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    Wednesday, February 9, 2022

    I know this might sound ignorant, but how do you actually use GitHub? learn programming

    I know this might sound ignorant, but how do you actually use GitHub? learn programming

    I know this might sound ignorant, but how do you actually use GitHub?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:25 AM PST

    Like the title says, I don't know how to use GitHub, when to use GitHub, or why to use GitHub for that matter. I've built my first few original projects but I've always just done it off my hard drive, and no tutorial that I've done has told me to do otherwise. So when am I supposed to upload to GitHub? Is there some way to have changes automatically reflect or something?

    Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.

    Edit: holy shit I wrote this on my way to work expecting one or two answers. Thanks for everyone taking the time to help me and other beginners learn! I'll work through the comments when I get home.

    submitted by /u/moreghoststhanpeople
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    100 days of code

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:21 PM PST

    I am planning to take on the challenge of 100 days of code. It means to code or read some code everyday for the next 100 days.

    Since coding is a large subject, I am planning to focus on working everyday on Data Structures and Algorithms during these 100 days.

    Since if we work as a group, we can push each other. Therefore is there any one interested in joining this challenge ?

    We can hold each other accountable during these 100 days and may be form some good bonds during this time.

    Edit : I am overwhelmed by the response.

    So here's what I have thought.

    1) I will create a Google sheet where all those who are interested can enter their details. 2) According to the language of choice we will have an accountability partner assigned. So we will work together in a group of two. Where we will both be accountable to each other 3) Every day one has to solve atleast one problem listed in Leet Code. 4) Making sure we feel hurt due to our laziness : This one is a big one if we want to build a habit of solving problems. If on any day we don't solve a problem, we will have to pay a nominal amount of money to our accountability partner .

    How's the game plan folks ?

    submitted by /u/Any-Masterpiece-8739
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    Looking for a dedicated beginner

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 12:44 PM PST


    I'm looking for a beginner who is serious about learning to code to be my mentee.

    The reason being that a) I feel like I get a much better understanding of things I think I've already mastered when I try to teach it to someone b) I would genuinely like to observe someone getting good at programming over time c) I think it will be fun

    Some things you should know about me: - I'm 25 years old - I'm from Brazil - I first started learning computer programming in 2014 - I currently work as a game developer

    If you wanna learn more about myself and what I'm proposing to you, send me a message :)

    submitted by /u/gamedev317
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    looking for beginner programming buddies

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:01 PM PST

    18yo beginner here, recently started learning Python. As the title says, I'm looking for someone around my skill level. The idea is that we hold each other accountable, compare each others projects, and improve each other. I'm interested in making games with Python but I'm open to making other things as well. Shoot me a dm if you're interested :)

    submitted by /u/Kitarp69
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 08:03 AM PST

    Hello everyone, i am going to make this short, i want to learn programming so bad but for some reason i just don't have the energy to go and study and i feel lazy, can anyone suggest anything so i can get rid of this laziness.

    submitted by /u/Doflp
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    How does a single web application run for multiple users?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 06:28 PM PST

    Say you have 1 react app, running on 1 server. How come 100 people be using the same react app, but be at different pages? It's only 1 app.

    submitted by /u/whoppingwally
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    What’s the best way to learn ?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 08:02 PM PST

    Hello all ,

    I am trying to learn html,css & Java script atm as it seems to be quite in demand for freelance work. I keep getting stuck/frustrated which I fear stunts my growth as a developer . I need help or advice on what has helped you all on learning a new computer language for coding .

    Previously I got stuck in the " tutorial trap"… watching endless tutorials on YouTube learning the language but never really starting any work to put practice into use .because of this, I've decided to just set projects with a end goal & study as I go while completing said project which in turn i learn the language as well fully hands on .

    Of course this full hands on approach leaves me confused at times just learning the proper way of implementing code to achieve what I need to have done is hard at times when you are learning the syntax as you go .

