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    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    Discrete Math learn programming

    Discrete Math learn programming

    Discrete Math

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:08 AM PST

    I'm curious for programmers that had to take a Discrete Math course in college, how much of your comprehension of Discrete Math helps you in understanding code/becoming a good programmer.

    submitted by /u/PlaygroundMoves11
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    Any friendly programming community where I can ask questions aside stackoverflow?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 04:59 AM PST

    Hi, some of people I know said that people in stackoverflow are kinda mean. I tried posting a question there and yeah, got a harsh comment. It was only one person tho but still. It kinda made me feel not wanting to post a question anymore. I am new to programming and Im struggling for now. It is really hard for me to understand fast in coding and to be able to finish a code fast. Pls recommend some websites or online community that helps people like me that could ask for help. Currently studying swift and php btw.

    submitted by /u/nohatecutie
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    Is it possible or logical to learn web development and cloud at the same time?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 05:40 AM PST

    Being unemployed and I have all day free. I mean shouldn't I focus on one thing since I wanna master webdev or it won't be an issue and I can do both? Please I need you guys professional opinion, my older brother(who is a senior data engineer) keeps stressing me out sending me course after course when I haven't finished what I have on my hands and in my head I'm scheduled to start building my own portfolio with my own projects to showcase and sharpen my skills so I can land my first internship/job.

    submitted by /u/kingmathers9
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    Is it my job to solve merge conflicts?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:18 AM PST

    I wonder if I do a pull request on GitHub and another Pull Request gets pulled first so that my pull request has merge conflicts now, am I supposed to solve them?

    Sorry I'm new to this

    submitted by /u/DasEvoli
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    Experienced developers, what is the hardest part of creating something?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:13 AM PST

    I am asking from a position of never having worked for a company and I am genuinly wandering if you were asked this question what would you say based on your experience?

    Would you say its personal like finding motivation to work on something everyday? Is it adapting to a product being different compared to how you imagined it would be? Is it finding the technologies to enable the creation in the first place? Is it depression and anxiety?

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/Astraiks
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    For an absolute beginner, which language is easier to learn , Kotlin or Swift?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:08 AM PST

    My friend is trying to start mobile development and this is going to be her one of the first programming languages (javascript before).

    submitted by /u/Lt_Snuffles
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    Help: Is it worth to have math as a major if you want to be a programmer?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:34 AM PST

    So, I am trying to get into university, but my grades will not get me into science computation major. I can have as majors statistics, math, statistics and data science, maybe computation engineer. What would be the best pick in your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Super_Ad5980
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    been learning front end dev for a little over half a year. lost and need some guidance.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:33 AM PST

    I've been learning front end dev since July 2021 and I made great progress but ever since late January I've been lost. I built many projects with html, CSS/scss, vanilla JavaScript. I told myself around December that I was gonna try to fill the gaps in my knowledge as much as I could before learning a framework (the gaps being OOP, keyframes and animations, advanced grid techniques, typescript, etc..) and when they new year rolled around I was gonna take a week off then learn react. I've had a little experience with them before but I cant confidently say I'm comfortable with those things.

    I've been learning react since then but I keep trying to find ways to build projects that would integrate those things and make me more well rounded as a dev. when looking into react, I don't see people use OOP in react at all (I've even seen other reddit threads in the React reddit community where they explicitly told someone that its not good practice with react at all). So now I'm stuck between deciding to go back to vanilla JavaScript and learn those things and put the framework off until later or just keep going and fill in those gaps later.

    I told myself that around august of 2022 (exactly a year from when I decided I wanted to do this for a living) I would have a portfolio built with react and I would start applying and getting my foot in the door. when I think about going back to vanilla and filling in those gaps it just makes me anxious as I feel like I'm going 2 steps back and I'm behind schedule.

