• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    Watch out for Fenetic Gaming: Part 2

    Watch out for Fenetic Gaming: Part 2

    Watch out for Fenetic Gaming: Part 2

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:44 AM PST

    Looks like I really pissed off Fenetic Gaming, and my friend is paying for it. This post is a warning for other small devs who don't vet reviewers well enough.

    Link to last thread, which was started a couple months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/rfrpcp/watch_out_for_fenetic_gaming/

    Long story short, my friend sent a key through Curator Connect to What The Game?; notice how they state they're part of Fenetic Gaming, and link [pr@feneticgaming.com](mailto:pr@feneticgaming.com) as their contact:


    A day or so afterwards, he was contacted by Fenetic Gaming for a separate key, which ended poorly: https://imgur.com/a/7UovziE

    Directly from the last thread, "In case you were wondering why they originally decided not to pursue the review, they discovered [Fenetic]'s reddit comment history before they tried sending the key a second time. Google Fenetic and reddit, I'm sure you'll find it."

    What The Game? then gave his game a negative review the day the email chain went south.


    From what I've observed between Fenetic Gaming, fenetic's reddit account, and fenetic's Steam account, it appears (but isn't proven) that fenetic uses What The Game? to learn of developers who are looking for reviews, and then requests a separate key under Fenetic Gaming to sell or exchange later on reddit or Steam. The users fenetic tries to recruit on reddit for Steam reviews are likely unaware this is going on.

    Afterwards, I then made the original post above to warn other developers of what he experienced.

    In apparent retaliation, today the owner of Fenetic Gaming posted an abusive review of my friend's game and inflated it with upvotes and awards: https://steamcommunity.com/id/fenetic/recommended/1326760/

    Because of the inflated upvote/funny count, this is now the first review people see.

    TLDR: Friend was contacted by suspected key scammer for a free key. Friend ended up refusing, and now scammer is attempting to trash the game's reputation on Steam.

    My friend is talking with Steam support in hopes that something can change, but please, take this as a tale of caution. He was hoping to continuously improve his game so it could be enjoyed by a niche group, but now he has a new hurdle to contend with. Be sure you have an excellent idea of who and what you're dealing with before you engage with Steam Curators or reviewers.

    submitted by /u/Puzzled_Register_897
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    Should developers get involved with their game's wiki ?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 04:00 AM PST

    Game wikis have become the go-to for every player looking for a particular piece of information about a game. They are a great resource and they'll pop up even for the smallest games as long as there is a dedicated fanbase.

    Most game devs seem to have a hands-off approach, where they don't get involved with the wiki for their game. Is that a huge mistake ?

    Should you create the wiki for your game, or at least contribute to it ?

    submitted by /u/Syracus_
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    I found the files of my first fighting game, so I made a video looking back on the development process

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 04:33 AM PST

    Best place to write a devlog

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:03 AM PST

    I am building a game for a couple of months and think it might help me to structure thoughts and keep track of progress to help with motivation. What are the best places to do that? I see many respected devs using tigsource, but I find it really hard to read when your log is filled with comments from other people mixed in together with your posts

    submitted by /u/AzazaMaster
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    [C++] Regarding implementing a script component

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 04:37 AM PST

    Hello C++ folks o/

    I'm using a entity-component system on my project, and currently I load the entities and its components on a class for each Scene:

    I have a Scene instance that will start and load the entities; It has a instance of Manager, that is responsible of managing entities and components, in summary, manager will create a entity, assign components to it and let me do queries;

