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    W3 Schools learn programming

    W3 Schools learn programming

    W3 Schools

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:57 AM PST

    I want to teach myself HTML and I already know some of the basics. Is W3 Schools a good site to learn from?

    submitted by /u/BigLad1230
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    UPDATE: I didn't sleep out of stress before my first day as a junior developer.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:20 PM PST

    original post

    So, honestly I don't think I can make a statement yet about how my fears turned out. The first day of my job I was given a tour of the office (which is btw really nice) and I spend most of my day waiting for a laptop and then spend the rest of the day installing all the software and logging into all of the dozens of programs that I will have to use. Someone also showed me some ways to use and navigate a mac (never used one before). I got to meet the team members of a project I'm going to be working on. They all seem to be pretty tight with each other and I'll surely be kind of a outsider as I can come off as a bit shy and awkward if no one initiates conversation with me. They're all very young though, most are even younger than me (I'm 23), they seem to know what they're doing though.

    The second day was also kind of uneventful. I spend some time waiting for a task browsing the project, and then was tasked with making a small Typeform for signing up for the app. Banal task, nevertheless I had some issues with how limited the form maker is. I'm almost ashamed to think that it's all I did for the whole day, but there was also a daily meeting and I was further exploring the codebase.

    On the third day I had to rewrite the form on the client's account so they could get a pro version to have more than 10 responders per month. Then I attended a weekly company meeting where I introduced myself and then the team meeting with a client in which they discussed a TON of things as there is an MVP to be done by end of next week. I don't even understand much of what the site is really about, as by now I only know that NFTs are some arts stored on a blockchain or something. My first "real" task will be remaking the landing page from the design provided in Figma. I never really worked with it , so that's alrady something new to worry about, but:

    - I have to make the website pixel perfect to the design and use rem as units

    - I have to make the page in React, and make sure that I modularize every relatively small thing on the page to a generic, reusable, customizable component

    - I have to use the common styles for things like headers etc. defined in a separate file as much as possible

    - I have to use sass modules with some new to me shorthand syntax and classnames package

    - I have to use react-slick for some of the functionalities on the page

    I haven't really started it much, because initially there was some problem with docker and when it was fixed and I started to try out something the guy on the team started to correct me that I have to write the components so that they can be reusable, which I'm not really sure how to do when there are some small but significant differences between them. I'm also not sure when I am expected to finish the page, they sounded like it is an easy task that should be done realtively quickly, but I can see myself struggling with it, yesterday I went on my work laptop to try out even the start and I even had a problem with making an semitransparent and blurred overlay on the background when I have to make the banner reusable . And I also noticed that in some cases using the exact css values from figma (like blur) makes the layout look different than in the actual design. (btw I DO NOT intend to work on the project after work hours, I just wanted to calm myself by quickly prototyping anything).

    I know that none of this stuff is even remotely hard and even an intern should be able to do it relatively quickly, but I'm a nervous and overthinking person and I'm still feeling overwhelmed with all the things I have to keep in mind when completing the task. One of the guys also asked me whether I was an intern or junior and it wasn't even in a mean spirited way but it also kinda lowered my self esteem.

    I spent the weekend with my parents who visited me and they brought some additional stuff I wasn't able to bring when I was moving by myself at the start of the week, so I had company and could relax a little, but I feel the anxiety is slowly kicking in again. I don't think I'll do another update post, I might just do an edit of this one with the update if anyone is still interested, I already think that I got too much attention with the first post and I don't really seek it, I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out there

    By the way, english is not my native language so I'm sorry if some of this post is hard to read, that's also why posting hours might not add up to what I write to some folks

    submitted by /u/jkd10
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    Career change at age 38, self-taught, no college degree

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Hello all! When I was first starting out to learn programming, posts like this were very motivating to me, so now that I'm finishing up my first month in my new job as an actual web developer (still feels surreal), I thought I would post my story here.