    I feel like if I could talk with someone more experienced than me and lay out to them what I can do and what I've built and ask them what I should do that would lead me in the right direction. If anyone like that is available and willing to help. it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Duble0Dubstep
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    Cant Concentrate!!!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 05:25 AM PST

    I have been trying to learn c# and game development. But i end up overthinking a lot and not at all studying anything. Can smone guide me through what step should i take???

    submitted by /u/yamitora7
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    For loops

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:11 AM PST

    I'm a junior DS who works in Python. One area I've noticed I get stuck at often is advanced for loops. I can muddle my way through them/am intermediate but I feel like there's something missing in my understanding when I see the other peoples work on my team. Does anyone have a recommended site where I can get better at just for loops (preferably intermediate to advanced)

    submitted by /u/nax7
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    Beginner friendly DSA book

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:03 AM PST

    I looked through old post with the same question but they are not mentioning if its beginner friendly or not. I have learned some javascript and advance js and react.

    submitted by /u/Eithannnnn
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    I am trying to make a new level to a game not sure how though.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:51 AM PST

    So I am trying to make a second level to my game but I am not sure how to do it. The game is basically Asteorid Field with a Dragon Ball theme. Here is the code.
    <script src="simple.js">

    var num = 5;

    var FriezaBeams = [];

    var i = 0;

    var currentLevel

    while (i < num)


    FriezaBeams.push({x: totalWidth+230, y: random(totalHeight), ySpeed: random(5)-1, xSpeed: -random(3,10)}); i++;


    var player = {x: 70, y: 70,xSpeed: 0, ySpeed: 0};

    function update()


    picture(0, 0, "https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp8340174.png", totalWidth, totalHeight);

    picture(player.x-50, player.y-50, "url link", 90, 90);

    if (keyboard.up) { player.ySpeed -= 0.2; }

    if (keyboard.left) { player.xSpeed -= 0.2; }

    if (keyboard.down) { player.ySpeed += 0.2; }

    if (keyboard.right) { player.xSpeed += 0.2; }

    player.x += player.xSpeed;

    player.y += player.ySpeed;

    if (player.x < 0 || player.y < 0 || player.y > totalHeight)



    picture(player.x-150, player.y-150, "url link", 300, 300);


    if (player.x > totalWidth)



     alert("You saved Krillin and reached Super Saiyan!"); 

    text(150, 100, 30, "reached level 2", "yellow");

    picture(200,120, "url link", 300,300)


    var i = 0;

    while (i < num)


    var Laser = FriezaBeams[i];

    picture(Laser.x-100, Laser.y-100, "url link", 100, 100);

    Laser.x += Laser.xSpeed;

    Laser.y += Laser.ySpeed;

    if (Laser.x < -100 || Laser.y < -100 || Laser.y > totalHeight+100)


    Laser.x = totalWidth+100;

    Laser.y = random(totalHeight);

    Laser.ySpeed = random(4)-2;

    Laser.xSpeed = -random(2,5);


    if (distance(player, Laser) < 100)



    picture(player.x-150, player.y-150, "url link", 300, 300);





    any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/PoisonMiseryL
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    Should I specialize in a major or not?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:51 AM PST

    Hi, I'm applying for a bachelor's in cs and got confused about if I should major in a specific field or should I go for general.

    Can anyone tell me the benefits and drawbacks, and which path will land me a job easily(right after graduation)?

    submitted by /u/The_Wizard_z
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    Python vs. Rust for first time programmer?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:35 AM PST

    I work in finance and I wanted to learn how to program. Everyone recommended Python so I was about to buy "Automate the Boring Stuff" when I heard about Rust. It seems to be similar but easier and "better"? I don't really know.

    What do you guys think? Should I just skip Python and start learning Rust?

    submitted by /u/Question_Help_Please
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    Looking for a mentor

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:28 AM PST

    Hey! I know I've seen a few people post in here about mentoring people. I really just need someone to kind of guide me in the right direction. I've been working in blue collar type of jobs for a long time but I'm 26 years old and grew up with a computer my entire life so I have plenty of computer skills. I've learned some programming here and there and really want to pursue it.

    Most recently I started learning python but then got discouraged because I saw people saying python is mostly for data science and not for software development. So I did some research and found the Odin project. I love the Odin project but it's so much reading and I feel like I learn better from video. But I also don't want to get stuck in doing tutorials constantly.

    As far as I got with python doing something completely on my own I built a dictonary from a long list of words. I separated them out by noun, adjectives, etc and started to make a story generator. Still needed a bunch of work though. I've also done some web dev stuff with building a website but nothing too crazy.