    So I ask … what helped you all out in learning different programming languages & coding in general ?

    submitted by /u/YoungSplash
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    When you started to apply for jobs, what do you wish you knew then, now?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:00 PM PST

    I started self-teaching back in October. I've made enough progress in python, pandas, numpy, flask and postgreSQL that I was able to successfully make it through a take home technical assignment, and I have 2 final interviews for the role, tomorrow. I have 2 friends at this company in SR level positions (back end and front end team) who have heard from down the vine that it's likely I'll be extended an offer.

    I have some skepticism though. First, I fought for my life on that assignment. It took me 8 hours. The ideal candidate can apparently do it in 2. I'm confident that with time, I'll become much more proficient, but I'm worried I'll suffer for a while in the job, or even cause hiccups for my new teammates. Assuming I'm extended an offer. Second, this role is as a solutions engineer. I have another friend who leads a team at another company that is currently being bought out/merged with Microsoft (not Acti-Blizz), and she's cautioned me against taking the job, stating it's very hard for solutions engineers to move into other roles. Is there much truth to this? I know this is just the start of my journey, but I don't want to set myself at the bottom of the hill if I can hold out for something else.

    Sadly, I'm not sure I have much of a choice. My wife and I have been in pretty dire financial circumstances since I lost my last job in July. The pay for this solutions engineering role would be life changing, as not only would it give me a salary and health care again, but it's a 60% increase up from my last job. Which is insane. If it is hard to move into another role eventually, how hard is it? One thing that appeals to me with programming is the sheer number of problems you can work on, and I don't want to limit the rest of my career to only a few within the scope of solutions.

    What do you all wish you'd known headed into your first job?

    submitted by /u/emerginlight
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    Do you think the coding bootcamp bubble will burst?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:16 PM PST

    If so, when do you think? In the next year or two, or the next decade?

    I'm thinking about changing paths from law to tech next year. However, I'm worried that bootcamps will soon churn out more programmers and developers than there is a demand for… how valid is this concern?

    If this is the wrong sub, would really appreciate it if you could redirect me!

    submitted by /u/theHappiestSisyphus
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    I'm looking to make a game database project like tracker.gg. How does that site work?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:34 PM PST

    I was thinking about making a database for FIFA or Rainbow Six Siege. Do the game devs offer APIs for their database?

    submitted by /u/xAmbitious
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    How much time a day do you spend coding and what do you work as? (Student, SWE, etc.)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:08 PM PST

    I work a full time job in an unrelated field and I spend 1-4 hours coding every day. I'm usually working on LC, a portfolio/personal project, or following a tutorial to learn something new.

    I'm trying to figure out if I'm not putting in enough work compared to other people.

    submitted by /u/ArkrezArt
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    General Purpose Macros for Windows 10?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 10:37 PM PST

    It seems like excel and word have built-in macro functions, but I'm wondering if there is a 'general purpose' macro program for windows so to speak? Are you forced to use third party software to record general macros which can be used anywhere in windows? If so, which would you recommend/trust? I'm basically trying to create custom keyboard shortcuts for powershell, which can also be used in say word, a text file etc.

    submitted by /u/tace8
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    How Do You Guys Manage Your Time Productively?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 10:37 PM PST

    I have multiple software projects I am currently working on and I also want to write posts for two seperate blogs, but I feel lost and don't know which task to do first and how to approach them!

    I tried using to do lists, it didn't help, I tried using Trello, it didn't help, I tried writing down my tasks on a piece of paper, it didn't help as well.

    I want to know how you guys manage your time and tasks, maybe I can get inspired and use one of your techniques.

    submitted by /u/iEmerald
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    Getting my shit together

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:19 PM PST


    first time poster. I am in desperate need of guidance. I am in my mid 30s. Used to work in another field (banking) before switching. Studied computer science and worked in logistics for 4 and a half years. I am a developer, but not a good one. I am seriously lacking.

