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    Thursday, February 10, 2022

    Graduation Blockchain project learn programming

    Graduation Blockchain project learn programming

    Graduation Blockchain project

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 02:09 AM PST

    As the title entails, I've been thinking about my graduation project (I've got 3 semesters left) and I thought maybe designing a system that utilises the blockchain would be a good idea. It's a fun thing I'd like to learn about and I think it would stand out from the typical AI does this/that on a resume since my entire country does that as a graduation project.

    Are there any resources that would help me learn?

    submitted by /u/iliketrains612
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    I saw it every where every one advice me to get a Mentor

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:30 AM PST

    Where I can find a mentor ? And what is the job of mentors ? What my expectations should be ?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Beyond2
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    Codewars problem driving me crazy

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 02:29 AM PST

    Hi! I have been learning Python for 2 months now...In order to hone my programming skills, I solve problems on codewars from time to time...

    This one is driving me crazy...Here is the deal: you need to write a program that takes a list of numbers as an argument and return a list of partial sums...Here is the problem link:


    I wrote a solution that I tested and it works:

    def parts_sums(ls): length=len(ls)+1 def gen(): for elt in range(0,length): yield sum(ls[elt:]) result= list(gen()) return result 

    Codewars is rejecting this solution because it's too slow for lists with thousands of numbers, I have spent an embarassingly huge amount of time trying to come up with a faster solution with no avail...

    I would appreciate any help I can get,

    thank you

    submitted by /u/Maxime_Seck
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    Looking for Mentor

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 02:16 AM PST

    Hi my name is Jensyn im 18 and im from the US. I would like to start learning from scratch. If you are experienced and willing to help please reach out. My final goal is to be a game dev

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Ad_967
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    Becoming a programmer/developer with a PhD in applied (bio)tech ethics

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 02:04 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Recently I finished my PhD in applied ethics. I did some work on (bio)tech ethics, especially related to AI. The field of AI ethics/responsible AI is currently blowing up, it seems, and it occurred to me that it could potentially be very valuable for a tech/AI firm to have someone on board who not only has a background in ethics, but also is developer/programmer savvy.

    I've always thought about learning to become a programmer because I think the nature of the work would suit my personality and priorities in life, and I'm flirting with the thought of learning a language so that I can offer my services to companies as a sort of liaison between the realm of ethics and the realm of code. But I'm currently a total novice devoid of any programming skills, so I have no clue as to the actual merit of such a career move. So I wanted to ask you programmers out there two questions:

    1. Do you believe having a background in applied (AI) ethics is actually of value to companies, aka would there be a demand for such a profile and would it get me hired? Or would it just be a gimmicky thing that really no organisations would effectively be interested in?
    2. Where would I start the (self) learning process, in terms of which language (python or JS seems obvious?) do I focus on and what is a good method to develop the necessary skills alongside my current full time job?

    I hope these questions make sense. Thanks so much in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/ma1m
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    Beginner Question

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:57 AM PST

    The goal of this program is to take n as an input Then get n words with meaning separated by whitespace and replace the word with meaning in Sentence And I try this But it's raise type error And with replace method returns the original sentence How can I fix this


    5 hello salam

    goodbye khodafez

    say goftan

    we ma

    you shoma

    we say goodbye to you tonight

    Output ma goftan khodafez to shoma tonight

    submitted by /u/ashjafaree
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    Intl.NumberFormat for Croatia (JavaScript)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:57 AM PST

    I want to make a format in Croatian currency kuna.

    This is what I want to achieve: 1.509,90 kn And this is what I get: 1.509,90 HRK

    Also the best part is that Mozilla and Chromium are displaying it as it should. Chrome is not displaying it as it should.

    My guess something is wrong is iso standard for Croatia. I tried with Germany and couple of other countries and it works as expected. Maybe it should say something like 'hr-HR' or something like that. Mozilla has a different engine and my guess is he see's 'hr' and understands that I want lets say 'hr-HR'.

    This is my code:

    console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('hr', { style: 'currency', currency: 'HRK', currencyDisplay:'symbol' }).format("1221.5")); 

    How do I change the HRK to kn?

    submitted by /u/zokyffs
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    Are there any Java exercises or projects I can do to improve my skills?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:54 AM PST

    I've been coding in Java for around 8 months now, and I can handle vanilla Java quite decently, and I can also play around with APIs, JDBC and a few other things at some extent, but I really want to improve my skills and I was wondering if there are any projects that I could work on as to improve my skills.

    I've been working on a personal project in which I parse data from a .txt file (basically a detailed list of musical albums), but there aren't many places to go to with that project. I honestly have no idea of what I could do.

    submitted by /u/yerba_mate_enjoyer
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    Does anybody actually still program websites from scratch?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:45 AM PST

    I was talking to one of my friends´ dad who is a web developer and he told me that he only uses Wordpress to make his websites. So am I wasting my time learning html css to build a website from scratch or do companies still use that to make their websites?

    submitted by /u/Komorebi77
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