    In this Scene, I'm creating a Entity with the components: Transform, with position (0, 0); Velocity, with 0.25 value for horizontal and vertical movements; Texture, with a sprite; and Script, that will call "move" to move the entity;

    void Scene::onInit(RenderWindow* window, const char* tilemap_name) { Entity* tile = manager.createEntity(); Transform* t = manager.assign<Transform>(tile); t->x = 0; t->y = 0; Velocity* v = manager.assign<Velocity>(tile); v->vel_x = 0.25; v->vel_y = 0.25; Texture* text = manager.assign<Texture>(tile); text->texture = window->getSubTexture( window->loadTexture("assets/images/sprites/Dungeon_Character_2.png"), {0, 0, 16, 16}); Script* script = manager.assign<Script>(tile); script->update_callback = [tile, this, window](){ this->move(tile); }; } void Scene::move(Entity* tile) { int deltatime = Clock::get_instance()->get_delta_time(); Transform* t = manager.get<Transform>(tile); Velocity* v = manager.get<Velocity>(tile); if (Input::is_key_held(SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT)) { t->x += v->vel_x * deltatime; } else if (Input::is_key_held(SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT)) { t->x -= v->vel_x * deltatime; } if (Input::is_key_held(SDL_SCANCODE_UP)) { t->y -= v->vel_y * deltatime; } else if (Input::is_key_held(SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN)) { t->y += v->vel_y * deltatime; } } 

    So far so good, it's working without any issue. Now I want to extract this, so I don't need to write a new class for each scene. Scene will be generic and it'll be loaded and created at runtime with values from a json (this format probably will change).

    So now I have this:

    json file: { "entities": [ { "transform": { "x": 0, "y": 0}, "texture": { "filename": "assets/images/sprites/Dungeon_Character_2.png" } } ] } Scene file: void Scene::onInit(RenderWindow* window, const char* tilemap_name) { nlohmann::json level_json; std::ifstream level_file(tilemap_name, std::ifstream::binary); level_file >> level_json; auto entities_json = level_json["entities"]; for (auto entity_components : entities_json) { Entity* e = manager.createEntity(); if (entity_components.contains("transform")) { auto transform = entity_components["transform"]; Transform* t = manager.assign<Transform>(e); t->x = transform["x"]; t->y = transform["y"]; } if (entity_components.contains("texture")) { auto texture = entity_components["texture"]; std::string filename = texture["filename"].dump(); filename.erase(0, 1); filename.pop_back(); Texture* component = manager.assign<Texture>(e); component->texture = window->getSubTexture( window->loadTexture(filename.c_str()), {0, 0, 16, 16} ); } } } 

    This works, but here comes my question: What do I do with the script component? I started thinking about having the json script component pointing to a script, something like:

    { "entities": [ { "transform": { "x": 0, "y": 0}, "texture": { "filename": "assets/images/sprites/Dungeon_Character_2.png" } "script": { "location": "scripts/movement.lua" } } ] } 

    In this case, what I researched so far is that I can write a script in Lua do this this and then execute the lua script on c++ at runtime. But before moving on with this approach, I want some opinion, recommendations and more options to solve this issue.

    In the case of using a lua script, I'd have the C++ program call it and get the lua function to pass as the callback for the script component, is this possible? Is there any simpler way how to handle this situation?

    <pseudocode> ... LuaScript script = load("script.lua) auto function = script.get("function_name") ... Script* script = manager.assign<Script>(tile); script->update_callback = function;. 

    Thank you o/

    submitted by /u/alley-indie
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    What does the process of designing enemies look like?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 09:08 AM PST

    Let's say you're in charge of developing a wide diversity of enemies for your player to fight, each with unique abilities and behaviors. What will this process look like?

    Will all the work take place in an engine working with coding language, or will there be some work done with pencil and paper, like in the early brainstorming phases?

    How much interaction is there between the enemy designer and people who decide aesthetic aspects of the enemies, like their color and shape, sound design or the animations that they use for their various moves?

    What kinds of tests need to be done to make sure the enemies are appropriately balanced against the players abilities and are enjoyable to play against?

    Who decides where and when various enemies appear in the game?

    submitted by /u/question_quigley
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    Game Engine Programming: Hello everyone, In this video I'm improving the architecture of the content browser.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 04:20 AM PST

    Gdevelop | Sound on a dead character

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:11 AM PST


    I dev my plat game on GDevlop 5 and I want to put a sound when my character dies.