    I know java, c#, a tiny bit c++ for languages. I use eclipse as ide. SQL for databases. I know a bit HQL as well and know a bit about Tomcat and git.

    Thats already it. I got quite the gap in programming interfaces and servlets. All these years I got by by programming standart apps and using the company framework and often providing assistance at the customers place when we rolled out our software or I did some project management stuff cause I was getting along fine with our customers.

    Now Im trying to get back into programming and developing, but I suck. Im slow and missing foundations. Honestly I dont like my current employer and logistics in general.

    Im open for anything in regards to programming. Its important that there are decent jobs out there I could apply for after I fixed my foundations. Doesnt matter what language or framework they use. Im from germany btw.

    I would greatly appreciate pointers. Whats promising/rising? Programming language, framework, DB, job fields/careers. Spring? Springboot? JavaEE? Non relational DB, sql, hql? Docker? C#,Java,Python C,C++,R? Javascript typescript? Wildfly/Jboss vs Tomcat?

    Im thankful for any input. It would be especially great if you could even say what combinations you use. For example Springboot + wildfly + Java + javascript.

    Do you know great tutorials? Like for anything? Websites? An order how to tackle this? Book recommendations? I bought myself "head first java","clean code", "java 8", "head first kotlin". Started with head first java now.

    I really wanna fix my basics and become a halfway decent developer in a halfway prommising field. Im a bit frustrated cause Im quite old, severely lacking and I have to manage my time cause besides a fulltime job, I got a big house, big garden, children, wife and friends. Not bragging, just emphazising "big"= more work. This means if I wanna fix this in time I need a plan and Im struggling with that.

    Im asking for much, I know. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Mr_Incognito_0
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    Did many of you start programing as a hobby and then make it a job?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:24 AM PST

    I'm a 34yr old cook and a few months ago I started programing for fun. I was tring to make my D&D campaign into a game. I'm ready to get out of the kitchen but I don't have any formal training. I guess I'm wondering what "path" is hiring most often, honestly though I haven't tried learned anything I didnt need for my story/game.

    submitted by /u/FlameFlame1420
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    I want to learn how to program.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 04:07 PM PST

    I am interested in learning anything I can about programming. I would like to start with python, am 22 years of age and a fast learner. Any free resources/certification courses and is there anyone willing to mentor? My daily OS IS linux Mint and and fairly skilled on the computer. Thank you in advance for any and all reply's!

    submitted by /u/PureTune9433
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    Do you need third party software to create Macros for Windows?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:57 PM PST

    Basically the title, I'm trying to learn how to program using NVDA, Visual Studio Code, and Python. Unfortunately, the built in terminal doesn't play nice with NVDA. Because of this, I'm trying to learn how to use PowerShell in conjunction with Visual Studio Code. Right now, I open the folder within PowerShell, then run the file from there. The problem is that every time I open PowerShell, I have to re-enter the path to the desktop. Usually this isn't a problem for most people, however typos are pretty hard to troubleshoot with text to speech, especially in PowerShell (compared to Visual Studio Code).

    Basically I want to create a Macro so that I can easily paste in the path to my desktop (where I plan on having all my programming folders for ease of access) every time I open up PowerShell. The problem is I know nothing about Macros. The tutorials I've looked up on YouTube pretty much all use third party software to make macros. Overall I'm just wondering if Windows 10 has a built in Macro recording program, or if I should get third party software to make macros. If so, which macro recorders are the best? Thanks

    submitted by /u/tace8
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    Limited use of my hands, have to code by voice - should I find a different profession?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:32 AM PST

    I tried posting this on CS career questions but I didn't get any comments (or upvotes or downvotes and it's not in the feed when sorting by new posts), I don't know if maybe my post was removed by some kind of spam filter for some reason? I suppose I'll try asking here.