    Not meaning to blab just trying to give some background. Last background bit about me is I just HATE manual labor type of jobs and it just seems like I'm stuck in it. I have two kids and want to do better for me, them, and my future wife. I also just want to enjoy the work I'm doing. I need someone to help me because I've tried doing it on my own and I just end up getting confused or discouraged.

    Anyways thanks for reading and any answers that are helpful.

    submitted by /u/Apebrotheren
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    Change in career

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 01:15 AM PST

    Hi all,

    First off, I have read the other posts, which are very similar to mine and they are helpful but I just wanted to ask questions that were very specific to my situation.

    I have been a teacher for 10 years now and after a rather unhealthy past few months (stress/anxiety), I handed my notice in. I am now looking at what steps I need to take to kickstart a new career in programming or something that uses coding skills. I am not entirely sure on the direction yet - web, software, games but I do want to be able to learn to code - just not sure which language I will end up focusing on or if that matters yet, maybe I just need to get a feel for a few different ones at first? I am currently following an introductory course on Udemy and then plan to start on the Freecodecamp courses.

    Due to my age (40 years old) and financial commitments, I can't afford to go back to college/university full time so I was planning on getting a part time or flexible job (something that isn't too demanding) that allows me time to study and self-teach everything I need to be able to get a job in the industry.

    I have always had an interest in IT and computers in general - I was even computing coordinator for 7 years in one school (I introduced and taught Scratch to staff and pupils) so I am not unfamiliar with what coding is or uncomfortable around computers.

    So, what is the point in this post? I guess the main things I would like advice on are:

    • What is the best way to maximise my time? Should I be learning as many languages as possible or just focus on one or two so I can specialise in them? I am guessing the timeframe to be job-ready will be heavily dependent on the individual.
    • Can this even be achieved? Or will my age + lack of formal education (I have a degree in teaching but nothing relating to computer sciences) and certification mean I will have no chance getting a job. Do I need to find a way of going back to college/university? Or taking a paid course/bootcamp? I have seen many advertised Boolian.co.uk for example but they cost and are usually full time. I don't want to waste time or money on something that is a scam or wont help me.
    • The job I get now, while self-teaching, would it be best if it was at least remotely related to IT? I have applied for post-person jobs as that would free up my afternoons and evenings for studying but would it be better to find a job in data entry, or software tester etc?

    Really hope you can help. I am so very excited about the future…but at the same time it is incredibly overwhelming the amount of information out there and a fair amount of conflicting advice.

    Thanks x

    submitted by /u/MrPhoenix777
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    Failed at 100devs

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:08 AM PST

    Hello everyone! There was a post that blew up in December about the 100Devs cohort that Leon Noel is running. I started it out good, but it quickly became overwhelming. I stopped doing it basically, and now im feeling like a failure. I want to keep coding so i can turn it into a career, but it feels incredibly hard when i can't really ask for help it feels like. All that said, i think it would help if i had a buddy i could learn along with. Does anyone wanna try learning coding together? I was going to keep watching his videos and try learning that way. Sorry if not allowed but id love to make a new friend to learn with! Im 24f and he started out doing HTML so i know only the easiest of the basics lol

    submitted by /u/anotherbookbaddie
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    Turning CLI programs into GUI's

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:08 AM PST

    So I do programming as a hobby and I have a collection of CLI scripts (bash, awk) and a collection of CLI programs (mostly Go) for which I'd like to convert some of them to GUI's. It's mostly for personal and family use so I'm not too concerned about polish, just simple logic of:

    • pushing button X does Y command
    • pushing button Z display ABC on a text box underneath
    • box that refreshes it's contents with W

    Basically make a GUI for already existing programs.

    I've never touched GUI's at all, just did some very basic (static) web development many moons ago. What would be the best way to do this? Best as in least learning/development time to get the most minimal viable solution.

    I'm open to graphical stuff if it's going to do the job quickly but what I don't want to do is spend the next 6 months learning a stack.

    Edit: forgot to mention that any of Linux/Window/web as a target work

    submitted by /u/Dependent_Border7651
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