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    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    How are you generating income with your web dev skills outside of a daily job or freelancing? web developers

    How are you generating income with your web dev skills outside of a daily job or freelancing? web developers

    How are you generating income with your web dev skills outside of a daily job or freelancing?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:43 AM PST

    Hoping to hear how people are making money with their web development skills outside of working for an employer or client

    submitted by /u/itwasguy
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    Don't trust JS library size, min+gzip

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:31 AM PST

    Dumb question here

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:13 AM PST

    I made a printable escape game for classroom usage.

    Some puzzles in the game require a password and players can find it with the hints. But since it's a printed game, there is nowhere to enter the password and check if it's correct.

    So is there some kind of a website/app that I can set a password and create a link, when you go to link you should enter the correct password and that's about it. No other page or anything. It just says "wrong password" or "correct password".

    I know it's a long shot but maybe someone might give me an idea.

    submitted by /u/wawedewawe
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    Where do I host a Next.js website for my future clients?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 05:33 AM PST

    I'll try to make this question as short as possible.

    I believe that I am getting good enough at React to start building a portfolio. I want to offer my services to small or non-profit businesses for free. I am planning to use Next.js to build websites with several pages (if that matters). I'll also be using a Headless CMS (Strapi) to manage content.

    Where do I host these websites? I know that many people suggest Netlify or GitHub Pages but are they really good enough to handle traffic (let's say I expect under 50 visitors a day)? If this catches on and I can see an opportunity to make some money off of it, will these providers suit even bigger traffic? Will I need to take care of SSL, Cloudflare, and other security aspects by myself?

    Maybe it's worth getting a VPS, but I believe that setting up the website on it will be a lot of work? Or just web-hosting from such websites as HostGator, Bluehost, Hostinger, etc? Are they able to host Next.js websites?

    Or should I just surrender myself to yet another bald billionaire and use AWS instead?

    I am aware of how much of a noob I sound like. I apologize for such stupid questions but I really need a piece of your knowledge to figure this out.

    Thank you very much for your answers. Have a beautiful Wednesday!

    submitted by /u/miskast
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    A hackathon at Botify

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 05:29 AM PST

    React or vue 3 or svelte

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 05:23 AM PST

    Hey guys I'm a junior frontend developer.I worked with vue 3 for like one year now.But I think vue 3 community is really small.They are less libraries to use in it.Most of the vue 2 plugins doesn't work.So I am willing to switch on a framework.So most of the companies demand for react but most of the blogs says svelte will be popular like react after few years.So I'm kinda confused.What do you think I should go for

    submitted by /u/KledMainSG
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    Solo passionate entrepreneur here. Please guide me how can I get this developed

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:38 AM PST

    Developing a : Website , android app and iOS app
    Complexity: C2C ecommerce app
    Users write all posts
    Each post with images and other attributes to be used for advanced search
    Each post with Q&A comments (with multimedia support)
    Users can chat with the post writer (with multimedia support)
    I aspire for clean code, very less glitches, easy troubleshooting and easy maintenance
    Special requirement : I want to go flamboyant on the UI UX
    Few other mostly static pages and a payment gateway
    Expectations Looking for fast and glitchless apps and website. Development time: 2-4 months, okay with development in phases.
    Budget $8000 (Flexible)
    Vision I am bootstrapping a lean startup . I am even looking into low code solutions like bubble and flutter . But I don't want to take sub optimal decisions. Looking for bang for buck in the long run!
    My questions 1)Which type of app should I be making, I am thinking a web app, but I am not very sure?
    2)Which sort of freelances am I looking to hire, what programming backgrounds would help me?
    3)What are the best marketplaces for freelancers ? I just know Fiverr and Upwork, Good enough?
    4)As I need VFM maintenance , should I be looking at some inhouse solutions? Good contract companies?, I want to love the cloud!
    5)Also thinking at buying ready made code to use it as structure, if that provides value. Also then, where can I buy it from?.
    6.) Is my budget inline with my expectations?Please advise

    I will be really grateful for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/shaheenbaaz
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    I'm a WordPress dev and I want to switch to more traditional coding so I am thinking of switching to react but when I search react for jobs on LinkedIn, they all come under WordPress jobs?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:35 AM PST

    I don't want to work on WordPress i want to work using code only. I dont like using builders.

    submitted by /u/dafedarray
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    Job without Clients

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:35 AM PST

    I work at an Agency, have for a few years. I really don't like it.