    I have chronic pain in my hands that limits my hand use and especially keyboard and mouse use. To preface, before anybody says to see a doctor, I already have seen multiple and they couldn't figure out for certain what was causing it and I couldn't find any effective treatments, so I'm kind of stuck with it. Part of the problem is having loose/hypermobile joints and that can't be changed anyway. I wanted to go into software development as a career, but I'm realizing that may not be very realistic in my situation. I know coding by voice Is a thing and that's what I have been doing, but I'm a beginner (it's been 3 months), controlling a computer by voice is slow and difficult, and I'm not sure if it really is realistic to learn to code while learning how to do it by voice and then aim to do it as a profession.

    I've heard about how hard it is to get a job in the first place even as an able-bodied person, let alone getting interviews. But as someone who has to use their voice to code and also have to control my computer by voice now, has numerous other health issues that I need to accommodate, and on the top of that being a woman, which probably lessens my value to employers even if it's subconsciously, for me it may be almost impossible. And I'm not super smart or anything nor does all of this come naturally to me so it's not like I'd be some exceptional candidate where the other stuff can be overlooked. If I already had an established career as a software developer and then had to start coding my voice that would be one thing, but trying to enter the field like this is another. Plus, it would be an issue in school/classes, and probably also an issue in an office setting.

    Thoughts? Could this still be realistically doable (aiming to do it for a living) or is it probably a bad idea?

    submitted by /u/squirrelswirl_568
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    Trying, failing to get a tiny piece of CSS to work

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:19 PM PST

    I'm using Firefox (v97) and trying to override the full screen video player height setting on a particular website so that the content properly fits my ultrawide monitor (3440x1440), rather than cutting off the bottom 20% or so. (It seems the page designer is optimizing for screen width regardless of the original content's aspect ratio.)

    I can successfully do this on demand by bringing up the developer console and entering this:

    document.getElementsByClassName('player__video__container')[0].style.height = '1440px'; 

    But manually doing that every time I make a video full screen is...less than ideal. I want to make at permanent. To do this, I've tried the following:

    -In about:config, changed 'toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets' to true
    -In Firefox profile folder, created 'chrome' folder
    -In 'chrome' folder, created 'userChrome.css' file and added the following to it:

    @-moz-document domain(www.channel4.com){ .full_screen .player__video__app{height: 1440px !important} .full_screen .player__video__container{height: 1440px !important} } 

    -Restarted Firefox and tested

    But unfortunately that doesn't work.

    Here's a sample URL for the site in question. (The video may not play if you're outside the UK though.)

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/AllG0nePeteT0ng
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    About to start my coding bootcamp...13inch m1 macbook pro (2020) or 16 inch 2.6GHz i7 (late 2019)? Could use some help.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:15 PM PST

    Hey all,
    I hate to be this guy to ask a question comparing computers but I really need some insight as this is a relatively large investment for me. I am going to be attending a full time coding bootcamp in the next month and its time to update my personal use computer as well. I will be using this laptop for 10-12 hours every single day for 3 months straight for my coding bootcamp as well as for my personal use laptop for what I would imagine being the next few years. The question is, should I opt for the smaller more portable laptop with newer technology (m1 chip), or go for the larger screen space to make workflow easier and get a slightly dated laptop with intel technology that it seems will not be used by apple for much longer? My bootcamp will be remote so I wont be lugging it around all that much, but could use some input on what you guys think. Models I am comparing are relatively similar in price since I am buying either as refurbished (under $1100 vs $1300 for the 16") and have the following specs. What are your thoughts?
    Apple MacBook Pro 13.3" Laptop - Apple M1 Chip - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD
    Apple MacBook Pro (16-Inch, 16GB RAM, 512GB Storage, 2.6GHz Intel Core i7)

    submitted by /u/JDDW
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    Can someone help me learn?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:14 PM PST

