industry standard and have some questions.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 05:38 AM PST

    Hey everone! I've been programming in C# for quite a lot of years already. Recently I'm approacing to finish my graduation and after having done C++ a bit as well in the past I've started to read that a lot of company's / clients are looking for C++ programmers. (A lot for C# as well but I'd love to broaden my field)

    So my question now is, is C++ really the big standard voor game development? If so, in what engine do most of these company's work, I assume Unreal but perhaps others? And how could I teach myself C++ in this manner to be a good fit for these companies, should I perhaps make some games in Unreal Engine or maybe use Visual Studio and make some basic applications (As that's more of a pure C++ without external libraries?)

    Would love your opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/bengel2004
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    XR Unity developer having difficulty trying to break into more traditional game development roles

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:52 PM PST

    I got into software engineering with the goal to get into game development. I've been working with Unity and have gotten jobs as a unity developer in the XR space. However, many of the applications I've worked on professionally aren't exactly games. They usually are simulators where you'd explore a space or environment in virtual reality or exploring some sort of interaction in the XR space.

    I've been trying to interview with game development roles with difficulty. During interviews I get stumped on the lower level technical questions regarding C# or around linear math questions. The capacity that I've worked on in Unity is one as an engineer so I still regularly script in C# and work within the scene. However, when it comes to these more technical questions I just don't know it since I don't run into kind of problems during my work.

    I always thought I'd eventually break into the game dev space as long as I was working professionally with Unity, but I think I might need some advice on how to better direct my growth into that role.

    submitted by /u/ckim777
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    Client Creation / Animation

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:52 PM PST


    For Video Game Clients, say for example League of Legends, that are separate where the game is played. Does the game dev build the client? Do animators(For menus and transitions) or web developers have a hand in it?

    Curious as I look at the client like theirs almost as a web page that then launches the game but I know I am 100% off on this. Wanted clarification.

    submitted by /u/ackbosh
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    How can I create a 2D playing field that looks 3D?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:09 PM PST

    A game I would like to make will have a tiled field to place characters onto. Since it's not a top-down view, I am concerned it will look strange if there was no projection making the field look 3D. I am aiming for a style that has a similar feeling to the mobile game Arknights.

    I'm assuming I should still make the tile assets 2D, and then there is some kind of math that I can perform afterwards to give it a 3D perspective as I'm creating the field? Each tile will need to be drawn from code, so I don't think drawing the whole field will work for me.

    I am very new to game development and am in the process of learning unity, so any information on how I can tackle my problem would be really appreciated!

    submitted by /u/armenaa652
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    Unity Multi-Language System(Localization)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:14 PM PST

    Unity Undo Move System (Similar to Baba Is You)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:20 AM PST

    Anybody selling 3d models online? How much do you CA. Make per month?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:15 PM PST

    Just wandering, I'm thinking about taking a break from 2d art too 3d.

    submitted by /u/GamezGamer
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    Hi! Want to share my game "Hungry war battle simulator 2" with all of you! The game is available on Google Play. Write some ideas on how to improve the game in the comments

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:57 AM PST

    Need Advice on Optimization - Textures/Tilesets

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:59 PM PST

    Hello, I'm currently trying to just make a rough idea of a top down game and need advice. I was wondering if it would be better to have every single texture I need packed into one giant tileset (say a 4K tileset for example) or a tileset for a grass area, a tileset for a volcanic area, a spritesheet for the character, etc. all separately? I think that having everything in the game in one atlas would reduce draw calls, but I'm not sure if that would be bad for performance having just one giant image loaded all the time. Any ideas? This is assuming I probably shouldn't just have every texture separately as well right?

    submitted by /u/WIPGameDev01
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    need help picking the right commonts for my system

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:44 AM PST

    Hey there. New to Unreal Engine and enjoying it so far. I will be using my pc for programming, gaming, and unreal engine 4, for now on a 1080p 165hz monitor where as in future hopefully get a 1440p 32" ultrawide monitor or atleast a 27" 1440p monitor.

    Is the vram on a gpu going to make a big difference? I plan to buy a pc from cyberpower and my options are the 3060 12gb, 6600 xt 8gb for £40 less, the 3070 8gb for £159 more than the 3060 12gb or the 6700 xt for £48 more than the 3070. The nvidea cards are msi ventus 2x and the amd cards just say amd radeon so whatever they have in stock.