    I started learning programming about two and a half years ago, in May 2019. I had worked in call centers/phone-based customer care all my life and absolutely haaated it, even though at the time I'd gotten into a pretty decent position -- part of a small team with OK wages and moderate workload compared to many other jobs in that industry. Still hated it though. But my old job involved lots of data entry and relatively few phone calls, and some days were slower than others, so in my spare time I started taking online courses for web development. Some days I only got about an hour of study/practice time in, but some days I could get around 4 hours with relatively few interruptions. I only studied on weekdays while at work.

    I have to admit that I was lucky in a few areas: for one, I was able to study programming while on the clock and at my work laptop. After about a year of doing this COVID hit and I began working from home, which further added to my free time. I also worked for a small (5-person) customer service team and knew my boss pretty well, so early on in my learning endeavors I started volunteering to make small websites and web apps for the department -- simple stuff, tools to automate the boring parts of my job, reminder apps my coworkers could use, nothing huge or fancy. My boss was on board with the idea, of course. So while learning I basically worked as an untitled "web developer" as well as a customer service phone jockey, for customer care wages, for nearly two full years. It was 100% worth it in the end though, because when I began applying for developer roles I was able to claim actual work experience. Highly recommend this approach to anyone whose workplace will allow it.

    I have some college credits but no actual degree, only a HS diploma. I have nothing against live instructor-led bootcamps but I decided to go the entirely self-taught route as I wasn't sure if the schedule of a bootcamp would align with my schedule, and anyway at the start I didn't have the $$$ to spare. IIRC I started with the 'Web Development' career course on Codecademy and the Javascript basics on FreeCodeCamp, but the only courses I ever paid for were the ones on Udemy (when they went on sale for like $11-$14). Here's the courses I bought, roughly in the order I took them:

    • Complete Web Dev Bootcamp (Angela Yu) <-- Best for absolute beginners IMO
    • Modern JS Bootcamp (Colt Steele, Stephen Grider) <-- Def recommended, solid understanding of JS is important
    • Modern React Bootcamp (Colt Steele) <-- Covers Hooks and React Router
    • JS Algorithms and Data Structures (Colt Steele) <-- I did this one for interview prep but actually enjoyed it a lot

    Some of these courses I went through twice. I also did lots of free Youtube tutorials -- "Programming with Mosh" is a good channel IMO, and I'm also partial to Shaun/"The Net Ninja". (I found that Brad Traversy goes too fast for me if I'm a beginner to the topic, but if I'm already somewhat familiar with the concepts he's good.) I tried to code along with every tutorial, and to "work ahead" to finish the next feature the instructor was about to show, if I knew enough to try it on my own.

    Also, every time I completed a tutorial (or a certain section in a longer Udemy course), I would break from studying and build some small fun thing of my own. Mini games, reminder apps, small clones of popular sites, stuff you could finish in a couple days or at most a week. (For example, after playing Metro: Exodus I made a little simulator to calculate how long the people in Yamantau could have sustained themselves, depending on starting population.) A few of these apps went into my portfolio site, along with a demo version of the app suite I had made for my then-current employer. (Not the Yamantau one though lol)

    In general I wound up learning Javascript, NodeJS/Express, MongoDB/Mongoose and React. While studying I found that I really, really enjoyed programming. Yes, I started doing this with the overall goal of getting a higher-paying job where I wouldn't be fielding calls from angry idiots on a regular basis (I also believe call-center jobs are eventually going to be replaced by automated phone-answering systems at some point), but I'm a dork at heart and actually love this stuff. Before I changed jobs I joked that I needed to work as a programmer so I would stop boring my wife and non-technical friends with explanations of "really cool" sorting algorithms or the differences between REST and GraphQL APIs.

    Do you need to spend 2.5 years studying before you're ready to apply? Absolutely not. I had planned to go job-hunting at the 1 year mark, but in May 2020 I had just begun working at home and figured it "couldn't hurt" to spend another year or so in studying. In reality, I think I just got cold feet... I definitely had impostor syndrome and felt that I couldn't possibly know enough to begin applying.