    I'm sorta new to programming. Ive been going to school for it and because of work I had to drop classes several times (I run a restaurant and covid happened right after I found out I could go to school again and it's been rough). I ended up going to a small college and it's been awhile since I did Java. Now I'm in a programming 2 class and I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm passing the class. I just really don't feel like I know what I'm doing or anything.....my next class is in python I think and I'm also taking a web dev class next term which is of course in html and css. I have held the same job (unrelated to programming) for almost 10 years and decided I didn't want that anymore so I went back to school. I just feel kinda lost or something.....can someone help me learn programming? I don't know what I'm doing and I'm bsing my way through my class but I want to actually know how to do this

    submitted by /u/saddest_crocodile
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    BASIC Programming

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:11 PM PST

    I started learning BASIC because it seems pretty straight forward. I dont have any technical experience programming so I thought I'd start here. Anyone else start with BASIC and or still use it? Where did it take you?

    submitted by /u/jaysteel77
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    I'd like to learn to program, but I don't have the discipline to make myself learn...but I also probably can't go back to school due to health

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:00 PM PST

    (Going to TL:DR this upfront and then go into more detail)

    TL:DR - I enjoy learning programming and coding on my own time, but I have trouble holding myself accountable to learn at a good pace. I'm looking for tips and resources to hold myself accountable and actually retain information rather than repeating code that a video teaches. I highly doubt I could go to a proper school with set meeting times in a classroom or even online due to health issues. I want to learn for hobby reasons, not specifically career oriented ones.

    So basically over the last 18 months or so, I've dabbled in trying to learn how to become proficient in some programming languages and have done some web development and design. Some of you may see this time and notice hm, how has she not learned enough to feel proficient yet? Well it's because I genuinely struggle to work without structure.

    Unfortunately, I'm the kind of person who sort of...needs a tight schedule and deadlines. I thrived in the military and in college when I had people by my side as well as a strict training regime. I didn't need micromanagement by any means, but without the pressure of a deadline (or punishment in the military) I lack motivation.

    I suffered an injury in the military that has caused me to lose all balance function in one ear. This means I get completely unpredictable vertigo spells anywhere from 1 all the way up to 5 times in any given week. This means reasonably, I can't make class times or a lot of meetings needed to go back to a true school or do a bootcamp. I quit before I was fired from my last retail job, because of this very issue. I would perform well for multiple shifts in a row, but then I'd miss 2 in one week. I knew I wasn't dependable in that regard.

    And yet again, I know you're asking yourself "How can she expect to get a programming job then?" Well of course I can't hold down a traditional job. I just fought for 2 years to get my injury recognized as that severe by the VA.

    I want to learn coding and programming because at the end of the day, I need purpose beyond just the bare minimum of things I can do when I am not suffering a vertigo spell or other malaise. I have hobbies, but I want to do something gainful with my life like build websites or develop an app or write some cool code on github that does a neat little trick to be appreciated by the community.

    If you've read this far, thanks. And if you have any tips, recommendations, or resources for me, I'd be eternally appreciative to hear it.

    submitted by /u/hegdieartemis
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    [JAVA] Basic question about Spring Framework

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 04:45 PM PST

    I have read about Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. Still I have a doubt with Spring.

    Why is this

    PetStoreService service = context.getBean("petStore", PetStoreService.class); 

    Better than

    PetStoreService service = new PetStoreService(); 

    You still have to change something if your implementation changes (XML config file in the first case, source code on the second case) so, what is even the point?

    submitted by /u/raulalexo99
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    Took up programming after an year of not doing it..

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 10:31 PM PST

    ..and I suck at it. It's like I forgot everything. I have been trying to solve problems on leetcode and I forgot how to make loops or return function values. It's disheartening :(

    I can't even solve the 'easy' ones, and wtf is a vector, every problem uses a vector instead of an array, nobody taught me this. And probably every solution uses hashtable. I know, some things should be studied by ourselves, it just seems too much at times.

    I should probably brush up my basics, start by solving simple problems, then move on to do leetcode. Just a rant. Don't know if it's allowed or not

    Take care :)

    submitted by /u/cutie_boo_7
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