    This would be paired with a 5600x at first and then in a years time id upgrade to a ryzen 9 (ill give my partner the 5600x when the time comes as ill be giving her my 2600x 1060 6gb machine when i buy my new one)

    Thanks in advance, will probably have more questions soon haha. Dont need a straight up answer just what the best to worst options would be sort of thing. So many options not sure what is best for the time being.

    submitted by /u/McCluregamer447
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    Tik-Tok a new way to promote games? What do you say?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:35 AM PST

    I wanted to ask those who have already had experience with this platform. I have read elsewhere that Tik-Tok can be a good way to promote your game, but it is very specific.

    • Do you use it to promote your game, if so what can you tell us?
    • What tips can you give?
    • What content makes sense to do there?

    I plan to work on it, and of course I will share my thoughts as soon as I have some experience.

    submitted by /u/lKribba
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    Is it a mental blockade or am i just not cut out to be a game developer?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:26 AM PST

    Since i was a kid i always daydreamed of making a game. And now that i have all the tools at my disposal i just....can't do anything with it.

    I would say i can be pretty creative and always have little ideas for some game mechanic or story etc. But it seems everytime i go ahead with an idea it always ends the same.

    For example:

    1. I got a little game idea in my head that i write down.

    2. I think about different genres and how my idea would fit into them.

    3. I start with boxes and circles in unity and start prototyping.

    4. I get a vision of an artstyle and ask a friend for opinions.

    5. I research some other games in that genre and play them.

    6. I see some really creative and good ones.

    7. I start second guessing if i really think my game was a good idea. (or even as original as i thought). The fear of my game dying unnoticed because of competition also crosses mind wich scares me a bit tbh.

    8. I get discouraged that i may have been wasting time creating something that isn't as fun as i thought. Or maybe just is a clone of something existing.

    9. I pause the project.

    10.i end of project "unfinished".

    My last game attempt was a very short one. Because it was meant to proof to myself i can finish something and alas.... The game went on hold and is unfinished. That really discouraged the heck out of me.

    A bit about myself:

    I am not a designer and mostly work as programmer with unity. I am a solo-developer but sometimes get help from a friend who is currently a self-taught designer/artist. Though i am currently learning to be an artist to at least get concept art going.

    I still write down my ideas and play around with prototypes but i have not started a real project in a while.

    Am i just not meant to be a game developer or is this just a mental blockade to overcome? I would really like your thoughts on this and maybe a few tips to stay disciplined to finish a project.

    (i don't want to say motivated because motivation although it helps in getting a project started, it is discipline that would be what, i think, helps the most with finishing a project)

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes. English isn't my first language.

    submitted by /u/Brummelhummel
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    If a 1997 game cost $3 million to make, would making a similar game now cost roughly the same, or much less?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:42 AM PST

    I recently finished playing Fallout 1, which I learned cost about $3 million to make in 1997. While it was a great game, it's obviously very dated and simple in comparison to most modern games.

    It got me wondering - if you came up with the idea of Fallout 1 now and wanted to make it, how much would it cost? Would it be roughly the same but adjusted for inflation, so around $5M? Or would it be much cheaper because technology and the gaming industry has advanced so much?

    To be clear, I don't just mean cloning the existing game, I mean if you came up with it now and had to make it from scratch — programming it, writing dialogue, making the art, getting voice actors, etc. — but with modern technology (ex. it would be fine to use Unity or another engine if it was workable).

    Thanks for any thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Burgermeister_42
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    Where do you look for game assets?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:00 AM PST

    Hi, I work in Unity and of course I know about asset store, but not everything is there obviously. What other sources do you use? Paid or free, it doesnt matter.

    FIY: I am looking for some stuff as placeholders before I start making/hire someone to make art.

    submitted by /u/bartsilver
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    As someone whose dream is to create a game people will like, is it worth it? What is your experience?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:35 PM PST

    As the title says. :-) It's been a dream I've had since I was a little kid. I've always wanted to create something that other people will enjoy, or at least I can enjoy. I talk to my mom constantly about game ideas and silly little characters, and she thinks that I should start learning so I can make my very own game. What do you think? Would you say that it's worth it learning to create a game (as a hobby)? What is your experience?

    submitted by /u/silent-dialtone
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    What are developers these days using for creating browser games?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:18 AM PST

    Hey there,

    I just want to know what most game developers use these days for making browser/HTML5 games.

    I am a phaser 3 developer but i know there are lots of alternatives.

    So i am curious. What are you using(engine or framework). And why do you think it's the best?

    Please share.

    submitted by /u/AccomplishedRace8803
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