    When I did start looking for work, I spent relatively little time putting out applications and more time just handling the tons of calls and emails I got from recruiters. Recruiters/interviewers all seemed very impressed that I had taken the initiative to build software for my employer and I was asked about these projects constantly. It took ~2 months to find a job once I began looking, and I had at least one phone interview (sometimes more) just about every week. I had also spent a few weeks studying job-search-related topics (how to put together a decent resume, how to write a cover letter, etc.) and that surely helped as well.

    I've been at my new position for about a month now and I'm loving it; partly the recognition that I made it, partly the 60% pay boost over my old job, and also my coworkers and the cool stuff I'm learning (I had never worked with JIRA and also my Github skills were pretty weak, and of course I need to get familiar with a whole new codebase I've never seen before.) I'm very glad that I got hired on as full-stack rather that solely front-end, because I think server-side skills are less common in the industry and I want to stay competitive. Our team also has some awesome projects that I'm excited to work on.

    Last bit of advice is this: while I was learning, I told myself that I would eventually get there so long as I didn't stop. Slow progress was still progress. And as long as I was learning and retaining what I learned, I was making progress.

    submitted by /u/Caffeinated_Neon
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    Is there a place to find people/projects that need volunteer programmers?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:15 AM PST

    I don't have coding job, nor coding experience and I want to update my portfolio, but instead of making projects that just sit on my github and personal webpage, I was thinking of doing something useful. I wonder if there is a place where I would find people wanting to do some programming work, for example build simple webapp since I currently for the last two years mostly focus on nodejs.

    I did volunteer once to build a webapp for local language school that couldn't afford programmers, was working on it for 1.5 years, even lead some other volunteers under me at some point, it was ton of fun, but the school ended up selling the webapp to other company, which was kinda shitty of them, but whatever I would love to have this experience again, but don't know where to find projects.

    submitted by /u/creatine_is_a_drug
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    Am I not good enough?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Hey awesome developers, Lately I've been feeling a little down that programming isn't for me/ I can't do it... And stuff

    So, I wanted to know how you people cope with thoughts like "I can't learn Coding", "It's not for me", "I just don't have the thing in Me".

    And it's not like I have 0% interest in Programming, I got into it because I had some level of interest, but it's just that I'm one month in trying to learn a new language and I feel like I can't build logic myself, it's very much overwhelming and so much stuff to learn.

    It's basically a rant xD, Will love to know how y'all fixed/ progressed your skills and mindset.

    submitted by /u/Born_Concern_5575
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    Ideas for building a first website?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:12 PM PST

    Hello everyone, hope y'all are doing great?

    There you go. My boyfriend has been trying to get me into programming/coding, this is my first week learning and I'm trying to practice what I learned about HTML and CSS.

    I'd like to try and build a website and thought it could be a little present for him. Something cute and lovely. Do you guys have any suggestions regarding how I can section that or put it into the world? Is it even possible at this stage of my learning level and what could possibly impress him? I'd be grateful to hear your opinions.

    Have a nice day,

    submitted by /u/ecaetera
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    Does React still have the same licensing/patent issues as it did when it was made open-source 6 years ago?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    back in 2015, people were very concerned about the licensing provisions of React Native (see here e.g.) and most posts on Reddit are also from that time. I know several companies that base their commercial apps on React nowadays. Has any progress been made on this or do you still need to be concerned about the same issues when using React? Would you say that is a reason to rather go with Kotlin? ( I haven't checked JetBrains' license on that yet)

    Edit: Solved! They faced so much backlash that they changed it to a regular MIT license in early 2018 (see here). That probably also explains why React became so popular in recent years.

    submitted by /u/GloomyUse1095
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    Is shorter lines of a code a sign of a beginner programmer?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:45 PM PST

    I don't mean code that is succinct and efficient. Instead code that seems broken up into small lines that could have been accomplished with just one line.