    Can anyone give me some examples of Webdev/Software jobs without Clients? Or at minimum zero client interaction and/or barely every hearing or thinking about them. And how I would search for them when job hunting. I appreciate any serious advice.

    P.S. I realize this may be a non-starter, but you can't blame a dreamer.

    submitted by /u/sicilianDev
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    how to tell if a job interview went well?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:19 AM PST

    I thought it went pretty well. He did say I had good responses to the technical questions, but I did admit that I didn't know the answer to 2 of the questions he asked. He said that ill hear back in 1 to 2 weeks... Is that a good sign?

    submitted by /u/kurdi1128
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    Making all applications multiplayer inspired by Figma collaboration

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:08 AM PST

    Hey everyone, thanks for your time! We are building a collaboration layer on top of chrome through an extension that allows you to drop comments, create tasks, and more without leaving the websites/apps you use or are working on. This is perfect for teams small & large to communicate instantly & contextually.

    Think of Figmas collaboration feature set & apply that across the internet!

    We are really excited about what we are building & I'd love to get honest feedback from people like yourselves.

    You can check out GIF demos on our site, Fable. If you want to check out the demo shoot me a message & I will send you the link to the extension (currently unlisted)

    I'd also like to express I'm not here to just take, please let me know how I can support each & every one of you. 😃

    submitted by /u/ryanmyher
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    Does anyone have any input on the job outlook in Dallas?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:06 AM PST

    Im looking into the possibility of learning web dev but I was trying to see prospects of web development jobs here in Dallas… especially as an entry level developer.

    submitted by /u/KFL2400
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    What is the idea ideal say to implement Masonry?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:04 AM PST

    Grids are robust and offer clarity, but the height of rows is restricted. What is the idea for implementing masonry?

    submitted by /u/chickenbabies
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    I just learned about the Scroll To Text Fragment which lets you highlight text or a whole section of text

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:57 AM PST

    You can see an example here: https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/workplace-health.htm#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20Americans%20who%20work,than%20157%20million%20US%20workers.

    A little more info here on stack overflow

    Note: it's not available in all browsers, but if you're using chrome/edge you should see it.

    Pretty neat, until the content changes and links break :)

    submitted by /u/magenta_placenta
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    Pricing help for new developer

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:56 AM PST

    After months of doing the web developement course on Codecademy and making some projects for my portfolio, I am ready to take on the first clients. However I have no idea how to price my website. I know I'm supposed to take my hourly rate X hours needed to complete however I don't even know what my hourly rate should be. If it helps I'm 17 and still in school and am thinking of starting off with just some small local businesses where I would just build a simple HTML/CSS Website with maybe a little bit of JS, so nothing too complicated. How would I price it? And would I charge different amounts for different features? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Komorebi77
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    Integrating Smarty PH Variables with Vue.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:41 AM PST

    So, deep breath, my employer has a outdated system built using Smarty PH which they will not update to Laravel or anything newer with better functionality.

    Each template has a set of variables the frontend developer is able to access, as Smarty usually works.

    However, my employer wants to move to JS to integrate graphing and tables. We already use data tables.

    My question is this, is there anyway that isn't a absolute pain to integrate Smarty Variables with VueJS props?

    I'd like to be able to have a Vue store with the Smarty variables there, but I feel that wouldn't work…

    submitted by /u/Feeling_Influence
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