    But not knowing why, the sound is out of sync with his death....

    Could someone who knows this app help me, please ?

    Thanks you!

    submitted by /u/SadInterest5448
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    How does your daily schedule go?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:06 AM PST

    Primarily aimed at solo devs I'm curious how you guys manage and schedule your days.

    And marketing guys how do you break down your marketing schedule for a game?

    submitted by /u/spacecandygames
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    Plask Free AI-Powered 3D Animation Editor and Mocap Tool

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 09:49 AM PST

    Such a cool creativity tool by Plask. Animate your characters using any video for motion capture.

    Try it out and share your work!


    #IndieDev #AI

    submitted by /u/SilenAudio
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    Help with deciding a game title

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 09:38 AM PST

    Hey, I have been working on a multiplayer game, a mixe of a MOBA and a shooter. Visually there is a fantasy medieval look with pieces of sci fi.

    I'm trying to find a name that's have a MOBA feel and that would be easy to remember.

    Here are some ideas:

    1- Rise of Legends 2- Legends Ascending 3- Fragments of Eternity 4- Rise of Heroes

    Would love to know what you think about those, which ones seems lame or strange, or if you have suggestions.


    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Ad-147
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    Can you share the most detailed todo checklist you can make for a Minimum Viable Product launch?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 09:15 AM PST

    Looking for examples so I don't forget anything.

    submitted by /u/TetralogyGames
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    Most efficient way of advertising an indie game?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:31 AM PST

    My game is close to the finish line, (the store front on steam is already in the coming soon phase) so we (that is me and my wife) started thinking about our advertisement options.

    The problem is that we are on a very tight budget. Are there any reliable, efficient methods of advertisement for indie developers? It's a pretty niche puzzle/logic game, so we are not competing with the AAA market. I think our goal should be to target specifically the niche audience who might be interested.

    What's your experience with advertisement?

    submitted by /u/Szesan
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    Pygame or Love

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 08:05 AM PST

    Hi, I am new to game development and I was wondering which framework I should use. I am trying to make a Topdown-action RPG and Platformer. I want to have the fastest performance possible and while having quite a bit of action on the screen and advanced topdown space controls.

    submitted by /u/Welpist
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    Should a player be able to max out all stat categories?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:58 AM PST

    I have 4 categories: Attack Power, Javelin Power, Health, and Javelin Capacity. Max rank is 9. The player purchases each rank with currency acquired in game (no pay to win). Should the player have all rank 9 maxed out stats by the end of the game? Or should the player have to choose a build and prioritize what stats are important? Maybe one stat maxes out but that lowers the others. What is your preference?

    Edit: The game is a side scrolling platfomer with no end game.

    submitted by /u/Darvos2317
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    The Simplest Method I Know of For inverse Kinematics

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 10:50 PM PST

    Best multiplayer framework for web-based, real-time, but non-graphical game?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 07:23 AM PST

    Hi, I'm developing a web-based non-graphics multiplayer game and wondering what the best framework or service to use is. It's kind of like a geoguessr or skribbl.io, where the user interaction is typing in guesses.

    The back-end is Java and I haven't decided what to write the UI in. I need to be able to do lots of lobbies, light matchmaking, user authentication, guest accounts, and perhaps realtime-chat. Most of the frameworks/services I see are focused on super low-latency, world-state, etc. I just need something that does a good job of abstracting all the lobby/networking code.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/gabrielxz
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    Semi realistic / tactical shooter Top down or third person

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 06:56 AM PST

    The game idea: a semi realistic / tactical shooter, modern/futuristic setting PvE

    Should i go with a top down or third person camera.

    Top down makes it harder to recognise if you are in cover and more difficult to judge line of sight and height

    Third person needs more detailed models and animations because you can hide some parts in a top down camera

    submitted by /u/Legobrick27
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