    Is this a sign of a beginner?


    submitted by /u/throwaway0134hdj
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    What's the best resource other than books to learn OOP for college in c++?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:27 PM PST

    I kinda flunked through my online classes and I want to recover my programming skills by doing some course or tutorials online before I retake the course next semester.

    Books are not an option for me as I can't stay focused on books. I learn better through video tutorials or practical applications rather than reading books on my own.

    I know this question gets posted a million times here but there are always books recommended and then the conversation starts to revolve around how books are the only great way to learn c++ and no one really talks about the alternatives.

    Any help will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Snipsnapboi
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    Securing API Key

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:06 AM PST

    Hi all, I have an automated process on AWS Linux that queries an API daily. I have secured my API key in an environment variable, that is accessible to the (only) Linux user via .bash-profile -- this is the user that also runs the python cron job assocatied with the query. I would like to know, from a security standpoint, if I'm using best practices. And if there are more measures I should take to keep the API/key secure. Thanks very much!

    submitted by /u/mogla
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    Are Algorithms and Flowcharts relevant to design patterns?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:23 AM PST

    I am computer Engineering student ( first year ) but I've been programming and studying by myself for 1.5 years now . in school we have this flowchart and algorithms , are these relevant to design patterns? what exactly is design pattern?

    submitted by /u/the___ss
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    Is it necessary for software engineers to know how to code on terminal/cmd

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Hello I was wondering if Is it necessary for software engineers to know how to code on terminal/cmd or can they just use IDE?

    submitted by /u/leapingfro9
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    Someone asked me on GitHub to add a licence to one of my projects because they want to use it. I don't mind at all, I am quite proud actually (first time it happened to me). I read a little bit, it seems that MIT is a way to go but I used elements of others people code in my project. Is it still ok?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 12:36 AM PST

    Hello. My question is basically in the title. Someone on GitHub asked me to add licence to my project because they want to use my code. I am really proud actually, I read about licences and it seems that MIT is a way to go.

    The thing is, in two places I used pretty much a little bit modified others people code. One from a public website and one from a book that I bought. In both places I stated clearly in comment/docstring from where code comes and who wrote it.

    Is MIT still an ok licence for my use case? I wouldn't like to get sued by someone :P The project was created by me only for learning purposes.

    submitted by /u/Ganmak
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    Gift ideas?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:35 AM PST

    I have a family member interested in a career in IT/cybersecurity. They are working their way through Open App Academy. I wanted gift them something for Christmas that might be useful. I was hoping Udemy would just have general gift certificates but no luck. Any similar thoughts? I thought about a CompTIA exam voucher but thought a course would be better.

    submitted by /u/the_deadcactus
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    1st week Self-Teaching Myself Frontend Web Dev

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:47 AM PST

    I started my journey this past week and let me tell you I've been hooked on CSS and it's capabilities. Sure I'm learning the basics of syntax and sizing, coloring, flex and grid but I'm super excited to learn all these new tools to implement them on projects.

    I'm doing my best to avoid the tutorial hell hole and diving right into coding with what I learned. I got stumped on a few basic syntax issues but I find a lot of joy in finding the error and making it work.

    Does anyone have any recs for like cheat sheets that can help me jog my brain with some of the CSS properties? There's a lot to learn and implement but I just want to have a guide as to what does what and when to implement. I know practice makes perfect but im just curious what other people use for reference.

    Super excited to jump on this journey and challenge myself. Currently 29 years old. I've been in the marketing field for a few years and doing odd jobs before that.

    submitted by /u/ptz33
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    Help with basics of binary tree

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:21 AM PST


    I somehow don't understand the relations in a binary tree.

    In class we had a sheet with the question:

    In a binary tree that has K nodes having 2 children and L leaves: choose the correct description of the relation:

    1: L=2K+1 2: L= K+1 3: L=K-1 4: none of the above.

    Can someone explain this to me and explain where the '1' is coming from?

    submitted by /u/JuanistaD
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    HTML and CSS related jobs?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:16 AM PST

    Not looking for a job now but does anyone know any jobs that require a knowledge of HTML or CSS? I only ask because there are easy ways for people to make their own sites

    submitted by /u/BigLad1230
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    How do you deal with unproductive periods? I've been in a rut and I've stagnated. Any tips on how I can start learning again?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:54 PM PST

    I'm a 24y old college student, studying data science. I've always loved self-learning, but lately it's been really difficult to pick up something new. It's partly low motivation, and partly due to feeling lost.

    I want to learn, and I want to explore. But whenever I decide I should start something new, I can never pick a direction. There are so many options, and at the same time I can't find anything to do. So I end up doing nothing. Rinse and repeat.

    How do I get out of this cycle?

    submitted by /u/knightfall0
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    Looking for Wordpress/CSS advice/help

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:47 PM PST

    This is probably a very beginner post but hopefully someone can help.

    I'm not a programmer but enjoy playing around with Wordpress themes. I now want to expand that and slowly learn to programme my sites with CSS.

    I'm looking for someone who knows Wordpress and CSS well to act as a kind of mentor that I can ask questions of when I get stuck. I don't want anyone to do it for me, just give me a few pointers when I hit a wall.

    My latest site uses a theme called Aryan but it's very limited in its customisation features so I'm going to use Microthemer visual CSS editor to change the parts I can't with the theme alone.

    If there is anyone who wouldn't mind me bouncing some questions off them, it would be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/NeonDaThal
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    Graphic designer + front-end dev salary?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:56 AM PST

    Hello guys! I'm a full time graphic designer running my own business. I'm making decent money and i love graphic design; but i'd like to expand my knowledge to web design and learn coding to boost my services and salary in the long term. I see a lot of clients wanting a all-in-one package for branding + website building, and I always wanted to learn how to code. Even if I end up subcontracting in the end i feel it would give me a good hang of how it works.

    I'm thinking going part time in my design business and progressively charge more to take less jobs in, while learning to code. There is a local class for 1.5 years starting in january geared towards front-end dev, i'm thinking about signing up, but still wondering if a full time 1.5 class is worth it knowing I have a lot of demand for my design sevices. I want to know if there is someone in a similar position to me that did it and how they are doing now, if that was a good move. Thanks a lot! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/TonyBikini
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    When do you put methods in main as opposed to putting them in a specific class?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:33 AM PST

    This always stumps me when I'm making a project.

    I think I have a decent grasp on classes and I've come to understand that the single responsibility principle is pretty important. I'm not yet very proficient at applying it in practice yet, but I know about it.

    But I always get confused as to when a method/methods warrant an entirely new class and when a method should just be a regular method in main. I'm following Tim Corey's C# course and he often creates UI-related main methods... but to me that seems kinda arbitrary. Like... why? What rules should I follow? And also, do I use extension methods or just regular methods if I want to deal with string input and output? Does that even warrant a method to begin with?

    For example... instead of writing

    Console.Write("Please type your name: ");

    string name = Console.ReadLine();

    I'll do:

    string name = "Please type your name".RequestString();

    Or should I just have a regular method to capture strings? Anyway... these are just some points of confusion I experience when I create projects.

    submitted by /u/boringandmonotone
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    Video games to practice some problem solving

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 07:16 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I learned from this article that playing video games could be good to learn how to solve problems, and this ability is a foundation to be a great programer:

    How to think like a programmer

    So in my spare time I play some games that includes puzzles and today I received this for free in the Epic Games store:

    while True: learn()

    I think it could be fun and good for relaxing between sessions of code.

    Do you know more titles to practice problem solving?

    submitted by /u/Carlos_Asimov
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    NY/NJ tutor

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Looking for a NY/NJ based private tutor for help in CS courses. (Python,php, SQL)

    submitted by /u/Bright_Maize
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